It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 208: The way to open the door is not right

   After half an afternoon's journey, when the group was about to arrive at the library of Lightning Strike, Su Chen received the news of editing grapefruit.

   said that he should come directly to the innermost meeting room of the corridor on the second floor.

   When sending this message, Yuzu's expression was very wonderful.

  Because it was obviously close to the end of get off work now, most of the editors in the editorial department did not leave. They were serious and gathered in the conference room under the pretext of "cross-checking the manuscript of Xiaogui teacher".

   At this time, there are about 30 people sitting in the huge conference room. That's nothing more than waiting for the chairman of Thunderstrike Library to come to the meeting.

   It is estimated that Teacher Xiaogui will be here soon, and I must be taken aback by this scene.

   After a while, Su Chen finally arrived at the company of Lightning Strike Library.

   Since he wants to talk to Yuzi first, he plans to split up with the three female soldiers.

   "You go to the painter first, I have to go to the conference room on the second floor now and find the editor of the light novel."

   "What are you looking for the editor of the light novel? Is it possible that you have fallen in love with the editor of another company?" Su Xiaoxiao looked at him suspiciously.

   "I saw a hammer... ahem, I have to submit the manuscript of the novel for review."

   Su Chen rolled his eyes.

   Speaking of it, he has not told Su Xiaoxiao about her contribution to light novels.

   At that time, I was afraid that the little girl would be upset about the light novel he contributed to and beat her. Now it seems that there is no need to hide it.

   It's been so long, she won't really keep holding grudges, right? No way, no way?

   "Ms. Mao Xuewang also contributed a manuscript to Thunderstrike Library?"

   Otosha and Feng Yu expressed surprise.

   is really hidden, why didn't you even mention the content of the novel?

   Su Xiaoxiao was not surprised.

   She didn't think about where she used to be for the first time.

   In her opinion, it is no surprise that Su Chen has contributed a manuscript to a light novel. After all, this product is almost almighty, and there are still two best-selling web articles hanging at a certain point.

   "Teacher, what is the name of the novel you contributed? Anyway, we used to draw illustrations, and we also know several responsible editors." Otosha asked again.

   And Su Chen did not sell Guanzi, and said directly: ""Violet Evergarden""


   Three shocked faces.

   You said "Violet Evergarden" was written by you?

   Is that "little vampire" also your vest?

   The mouths of the three girls are all o-shaped.

   Especially Su Xiaoxiao, she never thought that the tear-jerking work that was written would actually come from her brother.

   She has a sense of collapse of the Three Views.

   "So, now the situation is, did you write "Violet Evergarden" and drew your own illustrations?"

   "That's right."

   "Are you the devil? How did you come up with so many stories?"

   "I'll share this with you later, now I'm going to the meeting room first."

   Su Chen laughed twice, leaving the three of them with the back of a strong man.

   went smoothly to the second floor, and he quickly found the meeting room at the end of the corridor.

   knocked on the door and greeted politely: "Hello? Is anyone there? I'm a little vampire, the author of "Violet Evergarden"."

   there was a vague voice of "please come in".

   Then Su Chen generously opened the door of the meeting room.

   However, the door just opened.

   He was shocked by the spectacular scene before him.

   This is a meeting room with a large internal space. Two large square tables are in the middle. There is a podium in front and a white board on the podium. The overall decoration is very luxurious.

   Generally, only the top of the company should use this kind of conference room.

   This is not what shocked him the most.

   It’s just a company conference room, even if it’s a bit luxurious? It's not that I haven't seen it before.

   What made him feel most spectacular was that there were two tables full of people sitting in the conference room—these were men and women, mostly young people. Seeing Su Chen coming in, they all cast their eyes on him.

   That atmosphere.

   Su Chen felt that he was a long overdue class teacher.

   The two people sitting at the table are all students waiting for his class meeting.

   Is this him, it's very confusing, okay?

   Didn’t I come to discuss publishing physical books and submit manuscripts through procedures?

   As soon as the Nima Gate opened, there was a number thirty person sitting, staring at himself solemnly to see what the **** was it?

  Mmp, the way of opening the door by myself seems to be wrong.

   Or simply, I just went in the wrong place, okay.

   Thinking of this, he was ready to bring the door back.

   "I'm sorry I went to the wrong place."

   was preparing to make an awkward farewell, when a majestic middle-aged man suddenly stood up.

   "Oh, you didn't go wrong, Teacher Xiaogui."

   The middle-aged man indicated his identity, and at the same time motioned to the professional girl beside him to stand up.

   "I am the editor-in-chief of the first editor group of Leijian Wenku's light novels. She is your editor in charge, Yuzi."

   "Hello, teacher Xiaogui, I am grapefruit." The professional girl opened her eyes, looked at Su Chen curiously, and nodded to him.

   "Oh, hello, hello."

   Hearing this, Su Chen walked in from the door again in a daze, and at the same time looked suspiciously at the other people in the conference room.

  What does this number of people mean?

   I just came to submit a manuscript, it can't be such a big show, right?

   "Then what, did you have the meeting unfinished? If it is not over, I will wait for a while."

   There are so many people in the conference room staring at him like a national treasure, which makes him a little uncomfortable.

   I thought it was interrupting the meeting.

   The editor-in-chief suddenly explained: "No, no, these are the in-service editors of our department. I heard that Mr. Xiaogui will come to hand in the manuscripts, specially to prepare for cross-examination."

   A group of editors nodded very cooperatively.

   "Huh?" This made Su Chen a little So these people are waiting for themselves?

   isn't it?

   I read less books, don’t lie to me.

   Is this the legendary cross-audit? Or the live version?

   "Oh, you don't have to worry about them anyway, we just talk about things directly, come, sit down."

  The editor's attitude is quite enthusiastic.

   Su Chenxiao hesitated, and then took a seat in the empty seat.

   Then, he began to secretly look at Yuzu, that is, the girl in professional clothes.

   At first, he thought this person was a secretary.

   After all, there is almost nothing in the other party's body that belongs to the editor's temperament, on the contrary, it carries a kind of competence and stability.

  'S first impression on Su Chen was pretty good. At first glance, he was a good editor who could become a great editor.

   And Yuzi was also sneaking at him at this time, with a slight surprise in his eyes. It seemed that he did not expect that the author of "Violet Evergarden" was such a person.

   I thought that even a man had to be that kind of mature uncle-level person, but I didn't want the other person to actually look younger than her.



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