Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 148: The opponent must have a feather sweep behind him

Regarding Hayato's strength, Kaiba couldn't be more assured. Anyway, he had indeed passed the addiction as Hayato said, and it was so easy to leave.

The ever-expanding [Quantum Cube] has swallowed up part of the elevator platform. Kaiba doesn't want it to cause any other damage to the venue. There will be cards played here later.

Really, is it too hard? Rubbing his numb palms, Hayato did not look at Kaiba, but turned around and took out the card deck, inserted it into the duel plate and looked at Lan Shindao, Then , give your life back to God.”


[Hayato: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

Seeing that Hayato's base score had stopped at 4,000 points after drawing five cards from his hand, Blue God laughed arrogantly as if his conspiracy had succeeded: Hahahaha, in that case, the duel in the dark dimension begins!


The golden cubes gathered in Blue God's hands to form a duel plate. Then, Hayato's eyes widened and he looked at the numbers displayed on the virtual panel next to Blue God, who did not feel shameless at all.

[Blue God: 8000LP, 5 cards in hand]

[Dark Square World God-Crimson Nopo] [ATK3000]

Hahaha, I didn't expect it, Hayato Kobayashi. The starting basic score in a duel in the dark dimension should be 8000 points, and there is [Dark Square Kaishin-Crimson Nopo] on my field from the very beginning. The state of being!”

Not only is your basic score twice as high as yours, you don't have to worry about being affected by those disgusting effects and losing, but you even have one more card resource than you! Lan Shen said proudly, My winning rate is , it’s 1000%!”

The base points are doubled and there are monsters on the opening field. Where did you get the special boss for the event? Hayato was a little unhappy that Blue God suddenly had an extra card than him, and complained, And you are actually cheating on me. Only after the points are shown do we say such rules.”

By the way, the 'Sacrifice Soldier'... I mean the [Giant God Soldier], what you got after liberating [Obelisk] was just a monster of that level?

After sizing up [Dark Square Kaishin-Crimson Nobo], Hayato was a little disdainful, Your draw is a bit high. [Obelisk] has 4000 points of attack power and defense power, how come it's like this? Only 3,000 points left? Just over 70% left. Isn’t that 30% a kickback from your kid?”

Hearing Hayato's words, Blue God sneered and said contemptuously: Nonsense, I can't understand it. Are you shocked because you saw this powerful and beautiful god like me? Hum hum hum, don't worry, even if it's You and I will also guide you into the gate of the dimensional realm without discrimination...

——After I use the power of [Dark Square Kaishin-Crimson Nova] to completely destroy your existence! The same people who will suffer my revenge are Muto Yugi, Kaiba Seto, and the 'White Devil' Now that the tapir is good, no one can escape from my grasp!

Standing behind Hayato, Sera heard Blue God's words and closed her eyes in despair: I have been completely assimilated by the emotion of hatred, Diva...

To be honest, I'm a bit shocked. After all, I didn't expect monsters to be so ugly. They are ten or even nine times uglier than those [Disrupt] fishes. He put his fingers on the card deck. , Hayato no longer cared about Blue God's little tricks, But just a slight advantage makes you think that you can win. Doesn't it look down on me too much?

I'll take the first strike, draw a card! Pulling out a card, Hayato skillfully placed a monster card on his field and tapped it, then inserted three cards into the magic trap area, Then he summoned it in defense position. One monster, and three cards on the backfield, my turn ends.”

[Hayato: 4000LP, 2 cards in hand]

[Monster in defense position]

【Gate Card】X3

Looking at Hayato's T shape that he had practiced so many times that it was extremely smooth, Blue God grinned in displeasure, revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth: It's really annoying, you are so secretive. Such tactics are completely intolerable to existences in higher dimensions, Hayato Kobayashi. But it doesn’t matter, I will let you understand that your resistance is completely meaningless.”

Use the power of 'God'!

My turn, draw a card. Plunging his fingers with sharp nails directly into a golden cube on his wrist, Lan Shen pulled out a card and then activated, Then first, I will use this Let’s use a card to clear the obstacles in front of ‘God’!”

Magic card [Harpy's Feather Sweep]!

