Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 156 The Indestructible Darkness

I am immortal!

Hayato frowned when he saw that Zuo Ke could be resurrected despite being completely wiped out. It's not that this scene went beyond his expectations. In fact, Zuo Ke was also resurrected in the original plot. Hayato had been mentally prepared for this in advance.

But it's one thing to think about it, and it's another thing to see Zuoke resurrected, because that means that even though Hayato tried so hard, he still couldn't change the direction of the plot.

What's even more terrible is that the final plan The Name of the King that could have eliminated Zuo Ke didn't work at all. Even if Yami saw his lost name, he couldn't call it out, so there was no way to stabilize the darkness. The Great Evil God Zuoke's [Creator of Light] was summoned.


Even so, Hayato still did not choose to give up: Attack that hand, [Pull]!

The Winged Dragon, which transformed into the form of a phoenix, pounced towards Zuo Ke's claws stretched out from the ground, attracting the attention of others to the all-black claws.

You still can't defeat that guy? It's too difficult! Jonouchi said with his eyes widened, and Emperor Akana's face on the side also looked very ugly, It's not beyond my expectation. After all, he is the incarnation of darkness. But if we don’t defeat the sun before it is swallowed by it...

Are light and darkness fighting for the world? I probably understand. Yami Yugi waved his hand, Let's go too, [Osiris] and [Obelisk]!

The phoenix landed on the ground and created a sea of ​​​​fire that burned Zuo Ke's hand again. But in the blink of an eye, the flames on the ground were suddenly sucked into the crack opened by Zuo Ke, and were swallowed up as if captured by a black hole.

[La's Winged Divine Dragon] also flew up in an emergency to avoid being affected, but Zuo Ke took the opportunity to reach out again, grabbed the claws of [La's Winged Divine Dragon], and used her power to leave the ground and lift off. The sun is getting closer, and everyone feels that the speed of darkness covering the earth seems to be speeding up!

Zouk, who had lost his shape and was just a ball of black, allowed the lightning of [Osiris's Sky Dragon] to pass through him without getting hurt. At the same time, even though [Obelisk's Titan Soldier] grabbed his own He lifted his feet into the air and ignored the latter, laughing and saying: Closer, closer, I can feel the right position approaching me!

The best position for me to turn the world into darkness!

Reaching out towards the sun in the sky, Zuo Ke repeatedly adjusted her position as if she wanted to hold it tightly. Her actions stimulated Hayato and Commander Yami Yugi to order the three phantom gods to attack more and more fiercely.

However, due to the combination of flames, thunder and lightning, and giant fists, even though Zuo Ke's body was destroyed again and again, it would always heal itself in the next moment. As she claimed, as long as the darkness of mankind is not eliminated, she is immortal.

Even though [La's Winged Dragon] had gotten rid of Zuo Ke, the pair of wings behind her were not for display, and were still flying into the sky. Finally, she seemed to have found the right angle, raised her hand, and landed on the ground. It seems that people can hold the sun just right.

Those who surround me and devour the world with darkness are you, the gods of mankind! Zuo Ke laughed, holding his hands empty, and saw that the sun was quickly covered by black spots, and the solar eclipse was completed quickly in just a few seconds. , the entire sun was covered in darkness, It's over, it's all! You all go to hell!

At the moment when darkness covered the sun, both Hayato and Yami Yugi felt that the aura coming from the god became weaker!

[Osiris]! [Pull]! [Obelisk]!

Oops, in Egyptian mythology, and even in most myths, the sun plays a very important role, and the evil gods of darkness often correspond to the sun. Honda looked panicked, General Zuo Ke The sun is devoured by darkness, which means that she will usurp the position of the sun in mythology and replace it with darkness, and everything based on the sun will be destroyed by her!

Darkness is in my hand! As if to confirm Honda's words, looking at the three phantom gods who were still attacking him, but the attack intensity was not as strong as before, Zuo Ke actually faced him directly without any protection and stood up. He held his chest and directly received the combined attack of the three phantom gods, as if saying Dark power, boy.

Not only that, the magic power released when Zuo Ke raised his hand became more and more powerful, spreading out an arc and sweeping towards the three illusory gods, Dark Slash!

