Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 35 The Incarnation of Despair

【Bait Robot】【def500】x3

【Super Traffic Robot-Mobile Base】【atk0】

[Super Traffic Robot-Stealth Fusion] [atk3600]

After spending two cards in his hand, Marufuji Sho summoned four monsters on his field in a very short time to fill the front field. Although it seemed to be full, none of them were Marufuji Ryo's [Electronic Terminator Dragon] ] opponent.

I don't know what happened, but what if he summoned a bunch of miscellaneous fish monsters? Is it possible that he can also link summon a Hades? Hayato complained, but when Malik asked about link summon and When asked what the meaning of The God of Hades was, he responded with The God of Hades is the one you must marry.

Normally, if multiple monsters with the 'Taunt' ability appear on the field, they can gain the ability to block the opponent from attacking. For example, use [Charging Captain] to specially summon [Charging Captain]'s boss, but, [Bait] Robots are the exception.

As the designer of the [Robot] deck, Bekas explained, “The effect of this card is not that it can only attack him, but it can only attack [Bait Robot], which means no matter how many [Bait Robots] appear, Robots] can't block the opponent's attacks, they just have three more substitutes.

As for [Super Traffic Robot - Invisible Fusion], I also recognize its effect. It is the ability to equip one monster on the field with a monster other than the mechanical type in one turn, and increase the attack power of the equipped monster. However, when attacking, the original monster will be replaced. The attack power is reduced to half and it can attack twice. It has no effect on [Electronic Terminator Dragon].

Uh, doesn't this effect sound like your [Nasa Demon], Becas? Honda complained, Copying yourself doesn't count as copying, right? It's even a weakened version. It's really yours, Becas.

Atum looked at the monsters on Marufuji Sho's field and felt a little strange: It seems that his purpose is just to summon as many monsters as possible, but if he cannot concentrate the power of the cards, it will also be harmful to his opponent. Invalid.

Besides, Hayato, I always feel like you hate that person. Could the dark power in him be you - no, even you can't do such a thing.

Hayato was a little unhappy after hearing this: What do you mean by 'I can't do such a thing'? What image do I have in your eyes?

After hearing Hayato's words, Jonouchi, Becas, Atum, Baron and others first recalled the specific impression of Hayato in their hearts, and then subtle smiles appeared on their faces.

And Malik even complained directly: Sometimes people should be a little self-aware, brother-in-law. To be honest, given what you have done in the past, it would not be wrong to directly play the mastermind behind the evil dragon in those Dragon Quest scripts. --Well!

After Hayato's serious blow, Malik squatted down holding the swollen bump on his head, while Sho Marufuji continued his round.

Activate the equipment magic card [Mechanical Transformation Factory] to equip [Super Traffic Robot-Mobile Base] to increase its attack power and defense power by 300 points, and then use the magic card [Downward Tide] to select the [Bait Machine] on my field. [Human] as the target, declare a level of 1☆ to 3☆ to activate, and change its level to the declared level, I choose level 1☆.”

The last one is this card, the magic card [Wish at the Star], select the [Bait Robot] on my field that has been changed to level 1☆ by [Downward Tide] and activate it as a target, giving me the same attack as it. The level of the monster with power or defense becomes the same as [Bait Robot] until the end of the turn, 1☆.”

Three more cards were played in succession. After completing such an operation of unknown meaning, Sho Marufuji suddenly raised his head and said to Ryo Marufuji: I have been looking up to you, and I have fallen into a trap that I can no longer descend. I have reached rock bottom and fallen into despair. I can never surpass you, I used to think like this until I accidentally got this card.

There are brand-new cards in my deck that I have never seen before, and my luck in drawing cards is completely different from before. Deep in despair, I rely on this card to change everything, even to defeat you. , Ryo Marufuji.”

And now, when I gather four 1☆ monsters whose levels have been reduced to the limit on my field, the conditions for this card to appear have been met!

