Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 163: The Knight of the Machine Realm, God Dang!

With the last card left in his hand, Hayato glanced at the game that also had one card left in his hand, decisively activated the card and said: The magic card [Treasure Card Falling from the Sky] is activated, and both parties draw cards from the deck until Replenish your hand until you have six cards.

I don't have a hand because there are six cards that can be drawn.

Seeing Hayato activate [Treasure Card from Heaven] without hesitation, Atum smiled slightly: Do we still have to draw cards even if we can enjoy the effect of replenishing our hand cards?

Because our hand is one, five cards are drawn.

Although he looked relaxed, Yugi already felt the crisis coming.

Under the pressure of Hayato's series of expansions, there is still one card in his back field, [Eternal Soul], which has not been opened but is already in the open card state. It has the ability to special summon [Dark Demon] from the graveyard or hand once per round. [Guide], or retrieve the effect of any card between [Dark Magician] and [Thousand Swords], and give [Dark Magician] resistance that will not be affected by the opponent's effect.

However, Hayato must also know this, so after summoning [Blood Demon-D] just now, he didn't even think about absorbing [Dark Magician] as his equipment, and chose [Dark Magician Girl], because if at that time If Hayato chooses [Dark Magician], the game can open [Eternal Soul] to save [Dark Magician].

But now, the attack power of [Blood Demon-D], which has absorbed [Dark Magician Girl] and obtained half of its attack power, has reached 2900 points higher than [Dark Magician], and can easily destroy [Dark Magician] . Then, Hayato used the effect of [Treasure Card Falling from the Sky] to draw six more cards. It was foreseeable that the two of them would face Hayato's second attack.

Tsk, I was a little anxious just now. I should have waited a little longer after [Black Magician] appeared and waited for Hayato to summon [Blood Demon-D] before using [Eternal Soul] to trigger the effect of [Black Magician Array]. . Atum thought with some annoyance.

After all, who would have thought that Hayato would suddenly play [Blood Demon-D] while he was still using those [Knights of the Machine World] to constantly move to adjust the column? The purity is greatly reduced. No, what I should have thought of when [Shadow Dragon] appeared before, is that playing cards with other pharaohs in the underworld caused the duel level to decline. If your opponent is Hayato, you should have thought that he might pull out any card in the next second.

After looking at the card he had drawn, Yugi comforted Atum and told him not to take it too seriously. Although it was inevitable that Hayato would break through their defense this round, even Hayato, if he wanted to kill OTK in one round, Defeating them in this round is not that simple. They still have cards in their hands that can block Hayato's attack.

Hayato, who also drew the card, also checked his hand, drew one of the cards and said: [Blood Demon-D], which does not require normal summons and only needs to release three-body monsters, has strong suppressive power, and is comparable to [ The compatibility of Knight of the Machine World is 1000%. I have no problem saying that he is the 'Knight of the Blood Machine World', just like [D·hero]'s big brother [Rainbow Dark Dragon] who has high R\u0026D capabilities.

Before Yugi could understand what cards [D·hero] and [Rainbow Dark Dragon] were that he had never heard of, Hayato activated the card in his hand, Because of the departure of the [Machine Knights], many positions on the field have become vacant. In the column where the set card in your backcourt is, Atum, I set a card so that there are two cards in the column.

Then, special summon the [Huang Hua's Knight of the Machine Realm] in my hand to this column with its own effect!

With a graceful figure like a woman, especially a pair of powerful thighs, the Machine Knight appears on Hayato's field. Although it has no arms, a total of ten diamond-shaped floating shields behind it form a pair of wings and a belt. It is floating in the air, and on the floating shield there are the same yellow crystals all over its body.

【Huang Hua's Knight of the Machine Realm】【7☆/Light】

[Psychic family/effect]


With the blessing of [Scars Imprinted by Star Relics], the newly appeared [Huang Hua's Knight of the Machine Realm] gained an attack power comparable to that of [Black Magician], and Atum was also keenly aware of this.

The blue of [Celestial Sky], the green of [Cuilan], the red of [Red Lotus] and the indigo of [Cyan Bi], plus the current [Huang Hua], can it be said that [Knights of the Machine World] have a total of Are there seven bodies corresponding to the seven colors of the rainbow?”

