When he got home from get off work, Leng Feng didn't rush to read a book, but first opened the background of the data network and glanced at the real-time data of "Suspect X's Dedication".

   The collection will have risen to thirty-five thousand, and it will still be thirty thousand in the morning.

   This speed is ridiculous, is it possible that the ending is really written out?

  While guessing, he still feels a bit pity-a novel with such a good foundation, one hundred and fifty thousand words are not charged, but the book is finished, don't you say that it is irritating?

   I can only say that vampires are worthy of being vampires. They will always be different. Is this the waywardness of the boss?

   Then, after lighting a cigarette, Leng Feng opened a certain app on his phone and found "Devotion of Suspect X" on the bookshelf, and continued to watch it from the place where he had finished watching it last time.

Yes, don’t look at him as an editor, it seems that the b format is quite high, but the editor can also read books, and the editor can also prostitute, and it happens that this book is still free, and you can enjoy the sand sculptures of the majority of book friends from the software. Comment, why not do it?

   The last time he saw it was the end of Chapter 2, that is, he knew the modus operandi at the beginning and the origin of the whole story.

   Jingzi and Misato, a pair of dependent mothers and sons, missed to kill the ex-husband who came to entangled him. When the ex-husband met Jingzi's hands and feet, Misato injured each other with a vase from behind, and then strangled each other with a wire.

   The whole process was heard by the protagonist Shi Shen who lives next door. Because of the longing for Jingzi in his heart, Shi Shen volunteered to help the mother and daughter conceal the crime, create an alibi, and hide the corpse to take care of the aftermath.

   Leng Feng is also here now.

   In fact, the plots of the first two chapters are quite interesting, especially the last sentence of "Trust me, leave everything to my logical thinking" and even a little handsome.

   portrays the calmness and rationality of the characters vividly.

   I am so calm after being killed.

   Doesn’t this buddy know that what he is going to do next is illegal?

   sighed slightly, he continued to look down.

   The content of Chapter 3 has a bigger jump.

   changed his direct perspective at the beginning, and switched to a university professor and detective named Yukawa, and a police officer named Kusana.

   Just as Leng Feng wondered what it was written, after seeing the weird case "Broken Watermelon" written in this chapter, he finally understood.

   It was a horrible corpse, abandoned by the river.

   The whole body of the corpse was unidentified, his shoes and socks were also taken off, his face was smashed like a broken watermelon, his face was tragically disfigured, and he was very disgusting. In addition, the deceased's fingers were burned and his fingerprints were completely destroyed.

   The readers here should be able to follow the above. It is not difficult to guess that this is probably the corpse of Jingzi's ex-husband that has been processed by the stone god.

  The perfect wave of corpse destruction by the stone god, he can be called the king.

   At the same time, it also makes people feel a little bit cold-being able to smash the corpse of a stranger in a cruel manner, this protagonist is also a bit too crazy to some extent.

   However, the police are not vegetarian. They found the deceased’s fingerprints on a bicycle not far from the body.

   After verification, it was found that the fingerprint was the same as that of Fu Jian, the guest who was missing in the hotel.

   This Fujian is Jingzi's ex-husband, so things will be easy to handle next. After the police identified the deceased, they investigated Fujian's information during his lifetime and launched an investigation into the other party's network.

   On the same day, Kusana found Jing's mother and daughter for routine questioning.

But the other party’s alibi proved perfect. The last time I saw Fu Jian was a year ago. On the day of the crime, I watched a movie with his daughter Miri, and went to ktv to sing after watching the movie. Logically speaking, time is not satisfied with the murderer. conditions of.

   So Kusana didn't doubt the mother and son at all.

  By the way, he took him and asked the stone **** next door, but he just asked casually—the stone **** knew that he didn’t know Fujian, so he couldn’t be a murderer at all, okay?

   But this question asked something else. Inadvertently, Kusana realized that Ishigami was an alumnus of Yukawa University, so when I met with Yukawa next time, he told the other party smoothly.

   This also led to a situation that Shi Shen did not count.

   Yukawa found Shishen’s residence after that and met him.

   After seeing each other, he turned around and told Kusana to participate in the investigation, making the other party look bewildered at the time.

   asked Yuchuan why he suddenly wanted to participate in the case. The latter murmured thoughtfully, "When he was going to shop with Shishen, Shishen sighed at the glass reflection and sighed that his hair was thinning."

   Kusana was silly on the spot.

   The normal sigh of this normal person has actually become the fuse for Yukawa to doubt Ishigami.

   It is mainly because Yukawa knows the stone **** too much. The stone **** with the title of "Dharma Stone God" is a value built around mathematics, just like a sophisticated machine, he never cares about his appearance.

   Such an unintentional expression lamenting the appearance, in Yukawa's view, shouldn't be said from the other party's mouth at all.

   is as outrageous as a boy who suddenly said, "I am going to have a period tomorrow." This sigh is the same value as the example above for Yuchuan.

   Seeing this detail of the cold front tactics backwards.


   This Yukawa is too scary.

   Such a simple behavior can actually infer the key to solving the case. What kind of devil detective is Nima? With such an awesome character helping the police, how can Shi Shen play?

   Continue to look down, everything is more logical.

   Shishen secretly contacted Jing and his mother and daughter every day, asking them how to respond to police interrogations and investigations.

   Yukawa here asked Kusana for all the information about the case, grasped various details, and began to reason about the case as a whole.

  The more he reasoned, the more he doubted his old friend Shishen—even though he was very contradictory in his heart, he didn't want to believe that his old friend would kill people.

   Next is the very old-fashioned plot, UU reading www. Between the sense and the legal principle of uukanshu.com, Yuchuan chose to stick to the legal principle. He tested the stone **** step by step and made in-depth investigations, and the stone **** was dripping defense without leaving any flaws.

   But it will be a matter of time before the truth is found out.

   Especially Yukawa learned that Shishen had taken leave of absence at school the day before the incident. This is undoubtedly another huge breakthrough.

   At this point, Leng Feng looked a little boring.

   No matter how many details, no matter how good the writing is, no matter how wonderful the front is, it can't stand the boring plot behind.

   Judging from the front half, it is nothing more than Yukawa and the police working together to find out the truth together, and it is found that Shishen and Jingzi are the murderers.

   The murderer broke out from the beginning, but that’s not good. The plot behind can basically be guessed. There is no suspenseful development, so the audience has no sense of expectation for the follow-up.

   Although the overall details are good, the clues are connected to the reader...

   But still the same sentence.

  On this one case, the beginning of the whole book knows the murderer's technique and true face. Now you give the reader the whole clue, and there is a spoof?

   Except for making readers feel anxious about the story promotion, it seems to be useless.

   lit the second cigarette with a deep expression, and Leng Feng only felt that the vampire novel was a bit unsatisfactory.


   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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