Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 10: Avoid the sharp edge and be patient

Shada? Hayato looked at Xia Di who suddenly appeared here. Because of his identical face, he mistaken Xia Di for the priest Shada from three thousand years ago. However, when he noticed the other person's unfocused pupils, he still recognized him. The other party's identity was revealed, No, it turns out to be Xia Di.

Why are you here?

Hello, Kobayashi Hayato. Nodding to Hayato, Xia Di said seriously, Similar to the Isildar clan, I, Xia Di Xin, as the descendant of another tomb-guarding clan, have always stood on my side. On the side of the Pharaoh, the reason for appearing here is naturally to help the Pharaoh’s soul that still resides in the [Millennium Brick].”

The mission of the Isildar clan is to wait for the Pharaoh's soul to return to the world three thousand years later and help it find its lost memory and name; in contrast, the mission of my clan is to help in the opposite direction. The Pharaoh sealed the [Millennium Artifact] and returned its soul to the underworld——

Since just now, you've been talking nonsense out of nowhere, bald man!

Halfway through Xia Di's words, he was interrupted by Jonouchi who was extremely impatient. Jonouchi looked at Xia Di with an unhappy expression and said, You are talking about 'souls return to the underworld' or something like that. If you put it more bluntly, no. I just want Atum, who finally found his name, to die!

Don't think that because you helped us before, we won't do anything to you, Xia Di.

Honda also stood next to Jonouchi, one hand pressing the knuckles of the other's fisted hand, making a clicking sound. Although the two of them, who claim to be the invincible Children's Fighting Kings, have been defeated in fights more than once, they are not afraid at all when they really want to fight.

After Atum and Hayato were brought into the slate world of King's Memory by Yami Tapiryo and dragged into Dark Yugi, the four people who stayed in the outside world, Yugi, Jonouchi, Kyoko and Honda, suddenly came together because of the Millennium Artifact. The light resonated and was brought into the world of King's Memory in the light, and the [Millennium Key] that first glowed was the one that Xia Di gave to Hayato in advance.

So there is nothing wrong with saying that Xia Di did help a few people before, but just saying this cannot make a few people in the city forgive Xia Di for saying that he wanted Atum to die. Even Kyoko had a look on his face. He looked at Xia Di unkindly.

Although I haven't been to the underworld yet, that kind of place is definitely not much better. Even if you include the time three thousand years ago, the other me is only twenty years old. Yugi took a deep breath and looked at it. Xiang Xia Di said, And during these times, he didn't even have enough time to live for himself. He who finally found his name shouldn't have to leave again so soon!

But this is the fate of the Pharaoh, the container of the Pharaoh's soul - Yugi Muto. Xia Di stared at the game with unfocused eyes, He is not a soul that belongs to this era. The era he belongs to and the people he knows are all And disappeared into time, there is no container that can hold his soul in this era, not even you.

But facing Xia Di's gaze, Yugi said without giving in: My name is Muto Yugi! And the other me already has his own name, his name is Atum!

Bekas did not interrupt, but glanced at Malik, who was also not involved and was watching the show, and asked: The world where the Tomb Guards existed must have been over three thousand years ago, right, Malik boy? Even in ancient times, Egypt has disappeared, so what makes you, the tomb-keepers, carry out their mission so well?

I don't know, I have never thought about this problem. Malik said with an indifferent expression. He has always been indifferent to this matter. Although I do come from the tomb guard family, and even my father Geb Ishdar I am still the former patriarch of the Isilk clan, but don’t forget, I have separated from the Isilk clan a long time ago. I am Malik, just Malik.

The affairs of the Gravekeeper Clan have nothing to do with me. Even before I left the Isildar Clan, I was always a rebellious person who did not want to be bound by a mere clan. It was different from my sister. Even Lishid He's more like a tomb-keeper than me.

Looking nonchalantly at the people confronting Xia Di, Malik said casually: But if I have to say it, it's probably the so-called 'fate'. Most people only have the ability to follow the guidance of fate and go with the flow. , no matter how much your abilities increase, you can only create greater waves in the tide of destiny, but you still can't get rid of it. This is the same even for my sister Isis.

