Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 156 Hitting the jackpot

Hayato was not the only one to recognize the identity of the voice. Although the light had not dissipated, Kaiba had already excitedly stood up and looked towards the position where the light pillar was rising, his eyes burning.


Although Yugi has long admitted that he is a real duelist, in Kaiba's heart, game and game are different. Although Muto Yugi, a high school student, is also a powerful first-class duelist, in Kaiba's heart he can be The only person he regarded as his opponent, who was not called Muto Yugi but called Yugi, was the pharaoh who had already passed away to the underworld.

Even though the pharaoh's true name has been found, to Kaiba, the name Yuji will only be used to address the other party.

The black fog that enveloped Kaiba Dome was briefly dispelled under the illumination of the holy golden light. Kyoko, Jonouchi and others who were sitting next to Yugi looked at the position of the light pillar with surprised eyes. There was nothing but surprise in their eyes. In addition, there is also a longing for reunion after a long separation.

In front of Hayato standing on the high platform, another message popped up on the system panel before he could turn it off:

[Side mission: [The soul of the Pharaoh returns to the underworld, unity and friendship] progress has been updated]

In exchange for the first rarity UTR level card [Tragodia] that Hayato obtained, Hayato's system opened this limited-time side mission. However, it is said to be a limited time and the description of the mission is indeed quite vague. , without giving any time limit.

[Task description: On this land, life is constantly passing away, and at the same time, life is constantly being born. It seems that life is born for the sake of passing away, but in fact it is absolutely not the case. There is life and death in the reincarnation of this land. Other things are left behind, pick up your card]

[Task conditions: unknown]

[Task reward: mysterious surprise]

Translation Translation, what is a surprise?

After starting this mission, Hayato wanted to curse. After all, the Riddler's speech seemed to say a lot, but what important information could be extracted? Sorry, I can't do it. This mission description is just nonsense. God knows what the target for completing the mission is.

Except for the trap card [Pharaoh's Judgment] that he got when starting the mission, Hayato didn't get any other tips.

What's even more troublesome is that originally looking at the name, Hayato thought that this mission should be somewhat related to the Duel Rite. This is why he gave up several other [Tragodia] recovery plans and chose to start this one. The main reason for the mission, but until Yugi defeated Atum, the progress of this mission did not move at all.

That is to say, this mission was obtained by Hayato in exchange for [Tragodia]. He was unwilling to suffer, so he kept thinking about this mission. Otherwise, he would have almost forgotten this mission with a very low sense of existence.

But just after Hayato defeated Blue God, with the appearance of the beam of light, this mission actually popped up again and the mission interface was updated:

[Task description: When the dimensional door opens, the present world and the underworld will be connected. The Pharaoh's soul returns because of the desire to protect. This is a good opportunity to defeat the Pharaoh's soul to maintain the dimensional door. Drag the world into destruction, or fight side by side with the Pharaoh's soul to save the world, it all depends on your thoughts】

[Task conditions: Defeat the Pharaoh's Soul (0/1); close the dimensional door (0/1). Complete any condition to submit and complete the task]

[Special note: Santa Claus extends his hand]

[Task reward: changes depending on the conditions for completing the task]

Hayato also saw the appearance of [Special Remarks] in a mission for a long time. The last time such a reminder appeared was in the Doma Incident mission. At that time, the system specially gave a photo of a basketball star to remind him. This time the system It gave a photo of the so-called Santa Claus.

However, although it is said that he is Santa Claus, he does have a white beard and a red hat, but no matter what Hayato thinks, this is a picture of a movie star in his previous life, not the so-called Santa Claus, and just looking at this picture The photo reminded Hayato of the actor's classic collaborations with many actresses, and reminded him of that classic line.

But then again, although the mission finally gave out the conditions for completion, and it seemed that there was room for choice, Hayato would not choose to destroy the world in order to complete the mission. In that case, wouldn't this mission only have one condition that can be met? It seems that maybe?

The light beam soaring into the sky gradually became thinner, as if it was about to gradually disperse, and Hayato also saw the game move from the auditorium below to the high platform where he was at the moment as the light beam disappeared.

And, standing next to him, Atum was wearing something he had seen in the world of King's Memory, and his skin color turned brown!

Another me? Looking at Atum beside him, Yugi had the same expression as Kyoko and others in the audience below, Have you come out of the underworld?

