Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 157: It means nothing if you miss it

Let you meet the strongest and most ultimate dragon in history!

Beyond the boundaries of time and space!

Come down!

[Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon]!

Endless light bloomed in front of Zuo Ke, bathed in the sacred light, and the three-headed white dragon showed its fangs to the evil god: Roar!!!

[Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon]?! How can there be so many [Blue-Eyes White Dragons] in this era! Zuo Ke was also stunned. He looked at Set standing next to the seahorse and narrowed his eyes, Set... you How could this guy side with them?

Crossing his arms across his chest, Set said with a cold face: Don't make any mistake, Zuo Ke, I did not become their companions, I just temporarily stood on the same side with them in order to kill you.

Thanks to Simon for taking away the dark power you lent from me. The moment that power left my body, I realized that I had been bewitched by your evil will in that power, because The power has lost itself and even done irreversible things.”

But I'm not someone who makes excuses for the mistakes I've made, and I won't go back. It was me who killed Keshara, and the ambition guided by your power also came from me. I don't You will deny that I have coveted the position of Pharaoh. Therefore, even if I get rid of your distortion, I will still bear the sin and compete for the position of Pharaoh.

After a pause, Set pointed to Zuo Ke high up and said sternly, Before that, Zuo Ke, you are the enemy that I must defeat, not only because you are an enemy that threatens the existence of the kingdom, but also because I want to repay you for the humiliation of manipulating me!

Oh, is it just for such a boring reason? Zuo Ke didn't take Seth's threat seriously, and looked at Kaiba aside and said, Seto Kaiba, you would actually accept this person who was your enemy just now. A man’s help?”

Hmph, do you think I will be shaken by your superficial words, Zuo Ke? Kaiba snorted coldly, I, Seto Kaiba, never care about the means needed to achieve the goal, and the process is never important. All that matters is the result, which is to win and then dominate.”

As long as I can defeat you, it doesn't matter if I tolerate this guy standing next to me for the time being.

Looking at Kaiba and Set standing side by side on the ground, Zuo Ke bared his fangs: Don't make it sound like you can do it as long as you want to, human beings, I am the great evil god Zuo Ke!

So what if [Blue Eyes White Dragon]'s power triples? It's just a human elf!

As Zuo Ke raised his hand, the dark wave that had previously killed the three phantom gods was released again, attacking the [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] in the air.

That's the move that killed the three phantom gods just now! Kaiba frowned and shouted into the air, Avoid it, [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon]!

Under the command of Kaiba, [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] flapped its wings and suddenly rose a certain distance. After the fusion, its much larger body did not become bulky at all, and it maintained its original flexibility and dodged Zuo Ke's attack.

But in fact, Kaiba’s command is actually unnecessary. After the power of the [Millennium Scale] guided the souls of Kaiba, Seth and Keesara to resonate with each other and merge into the [Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon], their minds were already invisibly connected. They are connected and can understand each other without words. Even if Kaiba doesn't say anything, [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] will avoid Zoko's attack.

The dark wave passed by the [Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] and landed in the desert in the distance. It suddenly exploded and splashed sand into the sky. The three dragon heads of [Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] locked on Zuo Kehou. Open your mouth and a lot of light will converge into it.

No matter how powerful the attack is, it means nothing if it misses! Set waved the [Millennium Scepter] forward, Let me see your performance, Zuo Ke!


The breath of the white dragon spurted out and turned into a torrent of light. The [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], which was judged by Emperor Akna to have super-godly abilities, has already tapped this potential after evolving into the [Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon]. , just like when the three phantom gods besieged Zuo Ke before, a huge gap was dug out in the place where Zuo Ke was hit!

But even so, for the immortal Zuo Ke, the attack of [Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] could only bring her some pain, not even a minor injury. One second, Zuo Ke was hit by the dragon's breath and was about to fall back a few steps, but the next second she actually stood up, and the gap in her chest healed in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, Seth gritted his teeth and said: Hey, he actually healed himself again. Even the attack of [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] was ineffective. Are all existences with dark power monsters?