[Obelisk's Titan Soldier] and [Ra's Winged Dragon] reacted quickly and avoided the attack immediately, but [Osiris's Sky Dragon] did not have that luck and was directly swept away by the spreading dark magic power. Hit in the neck, what seemed like a normal attack actually decapitated him!

[The Sky Dragon of Osiris] died again, so inhumane!

However, it doesn't matter if [Sky Dragon of Osiris] is dead. What's more fatal is that when she was beheaded, she happened to spit out an attack. The thunder pillars followed the rolling of the severed head and fired at random, not only in the distant royal city. The plow made a long gash, and even hit the unsuspecting [La] and [Obelisk]!

Zuo Ke was almost having fun watching this. He didn't miss the chance to fire another shot at the other two phantom gods. As Hayato and Yami Yugi were tortured by the synchronized pain, the three phantom gods were all destroyed in an instant and turned into stone statues. It fell in the desert.

The royal city has been protected from attacks before, but the first attack was from one of its own people, and even the other phantom beasts were affected. Today, the traitor dragon's performance is still stable.

However, under this situation, no one had the intention to complain about this anymore. Jonouchi and Yugi quickly left the place with Yami Yugi who was temporarily powerless. The next moment they left, Zuo Ke fell back to When he reached the earth, he stepped on the head of the [Sky Dragon of Osiris].

You see, humans, your human gods can't be my opponent. Just like this, I can destroy them just by raising my foot. He crushed the dragon's head with a heavy step, and Zuo Ke opened his arms as if admiring it. own results.

Seeing Yami Yugi being carried on the dune by Yugi on his back, suffering from the pain due to the complete death of [Sky Dragon of Osiris], Zuo Ke raised his hand: No one can protect you anymore, this is to kill you Best opportunity.

Sinei, the unknown Pharaoh!

A ball of magic power quickly formed in Zuo Ke's hands and was thrown towards the unsuspecting Yami Yugi.

At the critical moment, a violent mist suddenly rose up from the calm sand dunes to the sky, and a huge giant spirit reappeared in an instant, blocking Zuo Ke's attack.

She blocked the magic bullet with her fist and hit Zuo Ke with a giant fist burning with flames, shocking her. Because what appeared in front of Zuo Ke's eyes was [Ekzodia]! ?

The previous stalemate between Zuo Ke and [Exodia] was because Zuo Ke was not serious and the physical condition of Simon who controlled [Ikzodia] would only get worse due to time issues, and the attacks launched in a hurry were not effective. How powerful it would be. Under the influence of this series of factors, [Ekzodia]'s attack should be like tickling Zuoke.

However, the result was that Zuo Ke, who had just wiped out the Three Illusion Gods, was knocked back several steps by an angry punch from [Ekzodia]. His arms, which had become much stronger, were shattered by this punch. !

How could it be!? Zuo Ke stood firm, his arms healing quickly. Feeling annoyed that she had been slapped in the face again, she looked at [Exodia] and was about to get angry, You guy - ——”

However, while maintaining the movement of punching, [Exodia] stopped on its own, frozen in place, and its huge body turned into flying sand and scattered everywhere.

Under the royal city, Isis looked at the little old man who stood up after holding his breath and shouted: Sir Simon!

What's that expression on your face, Isis? Isn't it the duty of us priests to protect the Pharaoh? Simon said with a sad smile, and glanced at Zuo Ke in the distance. Hit in the chest, What? I'm quite accurate in my boxing...


[Ikzodia], which seemed to be venting its anger and would disappear on its own if left alone, was punched in the head by Zouk, and Simon fell down.

Lord Simon!

It's obviously a human being who has already reached the limit for three minutes, but he still has to shine for one more second even though he is burning with life? Huh, what a boring move! Zuo Ke crossed over the collapsed [Ekzodia] and chased Yami Yugi, It’s just a delay of one second, nothing will change the outcome!”

Looking back at Zuo Ke, who was just about to catch up with her group, Kyoko gritted her teeth and looked at Aknadi: Hurry up and give me a [Millennium Artifact], take the game and leave!

You're crazy, Kyoko! I won't leave my friends alone! Jonouchi asked An Yugi to lighten the weight of Yugi. He didn't consider Kyoko's opinion at all and vetoed it without hesitation, And the [Millennium Artifact] is not someone You can touch them all.”

