It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 227: "DeathNote" recording studio

   "Wait a minute, I'll make a call."

   Before leaving, Su Chen planned to call Su Xiaoxiao and tell the other party to go back first. He would go to the voice actor for a while, and I didn’t know how long he would be busy.


   Store Manager Xu answered, and then picked up the phone, listening to the voice seems to be contacting the company to arrange a voice actor or something.

the other side--

   "Huh? Brother, did you agree to the animation? And now you have to go to Bilibili to see the seiyuu?"

   During the call, Su Xiaoxiao's soft voice seemed quite surprised.

   Su Chen: "Yes, you stay with Sister Yinsha and Sister Fengyu, just go back to the hotel honestly."

   "But people also want to see how voice actors work!" Su Xiaoxiao began begging.

   It is estimated that in all likelihood, the hotel prepared by Thunderstrike Library for a few people does not have a computer. It is too boring to play games at night, so Su Xiaoxiao wants to pester him.

   Su Chen shook his head.

   Thinking carefully about the little girl's inner emotions, Su Chen can basically guess it.

   "No, I'm going to the recording studio to advise the voice actor, what are you doing?"

   He still didn't agree.

   His current behavior is basically to stab and smash the field.

Logically speaking, this kind of situation shouldn’t bring a few strong guys. Only a man in a suit can show his aura. It’s such a taste... What kind of concept is it to take a pseudo-loli like a primary school student like you? ?

   What will the other person think when he sees it?

   So... you, a loli who has no deterrent power, there is no need to come.

   "But I have already come..."

   On the other side of the phone, Su Chen was taken aback by the little girl's grieving voice.

   "Are you already here?"

   "Yes, I'm downstairs in your hotel. Pharaoh sent me here."


   came to the window with a bewildered look, and sure enough, Su Xiaoxiao was waving upstairs with a smile.

   Wang Runhe reluctantly opened the car door and walked out.

   The old Wang that the little girl said was probably he was right.

   "I'm sorry, Ms. Mao Xuewang and Ms. Su are clamoring to come to see you, I can't help her either."

   When Su Chen came downstairs, Wang Runhe said to him apologetically.

   This made Su Chen's mouth twitched.

  Shente is noisy.

   Do you want to be cute?

  I'm 18 years old, and I still use this technique depending on my appearance... What kind of state is that?

   "What's the matter, Su Chen, it just happened to be here, so let's go to the recording studio together." Manager Xu walked out from behind Su Chen, very generously persuading him.

   In the end, Su Xiaoxiao got in the car and planned to go to the recording studio with the two of them.

   As for Wang Runhe, he was also very clear that he was a tool man who had sent someone over. After he had a guest with Su Chen, he returned to the cumulative library alone.

   The concept of human design mentioned by Su Chen in the afternoon gave him a lot of inspiration. He can't wait to go back and pick up the paintbrush to try it.

  Maybe this painting is just like a fountain of talent, creating an extremely famous painting with high gloss, which was attracted by teacher Mao Xuewang.

   When the time comes, go back with Feng Yu Yinsha and join the cartoon studio of teacher Mao Xuewang. Isn’t that just taking off?

   Wang Run dreamed with beauty.

   The sky is clear, the rain has stopped, Lao Wang thinks he is doing it again.

   Su Xiaoxiao, who is separated from Wang Runhe, has already been with Su Chen, checking the animation samples of "Deathnote" on the business Audi of store manager Xu.

   The drive time is enough for the little girl to finish reading all the sample content.

   After reading the tidbits and the content of the first episode, Su Xiaoxiao frowned.

   "Brother, this animation, there is a problem!"

   She looked at Su Chen seriously and said.

   Su Chen nodded, and suddenly some of the same enemies said: "Yes, you can see it too?"

"Of course I can see it!" The little girl nodded her head repeatedly, "Who can't see such a big problem. He made Luc's face a bit more rounded, so it looks even more silly. It's too much. !"


   Su Chen was silly.

What the hell? Lucky doesn't matter at all, okay?

   The problem is with the seiyuu, you ignorant sister!

   Then he couldn't help but remind.

   "What are you talking about? Those are only minor flaws. The biggest problem is the voice actors, OK! Didn't you hear it?"

   "Oh, I didn't turn on the sound."

   "??? Why do you wear headphones when there is no sound?" He was even more confused.

   "I listen to music... If there are only Yuhuashi and friends' wines in this computer, the taste is too bad, right?" The little girl pursed her mouth and turned over the song list downloaded on the computer with disgust.

   Su Chen: "……"

  ? I can’t learn, I can’t learn.

   What kind of high-end operation is watching animation and listening to music silently?

and also……

   Just now you have a map cannon, and I apologize to the store manager Xu and all the fans of these two songs. Hey!

   In short, under Su Chen's urging, Su Xiaoxiao listened to the first episode of "Deathnote" a little bit during the second half of the drive.

   After listening to it, he indeed began to agree with Su Chen's point of view.

   These voice actors are also too casual, and their unremarkable tone makes people feel that they have no intentions at all.

   After that, not long after, Manager Xu took the two to the recording studio himself, and as soon as he entered the recording studio, Su Chen looked seriously, and then kept nodding.

   Bilibili will definitely not have any flaws on the device, so it is a real problem with voice actors.

   was thinking like this, and whispering discussions soon sounded around him, as well as greets one after another, "Mr. Xu".

   It seems that this wonderful combination of three people quickly attracted the attention of others.

   A boss, a young man, and a cute little girl, it is difficult for people to know the identity of the latter two.

   "Hello Mr. Xu!"

   "Hello." Manager Xu nodded gently, and then introduced the two, "This is Xiao Liu, sound engineer."

   "There is Xiao Zhou, Xiao Chen, Xiao Fan..."

   Manager Xu introduced the staff in the recording studio to the two in order.

   Su Chen was almost numb as he nodded and nodded. He didn't remember a lot of names. They were all the staff behind the scenes. Most of his first impressions were ordinary and regular.

   And Su Xiaoxiao was even more direct, yawning on the sidelines, obviously not caring about it at all.

   However, the people in the recording studio looked curiously, especially Su Xiaoxiao. After all, this pupil with a double pony tail is so cute that people are always hard to resist kawaii things.

Afterwards, Manager Xu spoke to an administrator who seemed to be in charge. After that, the person might know the identity of Su Chen. He first glanced at him in surprise, and then asked a few people to wait for two minutes. The voice actor who participated in the first episode of "Deathnote" was found.



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