It's funny, isn't it? There is a [Millennium Jewelry] that reveals the future and can almost transcend destiny. Isis, who has the strongest talent in history, can only see the fixed future from the [Millennium Jewelry], which is still destiny. Slaves can only follow the destiny of their clan and cannot control their own direction.

Destiny... I also tried to find a way to change. As a result, I met Mr. Shadi in Egypt many years ago. Instead, I got lost in the wave of fate. Bekas heard Malik He also smiled and looked at Hayato and Yugi, However, when my destiny was just a hair away from reaching the end, I was dragged out of the whirlpool.

Kobayashi Hayato is the man who can become my brother-in-law. Unlike most people, he is the sun on the sea of ​​destiny. Even the waves that carry countless people forward cannot force him to change his trajectory. Even me, Lee Sid and his sister were both saved from their fates by his solar gravity.

Malik sighed, and showed an expression as if he was watching a show, Let the Pharaoh's soul return to the underworld. If his brother-in-law wasn't here, that guy Xia Di might still be able to succeed, but now he has not convinced the Pharaoh at all. The possibility of soul.”

Let my soul return to the underworld? Because Xia Di's purpose involved himself, Atum also exchanged bodies with Yu Yu and came to the outside world, looking at Xia Di in front of him and said. Looking at the other person's face, Atum, like Hayato, felt that the other person was very similar to Shada.

However, it was just that appearance. Xia Di always gave Atum a feeling that he was outside this world, a kind of controller overlooking the whole world from above, always trying to arrange things. The feeling of something is very uncomfortable. This was completely different from the Shada he knew.

Just like that, my Pharaoh. Xia Di also noticed the changes in the game and knew that Atum had appeared. He said respectfully, First of all, as a descendant of the tomb-guarding clan who is loyal to you, Pharaoh, I Shady Xin, congratulations on finally finding your lost and important name.

Then, I also need to inform you that as long as the [Millennium Artifact] still exists in the human world, it will inevitably continue to fatally tempt humans because of its powerful dark power. This greed will only make Humanity gradually deviates from the path forward and embarks on the wrong path.”

After a pause, Xia Di stepped aside slightly and pointed to the location where Fannie Valentine disappeared, Such an end is actually not the first case in the three thousand years of the [Millennium Artifact]'s existence, and as long as the [Millennium Artifact] has 】If it doesn’t disappear, the same fate will repeat itself countless times.”

Hayato crossed his arms across his chest, looked at Xia Di and said: [Millennium Artifacts] are difficult to destroy because they are the product of dark alchemy. So what you mean is that if Atum doesn't seal them, what will they bring? Will all the blood and hatred be blamed on him?

I never meant that.

Xia Di also quickly denied that his purpose was to guide the Pharaoh's soul on the road back to the underworld, and he was not here to slap the Pharaoh's soul. He did not think that the moral kidnapping would be harmful to a soul from three thousand years ago. It's useful, and besides, he doesn't even bother to use it.

Pharaoh, you should have experienced enough things in these modern years. The best example is Atlantis, which was defeated not long ago by you, Hayato Kobayashi, Seto Kaiba and others. The emperor of Sri Lanka - Dazi.

Xia Di didn't pay attention to Jonouchi who was being pulled by Honda behind him and yelled angrily, Who do you think is the 'waiting person'? Hey you bald guy, and said seriously to Atum, Atlanteans Lost in the temptation of the power of [Oliha Gang], the [Millennium Artifact] now serves the purpose of [Oliha Gang]. Pursuing its power will only put mankind on the road to destruction. .”

The darkness of mankind is still expanding today, and it must be contained before it reaches the edge of explosion. This is to save the world, my Pharaoh.

With that said, Xia Di also pointed at Becas, asking Atum to look at him.

After hearing Xia Di's words, Becas subconsciously raised his hand, ran his fingers through the silver hair that hung down to cover half of his face, and stroked his left eye. There is a prosthetic eye that he built to fill the vacancy in his left eye that is consistent with the shape of the [Millennium Eye]. Because of the characteristics of the metal itself, Becas, who was not short of money, chose gold to make it.

