Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 36 As punishment for being my enemy, I will cut off your hope

Activate Gaika, [Explode Armor]!

On Ryo Marufuji's backfield, he revealed the trap card corresponding to the attack declaration of [God of Despair-Antihope], Activate when the opponent's monster declares an attack, destroy the opponent's attacking monster!

Although the attack power of [God of Despair-Antihope] did surprise Ryo Marufuji, the attack power of only 5,000 points was not beyond the reach of Electronic Flow.

Although he didn't draw a card like [Restriction Release] - if he had, he would have used it in the last round, using the booster [Electronic Terminator Dragon] to kill Sho Marufuji in one round - but as long as he can hold on On your turn, there are as many ways as you can to counterattack and defeat [God of Despair-Antihope].

Ryo Marufuji believes that this is also a kind of self-confidence. Although Mr. Hayato said that there is a curse on the [Explosive Armor], it cannot be used at all, but how could that kind of thing be true? He must be deceiving me. I still don’t believe it and insist on using it [ Explode Armor] destroyed this monster, and gave his brother a little electronic flow shock in the next turn.


[Explosion Armor]? Mu Da Mu Da! Marufuji Sho raised the duel disk and spat out a card from his graveyard, One of the combat steps of [Despair God-Antihope], I was Activate by banishing a level 1☆ monster in the graveyard!

A level 1☆ monster? Ryo Marufuji was also stunned when he saw the 1☆ monster that Marufuji Sho took out from the graveyard - [Kite Robot], That card is... the previous [Giant Robot] City】A card sent to the cemetery at that time?”

Until the end of the damage step, [God of Despair - Antihope] will not be affected by the effects of other cards and will not be destroyed by battle! Putting [Kite Robot] in his pocket, Sho Marufuji said proudly, No. Monster, this is God!

Ryo Marufuji's eyes widened, watching as the power of [Explosive Armor] he activated wrapped around [God of Despair-Antihop], but failed to affect the other party at all. [God of Despair-Antihop] Just by raising his hand, he broke the [Explosive Armor] and launched an attack on the [Electronic Terminator Dragon]!

This card really has a curse! ? But even though it failed, if it was 1,000 points, it would be able to withstand it.

Seeing that the resistance of [Electronic Terminator Dragon] was instantly destroyed and the aftermath of the attack was about to fall on him, Ryo Marufuji crossed his arms in front of him in a defensive gesture. However, what he didn't expect was that with the appearance of [God of Despair-Antihope], this duel had unknowingly turned into a dark game. Even 1,000 points of battle damage was not something he could bear. of.

Huh, huh, uhhhhhh! [God of Despair-Antihope]'s attack swallowed up [Electronic Terminator Dragon] and annihilated it. At the same time, it also covered Marufuji Ryo's body, and penetrated into his soul. Under the pain, Marufuji couldn't bear it and cried out.


[Electronic Terminator Dragon] exploded during the attack of [God of Despair-Antihop], setting off smoke and dust, and the attack of [God of Despair-Antihop] stopped at this moment and returned to Sho Marufuji's Behind him, overlooking the silent Marufuji Ryo field.

A☆Da☆thief! I did it, I defeated [Electronic Terminator Dragon], defeated Marufuji Ryo! Sho Marufuji, who heard Marufuji Ryo wailing, had no other emotions on his face, some were just genuine. With joy and pride, he looked at Ryo Marufuji's field covered in smoke and dust, I did it. With the power of God, I did it!

I was surpassed and even the strongest ace was defeated. Marufuji Ryo, how do you feel now? How do you feel?

Ha ha ha ha!

Holding the last card in his hand, Sho Marufuji laughed wildly.

At this moment, a voice sounded from the smoke and answered him: Do you have a specific feeling? Well, what a weak god.

Marufuji Sho's laughter faltered because he could tell that the voice was not Marufuji Ryo's.

In the smoke and dust that gradually dissipated, Marufuji Ryo's figure gradually emerged, but he was in a state of unconsciousness and was being held up from falling, and the duel plate on his wrist was being removed. And the person who was taking off Ryo Marufuji's duel disc and putting it on his wrist, answering Marufuji Sho, was Hayato who suddenly ran into the duel field at some unknown time?

