A burst of pleasant water, plus after the daily persecution of the group of pet eggs.

Several people returned to the topic again and talked about the physical book "Violet Evergarden".

Three-three: "I bought that novel on the first day it was officially released. The content is very good."

President Dan: "I got it on the first day? Great."

"I know a friend who runs a bookstore, tell him, and give it to me directly as a small gift." Sansan pretended to be b.

The egg always gritted his teeth secretly.

When he thought of yesterday morning, he went to the bookstore that was not open on purpose and waited for a long time in order to grab a novel to buy, he was trembling with anger.

Damn, when will the older leftover man stand up!

But wait... this seems to have nothing to do with the leftover man...

Alas, the egg is always confused.

Bai Yu: "Well... You are talking about the work that was published in Reni Min Daily that day? I haven't bought it yet..."

Mingyou: "It is recommended to buy it as soon as possible. There are different plots in it, and it is quite abusive. I brushed it three times and sent the blade."

Bai Yu: "The plot is very abusive? Forget it, it doesn't matter... You can also buy Mingyou?"

Mingyou: "I didn't buy it, but our editor-in-chief is an old purple chef. So, I bought three copies by myself. I just watched this when I was idle for the past two days."

"By the way, just right, you can come directly to the office of the Spiritual Division when you have time, and let the editor-in-chief let you see. Anyway, he used to be a fantasy and must know you." Mingyou said wittyly.

This guy is now in the air, and it is estimated that he can talk to the editor-in-chief and sleep in the same bed at night for in-depth exchanges.

Bai Yu: "..."

At this time, Su Chen, who had been diving all the year round, was finally blown out.

What made him care about was nothing else, it was the quiet phrase "send a blade".

Because these people in the trouble-making brigade didn't know his multiple identities.

So at this time, Mingyou said that sending the blade is not a joke in all likelihood.

It's the meaning of really sending blades and spending ten dollars at the inn for express delivery.


He wondered, how could this blade be delivered?

Could the address be exposed?

No way?

I haven't mentioned a word on Weibo either...

Su Chen was puzzled.

So he made a bubble in the group, wanting to knock on the side.

"Are you talking about light novels?"

An unremarkable message bubble came out, and the classic avatar of the coffee cup that came with the system instantly attracted the attention of several people.

"Yo, isn't this a vampire?"

"The busy people finally have time to come to the water group?"

"The fan has been received, it looks very nice, thank you." This one was made by Bai Yu, and it was a polite wave for the live broadcast event that won the prize some time ago.

After seeing it, President Dan recalled the fear of being dominated by the editor in charge of the European Emperor that day.

as well as.

The humiliation of being taken away from the beloved fan...


Faced with several pieces of news, I first sent six points of brewing.

Then Su Chen pretended to be unknowingly asked: "You all read the "Violet Evergarden"? What's the content?"

Mr. Dan: "You haven't watched it yet? Oh, this vampire, it's awful~"

Three-three: "I give an objective evaluation here. The author has a perfect control of emotions, that is, he suddenly caught off guard against abuse at the end, so he sent the blade directly after reading it."

Mingyou: "Yes, originally I didn't want to send the blades, but I checked Weibo yesterday and was instigated by those comments, so I couldn't hold back and sent out all the new blades of the razor at home, the same city. The express delivery is probably here now."

Bai Yu: "??? What wonderful operation are you doing?"

"Hope the blade is okay."

"I hope someone has an accident."

"I hope that the project is okay."

"What if the author is a woman?"

President Dan couldn't help but say something again.

Subsequently, several other people sneered and refuted:

"Dan always looks like a fake fan. The kid has clarified it on Weibo. It's a man."

"No, Mr. Dan doesn't read Weibo yet, right? No, no?"

Chief Egg: "..."

Hey, don't tell me.

He really doesn't have the habit of scanning Weibo.

Therefore, the speed of understanding a lot of current affairs is slower than others.

On the other hand, Su Chen didn't persecute Mr. Dan any more, but further asked: "Uh, you sent the blade... how did you know the address of the author?"

He is really curious about this.

Unexpectedly, Mingyou sent a message: "We don't know the address of the author."


Su Chen was stunned.

"Then how did you send the blade?"

Mingyou: "Of course it was sent directly to Lightning Strike Library. Anyway, when the staff there saw that the recipient was a kid, they would definitely find a way to forward it."

Egg always echoed: "Yes, I also sent a wave of blade 2333"

"You don't even know about this vampire? Publishers often receive gifts from readers, and then the express delivery is usually delivered by the editor or staff of the publishing house." Sansan came directly to Popkop patiently.


Su Chen was dumbfounded for a while, completely speechless.

Is there such an operation?

Are you too witty? If you don’t know the address, just send it to Thunderstrike Library. Which ghost came up with it~www.novelmtl.com~Could this be your excuse for breaking up~"

In the QQ group, listening to several people expressing their opinions and results on "Send Blade", Su Chen's mobile phone ringing suddenly rang.

The caller ID is Mr. Xu.

"Su Chen, I came back from the magic city and just got off the plane."

On the phone, the other party's hearty voice came.

The company's animation affairs are also busy, so today, Manager Xu rushed back.

"By the way, when I come back this time, I brought you something." He sold it mysteriously on the phone.

"Ang? What is it?"

"I don't know exactly what it is. An editor of Thunderstrike Library handed it over to me, saying it was sent to the editorial department these days. The readers give you gifts from different cities..."


Su Chen was shocked when he heard the words, and his tone suddenly rose several times.

God tm gift!

I really want to do whatever I want.

This Nima is not a blade sent by readers, is it?

However, this tone made Manager Xu mistakenly believe that he was too happy to react.

"Haha, I am very happy to receive a gift from a reader for the first time? Congratulations."

"No... I don't..."

"Hey, let's not say, you are really popular, you can receive so many gifts-two big boxes, wait, I will drive you to the store."

After Mr. Xu finished speaking, he hung up the phone with a beep, and listened to the sound, he should have set the car on fire.

This stunned Su Chen before the call.

Hearing the busy tone of toot, he began to panic.

Isn't it?

Two big boxes of blades?

Ah ah ah, don't come over!


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