The barrier between the underworld and the human world suddenly disappeared. Maybe it was because of the black mist here? In short, it happened that I was able to return from the underworld to the human world. Atum heard Yugi's words and turned his head. Come and smile at him, We meet again, Aibo.

Hey, long time no see, Atum. Hayato waved to Atum and said hello, Although it's only been a month since I last saw you, it feels like a long time has passed.

How does it feel to be in the underworld?

Well, the specific feeling is almost the same as the experience when I was still in the current world and changed places with Aibo, but there is no longer the feeling of nothingness with only the soul when I stayed in the [Millennium Brick], but I always have a real body. . And there are still a lot of troublesome people in the underworld. Spreading his hands a little helplessly, Atum also smiled at Hayato, Long time no see, Hayato.

However, there should be enough time after reminiscing about old times. Now there is something I think needs to be resolved first. Atum said, his eyes gradually turned murderous. He raised his hand and a duel disk appeared out of thin air. He equipped his wrist with, I saw someone in the underworld using dark games on Aibo. Who was the person who attacked Aibo? I want to teach him a lesson!

Uh. After hearing Atum's words, Yu Yu scratched his head and said a little embarrassedly, So in the underworld, can you see things in the human world in the other me?

It's not everything. If you want to observe the present world from the underworld, you need to devote a certain amount of thought to it. I only learned it almost half a month ago with the help of other pharaohs in the underworld. Artu Mu recalled the cost of Professor Ramses II's ability, glanced at Hayato with a subtle look, and continued, Then, I want to check on you, Aibo, as soon as possible.

As it turned out, I saw that someone pretended to be a layman who knew nothing about dueling monsters and deceived you. They took advantage of your gentle heart that wanted to lead others into the world of monsters through a relatively peaceful battle, and took the opportunity to start a dangerous dark game.

That kind of bad behavior tainted your gentleness and angered me even more. I will never allow anyone to use such despicable methods to humiliate Duel and humiliate you who are stronger than me!

Atum said with some anger, During that dark game, I noticed that the barriers between dimensions seemed to be loosened, so I immediately borrowed Ramses II's Gate to the Underworld, waiting for the opportunity to come to the real world. , the moment the barrier between the human world and the underworld disappeared, I immediately seized the opportunity and came here.

So Aibo, where is the person who hurt you? You don't need to take action, let me defeat him in a rare duel!

Although your momentum is very good, Atum. Hayato shrugged and glanced at Blue God, who was lying face down on the ground with his butt sticking out not far away, You seem to be a little late. A few minutes ago, I just defeated the culprit who hurt your important Aibo and caused the barrier between the human world and the underworld to disappear.

Huh? After hearing Hayato's words, Atum's fighting spirit disappeared instantly. He followed Hayato's line of sight with some confusion and saw Aigami who looked pouted, Huh?

Y-It should be the delay between the underworld and the human world. There's nothing we can do about it, hahaha. Noticing that the angry expression on Atum's face fell, Yugi quickly found a reason for him.

He came all the way from the underworld of Egypt to Tongshiye City, made an impressive appearance that shocked the audience, and declared with great fighting spirit that he would defeat the Blue God who hurt him. However, the information he learned was simply what happened several weeks ago. , or after Lan Shen had been defeated.

What a gaffe! If it were someone with a thinner skin, he would probably have committed suicide in shame by now - although Atum couldn't commit suicide. After all, what should a person who died three thousand years ago do to die again?

But it was obvious that Atum's face was much thicker than expected when the game replaced him. Although he was a little embarrassed, he regained his composure when he withdrew his eyes from Blue God, looked at Hayato and said: Well, you can tell at a glance that this is the opponent you defeated, Hayato. You did a good job, you did a good job!

While Atum was trying to cover up his embarrassment with exaggerated words, Jonouchi said excitedly in the audience on the ground: It is indeed another game, no, it is indeed Atum. I had a feeling it was him just now.

Isn't it said that there is a barrier between the underworld and the human world? Tapirang scratched his head in confusion, Why is Atum here? Did he escape by his own power?!

Those things aren't important. What's important is that Atum is back from the underworld. Honda patted Tairiang's shoulder, stood up together with Jonouchi, looked up excitedly at the high platform in the sky, and said, Okay!

The two of them were so excited that they couldn't sit still, but the audience behind them was very calm.

