It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 207: Eat cute and grown up

   Indeed, although the double ponytail is not a special hairstyle, it is rarely encountered in real life.

  Emmm, the main reason is that this hairstyle is too high for girls' appearance. Most girls wear double ponytails, which will give people a very dazed and naive feeling.

   super embarrassing.

   So children, little girls, or loli who are usually just can do this hairstyle.

   And the double ponytail is also stuck on the temperament. Only a girl with a cute appearance and a cute overall image can perfectly control it.

   These elements happen to be gathered on Su Xiaoxiao.

   So the little girl who put on the double ponytail haircut simply took the word "cute" to a new level.

   In a way, this hairstyle is more exaggerated than the previous full-length hair.

   Su Chen can already foresee a beautiful landscape with a double ponytail loli on the street with a 100% return rate.

   In his opinion, Su Xiaoxiao, who has always been lazy and simple, would never go to the streets like this.

   Then he was slapped in the face by seconds.

   "Anyway, let's go first, is everything ready?" Su Xiaoxiao asked with a move.

   Regarding her haircut, the little girl sighed for a while, and then stopped taking care of it.

What? Are you really going to the streets like this?

   Su Chen was shocked.

   I thought that the other party would definitely be arguing and let Feng Yu comb again, but I didn't expect it to be so calm?

   did not speak to remind Su Xiaoxiao, on the contrary, Su Chen was still a little excited.

   When he thinks that this guy wears a pupil-like haircut to hang outside, he must be super interesting.

   So the group set off in such a mighty manner.

   Su Xiaoxiao walked among the few people carelessly like a group pet.

   Three young men and women, plus a cute loli who is suspected of being a primary school student.

   This wonderful combination quickly attracted the attention of passers-by.

   "What a lovely girl."

   "Whose kid is so beautifully dressed."

"Mama, look at that young lady, she looks so good, can I marry her as a wife when I grow up?" A little boy who looked less than ten years old tugged the corner of a woman's clothes and asked bluntly .

   is very childish.

   When the boy's mother heard it, she looked at Su Xiaoxiao carefully and sighed: "Hi, I can't bear this kind of godlike daughter-in-law."

   It is about two o'clock in the afternoon. The pedestrians on the street near the shop are mostly elderly people over half a century and parents walking with children.

   So there are still a lot of sights gathered on Su Xiaoxiao.

   Feeling the rumors from the surroundings, Su Xiaoxiao can feel something wrong no matter how slow it is.

   "What's the matter? Why do you feel so much sight today?" The little girl whispered uncomfortably.

How did    do it?

  I don’t see the situation like this when I usually go out?

   Have you never seen a cute girl?

   is just a change of hairstyle, as for this?

   "Hurt, it must be Teacher Xiaosu that you are too cute." Yinsha resisted the urge to go up and rub Su Xiaoxiao's face, and said with a smile.

   "Please don't use the words cute to describe me, I am already an adult." Su Xiaoxiao protested with a frown.


   The authorities are fans.

   When she said this, she was just like a cute elementary school student acting like a baby, not to mention how cute she was.

   Su Chen seriously doubted how cute his sister grew up.

   Well, if not, maybe it's because God shook his hand when creating her, accidentally adding a big bucket of cuteness.

   On the other side, lightning strikes the headquarters of the library.

   Hearing the news that Teacher Mao Xuewang and Teacher Xiao Su are going to visit in person today, a group of painters are a little fidgety.

   is like those elementary school students waiting to be visited by the home teacher, nervous and perverse.

   One is the famous cartoonist Mao Xuewang, and the other is Xiao Su, a lecturer girl who teaches live broadcasts every other time.

   Apart from anything else, the identities of the two of them alone are enough to make these painters sit and wait.

   That is bloody!

   This is a rare opportunity.

   If you can be admired by the other party, like Otosha Fengyu, and be transferred to the teacher Mao Xuewang to learn painting skills, then don’t you just take off?

   A group of painters eagerly thought.

   and express desire one by one.

In the following period, a group of them discussed professional issues for a long time, cleaning the multimedia studio, tidying up appearance... Even Wang Runhe organized all the painters to have a meeting, and simply let everyone rehearse until a few people arrived. , How to communicate and so on.

   The scene was so formal, it looked like a chef in a restaurant about to be inspected by the Health Bureau.

   Look at the light novel editorial department of Lei Ji Wen Ku.

   The atmosphere of the office here is far from that of the multimedia studio on the artist's side.

   A group of editors drank tea and reviewed the draft, very comfortable and comfortable.

   "Grapefruit, I heard that Teacher Xiaogui is coming soon?"

  The editor in chief sat in front of the computer, and asked while browsing the data.

   "Yes, let's hand in the manuscript, and then talk about the issue of publishing physical books."

   Grapefruit is easy to do.

In fact, it was meant to be discussed. In fact, the editor-in-chief of the publishing house and the printing house have already greeted her. As long as Su Chen comes, the manuscript is brought out for review by everyone, and then happily stamped and signed, and everyone is happy. It's done.

   There is nothing to say at all. Strictly speaking, you can operate this set even if you don’t meet each other.

   But more, she is also very curious about Su Chen personally. She wants to see with her own eyes how a male writer who can write "Violet Evergarden" will look like a man.

   "Okay, when Teacher Xiaogui arrives, we will go to meeting room 02 to discuss things face-to-face."

   Yuzi wondered: "Why do you want to be in meeting room 02, where you can sit dozens of people?"

  The implication is, what is the whole conference room so big? We just sign a contract to review a can't use so many people.

   The editor-in-chief looked into Yuzu’s eyes and said quietly, “Of course it’s because we can’t sit down. With so many editors in our editorial department, there’s not enough room in other meeting rooms.”

   Grapefruit is confused: "????? So, the problem is that there are not so many people..."

The editor-in-chief turned to the office, and a group of eavesdropping editors said, "Why can't it be used? I haven't watched "Violet Eternal Garden" for nearly two weeks. If this review is not enough to read the Xiaogui teacher's novel, I guess they will be crazy."


   "Editor-in-chief, what? I'm all busy with today's work. I will go to the conference room and wait for nothing."

   One of the editors stood up and said to the editor in embarrassment.

   Hey, this little thought has been seen by the boss.

   You said no embarrassment.

   After the editor finished speaking, many more editors successively said, "Go to the meeting room and wait for the little ghost teacher", and then a group of people hula la and left the office.

   Good guy, I wanted to read the manuscript of volume one for the first time?

   Yuzi stared blankly at the empty office where most of the people were missing, feeling complicated.



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