He was not the one who pursued power that Xia Di said. Because of the death of his lover Cindia, Bekas embarked on a journey around the world, aiming to visit places with legends of mysterious power, from South America to From the plains of Nazca to the temples in the snowy mountains of the Himalayas, he searches for a way to resurrect his lover.

Because he caught a glimpse of Shadi who made the crowd retreat unconsciously in Egypt, Bekas followed him and found the temple where the stone slab was placed somewhere that he was guarding. As a result, Shadi forcibly gave him the [Millennium Eye].

He once thought that losing his left eye and the impact of the dark power of the [Millennium Eye] might be the biggest test he had ever experienced, but now it seems that he did not die like Fanny Valentine at that time. Good luck?

Seeing that Xia Di still wanted to continue to persuade Atum, Hayato interrupted him: Let's stop talking about it, Xia Di Xin, although you said you won't kidnap morally, aren't you still trying to Bewitch Atum?

Because the yearning for power is harmful, do you want to erase the existence of power? If Kaiba hears what you say here, he will laugh his head off. If you say this in the gym, he will be laughed at It’s done with people pressing dumbbells.”

Walking slowly towards Xia Di, Hayato said as he walked: I'm too lazy to talk big words to you. The fate of mankind is not something you can change if you want to. If you arrogantly want to dominate the future, who do you think you are? God?

What's wrong with yearning for power? Those who go astray are just examples of people who don't have enough awareness of themselves. If you don't believe this and make generalizations, otherwise you will try to defeat those who are also 'lost' by power. It’s me!”

The elf suddenly rushed out of the [Gaia] card that had been thrown by Hayato before and had not been taken back. The [Gaia] holding a lance attacked Xia Di. He was so frightened that he quickly took two steps back to avoid it, and stabbed him with the lance. There was only a tiny bit of Xia Di's head on the wall.

Kobayashi Hayato, what are you going to do! Xia Di looked at Hayato nervously and asked.

I stand on the side of righteousness, for the fate of the world, and for the salvation of all mankind. Even Hayato Kobayashi can't stop me!

Xia Di originally wanted to say this, but facing the menacing Hayato, Xia Di couldn't help but recall the experience when he tried to use the [Millennium Key] to detect Hayato's heart during Duel City. Even today, thinking back to At that time, Xia Di was still full of fear.

It was also after that time that the [Millennium Key], one of the two [Millennium Artifacts] he could use, became unable to respond to him. After trying many times to no avail, he simply handed it over to Hayato. Going up, he found that Hayato could still use its power.

Since I lost my body a few years ago and was between death and survival, the power I can exert is not as good as before. I am no match for Hayato today, not to mention that besides Hayato, there are horses here. There are so many people like Lik, Bekas and Pharaoh Soul.

It seems that today I can't convince the Pharaoh's soul to embark on the journey to the underworld. In that case, I can only retreat first.

If you are still in the joy of retrieving your memories, I came here specifically to warn you, and I have indeed disturbed Pharaoh's celebration. But one day, Pharaoh will realize that I am right, and at that time, I will still seal you Pharaoh. [Millennium Artifact] Offer your strength. Even though it was obvious that he was going to run away, Xia Di still said something beautiful and turned around and left without hesitation.

Tapirang, who had been looking at Xia Di for a long time, heard what Xia Di said and finally plucked up the courage to speak: Um, is your name Xia Di? I would like to ask, have we met somewhere?

However, after Xia Di heard what Tapirang said, he just paused for a moment, then continued walking towards a corner in silence, and disappeared instantly after stepping into the corner.

That guy finally left. Jonouchi made no secret of his rejection of Xia Di. After all, that guy wanted Atum to leave them and go to the underworld. He looked at Atum and said, Don't Keep that guy’s words in mind, Yugi, and aside from other things, do you think any of us would have desire for the [Millennium Artifact]?”

Idiot, Atum has already found his name, why are you still calling him Yugi? Hey, aren't you worried that he might think too much and say the wrong name at the moment?

Atum looked at Honda and Jonouchi, and noticed the worried look from Kyoko next to him. He smiled and shook his head to tell the other person not to worry. Without saying anything, he returned to the [Millennium Brick].



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