Compared to Blue God, the monsters released by [Quantum Cube] cannot be said to be overwhelming, they can only be said to be vulnerable. After Hayato and Atum worked together to summon monsters to attack, they were defeated in the blink of an eye. .

And watching the huge thousand-eyed monster collapse and disappear, revealing the defenseless [Quantum Cube], Hayato nodded with satisfaction and looked to his side: Why is there no reaction at all, Atum, didn't we always like to talk about this before? ?

I don't remember that I had such a habit before. Atum smiled bitterly and shook his head, looking at the [Quantum Cube], observing how to destroy its shell.

Although it seemed that the [Quantum Cube] was constantly expanding and increasing, in fact it was only its outer shell that changed, and the source of that change was also due to the accumulation of power from different dimensions after the dimensional door was opened. . While keeping the dimensional door open, the redundant power of different dimensions is constantly expanding the shell size of the [Quantum Cube] as the dimensional door.

If you just destroy the shell, it will be very simple. Atum has confidence in his partners, but after destroying the shell, there will be a period of time, and the dimensional power will be in a state of nowhere to store until the synchronization [Quantum Cube] obtains the right to use it and closes the dimensional door to cut off the influx of dimensional power. During this time, it is necessary to find a way to deal with the overflowing dimensional power.

In other words, there must be at least one person to destroy the shell of the [Quantum Cube], one person to synchronize the [Quantum Cube], and one person to intercept the dimensional power so that it will not cause damage to the surroundings.

But this is not a difficult problem. They have quite a lot of people here who are capable of solving the problem.

Do you need my help, my other self? As if he noticed that Atum was thinking of him, Yugi came up from behind Hayato and Atum, his left wrist was empty.

Because he was watching the battle in the audience before, and then he was brought to this high platform by Atum who suddenly arrived. Although the deck was always carried with him, he did not have the ability to conjure it out of thin air and wear it as a duel disk. , so I couldn't help the two of them just now and knock down the monster blocking the way.

But why are Duel Monsters such an inconvenience? Although without the duel disk, even with the help of card elves, the game cannot fully utilize the offensive capabilities of the elves, but it is more than enough if the card elves are only used to intercept the overflowing dimensional power, and Atum will also After destroying the outer shell of the [Quantum Cube], he was free to help.

Soon, several people discussed the division of labor. Atum would be responsible for destroying the shell of the [Quantum Cube], while Yugi would use his elves to intercept the first wave of dissipated dimensional power and wait for Atum's help. Hayato's words After Atum destroyed the outer shell of the [Quantum Cube], he contacted the core body of the [Quantum Cube] and closed the dimensional door.

Please, Mahad, Mana. Atum said with two cards in his hand. Beside him, two magicians wearing ancient Egyptian priest robes appeared.

Atum was shouting with Hayato just now, so his voice was drowned out by Hayato who was the only one who shouted Gaia very loudly. Only then did Yugi notice that the male magician among them was clearly Dark Magician However, Atum seemed to be shouting [Mahad] just now. The male magician in front of him was clearly the incarnation of Mahad, the priest of three thousand years.

[Guardian Priest-Mahad] [7☆/Light]

[Magician Family/Effect]


Although Atum can take the opportunity to come to the human world when the barriers between dimensions weaken and disappear, that is only the prerogative of the pharaoh. After all, in ancient Egypt, pharaohs would obtain eternal life in the underworld, and pharaohs would return to the earth to resume their rule. However, as a priest, Mahad does not have such privileges. It seems that he can only follow Atum to the world in the form of a card spirit.

As a card spirit, Mahad basically retains the attack power, defense power, race and level when he and [Magic of Fantasy] merged to become [Black Magic], except that his attributes changed from dark attributes to light attributes. , this may also be due to the fact that it is not in a state of fusion with the elves, but is a dead person existing in the underworld.

After noticing the gazes of Yugi and Hayato, Mahad also bowed to the two of them. He naturally recognized the two of them as he had the memory of getting along with everyone as an elf of the [Black Magician] in the human world.