Hearing the name of the card read by Blue God, Hayato on the field didn't have time to say anything. In the auditorium below the dueling duo, Jonouchi stretched out his hand to take the popcorn held by Honda and paused in the air. He looked at the magic card that appeared in Lan Shen's backcourt in disbelief.

Is that Mai's card!? Why is it in that guy's hand!

Jonouchi, who was a little worried about whether Peacock Dance had been attacked by the Blue God, couldn't sit still. He was about to jump up on the spot. He wanted to go to the lifting platform at a high place to confront the Blue God and ask him about the [Eagle]. Where did the banshee's feather sweep come from?

Honda and Malik, who were sitting next to Jonouchi, worked together to restrain Jonouchi, making him notice that before he went to question Blue God, Blue God had already started talking about his own. Where did [Harpy's Feather Sweep] come from?

Hahahahaha, I saw a familiar card from a familiar person appear in my hand, Hayato Kobayashi, how do you feel?

Blue God provoked Hayato and said, Through the power of [Quantum Cube], I can add cards to my deck at will by reading the memory. Peacock Dance's [Harpy's Feather Sweep], Malik ·Yin Xiudar's [Masque of the Sacrifice Seal] and even your 'Three Illusion Gods' can be used as I wish.

In other words, I, who am responsible for guiding all mankind to receive relief and achieve 'dimension ascent', have the ability to use all the cards in the world that exist in the memories of others. If you are an enemy of me, you are an enemy of the entire world!

Now, [Harpy's Feather Sweep] will destroy all the cards on your backfield!

Blue God was quite proud as he watched the feather sweep in his back field wave and create three cyclones that swept towards the three cards in Hayato's back field.

[Dark Square Kaishin-Crimson Nobo] has the ability to attack and destroy a monster, and then attack again only once, that is, destroy and attack again. Although I don’t know what monster Kobayashi Hayato summoned in face-to-face defense position, but it always It can't be a powerful monster with more than 3,000 defense points, right?

Use [Harpy's Feather Sweep] to clear the cards in Hayato Kobayashi's back field, and then you can use [Dark Square Kaishin-Crimson Nobo] to destroy the monsters in Hayato Kobayashi's front field and destroy them without restraint. Add a direct attack.

Then at the end of the round, you can use the terrifying effect of [Dark Square Kaishin-Crimson Nopo] to clear up Hayato Kobayashi's last basic points and win!

Lan Shen's idea is to be so beautiful, as if everything has been planned, and others can only follow his plan to execute it. After all, in his opinion, as long as Kobayashi Hayato's backcourt is destroyed, then Kobayashi Hayato has nothing to fear.

However, seeing [Harpy's Feather Sweep] coming, Hayato pressed the button to activate the card: Since it is going to be destroyed, I will activate this card before it is destroyed. Trap card, [Life of Rainbow]!”

As Hayato sent a card to the graveyard, the payment completed the activation conditions of [Life of Rainbow]. The leftmost card on his back field was revealed, but at the next moment it was destroyed by [Harpy Girl] along with the other two cards. The whirlwind wielded by the Demon's Feather Sweeper tore it apart.

Lan Shen noticed that one of the two destroyed cards was a card that was said to be cursed - [Explosive Armor], and he didn't know the other card very well, but since they had been destroyed, then It doesn't matter anymore.

But that one [Rainbow Life]...

Although the trap card [Rainbow Life] has been destroyed by you, after it is successfully activated, the effect has taken effect and will last for one round. Hayato sent the destroyed card to the graveyard, In this During the turn, instead of the battle or effect damage I received, I will recover an equivalent amount of base points.

Damn it, it actually has that kind of effect. Lan Shen gritted his teeth and said with great displeasure, Wouldn't that mean I wouldn't be able to kill you in this round? Hey, you saved a life. , Hayato Kobayashi.”

Check your life? Yeah, yeah, I didn't say that [Life of the Rainbow] was the only card whose effect was activated because of your [Harpy's Feather Sweep], although I did only' Just activated this card. As Hayato's words fell, a card wrapped in purple thin lines suddenly appeared in the area covered by his shadow on the ground at his feet, and came to Hayato's hand. Caught by him.

