Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 147: God Sacrifice Soldier, Tiankeng Dragon, and Corpse Bird

What is that! What happened!

As a large amount of black mist was released from the [Quantum Cube] on the duel venue, the audience in the Kaiba Dome could not help but fall into panic.

The dark mist that gave people a dangerous feeling quickly spread and spread throughout the entire venue, just like the red venue that suddenly opened up before... huh? The previous red venue?

I understand, this must be part of the Haima Group's virtual projection show! Someone in the crowd suddenly said confidently, That's great, I gradually understand everything!

Look there!

Someone noticed that in front of the [Quantum Cube], the card of [Obelisk's Titan Soldier], which had disappeared with the disappearance of the Blue God, was floating out of thin air. The figure of Lisk's Titan Soldier was forcibly reappeared under the light of the [Quantum Cube].

The duel monster card was projected. It is obvious that this is the same virtual projection technology as the plane that suddenly crashed before.

After hearing the reminder from others, other viewers also suddenly realized: This is actually part of the virtual projection.

Wow, the level of realism is really high. I thought something really happened.

How is that possible? But didn't you just perform the Haima Group's virtual projection technology once as the opening performance of this GeneX competition? Why do you want to do it again?

You care so much about him. If you don't watch the free show, you won't watch it. You don't let us make up for the tickets. Can we see such a real show in the cinema?

That's true.

Kaiba didn't know why the audience in the venue adapted to the changes in the [Quantum Cube] so quickly. Although there was some commotion at the beginning, it calmed down quickly. There were even many People leisurely eat popcorn as if watching a movie.

And Kaiba didn't care about those things. He looked at the [Quantum Cube] that was emitting thick smoke and frowned: This voice is the guy named Lan Shen? But why is it coming from that box?

Guessing a possibility in his mind, Kaiba's eyes became quite sharp for a moment, Hey, is that cube actually a duel device that also functions as a hacking device? Taking advantage of the opportunity to connect to the virtual projection equipment in Kaiba Dome during the duel Hacked into the system, and then created this deceptive illusion in front of you and took the opportunity to escape?

Hmph, let me ask you why the human body disappeared out of thin air just now!

Then how do you explain the sound? I'm curious how you understand Lan Shen's voice coming from the [Quantum Cube].

Suddenly there was the sound of something falling to the ground behind Kaiba. Turning around, he saw Princess Hayato holding a girl and kneeling on one knee on the lift. The sound just seemed to be from him jumping to the lift with the girl. .

Hmph, Sera, right? How does Hayato Kobayashi make you feel?

Kaiba looked at Sera with disdain. He was quite impressed by this girl who was bold enough to break into the Kaiba Group headquarters building to duel with him. By the way, he asked what he had mentioned during the last duel. , the result of understanding that contact with a person is not possible without face to face.

But he just asked casually. In fact, he didn't care much about Sera's answer about Hayato's knowledge. Instead, he looked at Hayato to answer his previous question: The principle of sound coming out of that box is too simple. He has already hacked into the virtual projection system, and using wireless technology to transmit his audio signal to that device is not a problem at all.

As expected of you, Seth. Hayato smiled and put down Sera in his arms. After something happened in the [Quantum Cube], Sera, as the only remaining Prana present, or Prana connected to the consciousness of the Blue God, developed extremely uncomfortable symptoms.

The golden inverted triangle symbolizing Prana at the center of his eyebrows appeared and lit up on its own, and cold sweat continued to flow from his forehead because he felt the evil and terrifying emotions constantly coming from the blue god's side. It was precisely because of this weak appearance that he felt Unable to just leave the opponent behind, Hayabusa jumped down from the height with Sera in his arms and landed on the lift platform where Kaiba was.

I won't thank you for this. However, this little girl Sera was still so difficult to get along with. Even though she looked like she was in pain, she still resisted Hayato's kindness, but she still asked Hayato , Don't your knees hurt? You landed in a posture that has no meaning other than to look cool?

