Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 9 A fool is not a human being? Idiots deserve to be teased

Holding the [Millennium Key], Fannie Valentine felt that his spirit had been endlessly sublimated, his strength also emerged, and even his originally bloated figure had lost weight in a very short period of time.

Oops! Oops! The [Millennium Key] was taken away just like that. Something bad is going on!

Seeing such a change in Fannie Valentine after getting the [Millennium Key], Hayato couldn't help but say, his tone was very surprised when he spoke, but the expression on his face was quite uncooperative and calm. His appearance made his words seem extremely artificial.

Anyone who has enough contact with Hayato and has a certain understanding of his character can recognize Hayato. It was clear that he was being angry with Fannie Valentine, and the [Millennium Key] being taken away by him was all part of the plan. However, there was one person who took Hayato's words seriously.

Eh!? Is something terrible going to happen!? Tairiang looked anxious, Hayato-kun, use your invincible mind to think of a solution!

It's too late, Tapirang. Why don't you stay and die to buy us time? It's better to kill one person than to end the game for all of us.

I-I don't want it. How can you, Hayato-kun, tell me to die right away?

Listening to the conversation between Hayabusa and Tairiang, Malik curled his lips helplessly: Brother-in-law, even I can't stand it anymore. Why are you teasing a fool? I'm already stupid, and you're still teasing me.

Seeing that Malik seems to be the same as Hayato, he is not worried at all about what Fannie Valentine will do to everyone after getting the [Millennium Key]. , although relieved, Honda scratched his head in confusion:

Even though I don't have any supernatural powers, I can still tell that the guy named Valentine has gained great power from the [Millennium Key]. Is it really okay to just leave him alone?

Hearing Honda's words, Malik also smiled and said nonchalantly: Hmph, you asked the right person about this, Honda. No one understands [Millennium Artifact] better than me. Although there are different abilities, There are only slight overlaps in some areas, but when it comes to the [Millennium Artifact], they have a common characteristic.

The [Thousand-Year Artifact] will select qualified users. Those with insufficient talents will not be able to get the response of the [Thousand-Year Artifact]. People with limited talents will be unable to reach the lower limit of the [Thousand-Year Artifact] even if they exhaust their lives.

Being reminded by Malik, Jonouchi also remembered the setting they heard in the King's Memory World: Anyone who is not qualified just touches the [Millennium Artifact], and will encounter the backlash of its power and be driven to pieces! ?”

But that Fannie Valentine doesn't look like he's about to lose his mind at all, does he? It's better to say that he's simply too energetic. Kyoko looked at the golden man on her forehead who was intoxicated by the power of the [Millennium Key]. The Eye of Ugato Fani Valentine, who was getting brighter and brighter, complained.

Speaking of which, I seem to have lost control like this before. One time was when I was forcibly given the [Millennium Eye] by Mr. It caused the [Millennium Eye] to go berserk and out of control. Moreover, this is the first time I have heard of such a setting. Did Mr. Xia Di actually want me to die back then?

Looking at Fannie——Valentine's appearance, Becas couldn't help recalling bad memories, and it was difficult for him to know that unqualified people will die if they come into contact with the [Millennium Artifact] for the first time. Remaining calm, I couldn't help but feel a little lucky that I was lucky enough not to die on the spot.

However, although Becas usually behaves like a naughty boy, he is still an adult after all, and he accepts reality very quickly. Looking at Fannie Valentine, he said to Kyoko, But don't pay attention to those external illusions. Ah, Miss Kyoko, the more power it seems to expand, sometimes it just means that the bubble is about to burst.

Listening to the conversations that several people were talking about, Fannie Valentine didn't care at all about what they were saying. He clenched his fists and felt the powerful power in them.

It's unparalleled. I'm even about to sing a song excitedly. As he spoke, Fannie Valentine stared straight at Hayato and said, You just said that I was next? Take away your [Millennium] The key] is the so-called 'one move' in the battle, and it is also the so-called defeat of the person who is short of 'one move'.

