It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 226: Do you call this a seiyuu?

   "So you agree with Su Chen?"

   Manager Xu was so happy when he heard it, the coffee cup in his hand was a little unsteady.

   "Okay! Then you can take a look at the first episode of the animation. If there are any shortcomings, I will ask them to improve when I go back."

   "I will watch it even if you don't tell me."

   Su Chen closed the animation tidbits, and then clicked on the video file of the first episode of the animation.

  The wind lightly sipped the coffee that Manager Xu had prepared for him—well, it was still bitter as always, and I didn’t know how to add more sugar to young people like myself.

   put down the coffee cup steadily, in his opinion, the tidbits can already reflect the general strength of the animation, so the feature film is definitely not much different.

  —I thought so, but when the death **** in the animation just spoke, his brows frowned.


   The dubbing seems to almost taste...

   But Su Chen didn't speak, he still looked down patiently. After all, when the animation just started, only the soy sauce gods of the gods of death were talking. The most important protagonist, Ye Shenyue, hadn't appeared yet, so the problem was not big.

   Supporting voice actors are not good, he can still be tolerant.

   After all, the overall level of the world lies here, and you can't force those that don't.


five minutes later.

   Just as the store manager Xu was reviewing the sample animation with relish, he saw that Su Chen stood up with a dark face, and finally couldn't help it. With a click, he closed the video window with the mouse.

   Glancing at the glasses, the overcast expression on the other side made Manager Xu startled, and asked cautiously, "What's the matter with Su Chen? It's only five minutes, and it's not yet exciting."

   Su Chen took a long sigh of relief, calmed down the irritable mood in his heart, resisted the urge to curse, and asked: "Who are the voice actors of this animation? Is it convenient for me to see it?"


   He is really hot now.

   After watching for five minutes, he can't stand the emotionally fluctuating voice like the news broadcast in the animation.

   You call this a seiyuu?

   I may have accidentally insulted the news network. At least, the news network is also a very difficult job.

  This sample of Rao Shizi's animation is simply a personal chatter from the side of the road, right?

  What kind of work attitude?

   Meow, if there is such a voice actor in front of him, he will definitely start spraying.

   "Uh...what's wrong with the voice actors? Don't you think it works?"

   Manager Xu asked weakly with a little doubt.

"Of course not!" Su Chen was very angry when he mentioned it. "What kind of seiyuu at the level of ghosts and monsters? I'm better than him when I go up. Just talk about the first five minutes, and there is no sound. It’s reflected in the character’s character."

   "..." Manager Xu was silent, but Su Chen would suddenly become angry.

   "The quality of the picture is still okay, but the seiyuu is like this, and it's not just a level of crotch, okay? Just want my adaptation rights? Ha ha ha ha."

   Su Chen was sarcastic without any emotion, and at the end he sent out a string of mocking sneers.

  As a fan group who loves voice actors, what he can't stand the most is that voice actors don't dub seriously.

  Seiyuu is the soul of a character. Just imagine, if a character does not even have a soul, then it is considered that the character has moved. What is the use?

   If the voice actors of "Deathnote" are like this, it is no exaggeration to say that the animation will definitely destroy the original.

After this cynicism, Manager Xu was not angry, but said helplessly: "Su Chen, you may not know that you are a manga artist. Now the seiyuu business itself is not very prosperous, and the animation itself is not very popular. Many talented voice actors will not choose to dub traditional animation even if they make their debut. Therefore, generally we can only invite third-rate voice actors..."

"No, the key point is that the video is not a three-rate problem, but the seiyuu didn't even care about it!" Su Chen tapped the key point, "This is like a primary school student reading a text, the emotional color is too barren, the role No emotion, but a taboo of animation!"

   "Don't worry, listen to me."

   Manager Xu waved his hand.

"In fact, we have also worked hard and found first-class voice actors, but when they heard that they were dubbing animations, they just casually got involved. This has almost become an unspoken rule in the industry, and I can't help it. ."

   "Is there such ridiculous logic?" Su Chen smirked, "What's the name of the first-rate voice actor you invited?"

"Hosoda Ryuichi, Yagamitsu's voice actor is Hosoda Ryuichi. According to the original setting, he found a voice actor in the neon province." Manager Xu recalled hard, "As for the voice actor of Lucky God of death, I remember not It’s clear that you need to call the company to confirm."

  What kind of name?

   Su Chen was shocked when he heard the answer from Manager Xu.

   In his memory, this did not belong to any famous male voice actor he had heard in his previous life.

   Say where did my mamo go? Where's Run Run? Where's Camia?

   There really isn't a whole elder brother, the team leader is fine!

   searched the name on the browser, Su Chen found that this was indeed a seiyuu he did not know, and even the life model of his career did not belong to any seiyuu in his previous life.

   Originally, he thought that in a parallel world, even if the name is different, the life experience might be right.

   But after checking it this way, Su Chen found out that he might be thinking too much.

   Then, he did not give up on the Internet to check other voice actors. Since crossing over, he has never understood this aspect. UU reading www.

   The result is a pity.

   Whether it is the male Jingu Junkao, or the female Naori Aokurari, he knows not one of the famous voice actors in his previous life.

   Is this him desperate.

   At this time, Manager Xu finally called and asked Lucky’s voice actor.

   is still a name that is unfamiliar to Su Chen, and it is said that he is still an outstanding voice actress who has won many awards.

   "When I go back, I want to see the voice actors and ask them to re-match me, okay?"

   Su Chen looked directly into the eyes of Manager Xu, and said seriously.

"no problem."

   Store Manager Xu will of course not refuse. After all, Su Chen is the author, or the future animation screenwriter and supervisor, to intervene in the work of the seiyuu. There is nothing wrong with it. It is completely reasonable.


   "But what?"

   "Su Chen, if you want to see a seiyuu, we can go now, because this animation work is all done in the magic city."

   "What!" Su Chen was shocked, then waved murderously, "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go to the recording studio!"



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