Not only that, Hayato also took out the [Red Lotus Mecha Knight] from the graveyard that was previously released for the appearance of [Blood Demon-D], Exclude one [Mecha Knight] from my graveyard, and activate [The Machine of the Yellow Flower] [World Knight]'s effect targets a Spell/Trap Card in the same column as this monster, and destroys it.

Pamet's Mark 3! Go ahead, Floating Cannon! Destroy the cover card on Muto Yugi's backfield!

The phantom of [Red Lotus: Knight of the Machine Realm] merged into the body of [Knight of the Machine Realm of Yellow Flower]. The core stone on his body lit up, and the floating shield behind him flew out from the body, locking Gaika in Atum's backcourt from multiple angles. A beam of light was shot out, destroying Gaika, while Atum could only watch.

It's not that he can't chain the effect of [Knights of the Machine Realm of Yellow Flower] to activate Gaika, but it's useless at all. Even if he uses the effect of [Eternal Soul] once before being destroyed, it will only destroy another body in Atum's graveyard. Black Magician] is just a special summon.

After that, it’s not a big deal if the [Eternal Soul] shown on the inside is destroyed, but when the [Eternal Soul] shown on the side leaves the field, it will also take Atum’s field. All the monsters were destroyed, so he would face direct attacks from two monsters on Hayato's field.

Activate the magic card [Angel's Alms], draw three cards from my deck, and send two cards from my hand to the graveyard.

After using [Angel's Alms] to change the cards in his hand and selecting two monster cards to send to the graveyard, Hayato played another one, Then the quick-attack magic card [Burial from Another Dimension], which removed my excluded [Cyanosis] The total three-body monsters of Aoi's Mecha Knight], [Red Lotus' Mecha Knight], and [Cuilan's Mecha Knight] return to the graveyard.

Taking out three cards from his pocket, Hayato said while sending them to the cemetery: Also, let me remind you a little bit, the two cards just sent to my cemetery by [Angel's Alms] are monster cards [ Leng Ying's Knights of the Machine Realm] and [Zixiao's Knights of the Machine Realm].

As Hayato returned the three excluded [Knights of the Machine World] to the graveyard, the graveyard area on his duel board lit up, projecting onto the [Knights of the Machine World] on the field.

On the floating shield behind the [Knights of the Yellow Flower], the shadows of the [Knights of the Machine Kai] that Hayato had used so far appeared one by one, and merged into the core stone, dyeing it with its own color, which happened to be The seven colors of the rainbow, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

All the seven-colored [Machine Knights] gathered on Hayato's field and cemetery? Yugi didn't know what this meant, but intuitively he felt that something dangerous was about to come, and tensed his nerves to look. The energy in Hayato's [Knight of the Yellow Flower's Machine Realm] on the field has been accumulated to the maximum. With just a slight push, it will fall like a rolling stone on a high mountain.

Don't be too nervous, Muto Yugi. Although the [Machine Knights] have gathered, they are responsible for the mission of protecting the world and will not easily use their ultimate power. They still need a little help to knock off Naden. Gate of Heaven. Hayato said, playing a card, Activate the continuous magic card, [Devil's Declaration].

I pay 500 basic points once per turn to activate. I declare a card name, and then turn over the card at the top of the deck. If it is the card with the card name I declared, add it to my hand. Otherwise, send it away. cemetery.

Hayato paused and said, The name of the card I declared is, [Black Magician].


[Hayato Kobayashi: 4000→3500LP]

Seeing Hayato pay 500 basic points, Yugi was very surprised: Is [Dark Magician] also in Hayato's deck?

[Dark Magician] is a very rare card, but Hayato can still get one or two of them. However, announcing the card name of [Dark Magician] does not mean that Hayato will really He put [Dark Magician] in his deck.

Knowing from Mahad, the [Dark Magician] on the field, that there was no aura of [Dark Magician] in Hayato’s deck, Atum guessed Hayato’s purpose, “He just casually declared an absolute It’s just a card name that cannot appear in your deck.”

His purpose is to send the card at the top of the deck to the graveyard!

Because of the effect of [Devil's Declaration], Hayato turned over the card at the top of his deck, showed it to Yugi and them, and said: The card at the top of my deck is this [Machine Knight - Abram]. It’s not the [Dark Magician] I declared, so I sent it to the graveyard.”