【Bait Robot】【2☆→1☆】x3

【Super Traffic Robot-Mobile Base】【0\\/5000→300\\/5300】【10☆→1☆】

Four level 1☆ monsters? What kind of strange summoning conditions are those? Jonouchi, who thought he had grown a lot after experiencing so many duels, was also puzzled by the appearance conditions of a certain card mentioned by Sho Marufuji, Is it a ritual that requires level? But it doesn’t matter if the level of ritual summoning or something is higher than that.”

He just has two cards left in his hand. Is it a ritual monster and a ritual magic card? Jonouchi guessed as he couldn't figure it out.

But Malik, who could see the dark energy on the card, denied Jonouchi's guess: No, there is only one card that exudes dark power. This should not happen if it is a ritual summoning. Ritual magic The card will have some special traces. But speaking of rituals, I don’t remember that there are also special ritual summons.”

As he spoke, Malik glanced at Hayato beside him. What made him feel more aching than the bag on his head was the previous experience when he was playing cards with Hayato, and the ritual summoned Hayato named [Proclaimer of Sogo] and he used a hand of angel cards to survive until death.

What makes people's mouth twitch even more is that Hayato insisted before playing cards that he was using a pure [Ryuuki Kaku] deck. I obviously knew Hayato's character, so why did I believe him then? No, after all, why did I have to go out of my way to play cards with Hayato?

What I said last time was absolutely correct. Lishid whose deck was full of trap cards, my sister Yin Xisi who used the [Netherworld] deck to otk, and my brother-in-law Hayato Kobayashi, except for myself who likes to give powerful monsters to others. The Sunshine Boys are all duelists from the underworld.

The Ritual Summoning of [Ryuuki Takumi] is a rare example where attack power is used instead of star rating. There are cards that must be of the same level. But in that case, just using two 2☆ [Bait Robots] would be enough. Collect the sacrifices. Hayato also looked at the four 1☆ monsters on Marufuji Sho's field strangely, You have to take four 1☆ monsters to summon him. He can't be [Lyric Songbird] or even me. The [Long Huiqiao] black card.

Even if it's a regular [Gensugate], it only takes three 1☆s to make Oppa tired.

While talking casually that others could not understand, Hayato suddenly froze when he mentioned the [Genshu Gate]. From the [Genshu Gate], Hayato thought of his user, the famous mangy dog ​​Sensou Sensou, and the only thing he thought about was the despair that Sho Marufuji had been talking about since just now. With just one word, Hayato thought of another person.

No, it couldn't be that card. It also happens to require four level 1☆ monsters.

Seeing the surprised expression on Hayato's face, Baron said curiously: Do you know what card that brat Sho Marufuji wants to summon, Hayato Kobayashi?

Well, if what I thought is correct, that's a pretty scary card.

Just as Hayato had guessed, Sho Marufuji raised a card in his hand, and an inexplicable updraft was generated around him, which rustled the hem of his clothes, lifted up his hanging hair, and revealed The angry expression should not have appeared on his cowardly face.

On Marufuji Sho's duel board, the area where the four [Bait Robots] and [Super Traffic Robot-Mobile Base] were located was also covered by black that suddenly appeared, and scarlet appeared on it. The characters are connected together to form error which represents an error.

The four level 1☆ monsters on my field are superimposed to build a network of despair. The shadow born from the light of hope is the God of Destruction that gives despair and destroys hope. My despair and darkness have deeply attracted you, Come here through the shadow of the dimension!

Darkness suddenly spread under Sho Marufuji's feet, occupying most of the space in his field and even extending to the area behind him. The onlookers were so frightened that they quickly moved away from a certain distance. In this darkness, A huge monster rose from the shadow and stood behind Marufuji Sho.