I'm not a monster, I'm the Great Evil God! He replied to Set using Kaiba's words, and Zuo Ke fired another attack at [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon]. Relying on her immortality, Zuo Ke has almost unlimited opportunities for trial and error. At the same time, her powerful attack power determines that her opponent can only have one chance to make a mistake.

And just as Kaiba and Seth were entangled with Zouk, Yugi and his party, far away from the battlefield, met Hayato. However, Hayato's state surprised several people.

Zuo Ke is the evil god summoned by Akhna Emperor through alchemy. With the help of the crystallization of dark alchemy - [Millennium Artifact], Zuo Ke was able to come, but for this reason, Akhna Emperor used [Pyramid of Light] to come. After counterattacking, part of the power was stripped away again, and the power of the [Millennium Artifact] was restored.

As a result, Yami Yugi and Hayato were able to break the previous seal and summon the three phantom gods again, but they didn't expect that Zuo Ke could actually have the Solar Eclipse move, which swallowed the light brought by the sun and covered the earth with darkness, improving his own power. At the same time, the power also weakened the three phantom gods and killed them all.

At that time, Hayato and Yami Yugi both controlled the three phantom gods in battle, but Yami Yugi controlled the two-body gods and Hayato only controlled [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon], and after the gods were destroyed, the backlash on the user should theoretically be There won't be much difference, but Hayato who appeared in front of several people relied entirely on the [Anka Chestnut Ball] and the [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] to keep him from falling down.

Hey, are you okay, Hayato?

Jonouchi looked at the two [Chesturi Balls] who looked very energetic and quickly went up to help support Hayato. Mariku on the side also came to lend a hand.

Akhnadi thought for a while, took out the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] from the bag and gave it to Hayato. After wearing the golden disc on his chest, Hayato's face became slightly better.

Although I don't know how it came from, there is an aura of the sun on you, Hayato Kobayashi. That aura gives me a feeling even better than that of the god of the sun [Ra's Winged Dragon]. Looking at Hayato, Ah Kanadi said, This aura may bring you strength in normal times, but the price is that in this situation, the darkness is constantly devouring your strength.

No matter what happens with that kind of thing, what can you do, Akhnadi? Honda looked at Akhnadi and said, If Hayato and the others recover in another game, our hope of defeating Zuo Ke will also be lost. It will be bigger. Kaiba is still behind to delay time for me, waiting for us to help.

Seto Kaiba... I felt it just now. Even the kid Seth passed by. Aknadi closed his eyes, sighed deeply, and said helplessly, There is no other way. I want to let him go. The way they recover is through light, a strong light that can drive away darkness, such as the eternal light of the sacred sun.

But Zuok has swallowed the sun with darkness, and light will no longer bloom in this world unless Zuok Nerofa, the incarnation of darkness, is defeated.

As he said that, Akhnadi shook his head, But that's impossible.

Why is it impossible? How can you have any reason to give up before you try hard enough? Jonouchi glared at Akna and asked.

Give up? Do you think I want such a result? You idiot? Seth is still fighting with Zuo Ke over there with no chance of winning. I don't want to see him die more than you do! After hearing what Jonouchi said, Akhnadi He glanced at him contemptuously, then pointed to the city in the distance and said, But it is impossible to defeat the incarnation of darkness in the darkness.

Listen carefully, in the silent darkness, the ignorant people are howling and wailing in despair. This negative emotion will only make Zuo Ke's power grow endlessly. The longer the darkness covers the earth, the more desperate this will be. It's hard to get rid of the deep roots, and Zuo Ke's power will become stronger.

Do you think she is some kind of idiot? She is just having fun by stalling for time and not rushing to destroy us? That's because she knows that when she delays in the darkness for long enough, humanity's hope will be endless. Falling toward zero probability.”

And now, she has enough power.