While sending the card to the cemetery, Hayato said: One of the necessary conditions is [the scar of the seal].

The second necessary condition is a trustworthy deck.

The third necessary condition is the souls of the eight [Knights of the Machine Realm].

The fourth necessary condition is the eight code words, 'star armor', 'scar', 'key', 'whisper', 'deep', 'memory', 'awakening', and 'successor'.

The fifth necessary condition is courage. I must have the courage to give up my power.

As Hayato sent [Machine Knight-Abram] to the graveyard, the power of [Huang Hua's Machine Knight], which had absorbed the power of the other six [Machine Knights] on the field, expanded again, and this had exceeded Its upper limit of power caused cracks to appear in the metal body of [Huanghua Knight of the Machine Realm], as if it had aged and cracked after a long period of time.

The power that can no longer be restrained by one body escapes from the body of [Knight of the Machine Realm of Yellow Flower], rises into the air and is absorbed by the surrounding field. The huge [Star Shield] in the field magic card [Scar Engraved by Star Relic] and The [Star Gun] lights up and is activated by the power of the [Machine Knight].

What on earth is this!? Atum and Yugi couldn't understand the meaning of what Hayato just said, but they could see that something that Hayato had been preparing from the beginning of the round seemed to follow [Machine Knight- Abram] was sent to the cemetery and was completed!

Human beings cannot stay on the earth forever. They will eventually go to the universe. And the people who are accompanying me on this journey to the stars are the power of the [Machine Knights]!

The power of the [Machine Knights] will be inherited by the [Machine Knights-Abram], and then the power of the [Star Relic] will be activated. After the [Sealed Scars] absorb the power of the 8 [Machine Knights] After the soul is born, a 'new self' will be born. Hayato held his hands in front of him, Now, the 'Tenjin Dang' that destroys everything will be opened for me!

The third effect of [Scars Engraved by Star Relics] is also its ultimate power. It can only be activated by excluding eight or more types of [Machine Knight] monsters on my field and in the graveyard.

Send all cards in the opponent's hand and fusion deck to the graveyard!


Atum was startled and looked up to see the activated [Star Gun] and [Star Shield] rising off the ground and meeting in the air.

There has been a dispute between spear and shield since ancient times. There has never been a conclusion about which one is stronger and which one is weaker. Even the huge spear and shield in front of us cannot prove the answer. However, the combined power of the [Star Relic] created an impact that could directly kill the person who asked the question.

Where the shield and gun collided, a tyrannical wave was released and swept unilaterally towards Atum. He and Yugi only saw that the cards in their hands and the cards in the fusion deck were all turned into ashes and disappeared. !

This is, 'Knight of the Machine World'!


As Hayato screamed because he was so high, the six cards in Yugi's hand that were originally full due to the effect of Treasure Cards Falling from the Sky were emptied in an instant. If that were the case, it would be acceptable, but the problem is that even the cards in the fusion deck were all sent to the graveyard in the so-called Knight of the Machine World!

[Muto Game: 4000LP, hand card 6→0, fusion deck: 14→0]

Originally, there should be [Kurigo Ball] in the card in your hand, right, Muto Yugi? Hayato opened his arms and said arrogantly, The card I drew with [Super Mage - Black Mage Apprentice] before, then It should be [Chestnut Ball], right? If you have that card in your hand, even I will have a hard time defeating you, after all, the damage caused by one attack will be reduced to 0 points.

But now, your hand has been emptied, and the possibilities bred in the fusion deck will be cut off. I will impose despair on you in this round, and use this card!

Hayato played the only magic card among the remaining two cards in his hand: The magic card [Summoning Magic] will send the [Summoner-Aleister] in my hand to the graveyard, and the [Super] in the opponent's graveyard. Except for the Magister - the Black Magister's Disciple!

The monster in my graveyard!?

Seeing the surprised expression on Yugi's face, Hayato said proudly: When fusion summoning [summoned] monsters, the monsters on my field and the monsters in both sides' graveyards can also be used as fusion materials by removing them.

The materials are [Summoner-Aleister] and fusion monsters. The great power that shakes my soul, please inhabit me and become a new light that shatters the light! Fusion Summon, dominate all summoned beasts The noble gesture of the sage of the Code!

[Summoned Beast-Light Body]!

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