The other female magician next to Mahad is a heavyweight:

The same slightly brown skin as Atum's has not become rough due to the wind and sand in the desert of ancient Egypt, but remains as smooth and delicate as soft chocolate. The gold crown worn on his head has numerous hollow patterns, from It can be seen from the complicated craftsmanship that it is worth a lot, not to mention the many expensive gems embellished on it, and a slim-fitting black cloth sets off the girl's proud front armor, and the sides of her legs The open structure like a cheongsam allows people to get a glimpse of her round and powerful thighs, which arouses people's imagination.

A short staff decorated with gold ornaments that was both gorgeous and practical was held in her hand. The mage girl with short hair also waved to Yugi and Hayato and said hello: Hey, we meet again, Yugi-chan and Ma. Mr. Kobayashi, I don’t want to see you at all.”

This young mage is surprisingly the girl Mana whom Hayato and the others had contact with in the King's Memory World. At the same time, the spirit she awakened is also the true form of the [Dark Magician Girl] that is so familiar in the game. Currently, she and Maha Like Germany, he followed Atum into the real world in the form of a card elf!

[Guardian Priest-Mana] [6☆/Light]

[Magician Family/Effect]


Like Mahad, Mana's panel as a card spirit is also similar to the panel of Dark Magician Girl. The only change is in the attributes, which are changed from dark attributes to light attributes.


Hey, who do you want to see Mr. Kobayashi? Am I disliked by others? Hayato said unhappily as Mana made a face at him.

Ah haha, because Mana also has the memories of [Dark Magician Girl] in reality. [Dark Magician Girl] has complained to Mana for a long time about how Hayato you always bullied her in duels. Ah. Tumu scratched his head in embarrassment, But anyway, Mana, you are a little rude.

Hey, even the prince, you said that about me? He's obviously mine. Mana stopped talking, glanced at Atum, sighed again, pulled up the hanging hair at the temples, and said to Hayato, I'm sorry, Mr. Xiaolin, I was so rude just now.

Mana suddenly became serious, which surprised both Hayato and Yugi, because their impression of Mana mainly came from the lively [Dark Magician Girl] who had the same personality as Mana, and the king who recorded the past three thousand years ago. In the memory world, that naughty and active Mana can actually behave so maturely?

Seemingly sensing what they were thinking, Mahad, who was silent on the side, said: After Pharaoh and I passed away, Mana continued to grow up, and later she took over Shada's position and became a priest.

After being reminded by Mahad, Hayato and Yugi figured it out all at once. The Mana in their impression was indeed still a child, but in the past they had not seen, Mahad died in the fight with Bakula, and Atum lost his name in order to seal the great evil god. Between the two important people After leaving, Mana is still alive, and she continues to grow in order to protect the country that she must protect even if she sacrifices her important people.

The innocent girl was burdened with a heavy burden. Under the pure smile of the past, there was a lot of pressure that no one could talk to anymore. In this way, Mana trained herself to reach the state of her former teacher Mahad. , and took over the position of the Pharaoh's patron priest from the priest Shada, and continued to guard the country that the person she loved loved.

Compared with Mahad and Atum, who are still in their twenties, Mana, who died and returned to the underworld, is actually older than the two of them combined. It's just that in Atum. Before meeting Mu and Mahad, Mana, who had already matured, would turn back into the teenage girl she once was and show her willfulness to them.

Hayato waved his hand to Mana, not paying much attention to what Mana said before, and looked at Atum and said: The master-disciple combination of the two magicians is indeed capable of accurately peeling off, destroying and shattering the shell of the [Quantum Cube] without breaking it. If I have the ability to affect other areas, I will trouble Atum, Mahad and the others to clear the way for me.

If I intercept the dissipated dimensional power, I will also use my full strength. Yugi held several cards in his hand, including the non-materialized [Destruction Dragon-Gandora], [Chestnut Ball], and [Silent Magician] 】The elf is looming behind him.

The destructive power that the elves can exert without materialization is limited, but the burden on the duelist is much smaller, and this state is more than enough if it is just to intercept the dissipated dimensional power.

