Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 61: Tough, invincible, and the strongest!

I have no banished monsters, so I don't need to summon them. Kaiba said, looking at [X] [Y] [Z] on Hayato's field, All three-body monsters are back on the field? So what, [XYZ] Still sleeping in your graveyard, even if the three-body monsters complete the combination, you can't activate the annihilation mode to destroy my [Blue Eyes]!

But, when did I say that I summoned [XYZ]? Hayato smiled mysteriously and played the card in his hand, What I want to use is this magic card. It comes from a man who was once defeated by me. Dead duelist!

Equip magic card, [7 cards]!

As a number 7 appeared on Hayato's field, [X-Boss Cannon] seemed to be blessed by mysterious power. Then, [Y-Dragon Head] and [Z-Metal Tracks] were disintegrated and equipped on them.

I remember that [7 Card] is a magic card that can only be equipped by mechanical monsters. It can increase the monster's attack power or defense power by 700 points in one go. Kaiba's pupils shrank, [X-Boss Cannon] The attack power!

Yes, with the blessing of the triple power, although there is no ability to use cards in the hand as ammunition to destroy cards in the combined form, the attack power of [X-Boss Cannon] is now a full 3500 points!

[X-Boss Cannon] [ATK1800→2500→2900→3500]

The strongest dragon, witness my struggle for victory! [X-Leader Canon], launch an attack on [Blue Eyes White Dragon]! Evolve the flame!

Facing the white dragon that once destroyed itself, [X-Boss Cannon]'s monitor emits a cold red light, and the weapon system locks it firmly, followed by maximum power output of energy. The white laser beam dissipated, and the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] that had been showing off its power on the seahorse field for a long time was defeated head-on for the first time.

[Haima: 1800LP→1300LP]

Hayato glanced at his field. The attack power of [X-Boss Cannon] has soared to 3500 points in one breath, but the price is that its existence depends on the three cards in the backfield. Coupled with the existence of the [Frontline Base] and [Soul of Resurrection] used previously, Hayato's five positions in the backcourt have been completely occupied.

The monster in my hand is summoned in face-down defense position, and my turn ends.

[Hayato: 1800LP, 0 cards in hand]

【X-Boss Cannon】【ATK3500】

[Monster in defense position]

【Frontline Base】【Soul of Resurrection】

My turn, draw a card! Kaiba took out the card and did not play it immediately, but looked at Hayato, Kobayashi Hayato, I thought he was just a bastard, but he actually has such strength. I admit, I underestimate you. ”

In response to your dedication to the duel, I will also use my strongest monster to defeat you! Then activate the magic card, [Life-cutting Treasure Card]! After activating the magic card, Kaiba jumped out of the deck in one breath 4 cards were drawn, The effect of this card is that I can replenish my hand to 5 cards, but after 5 turns after activation, I have to discard all cards in my hand.

‘What’s the difference between having such side effects and not having them at all? ’ Hayato complained in his mind.

And Kaiba's actions have just begun.

First, I activate [Excessive Burial] in my hand, discard a monster from my hand, and then resurrect a monster with a lower level than it from the graveyard. The monster I want to discard is in my hand [Blue Eyes] in the card! Under Hayato's puzzled gaze, Kaiba actually sent [Blue Eyes] to the graveyard, Resurrection, [Emperor Kaiba]!

【Emperor Seahorse】【DEF1650】

It's not over yet! Then there is this card, [Horse Bone Price]. I will release [Blue Eyes] on the field and draw two more cards from the deck! Kaiba's confusing behavior did not stop, and he originally stood still. The [Blue Eyes] was sent to the graveyard by him, and was replaced by the only [Emperor Seahorse] in defensive position.

You actually sent all [Blue Eyes] to the cemetery. What on earth are you going to do, Kaiba?

Hmph, Hayato, celebrate the evolution of the strongest dragon, celebrate that you are about to see an invincible existence! This was originally my trump card for the game, but now I have released it in advance for you! Kaiba With that said, he played a card, Activate the magic card, [Dragon Mirror]!

Nani?! Hayato was shocked. He knew this card because he had it himself and had used it before. The Dragon-type monsters in the graveyard are excluded for Fusion Summoning, and the only Dragon-type monsters in the Kaiba Cemetery are——

Exclude the three-body [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] from my graveyard from the game, he declared like a king dominating the world. A violent hurricane appeared on Kaiba's field, as if the whole world was worried about the monster that was about to appear. The trembling and huge pressure even made it difficult for Hayato to breathe, The strongest and most ultimate dragon in history, appear!


【Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon】【10☆/Light】


Kaiba has three cards left in his hand, and he hasn't Normal Summoned yet this turn. However, there is no need to continue summoning, because [Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] is the strongest fusion monster that Kaiba can summon. As long as this card exists, he is enough to sweep everything.

Perfect! Invincible! The strongest! In line with Kaiba's unique voice, the three-headed white dragon opened its mouth, and the white torrent began to gather, and its open wings seemed to cover the entire world under its shadow. The strongest power that transcends everything, destroy everything in front of you! The jet of white light of destruction is the ultimate explosion!

The triple breath of light came, and the dazzling light crowded out all other colors in the vision, and Hayato could not see anything clearly. When the light dissipated slightly, the [Y-Dragon Head] under [X-Boss Cannon] on Hayato's field had disappeared. As a replacement for [X] being destroyed, [Y-Dragon Head] was sent to the cemetery. .”

Hmph, it's just a useless struggle. Your life will still be damaged. Kaiba snorted coldly.

[Hayato: 1800LP→800LP]

Cover a hand card, my turn is over. Riding the strongest white dragon, Kaiba was full of confidence in the outcome of this duel at this moment, Victory is already in my hands, start your last turn, Kobayashi Hayato!”

[Haima: 1300LP, 2 cards in hand]

【Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon】【ATK4500】


Don't talk too much, Kaiba. Although I want to say this, [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon]... Tsk, there is no doubt that it is a formidable enemy. Hayato looked at the three heads showing off their power in front of him. The dragon, the noble 10☆ not only brings a gorgeous figure, but its oppressive power is even comparable to that of gods.

My turn, draw cards.

Activate the magic card [Magic Flower Pot], send [Soul of Resurrection] to the graveyard, and draw two cards from the deck. Drawing two cards, Hayato activated the magic card again, [Pot of Desire] 】, draw two more cards!

As the number of cards in his hand reached 3, Hayato's eyes lit up, he looked at Kaiba and said, Set, you said victory is already in your hands? But, I have also found my own path to victory!

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