Kobayashi Hayato, this sentence describes you, not me. It seems that you missed the mark! You should be the next one to suffer, because you dared to kick God just now!

God? A crazy guy who was so blinded by power that he arrogantly called himself a 'god'? Hayato looked at Fannie Valentine and said contemptuously, And he didn't want to use the power he got. Run away with the fallen Axel O'Brien and approach me instead?

That despicable poor guy? Why should I run away with that loser? There's no need! Fannie Valentine also felt that he had a chance to win, and said proudly, You think that as an employer, I can stay away and wait for him? Bring what you need and put it into my hands, and yet I have to come here and put myself at risk?”

Ever since the beginning, I had no intention of making a 'deal' with that despicable poor man and negotiating on equal terms. Instead, I wanted to take the opportunity to kill him here!

While talking, Fannie Valentine actually pulled out a pistol from his clothes. As an American, it makes perfect sense for him to carry a gun at all times.

Staring at Hayato with burning eyes, Fannie Valentine's eyes were filled with the fire of desire: I can feel it, not only in the [Millennium Key], but also in you, and also in the starfish-headed kid Muto Yugi. , has other more powerful sources of power, and is the so-called [Millennium Artifact] of the same type as the [Millennium Key], right?

I will take those things away and make them mine, so that eternal happiness will surround me and reject all misfortune!

Thinking of it, he did it. Fannie Valentine raised his hand to point at Hayato, but when he raised his hand, he saw the arm that held the [Millennium Key] starting from the palm of his hand. changed.

The fat arm before had changed the mind due to the power of the [Millennium Key] and further promoted the body to become toned and strong. However, at this moment, a strange spiral appeared on the arm that was well-proportioned but not overly strong at a speed visible to the naked eye. It is twisted in a shape, and the part of the skin that the twist passes through is aging rapidly!

If that was all, Fani Valentine could feel the twisting passage of the spiral beneath the aging surface. Bones, blood vessels, nerves, blood, cells, etc., everything in his body seemed to be... It spun, and the body began to fall apart under the twist!

W-what's going on?! Why is my body starting to spin!?

Seeing Fannie Valentine shouting in panic, Hayato said calmly: Do you not remember what I just said? Or are you so stupid that you don't realize it at all unless I point it out directly? I have As I said, the [Millennium Key] has the ability to piece together and manipulate people's minds at will like a puzzle.

The physical body will change with spiritual cognition. Your body has become thinner under the power of the [Millennium Key]. Naturally, the same reason can be used to cause your body to collapse.

Fannie Valentine glared at Hayato with a ferocious face: You guy, were you the one who did the [Millennium Key]? You actually did such a despicable act so easily, even when I snatched the [Millennium Key] Is he also part of your plan?

I won't let you go, Hayato Kobayashi! As the body's composition rotated, most of Fannie Valentine's body aged and disintegrated, fell to the ground and merged downwards. He was unwilling to say to Hayato Roared, I will never let you go, Honoré——

Even the last curse could not be fully uttered. Fannie Valentine completely disappeared from the world because he tried to get his hands on the power of the [Millennium Key], and the [Millennium Key] that just killed him also lost his grip. Its hand fell to the ground and made a ding sound.

Hayato didn't care how dangerous the [Millennium Key] was that could easily kill someone, so he leaned over and picked it up from the ground, checking to see if it had been knocked off or deformed.

Although the result is like this, at first I just wanted to make this guy roll around like a circus clown for a day as punishment. Putting away the [Millennium Key], Hayato said helplessly, If you want to blame it, just blame it on your own name. It made me subconsciously think of an ending worthy of that name, and also on your greedy heart that cannot clearly see your own abilities.

