Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 164 Magical Chestnut Ball

Fusion summons, the noble posture of the sage of the code who governs all summoned beasts!

[Summoned Beast-Light Body]!

Under the guidance of the Summoner's magic circle that communicates with other worlds, the [Super Mage - Black Mage Disciple] sleeping in Atum's cemetery was sucked into the summoning spell, and the cards in Hayato's hand were

For the higher pursuit of the secret arts and for the end of evolution that the magic can reach, the human body is no longer necessary and can be easily discarded. Adhering to this concept, the sage of the code, who has the magical name of Big Beast, used the ultimate summoning magic on himself, usurping the power of objects from other dimensions and turning himself into a foreign object.

What finally appeared in front of Atum and Yugi was a giant of light that looked like a spiral magic tower and a god descending into the world!

[Summoned Beast-Light Body] [8☆/Light]

[Angel Family/Fusion/Effect]


When [Summoned Beast - Light Body] is specially summoned successfully, or when a monster on the opponent's field is specially summoned, activate the effect of [Summoned Beast - Light Body] targeting one monster on the opponent's field. Destroy that monster. .”

Hayato pointed at the only remaining monster on the game field, [Black Magician], and said, The last monster on your field - [Black Magician] will be crushed by the effect of [Summoned Beast - Light Body]. This will This is the punishment for being my enemy, and all your hopes will be cut off!

Devil Penetrating Light Killing Cannon!

[Summoned Beast - Light Body], which absorbed the power of [Super Mage - Black Mage Disciple], looked down at the [Black Mage] guarding Atum on the ground, stretched out his finger, and easily released a Powerful magic cannon.

Hayato currently has a [D-hero Blood Demon-D] with an attack power of 2900 points on the field, and then there is a [Summoned Beast-Light Body] with an attack power of 2000 points that is currently destroying the [Black Magician], two monsters. The total attack power is as high as 4900 points, which can completely clear Atum's basic points in one round.

And because of the previous effect of [Scars Engraved by Star Relics], which Hayato called Knight of the Machine World, Atum had no cards left in his hand, and Gaikali in the backcourt didn't have any cards to send. Useful cards!

Facing the light cannon released by [Summoned Beast - Light Body], [Black Magician] released his own magic power to support himself, but because the output was too large and exceeded his own limit, golden particles floated on his body. Knowing that he could not hold on for long, the [Black Magician] raised the wand in his hand and said: I will protect the Pharaoh, and I will never let him stop here!

Please accept it, Pharaoh, this is my last magic power!

There was a loud boom and failed to withstand the attack of [Summoned Beast - Light Body]. The figure of [Black Magician] was engulfed and shattered by the light cannon and dissipated on the field. At the same time, because there are no magician monsters on the game field, the [Magician Sanctuary], which has been ineffective for a long time, also self-destructed and disappeared due to its own effect.

However, before [Black Magician] disappeared completely, a ray of light flew out of his hand and landed in Yugi's graveyard, and Atum also drew a card from the graveyard and said: I have received your will. Ah, Mahad.”

Although he still did not regard Hayato as an enemy from the bottom of his heart, thanks to Mahad's sacrifice, Atum's fighting spirit increased sharply, greatly increased, and reawakened his thirst for victory as a duelist. heart of. Because of the comfortable and peaceful days and low-intensity duels in the underworld, Atum's competitive spirit gradually fell asleep, but now he has rekindled it!

For a moment, Atum's enthusiasm even aroused the automatic BGM function on the duel disk in Hayato's hand, and the song Fierce Duelist played on its own.

Nani!? He actually added a card from the graveyard to his hand?!

After hearing what Hayato said, Atum showed the card he had recovered and said: Because you want to completely eliminate the possibility of my struggle, Hayato, you used the effect of [Summoned Beast-Light Body] to destroy the [Black Magician] on my field. ], but you are trying too hard! If the face-up Magician monster on my field is destroyed by battle or the opponent's effect, add [Magic Chestnut Ball] in my graveyard to my hand by its own effect!


Next to Atum, [Chestnut Ball], who had put on [Black Magician] clothes adapted to his size, jumped out and waved his little claws holding the emerald green wand energetically.