Huh? When did Hayato run over there? Wasn't he still standing here just now? Honda was also stunned when he saw the field clearly. He looked at the empty seat next to him where Hayato was originally and asked Malik. , Did you see when your brother-in-law ran in?

I can't come~

Don't ask, it's the once-in-a-lifetime teleportation of our Kobayashi family, who have always been gentlemen. Hayato said casually, looking at Marufuji Ryo who was being supported by him, I'm sorry, kid, I need to confirm the person opposite. What the hell is this guy? I don’t have time for you to teach your brother a lesson anymore. You can continue to teach him a lesson after I take away his card.”

However, because of the shock and excitement of experiencing the dark game for the first time, have you passed out and lost your hearing? Hayato put Marufuji's deck back into the card box on his waist and looked at Malik in the distance. Say hello, Three-year-old, come here and help me pick him up!

Who is a three-year-old? Malik had reason to suspect that Hayato was retaliating for calling him brother-in-law every day. While muttering At least six years old, he still honestly trotted over and pulled the unconscious Marufuji. gone.

Are you, Hayato Kobayashi? Hayato is still using the [Millennium Scepter] to mislead other people's thinking, so that ordinary people cannot connect him with Duel King Kobayashi Hayato, but when he sees himself, Maru But Fujixiang recognized himself immediately, You guys, are you trying to stop this important duel!?

Damn it, unforgivable!

It should be common sense to add Becas's name after saying unforgivable. Hayato looked at the angry Marufuji Sho calmly, took out the card deck from the card box on his waist, and put it into the duel plate , and then said, Besides, isn't my performance obvious? I just took over this duel on behalf of Ryo Marufuji.

Why should I duel with you? Sho Marufuji looked at Hayato warily. Although he had just surpassed his long-standing goal and blocked the mountain that shone all the light on him——Ryo Marufuji. This made Marufuji Sho slightly inflated, but he did not think that he would be Kobayashi Hayato's opponent. , As an adult, you are using a card as powerful as [Three Illusion Gods], how can I be your opponent!

You are obviously the king of duels, but you come here to bully the weak. You are really despicable!

Powerful cards? I see. Do you actually think that duel monsters can determine the outcome as long as they have powerful cards? If that's the case, don't you also have a powerful monster on the field? Hayato raised an eyebrow. He said casually, But don't worry. Although I changed the deck, I still use the 'Pure Electronic Flow' deck, which is not much different from Marufuji Ryo's deck.

Is it also 'electron flow'? Sho Marufuji heard Hayato's words and didn't understand what Hayato meant by pure electron flow. He believed it naively and turned around to look at [Despair God-An] behind him. Tehope]. If there is the invincible [God of Despair-Antihope], since he uses the same Electronic Flow deck, even the Duel King cannot be his opponent.

Although the duel is not over yet, in the battle just now, he has completely proved that with the power of [God of Despair-Antihope], he has far surpassed Ryo Marufuji, who has always been his target, so he should also I took the opportunity to climb to a higher peak. If I defeat the Duel King Kobayashi Hayato here, wouldn't I be the next Duel King?

In that case, I accept it, but as a price for inheriting Ryo Marufuji's field, you must accept the rule that 2,000 base points will be deducted when you enter a duel randomly.

Hayato shrugged: Basically, as long as it doesn't return to zero, it's infinite.

[Ryo Marufuji→Hayato: 4000→3000→1000lp]

Seeing the changes in the numbers on the duel disk that Hayato put on, Sho Marufuji also covered up the last card in his hand, Because of the effect of [God of Despair - Antihope], all the monsters on my field except it are I couldn't attack, so I cost you a life, Hayato Kobayashi. Cover a card and my turn ends.

[Marufuji Sho: 500lp, 0 cards in hand]

【God of Despair-Antihope】【atk5000】

[Super Traffic Robot-Stealth Fusion] [atk3600]


'With the existence of [God of Despair-Antihope], even Duel King Kobayashi Hayato, without the legendary [Three Illusion Gods] and other cards, it is impossible to hurt me. And when it comes to my turn, [God of Despair] -Antihope] will once again show his invincible power and win victory for me! ’

Although it seems that we are at the end of our rope, it doesn't matter, because as long as you trust the deck and the deck, it will definitely print a powerful card in response to you. Hayato smiled and put his fingers on the washed and cut cards. When he was putting it together, he raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Sho Marufuji and said, Humph, I feel it. A good card is right above my deck.