Humph, it's completely fine. If you have such worries, it means you don't understand at all. People's physiques cannot be generalized, especially the physiques of duelists, let alone landing in a superhero style that hurts the knees, directly Jumping out of a plane without protection is a piece of cake. Isn’t it, Seth?”

Hmph, boring.

While Hayato and Kaiba were talking, Sera felt cold all over because she felt the constant negative emotions coming from the Prana collective consciousness that could not be disconnected. She hugged each other tightly with her arms. But he still forced himself to get closer to the [Quantum Cube].

Ah, is this feeling Sera?

The Blue God in [Measurement Cube] seemed to have sensed Sera's approach, and then released black mist from the triangular position. However, the black mist that had been released did not dissipate, but was surrounded by an ominous golden color. The light, the [Quantum Cube] that is constantly beating like a heart.

As if absorbing nutrients, the black mist released by the [Quantum Cube] was reabsorbed back along with the relief of the [Millennium Artifact] emerging on the surface of the [Quantum Cube]. Compared with beating, it was more It's like the wriggling [Quantum Cube] keeps getting bigger, with tiny golden cubes emerging and sinking on the surface, like waves.

When the [Quantum Cube] had grown to nearly three meters high, an eye suddenly enlarged at the position where a triangle was missing, startling Sera.

At the same time, the light on the [Quantum Cube] changed from golden to blood-red that was close to pitch black in an instant, giving people an increasingly ominous feeling, and a chest was squeezed out of the [Quantum Cube].

Diva!? Subconsciously, Sera thought that it was the Blue God who had disappeared from the duel in the dimensional realm and returned from the [Quantum Cube]. However, when she saw the chest clearly, she rejected this idea because she did not remember it. The color of Blue God's skin is such a weird blue-gray.

In particular, Sera is not discriminating against skin color, but the guy who should be a human who came out of the [Quantum Cube] did make her feel physically uncomfortable. But at this moment, that human ” actually answered her.

Ah, Sera, I'm back from the other side of the dimension.

As the person pulled out his head from the [Quantum Cube], Sera saw that from where the human head should be, the person's head was actually made up of several purple-red cubes. The patchwork is extremely irregular and makes people with obsessive-compulsive disorder furious.

At the same time, Sera also noticed that the opponent's hands stretched out from the [Quantum Cube] also had the same purple-red squares attached to them as if they were plaques on skin disease patients. The fingertips of both hands were extremely sharp, as if they were something. It's like a beast, and the knees of its legs are bent like a dog's. It's basically a monster.

Looking at the monster with long white hair with mildew-like patterns, a pair of angular purple wings on its back, and a tail made of squares trailing behind it that seemed to be broken at any time, Sera and the monster on its head The eyes on the square looked at each other, and the voice was trembling: Are you, Diwa?

In the end what happened?!

It is a very pure place, a piece of pure white that makes people peaceful, and the consciousness is also connected to each other. It is really a place that people yearn for. After hearing Sera's inquiry, the human who was once named Diva became The monster replied with a nostalgic tone, So, I'm back from the other side of the dimension, and I want to lead you to continue to complete the 'dimension ascent' relief.

I want to help you also enjoy the beauty of a higher dimension with this beautiful posture!

Hearing the words of Blue God, Hayato couldn't help but look at the other party and complained: I think I need to appeal for copyright issues on behalf of a certain satisfied Shinigami in the future. You look like an [Eternal Fire Death Dragon]. No. , that’s not quite right, saying you look like the [Eternal Fire Death Dragon] is simply an insult to it.”

Kobayashi Hayato! You are here too...

Hearing Hayato's voice, Blue God did not turn his head. One eye that was originally on a cube closed and disappeared. Then, he opened an eye on a side of another cube facing Hayato. This allowed him to look directly at Hayato without turning around, Although I don't know what [Eternal Fire Death Dragon] is, I can feel that you are absolutely right.

My posture is both beautiful and ugly, but this is the negligible price that humans need to pay to ascend to a higher dimension, because the human mind is such a beautiful and ugly thing!