It's actually [Magical Chestnut Ball]? Is this the final power of [Black Magic]? Hayato curled his lips and didn't take him seriously, It's just a fish monster, how dare you defy the possessor of [Blood Magic] Demon-D] me?”

Entering the combat stage, use [Summoned Beast-Light Body] to directly attack the opponent's duelist!

[Summoned Beast - Light Body], which destroyed [Dark Magician] with one blow, officially launched an attack on the game, because it used Atum's [Super Mage - Black Mage Apprentice] instead of accumulating [Summoned Beast] on its own. Because the fusion monster summons [Summoned Beast - Light Body], there is no fusion monster in Hayato's graveyard that can be removed by [Summoned Beast - Light Body] to activate its effect and increase its attack power.

However, a combat damage of up to 2,000 points can already destroy half of the game's basic points in one blow.


Hmm! With his arms crossed in front of him, Yugi felt some pain and made a sound after taking the 2,000 points of battle damage, and his base points dropped.

【Muto Game: 4000→2000LP】

And now that he has taken damage, Atum is not a person who will not fight back after being beaten. He immediately hit the [Magic Chestnut Ball] that he just recovered in his hand and said: In the round when I am hurt by the battle or the opponent's effect, In the main phase and the battle phase, I send the [Magic Chestnut Ball] in my hand to the graveyard to activate its effect. This effect can also be activated during the opponent's turn.

Special summon one [Dark Magician] or [Dark Magician Girl] from my deck and graveyard! Taking out the card from the graveyard, Atum shouted, Come back to me, [Dark Magician Girl] guide】!

【Dark Magician】【DEF2100】

The loyal magician returned to the master he served, but as soon as he returned, Hayato waved his hand impatiently and said: Mu Da Mu Da Mu Da, the opponent who has been killed will still be Mu Da Da no matter how many times he comes again! Yours [Dark Magician] is no match for my [Blood Demon-D]!

Devil Hell Bloodbrake! Kill [Dark Magician] and [Blood Demon-D] for me!

Although [Blood Demon-D] with an attack power of 2900 points is not as good as the only designated comparison unit in attack power [Blue Eyes White Dragon], it is more than enough to defeat [Dark Magician]. It absorbs the power of [Dark Magician Girl] before attacking. With his power raised to the current level, he raised the dragon head in his hand and spit out a magic bullet at the [Black Magician].

The style of the magic bullet is the same as the one commonly used by [Dark Magician Girl]. Using [Dark Magician Girl]'s over-the-top attack method to attack [Dark Magician], isn't this a kind of NTR?


Within a few seconds of returning to the field, [Black Magician], who had been pulled out to work overtime again, lay back in the graveyard. However, because Atum summoned it in defense position, the basic points of the game were not restored. decreased and remained at 2,000 points.

Thanks to the assistance of [Magic Kururi Ball], which inherited the power of [Black Magic], Yugi finally withstood the total attack of the two monsters on Hayato's field when he was almost out of ammunition and food, which made Hayato a little unhappy. Said: You saved your life, Muto Yugi.

My turn is over.

[Hayato Kobayashi: 3500LP, 0 cards in hand]

[D-hero Blood Demon-D] (Dark Magician Girl) [ATK2900]

[Summoned Beast-Light Body][ATK2000]

[Devil's Declaration] [Nightmare Mirage] [Gecka]

Venue: [Scars Imprinted by Star Relics]

Watching Hayato declare that the round was over, Yugi looked at his field and scratched his head in distress.

[Blood Demon-D] has the effect of unilateral [Skill Extraction], permanently invalidating the effects of all monsters summoned to the field in the game, and [Summoned Beast-Light Body] also has the ability to directly destroy monsters when they are specially summoned. ability.

The two effects are combined together, so that if the game normally summons lower-level monsters and tries to use its effects, it will be invalidated by [Blood Demon-D], and if it tries to specially summon a powerful monster to break through the blockade with battle, it will first be blocked by [Summoned Beast- Light Body] is destroyed accurately.

Compared with the blockade bo that he and his other self played last round, the combination played by Hayato did not restrict magic cards, but it blocked the special summons and effects of monsters more strictly, which was really tricky.