But now another game is our only hope, there is no other way! Seeing that she could not convince Jonouchi, Kyoko said nothing more, and her mobility was no worse than that of the other boys. The emperor took out a [Millennium Artifact] from the bag he was carrying, There are times when girls will fight tooth and nail for the one they love!

Although it sounds a bit greedy, Kyoko still can't tell whether she likes games more or another game. But she can be sure that her love is genuine. If it weren't for Lei It may be difficult for her to recognize this even if Beca, her love rival, repeatedly forces her to do so.

Sorry, Yugi. In Hayato's words, maybe this is sacrificing his life for the sake of justice. Kyoko looked at the two games who turned around with surprised expressions. She smiled slightly and didn't say anything. She just held the [Millennium Artifact] tightly in her hands and raised it above her head...

Xingzi moved her fingers, and her nails scratched the palm of her hand, but she found nothing.

Ah, ah?

Xingzi turned her head and saw that at some point, a guy with a arrogant face, although he was in a mess and looked like he had eaten a lot, came to her side. While passing by her, he smoothly pulled it out of her hand. He walked away with the [Millennium Artifact] he picked up casually.

Hmph, Kyoko Masaki, right? It's such a waste to give this power to a woman like you.

Kaiba? Because the [Millennium Artifact] was suddenly snatched away from her hand, Kyoko rubbed her hands at a loss, and became a little angry when she heard what Kaiba said as she walked forward alone, You are looking down on women. ? How can a man like you be so narrow-minded!

It was Honda who caught Kyoko in time, preventing her from rushing forward to fight Kaiba. After Kaiba finished speaking, he did not look at Kyoko and the others, but glanced at the [Millennium Artifact] in his hand. He didn't pay attention to what Kyoko was holding just now, but now he realized: Karim's [Millennium Scale]? Although it's not the [Millennium Scepter], but I don't care.

He suddenly raised the [Millennium Scale] in his hand, and the golden light burst out in Kaiba's hand. Behind him, the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] suddenly rose into the air, spitting out a dragon's breath to offset the attack of Zuo Ke who was chasing him.


The explosive air flow blew up the hem of Kaiba's windbreaker. Looking at Kaiba's back, Yami Yugi on Yugi's back opened his mouth to say something: Kaiba...

I don't want to listen to nonsense, Yugi. With his back to Yugi, Kaiba said coldly without looking back, Kobayashi Hayato said that you have the last hope. I don't have the habit of placing my hope on others, but Kobayashi Hayato That guy believes in you, so don’t let him down.”

As for this guy, although I have no interest in saving the world, I hate the guy in front of me more, so he is my opponent. If you don't want to be affected by me, just run away.

Kaiba... Listening to Kaiba's arrogant speech, An Yugi was somewhat moved, Thank you.


After Kaiba, Shada also rushed to the vicinity, calling for An Yu and the others to evacuate quickly. During this period, Zuo Ke had already caught up with him nearby, but Kaiba relied on the power of the [Millennium Scale] to provide an increase to [Blue Eyes White Dragon] to deal with it. , until An Yuxi and several others evacuated.

As Yugi and the others moved further away, as [Blue Eyes White Dragon] spread its wings to block another attack, Kaiba finally couldn't hold it back, a trace of scarlet overflowed from the corners of his mouth, and he couldn't help but staggered his feet and almost fell to the ground.

But at this moment, someone behind him reached out to support him.

When he turned around, Kaiba saw an unexpected person.

After a moment of silence, Kaiba said, Did you give Simon his power?

Hmph, I guessed it. That's right, because that old man was too troublesome, so I lent my power to him and wanted to kill him. Set held a [Millennium Scepter] in his hand and looked at himself Said himself. Glancing at Kaiba, he asked contemptuously, What about you, do you have the courage to use this dark power?

Ha, who do you think I am? As long as it's power, I don't care where it comes from. Kaiba smiled coldly, and looked at Zuoke with Seth, Power, we need more power!

So, answer us, [Blue Eyes]/Kisara!

Beside Kaiba and Set, a phantom of [Blue Eyes White Dragon] flew out each, and between the two of them, the phantom of Keesara appeared vaguely, also transforming into a white spiritual dragon and rising into the air.

The light bloomed on the [Millennium Scale], and the triple fusion light bloomed in front of the evil god of darkness!

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