Haven't today's young people seen the world? The previous virtual projections were obviously more realistic, but this time they just had close contact with the special effects of the Haima Group. Is it necessary to be so excited?

Because I'm still a kid. And even though I don't want to admit it, even I made mistakes because I was young.

But today's tickets are really worth buying. Although it is the opening ceremony, there are so many wonderful performances one after another. My friend who thought that the opening ceremony did not have many dueling performances disliked this and did not buy a ticket. It is really a loss. Explosive haha.”

Although the venue is currently in a mess due to the [Quantum Cube], before the start of the GeneX competition, Kaiba used virtual projection technology to perform special effects such as ultra-close plane crashes, so that most of the people in the venue at this moment In the eyes of the audience, everything that has happened from just now, whether it is the [Quantum Cube] turning into an open dimensional door and releasing the monster-shaped Blue God, or the arrival of Atum, are all extremely realistic in their eyes. technology.

As for what level of technology is required to achieve such an effect? They don't care about this. Besides, don't the Haima Group have enough black technologies that people can't understand?

Just a duel disk has stumped 99% of the world's R\u0026D teams. Except for the Schreider Consortium, which has been merged by the Haima Group, no one has successfully developed it. Even the one sold by the Schreider Consortium is actually ineffective. It is also inferior to the Haima Group in terms of use, and can only be regarded as a castrated version.

What an unexpected and exciting appearance, Yugi. Kaiba's voice came from the speakers, attracting the attention of Hayato and the three of them who were communicating on the high platform, I almost want to duel with you again. Once, I really want to see if the gap between you and me has been shortened.

Have you slacked off during the time you disappeared? How can [Blue Eyes], who has gained new power, become stronger with me? I really want to know the answer. But judging from the awe-inspiring fighting spirit in you You can also get the answer to the previous question, you seem to have gained new power?

Okay, brother, you talk too much, let me quickly talk about the key points. Keihei's voice sounded, seeming to have snatched the microphone from Kaiba, who was aroused by his poker addiction and was chattering a little, Hayato-nii, There are two other games. The 'Prana Detection Device' that my brother made temporarily has unexpectedly the ability to monitor the energy intensity in the big cube in front of you.

As the guy named Blue God was defeated, the speed at which the cube grew in size indeed stopped and approached 0, but the 'Prana Detection Device' detected that the energy in that thing was constantly increasing, as if There is something gestating in it that is about to be born!”

In other words, do you want to destroy this [Quantum Cube] again? Hayato looked at the huge cube that disappeared as the light beam when Atum appeared and began to release dangerous black mist again, transforming into a dimensional gate. The scarlet light on the [Quantum Cube] did not dissipate when Blue God was defeated.

No, it doesn't have to be destroyed. Just close the opened dimensional door. Seeing Hayato turn around, Atum also turned around and walked side by side with Hayato towards the door. [Quantum Cube] walked over, But we have to destroy the outer shell formed by the accumulation of the layers of elemental power first. Besides, I don't think that thing will let us destroy it.

As the two approached, the [Quantum Cube] sensed the threat as if it had intelligence. The black mist released from it began to gather, and in an instant it formed a huge deformed monster. The monster in front of me looks like a long snake, but it also has dark red cubes similar to the monster-shaped Blue God all over its body. At the same time, there is a single eye on these cubes.

Tsk, tsk, is this the style of aesthetics in different dimensions? It reminds me of Bekas's [Thousand-Eyed Naji Demon]. Hayato took out a card from his body, looked at the monster in front of him, and shook his head.

Atum on the side also pulled out a card, glanced at Hayato and said, [Thousand-Eyed Naji Demon], it seems that we want to go somewhere?

Compared to the Blue God, the multi-eyed monster did not have enough intelligence to be able to communicate. It just stared viciously at Hayabusa and Atum who were approaching him and the [Quantum Cube] behind him, and roared with murderous intent. .

However, the sounds of Hayabusa and Atum playing cards easily overshadowed it.

[Dark Knight-Gaia]!

[Guardian Priest-Mahad]!

Looking at the huge monster, Hayato and Atum both reached out and pointed at the target. The knight and the mage attacked together with the master's order, but Atum seemed to suddenly remember something, turned around and said to Hayato: Should you? Are you going to say that again?

Hayato answered him in standard English——


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