The effect of the permanent trap card [Shadowdoll's Core] destroyed by [Harpy's Feather Sweep]. If this card is sent to the graveyard by the effect, the card in my graveyard other than [Shadowdoll's Core] will be Activate a [Shadowdoll] magic/trap card as a target, and add it to my hand.

The cost of activating [Rainbow Life] is to discard a card from my hand, and that card is exactly a [Shadowdoll] magic and trap card. Hayato added the card to his hand and said, That's right. This time we are playing a 'Pure [Shadow]' deck!

[Shadowdoll] are the dead who have been stripped from the memory of the world and are controlled. They are blue gods who try to control the fate of mankind and control the memories of others. They are perfect to use against you.

Blue God glanced at the threads that retracted into Hayato's shadow. When he looked there, he always had the feeling that something was hidden in there, peering at him.

Although the cards have been recovered, it is true that your backcourt has been cleared. Lan Shen sneered and waved his hand, In that case, I can let [Dark Square World God-Crimson Nopo] do it unscrupulously Attacked!

Entering the battle phase, use [Dark Square Kaishin-Crimson Nopo] to attack the monster on your field that is in defense position!

As Blue God announced his attack, the [Dark Square Kaishin-Crimson Nopo] on his field immediately stabbed out the weapons on his arms, and in just a moment, it pierced the inner side of Hayato's field weapon. A monster in defense position.

Although there is a rule in the dimensional field duel that when a monster is destroyed, as a substitute for the battle damage, the controller of the monster is damaged by the monster's original attack power value, this is also inherited by the dark dimension field duel, but when the monster If it is in defensive position, there is no way to deal with combat damage, so Hayato will not be harmed by the destruction of monsters.

Before the monster was sent to the cemetery, Blue God saw clearly the true form of the monster that Hayato summoned in defense position. It was a black and purple monster that resembled a lion and a tiger.

The reverse monster [Shadowmon] has an effect and can be activated when reversed.

Hearing Hayato's words, Blue God didn't take it seriously: It's useless, [Dark Square Kaishin-Crimson Nopo] is a 'god', and all the effects activated by monsters with an original attack power of less than 3000 points are against it. Invalid!

This resistance is also the reason why Blue God does not pay attention to Hayato's hand cards. Although cards such as [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] are very strong, their attack power of less than 3000 points is a fatal flaw, and they cannot interfere with his [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] at all. The attack of Dark Side World God-Crimson Nopo].

Who said that the effect of [Shadowmon] is used on you? Hayato put his finger on the deck, [Shadowmon] can only be activated when it is reversed. I draw two cards from the deck, and then Choose a card from your hand and discard it. The one I discarded is this [Shadowdoll Lizard].

After drawing two cards and sending one to the graveyard, Hayato raised his hand and snapped his fingers. A pair of eyes suddenly opened in the shadow at his feet. A lizard-like monster rose in the shadow, but did not take a step out of the shadow. .

Lan Shen noticed that the golden armor on the black and purple lizard monster looked familiar. He had definitely seen armor of that style somewhere, but he had no memory of this lizard-like monster. .

In addition, he also noticed that the lizard monster was connected to many thin purple threads, leading into the shadows, as if the monster was a puppet controlled by those threads.

Sera behind Hayato was also stunned when she saw the lizard monster. She subconsciously took out her deck and pulled out a card to compare.

Hayato didn't notice Sera's movements behind him, but explained: When [Shadow Lizard] is sent to the graveyard by an effect, the effect can also be activated. Take a card other than [Shadow Lizard] from my deck. The [Shaddoll] card is sent to the graveyard, and I send the [Shadowdoll Hedgehog] to the graveyard.

Then if [Shaddoll Hedgehog] is sent to the graveyard by an effect, activate the effect and add a [Shadowdoll] monster other than [Shaddoll Hedgehog] from the deck to your hand.

It was clearly Blue God's turn, and it was clear that Blue God used [Harpy's Feather Sweep] to make Hayato lose three cover cards in one breath, but Hayato was stunned and gave his hand another card during Blue God's turn. The supplement returned to four.

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