Hayato's expression made Marufuji Sho frown, and he couldn't help but think: 'How can he show such a relaxed expression after seeing the invincible [God of Despair-Antihope]? Does he think he can draw powerful monsters like 'gods'? Damn it, it's just some powerful cards. What's so great about it? Even if you draw a 'god', can you still summon it? ’

‘But what if, what if Hayato Kobayashi can really summon the ‘god’ with a hand card left by Ryo Marufuji? ’ Sho Marufuji gritted his teeth and looked at Hayato Kobayashi with a confident smile on his face, ‘Although I believe that [God of Despair-Antihope] is invincible, but, but’

‘I won’t miss such a good opportunity, don’t blame me, Kobayashi Hayato! It's my fault that you naively said such confident words before drawing a card! ’

Hayato put his hand on top of the deck and was about to draw the card: My turn, draw——

At this moment, I want to activate the card I set at the end of the last round! Marufuji Shoto saw that Hayato was about to draw a card, and immediately pressed the button to activate the card and declared, Even if you say you use The 'Electronic Flow' deck does not carry powerful cards like [Three Illusion Gods], but I don't believe anyone can refuse the temptation of such a powerful card!

As punishment for being my enemy, I will cut off your hope and erase your draw cards! Activate the trap card [Down]!

Hayato was about to pull out the card, but at this moment, a flash of red light flew out of the card opened by Sho Marufuji and struck at the card in Hayato's hand. The card he drew was forcibly given away. Went to the cemetery! ?

[Knock Down] is a card that can only be activated when the opponent draws cards during the opponent's card drawing phase. The effect is to discard the cards drawn by the opponent directly to the graveyard! Sho Marufuji looked at Hayato and said, Cannot be supplemented. As for the cards in your hand, even if you are the Duel King, you cannot create a miracle card, so all you can rely on is the card in your hand that you got from Ryo Marufuji, which should be useless.

But I'm also a little curious as to what powerful card the Duel King drew in the card draw just now.

As he spoke, Sho Marufuji moved his eyes to the card that had not been sent to the cemetery. When he saw the card clearly, he was stunned: [Disruption Magic]? Is that the card of 'Electron Flow'?

Huh? Electronic flow? What kind of garbage is that? Can it be compared with us? It's so disrespectful!

When [Disruption Magic] was [Knocked Down] and sent to the graveyard, Sho Marufuji discovered that three cards had actually emerged from under the card that was sent to the graveyard and entered Hayato's hand?

Oh~young-man! Amidst a burst of exciting music, the three monsters revealed their true colors. They were actually three miscellaneous fish wearing very little clothes!

When [Disruption Magic] is sent from the hand or field to the graveyard, I can add the three miscellaneous fish monsters [Disruption·Yellow], [Disruption·Green], and [Disruption·Black] from the deck to my deck. In the hand. Oh, oh, oh, when I touched the card, I was still a little worried about how to send him to the graveyard, but in the end, I deceived you so easily, which made me feel a little unfulfilled.

Hearing Hayato's words, Marufuji Sho still didn't understand. Hayato seemed to have already noticed the cover card in his backfield and what the top card of his deck was, but how could that be possible? !

Your next sentence is - is this part of your plan, Hayato Kobayashi! How do you know what my card and your card are?

Is this also part of your plan, Hayato Kobayashi! How do you know what my card and your card are-N-Nani!?

Almost completely synchronized, Marufuji Sho and Hayato said the same thing, and Hayato even finished it one step earlier than Marufuji Sho. This made Marufuji Sho instantly get goosebumps and look at Hayato in horror.

It's not mind-reading. It's just that you're a little too good at guessing. Even from a distance of more than ten meters, I can tell that you are thinking about what kind of card to use to plot against others in the sinister smile on your lips. As for me, I draw Card, haven't you heard a sentence? While adding the retrieved card to his hand, Hayato said something that made the [God of Despair - Antihope] behind Sho Marufuji suddenly tremble:

A true duelist is one who can even create the future of drawing cards.

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