Following Akhnadi's words, several people in the city looked at the royal city in the distance and found that, as he said, the city was almost enveloped in despair.

You can't win, that kind of monster...

Even the priests and the pharaoh have lost. We are such a weak existence...

The kingdom is going to be destroyed. If we don't escape quickly, we will be in danger...

No, I don't want to die here...

Darkness shrouds the earth, and all kinds of negative emotions turn into deeper darkness and are rooted in every corner of the city. People's despair continuously feeds back power to Zuo Ke, and Zuo Ke and [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] The battle situation has also changed.


The jet-black impact collided with the breath of [Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon], and the attack that could have been stalemate or even canceled before unknowingly became more powerful. Even the attack of [Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] could only barely suppress it. It deflected and landed in the desert in the distance.


Another attack came. The [Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] that had attacked just now had no energy left to fight it, so it could only avoid it quickly, causing the attack to fall in the royal city. The people in the city felt the power of a natural disaster. Falling close to Chi Chi, my heart became more and more frightened.


Avoiding the attack released by Zuo Ke, [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] found that he had been fooled. Zuo Ke's attack just now was simply a trap to lure him to move in the designated direction. Zuo Ke's arms were grabbing at [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] Come on, [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] hurriedly spit out an attack, sweeping away Zuo Ke's arms and using the recoil to distance himself.


However, even though [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] reacted extremely quickly and made the most appropriate decision immediately, Zuo Ke still had a dragon head to use in addition to his arms. The sharp teeth disturbed the smoke and pierced the body of the retreating [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon], and the merged dragon head bit it, making it impossible to escape!

Uh-huh! On the ground, as the dark magic wrapped around the [Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon], both Kaiba and Set felt the pain simultaneously. Even though she was holding on, she could barely stand without falling. She watched Zuo Ke raise her hands, and a ball of energy several times stronger than the previous attack quickly formed in her hands, aiming to move. The incredible [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon].

Then, it's the last thing, despair!

While Zuo Ke was laughing, he waved his arms and was about to destroy his last enemy who would destroy the world.

Watching the struggle of [Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon], even though they were far apart, Yami Yugi could feel that Kaiba, Set and Keesara, who were mentally connected as one, had not given up yet, but their efforts could not shake Zuo Ke at all. .

Even Yami Yugi could not help but feel a deep despair at this moment.

Is it really impossible for human beings to defeat the darkness? Is there not even the slightest possibility of leading to the future?

With this thought in his mind, An Yugi subconsciously looked in the direction of Hayato, only to find that Hayato was also looking at him at this moment. As if he had read his inner thoughts, Hayato suddenly said: There is another way. Although the chance of winning is infinitely close to zero, even then it is still not zero.

As long as we have hope, even a one percent, one thousandth, or one ten thousandth possibility can be magnified into a 100% certainty. This is our basic talent as duelists.

Facing Yami Yugi, Hayato, who was in a bad state, stretched out his hand and pointed out: That's your real name, Yugi, shout your name loudly!

Hearing Hayato's words, Maliku said hesitantly: But hasn't Pharaoh already seen his name before? Even if he saw the engraved handwriting, Pharaoh couldn't remember the name.

Not to mention, the nameplate with the name on it has been snatched away by that guy Seth. Who gave it to him and placed it there, or even whether it still exists is not known. If there is no nameplate, Pharaoh, he Can you really pronounce your own name?”

It must be possible! Kyoko looked at Mariku angrily and said, I believe in another game!

Jonouchi and Honda also nodded: We are too, he will not let us down in another game.

Me too, the other me, I believe you can do it. With An Yuxi on his back, Yuxi also turned his head to look at An Yuxi and said, You are my hero, you can always make the impossible possible. It will definitely work this time.”

Have hope, Yugi. Hayato also cast a trusting look at Yami Yugi.

Aibo, everyone... Looking at the people around him, An Yugi closed his eyes and recalled the words on the nameplate he had seen before.

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