Stretching out his claws and clenching them, Blue God moved one of his eyes to the side, looking at the [Quantum Cube] that had born him and was still expanding to more than four meters in height.

The moment I lost the duel in the dimensional realm, I thought I would fall into a lower dimension. However, perhaps my destiny of guiding mankind to salvation has not been completed. I actually ended up because of the unfinished 'dimensional ascent' 'On the contrary, I moved towards a higher dimensional world. But because of this, when I entered a higher dimension with negative emotions that I shouldn't have, I took a wrong step and entered the dark side of the dimension.

But it doesn't matter even if it's the dark side of the dimension. From there, I got another method that can lead mankind to complete the 'dimension ascent'. It doesn't matter even if I fail to release the seven [Millennium Artifacts]. Although it is a little slower, using [ [Quantum Cube], I can help everyone enter the world of higher dimensions little by little!”

After hearing the words of Blue God, Sera couldn't help but look at the [Quantum Cube]. It was still expanding, and gradually came into contact with the lifting platform under the feet of several people, swallowing part of the ground and entering: [Quantum Cube] The essence of the cube is the door to the dimensional realm, but it is supposed to be used for dimensional transformation, to escape from this filthy world and go to a beautiful new world. Diwa, you have gone astray!

There's no such thing. It doesn't matter even if it's the dark side of the dimension. It's as pure as the new world there. Just break away from this world! Not listening to Sera's words at all, Blue God waved his hand. Even Sera, who is also Prana, don't you and your other companions not recognize me? It doesn't matter, no one can stop me since I have obtained the power of 'god'!

See, this is the result of betraying me, [Obelisk's Titan Soldier]!

Several people saw that the [Obelisk's Titan Soldier], which had been forcibly summoned when the [Quantum Cube] first changed and had already turned into a stone statue and could not move, followed the wave of the Blue God and countless black mist surged. entered his body. Then, as if an insect emerged from its cocoon, a pair of sharp blades pierced the body of [Obelisk's Titan Soldier] from the inside out, tearing it into pieces and dissipating!

Ah, [Obelisk] really can't escape the fate of the 'God Sacrifice Soldier'. Hayato complained, Just like [Osiris] is still the 'Sinkhole Dragon'.

And your [La's Winged Divine Dragon] has 'pretended to be a corpse' again, right? Huh, I can see it clearly from the surveillance camera. Kaiba glanced at Hayato and also added for him. There was no difference between the two talking. He didn't take the new monster that appeared in front of Blue God seriously.

The top of the cone-shaped body, which is purely composed of dark purple squares, is a transparent square about the size of a person. Within it is a round sphere that seems to be its core, and then two tentacle-like round and smooth shapes extend from the core. It is an arm part, with a round ax and sharp claws on the ends, which looks quite dangerous.

What's even more frightening is that its eyes are not on the core sphere, but on the shoulders and palms. It doesn't look like what a normal creature should look like at all!

Darkness, darkness, darkness! Devour the light and darken the world! The true God who was born from the God of Disobedience and surrendered to me!

[Dark Square Realm God-Crimson Nopo]!

Calling out the name of the monster he was using and calling it God, Blue God turned his head instead of moving his eyes for the first time and looked at Hayato: Do you dare to accept this duel in the dark realm, Kobayashi? Hayato!

Huh, you're a pretentious guy! Kaiba said unhappily when he heard that the guy on the opposite side actually wanted to challenge Hayato, You just hacked into the virtual projection system and created such an ugly appearance. Do you want to scare me? Your opponent is me.

But, Kaiba, you're not interested in a guy you've already defeated once, right? Hayato stretched out his hand to Kaiba, So after torturing the food once, you can somewhat relieve your card addiction, right? Hand over, hand over, it's my turn. It’s a game of vegetable abuse.”

Hearing what Hayato said, Kaiba reluctantly raised his hand and gave Hayato a high-five and turned around without hesitation.

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