Activate the magic card, [Resurrection of the Dead]!

As a very practical card, of course Hayato also collects [Resurrection of the Dead] in his hand. Ankh's symbol appeared in Hayato's field, and [XYZ], which jumped repeatedly in the graveyard and on the field, returned to the field again.

Are you trying to use [XYZ]'s annihilation mode to destroy [Blue Eyes] who has lost [Dragon Shield Armor]? Don't even think about it! Before Hayato could activate the effect of [XYZ], Kaiba had already hurriedly opened his previous cover. card, [Forbidden Holy Cloth]! The attack power of [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] on my field is reduced by 600 points, and it will not be destroyed by the effect, nor will it be the target of the effect!

In other words, the effect of your [XYZ] is no longer effective on my [Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon]. Even if you use a card like [Black Hole], you cannot destroy my invincible [Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon]!

【Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon】【ATK4500→3900】

Tsk. Although Hayato had prepared follow-up means, he was still a little unhappy because he couldn't solve the problem that could be solved with [XYZ]. Then I activate the effect of [Frontline Base] on the field, and use the special cards in my hand to Summon [W-Catapult Wing]! Then flip the face-down monster on my field!

Blue catapult wings appeared on the field, and the monster in defense position that Hayato summoned last turn also revealed its true appearance. It's [V-Jet Tiger]. Two VW monsters merge into one! [VW-Strike Tiger]!

I have invaded the data center of the duel platform used by the Duel Kingdom. Does that monster have the effect of changing the monster's representation? Kaiba suddenly said, But no matter how you change the status of [Blue Eyes], even if it is in defensive display [Blue Eyes] You can’t break it either!”

Then I will break it and show it to you. Since you have invaded the data center, you must know how I won the duel using this monster, right? Hayato said, summoning again, [VW ] and [XYZ] two-body monster merge again, accelerating beyond the limit!

This is my glory as a duelist, my Tamashi! [VWXYZ-Dragon Power Cannon]!

In the face of the invincible Ultimate Dragon, the weak machines combined, connected, and evolved with a fearless heart. [VtoZ], whose attack power reached the same level as Blue Eyes, appeared on Hayato's field.

[VWXYZ-Shenlong Assault Cannon][ATK3000]

Because the skills are enhanced after the connection, can you banish monsters once per turn without using cards in your hand? But no! The current [Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon] will not be the target of any effects!

If your opponent cannot be weakened, then I will try to strengthen myself as much as possible. Hayato showed the last card in his hand, You should be aware of the effect of [Inherited Power], right?

I disintegrated the [Z-Metal Crawler] equipped on [X-Boss Cannon] on my field, and then targeted it to activate [Follow——

Just as Hayato was about to activate the card, a boy's voice suddenly came from the woods not far away. Both Kaiba and Hayato were stunned.


This voice is, Keihei!! Kaiba's expression suddenly changed. He quickly put the cards placed on the field back into the suitcase, and before the elevator descended, he suddenly jumped from the high duel platform. Jump down. Before the image of [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] completely disappeared from the field, Kaiba was already running towards the forest.

Hayato only heard Kaiba's voice: The winner of this duel will be decided later. See you later, Hayato Kobayashi!

What, I'm obviously going to win, right? It's really just Kaiba who is relying on others. Hayato complained unhappily. As long as he successfully activates [Power of Inheritance] and transfers the 1500 attack power of [Z-Metal Crawler] to [VtoZ] with an attack power of 3000, its attack power will surpass [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon].

Then, as long as you use [X-Boss Cannon] to attack directly, you will win.

Despite his dissatisfaction, Hayato was also very worried about Keihei's voice coming from the forest. According to his guess, Keppei must have been caught by people from the International Illusion Society again. However, after looking at the distance between the duel stage and the ground, Hayato did not dare to jump directly. Just kidding, it’s almost four to five meters high here, and not everyone is like a seahorse.

Not to mention Feipai cutting steel wires, blocking bullets with a suitcase, jumping off a cliff and climbing back again. These are all inhuman operations performed by Kaiba. Jumping from a mere two or three floors is nothing to mention.

While standing on the gently descending elevator, Hayato said to the onlookers, Tapiliang, hurry up and catch up with Kaiba. He is a gangster now. It would be terrible if he is caught by the International Illusion Society.

On the other side of the game, they are chasing the staff of the International Illusion Society who kidnapped Keppei.

Let Keipei go! He's just a child!

Come at me if you have the guts! Yugi and Kyoko, who were relatively weak in physical fitness, moved a step slower. Honda and Jonouchi were at the front. Looking at the two men in black in front of them, they looked at each other, sprinted forward with all their strength, and then bumped into each other shoulder to shoulder.


Although the two men in black were adults, they were still carrying a child. Jonouchi and Honda caught up with them and successfully knocked them to the ground. Even Keppei was thrown to the ground. . However, Keppei, who had just let out a loud cry for help, was now sleeping like a dead pig.

Not long ago, Keppei stole the star chips from others and used them as bets with Hayato's star chips to have a duel with Yugi. However, the monsters that Hayato left for Tairyo were either miscellaneous fish with an attack power of less than 1,000, or high-star miscellaneous fish. Such as [Disturbing] Brothers, [Death Stalker], [Lion Wizard] and the like. Moreover, not even a single magic or trap card was placed.

It was a massacre. Originally, Yugi heard that Keppei had stolen Hayato's card and carefully laid a trap. However, until Keppei lost the duel, he couldn't even crack the five backfield blocks that Yugi set in the first round.

Wang Xiang said that it was fortunate that I did not appear in place of aibo, otherwise it would be too shameful to bully a child.

Keppei, who lost the duel, was taken by Yugi and others to find the duelist who had the stolen chips, but when he arrived at the dock, he discovered that the duelist had been sent away from the duel kingdom, and the staff at the dock also gave them the All the star chips were thrown away. You know, in addition to Hayato's and the stolen duelist's, there are even a few from the game.

The super unhappy game switched directly to king mode and challenged the staff to a duel. The man in black who would not have participated in the duel unexpectedly agreed, but he arranged an opponent for Yugi. A duelist who claims to be the undead Seto Kaiba.

After a fierce duel, Yugi quickly realized that the opponent was definitely not Kaiba. Although the styles of the decks are very similar, on the one hand, the duelist's deck only has the violent death dragon known as Dead Blue Eyes. On the other hand, the lines shouted by the opponent when playing cards are not accurate at all. , not passionate at all.

After Yugi defeated the fake Kaiba and won the duel, they suddenly found that Keppei was missing. It wasn't until Keppei called for help that they knew that during the duel, the people from the International Illusion Society took advantage of everyone. All his attention was focused on the duel, and he took the opportunity to kidnap Guipei.

After that, this is the scene now.

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