Not to mention the cover cards in Hayato's backfield, Yugi thinks he knows Hayato's dueling style very well. Although Hayato has always said that he is a heavy player, he clearly likes to fill his deck with his own cards. The one with the messy trap cards, God knows what weird cards he could pull out when the backcourt opens.

But because of the existence of the [Nightmare Mirage Tower], the cover card can basically be [Very Food], after all, just like Kaiba can always draw three [Blue Eyes White Dragon] and [Fusion] together. In the same way, Hayato's [Extraordinary Food] and [Nightmare Mirage Tower] have never been separated.


It's so exciting, my other self, this feeling of fighting side by side against a hopelessly powerful enemy. Putting his finger on top of the deck, Yugi laughed.

Ah, as expected, fighting with you is the best feeling. Atum also said with a smile, I suddenly understood that the reason why Hayato was playing that trick again was because he wanted us to be side by side together in the end. Let’s fight once, right?”

In that case, we have to show our momentum. Let's do it again, another me!


Looking at Hayato, Atum pulled out the card at the top of the deck and shouted: Our turn, draw cards!

Not bad momentum, but because of the effect of [Nightmare Mirage Tower], I will draw cards in the preparation phase after you draw cards until there are four cards in your hand.

Because there were 0 cards in his hand, Hayato pulled out four cards in one go and said arrogantly: The battle between Duel Monsters is a battle between card differences. The difference in the number of cards can directly affect the outcome of the battle. Just rely on your hand. What can the cards do?”

You can't do anything, and the winner of the duel will always be me, Hayato Kobayashi, and nothing will change about this!

When Atum heard this, he smiled slightly and inserted the card in his hand into the magic trap area: Are you tired of Wadoka?

Do you still remember, Hayato, there has been a situation like this before. You used the effect of [Nightmare Mirage Tower] to replenish a large number of cards in one go, but there is such a card that can make your positive gains Turn it to negative. Atum waved his hand, The magic card [Treasure Card from Heaven] is activated, and both sides draw six cards at the same time.

Last round you 'helped' me to enjoy the effect of [Treasure Cards from Heaven]. This round I will reciprocate and help you draw a few cards!

Saying that, because there were no cards in his hand, Atum drew six cards in one breath. However, Hayato had already drawn four cards in his hand due to the effect of [Nightmare Mirage Tower]. At this moment, he could only Draw two cards!

For a moment, Yugi observed a ferocious and painful expression on Hayato's face, as if he had been to a base called Turlington. Even if Hayato didn't speak, Yugi knew what he was thinking, which was nothing more than It's more uncomfortable not to let me earn cards than to let me lose cards.

Yeah, yeah! I actually earned four less cards! Uno Lei Game!

Atum, who had drawn six cards, looked at his hand, played one of them and said: The effect of [Blood Demon-D] is indeed quite tricky, equivalent to a one-sided [Skill Extraction], but in the end he The effect is also flawed.”

The quick-attack magic card [Forbidden Drop] is activated! Send the [Black Magic Array] on my field to the graveyard, and select Hayato's [Blood Demon-D] on your field, reducing its attack power to half and invalidating its effect. Transform until the end of the round!

Because the two [Black Magic Circles] in the deck were both in the graveyard, the temporarily useless [Black Magic Circle] was sent to the graveyard by Atum. It turned into a drop of dark liquid and fell from a high place. After finding the location of [Blood Demon-D], the scarlet blood pool dried up in an instant, and the tyrannical power disappeared in an instant.

[D-hero Blood Demon-D] (Dark Magician Girl) [ATK2900→1450]

Thanks to [Forbidden Drop], the attack power is reduced to half first and then the effect is invalidated. Otherwise, the attack power of [Blood Demon-D] on Hayato's field would not be 1450 points but a lower 950 points. However, it is not short of the 500-point value, because at this moment, because the effect of [Blood Demon-D] is invalidated, Atum's expansion blockade is lifted!

Magic Card [Pot of Desire], I drew two cards from the deck. The supplementary cards returned to six cards. Looking at one of the drawn cards, Atum smiled and played it out, It's time to fight back, Mahad, let Hayato see how powerful you are when you regain all your power!

Special summon this card from my hand! Come out, the strongest magician and my most trusted servant!

[Guardian Priest-Mahad]!

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