The skinny torso looks quite majestic because it has been enlarged to a certain proportion. The lower limbs are covered by a skirt hanging from the waist, while the upper body is nested in a solid armor, and the arms are also covered by a pair of gauntlets. However, the most eye-catching thing is not the other parts of this monster, not even the head that is somewhat similar to the [Fantasy Demon Emperor] and [Giant Divine Weapon], but the disc behind it with several huge sword blades. shaped backpack.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, used by all old bookworms.]

This is the Divine Will Gundam?

Someone in the crowd subconsciously complained about the image of the monster in front of them, while staring at Marufuji Ryo and Marufuji Sho, they slapped the card on the duel plate and called the name of the monster in their hands.

Anything is fine, as long as you can surpass him and defeat Ryo Marufuji, come out, the incarnation of despair that unifies all darkness and chaos!

[God of Despair-Antihope]!


【God of Despair-Antihope】【12☆\\/Dark】

[Devil\\/Special Summon\\/Effect]


A monster with level 12☆, and its attack power even surpasses the legendary [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon], reaching 5000 points!? Even Ryo Marufuji, after seeing [God of Despair-Antihop] appear in Marufuji Xiang was also unable to maintain a calm expression on the court and looked at his younger brother in surprise.

The look in his eyes was quite complicated. He had also heard what Sho Marufuji said just now. Because of his own existence, he completely covered up the glory of Sho Marufuji. Before hearing Shoro Marufuji confiding his feelings today, Ryo Marufuji never thought that he would meet him. His consistent all-out style would put so much pressure on his younger brother that it would even make him despair.

Did you do something wrong by respecting the duel and doing your best in the duel? Ryo Marufuji clenched his fists and looked at the huge [God of Despair - Antihope]. Although he does not have the ability to see spirits, nor can he directly observe the existence of dark power, the huge monster in front of him is already an existence that can make witnesses feel deeply frightened just by being there.

[God of Despair - Antihope] cannot be normally summoned. It can only be specially summoned from the hand and graveyard when four face-up 1☆ monsters on my field are sent to the graveyard. Turn your back to [Despair] God - Antihope], Sho Marufuji showed a smile, Fall into the deepest despair, and then the ultimate power will come to my hands, and it can even swallow up the dazzling light you have always had!

Sho looked at Marufuji Xiang, Marufuji Liang took a deep breath and said solemnly, How did you get such a monster? This is definitely not a normal duel monster.

Are you jealous, Marufuji Ryo? The appearance of this monster is still thanks to you. Marufuji Xiang said with a sneer. Because of looking at each other, Marufuji Liang could clearly see his originally normal eye sockets. At this moment, it was in a blackened state, He said that he was the shattered remains of a desperate world, and he was attracted to me because of the despair you imposed on me.

I will defeat you and surpass you next. With the blessing of its power, the god-like invincible power of [God of Despair-Antihope]!

Hearing what Marufuji said, Marufuji shook his head: That's not a god, it's just a demon. Are you completely lost because you rely on external forces?

Marufuji's eyes became determined again. Since his brother had gone astray, all he could do was win this duel and correct his mistakes.

Entering my battle phase, due to the effect of [God of Despair-Antihope], all monsters on my field other than it cannot attack, so I use it to attack [Electronic Terminator Dragon] on my opponent's field!

The despair in my curtain will always be your nightmare! Sho Marufuji waved his hand, Anti-Hope - Despair Slash!

The huge incarnation of despair left the ground and floated up, overlooking the ground like a god, and released light from behind. However, what spreads from behind [God of Despair - Antihope] is not the usual white light, but the completely opposite dark light, attacking in the direction of [Electronic Terminator Dragon]!

Although the attack power of [Electronic Terminator Dragon] is already very high at 4000 points, it is still not enough compared to the 5000 attack power of [Despair God-Antihope]. Once this attack hits [Electronic Terminator Dragon] 】 will inevitably be destroyed, and in order to protect the final secret of the electron flow that he finally summoned, Marufuji decisively pressed the button on the duel plate to activate the card.

I won't let you do that, I'll activate Gaika——

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