Although Hayato said that, Malik behind him didn't quite believe what Hayato said, and said with a smile: Even though he said that, brother-in-law, I don't believe you didn't notice his movements, even if you clearly You can directly use the power of the [Millennium Key], but you have to stretch your hand to let the [Millennium Key] get closer.

From the very beginning, you were clearly prepared for the trap that would be triggered if he stole the [Millennium Key].

There is no such thing. I, Hayato Xiaobayashi, have always behaved upright and never did such insidious things to plot against others. Even though Malik had already said this, Hayato still had a calm expression, I am I really didn’t react to his actions.”

Really? It's clear that the mercenary's movements were controlled so quickly with the [Millennium Scepter] before. The credibility of your statement is really low, brother-in-law.

And watching Fannie Valentine's last traces being erased from this world, and Yugi having returned to his own body when Hayato's duel ended, it was inevitable that he would feel a little emotional, but he didn't. Not too much.

It's not that he is cold-blooded. Just like Hayato said, it was Fannie Valentine who wanted to attack them first and embarked on the road to death. If he hadn't snatched the [Millennium Key] out of greed, He won't die at all, and the only thing to blame is his greed.

Also, Fannie Valentine's performance was really not up to par in the eyes of the game. He first refused the duel and asked Axel O'Brien to duel in his place. After gaining attention with his outstanding will, he mocked Axel for losing the duel. In the end, after receiving the [Millennium Key], he became completely inflated and arrogantly claimed to be a god. He just said Xiao Lin Lines like Hayato, I have become a god.

Even Yugi, who already has a very gentle personality, looks down on Fannie Valentine, not to mention Atum in [Millennium Bricks]. Although he has recovered his lost name and all his memories, his personality will not change drastically, but his way of thinking is somewhat affected by the memories of more than ten years ago three thousand years ago. For Fannie Valentine, As a person, he didn't think there was anything wrong with Hayato's handling at all.

There is only one thing that makes Atum and Yugi care so much——

Lifting the [Millennium Building Block] on his chest, the golden inverted pyramid and the silver-white chain swayed in front of Yugi's eyes. He couldn't help but mutter to himself: After all, Fannie Valentine is just too greedy. , or is the power of the [Millennium Artifact] too easy for people to have desires?

Even Atum in [Millennium Bricks] cannot give the game a suitable answer to this question.

Power itself is not good or bad. Only the position of the person who uses the power can determine where the power can be used. This is the power of the [Millennium Artifact]. Three thousand years ago, the [Millennium Artifact] could help Atum's country pacify the surrounding area and bring peace, but it was also the [Millennium Artifact] that caused the Dark Priest-Akhnadi to launch a very harmful rebellion.

In modern times, the power of [Millennium Artifact] helped Yugi realize his wish - to gain friends, and also helped them overcome many powers along the way, and also defeated Dazi who intended to destroy all mankind and create a new world to save the world. But at the same time, as the prophecy narrated by Isis back then, the three dark [Millennium Artifacts], [Millennium Eye], [Millennium Scepter] and [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] also stood on their opposite sides and brought unhappiness. Small threat.

Oh, the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] doesn't count, and the time Hayato ran into Doma doesn't count. How can we say that Duel King is a counterattack? The question is that the fact of joining Doma has been eliminated by [The Proclaimer of Sogo].

Yugi didn't expect to get an answer from anyone else. He was really just talking to himself, but a male voice answered him:

It's both. Human beings are not perfect and have overly strong desires. At the same time, it is an indisputable fact that the [Millennium Artifact] has an irresistible temptation for humans. It is the vessel of the Pharaoh.

Hearing the sound, he looked around and saw a man wearing an Egyptian-style white robe with a white orchid on his head slowly walking out of a corner not far away, as if he had been waiting for a long time. In his hand, he was holding a golden sword. Hold the scales in front of your chest.

Xia Di looked directly at Yugi with unfocused eyes, and said calmly: So, I am here to help you seal the [Millennium Artifact] forever, as long as the Pharaoh returns to the underworld.


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