Even if the three-body and four-body elves are not enough to intercept all the dimensional power, there are more than one or two elves in Yugi. Although the number of elves around him is not as many as Hayato, it is not something that ordinary people can match.

Atum nodded and glanced at the [Quantum Cube] that fell silent for a while after the released monster was destroyed, but if it takes a while, it might start to resist and struggle again, and looked at the [Guardian] who said that he was ready. Priest - Mahad] and [Guardian Priest - Mana] nodded and said to Hayato: Then, everyone listen to my command and then act together.

Mahad, Mana, it's time to go!

Oh, it has been prepared for a long time, prince~ [Guardian Priest-Mana] winked mischievously, swung the short staff forward in his hand, and a pink-purple magic ball quickly gathered and formed at the tip of the staff.

And [Guardian Priest-Mahad] also stretched out the long golden staff in his hand, and the black-purple magic power flowed into the sphere constructed by [Guardian Priest-Mana] to fill its power, My power is always at your disposal. Offer it, Pharaoh.”

Although this name is not actually used, I think this move name should be the most appropriate under the current circumstances. Pointing at [Quantum Cube], Atum shouted, Combined attack stunt! [Black・Explode, crack, break, magic, guide]!”

Following Atum's order, the magisters and disciples simultaneously raised their staffs, controlled the ball formed by the magic power, raised it above their heads, and threw it towards the [Quantum Cube] with a throwing motion. As the magic bullet flew, the unconstrained magic power turned into lightning and burst into flames the moment it landed on the surface of the [Quantum Cube]!

However, the magic ball that seemed to fly out lost the control of [Guardian Priest Mahad] and [Guardian Priest-Mana], but the rampant magic was controlled by a magic circle that suddenly opened. Lightning destroys the outer shell of the [Quantum Cube] as accurately as a laser, quickly peeling it off and destroying it.

At the same time that the surface layer was opened, the dimensional power that had been restrained in the [Quantum Cube] surged out like a flood that burst a dam, turning into a storm and sweeping it out.

Everyone, please! The game responsible for handling these dimensional powers has been prepared for a long time. He stepped forward immediately and let his elves block the overflowing dimensional power and faced the storm. The scouring of dimensional power.

During this process, some extra-dimensional power was integrated into the bodies of the elves released by the game. Without the influence of the [Quantum Cube], these dimensional powers did not transform these elves into the Blue God and the Thousand Eyes from before. The ugly posture of the monsters only subtly strengthened these elves in the game, but the few people present did not notice the changes that were not obvious enough.

Seeing that although his elves were a little reluctant, they successfully blocked all the overflowing dimensional power, Yugi turned his head and said: Now, come on, Hayato!

Even if Yugi didn't say that, Hayato had already taken steps towards the [Quantum Cube]. As its surface was destroyed by Atum, the dimensional power accumulated inside was blocked by Yugi, and the [Quantum Cube] hiding in the innermost part was blocked. The true nature of the Quantum Cube has been revealed before Hayato's eyes!

After completely peeling off the shell of [Quantum Cube], Atum quickly asked the magicians and disciples to help Yugi share the pressure on his important Aibo. As long as Hayato can close the dimensional door opened by [Quantum Cube], It can end everything.

Monsters such as [Half-Dragon Maid-Dragon Housekeeper], [Kamiyei Midrash], [Silver City's Labyrinth Master Labiris] scrambled to block the oncoming dimensional power for Hayato, showing At the same time, he also opened up a smooth road for Hayato, and Hayato quickly crossed the short distance, came to the [Quantum Cube], and stretched out his hand.

[Quantum Cube] was held in his hand, and a golden inverted triangle mark that had appeared on Blue God and Sera suddenly appeared on Hayato's forehead. That was the symbol of Prana!

Atum and Yugi felt the dimensional power disappear instantly, which seemed to mean that Hayato successfully connected to the [Quantum Cube] and synchronized with it, gained control and closed the dimensional door. But at the same time, Sera, who quietly moved away from Hayato and Blue God in the middle of the duel, suddenly felt that a new consciousness was connected to Prana's collective consciousness.

Hoho, is this Prana's consciousness?

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