Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 41 Mouth is a part of Yu-Gi-Oh!


Accompanied by a strong strong wind, a jet fighter like a lying tiger appeared above Hayato's field. The jet system that maintained its flight even caused waves to splash on the sea below.

【v-Jet Tiger】【4☆/Light】

【Mechanical family】


You're not a warrior clan? Anasis was a little confused. Let me confirm first. You should be the Hayato Kobayashi from before, right? Aren't you his twin brother or something?

That's true. However, I didn't say that I was using a pure warrior monster, right? Even a brave man has to keep up with the times and learn to use technological products. Hayato smiled, but the one in his hand The operation did not stop there, Then I will activate the magic card, [Frontline Base]. Once per turn, I can special summon an allied monster from my hand in addition to the normal summons.

After v is w, come on, [w-ejection flying wings]!

The magic card [Frontline Base] appeared in Hayato's backcourt, and a blue aircraft was ejected from the card, quickly climbing to the same height as [V-Jet Tiger].

[w-Ejection Wings] [4☆/Light]

[Machine family/alliance/effect]


It's actually a rare alliance monster, so what's next... Anasis raised his head and looked at the [v-Jet Tiger] and [w-Ejection Wing] side by side.

Hayato waved his palm forward: Yes, allied monsters are cards that can be combined with specific monsters. Let's combine and transform, v, w!

In the sky, the two aircraft received the names of their owners. The various parts instantly decomposed and deformed, pieced together and combined together, turning into an aircraft that was larger than the original.

【vw-Strike Tiger】【6☆/Light】

[Mechanical family/fusion/effect]


I actually summoned a level 6 monster in one turn. It's so powerful. And because it's an aircraft, it won't be affected by the [sea]. Socrates, who was watching on the sidelines, sighed, But I can't find the boss to hide. If the monster gets up, no matter how powerful its attack power is, it will be useless.”

Just talk nonsense. Hayato didn't bother to complain that Anasis's monster gained the ability to be invisible just because of the existence of the [sea] field, and his [vw] was actually immune to the buff of the field because it could fly. Because the current duel rules really allow the existence of foul mouth.

However, since you are already talking nonsense, it shouldn’t matter if I talk nonsense, right?

The combination of [vw] not only enhances the performance of the aircraft, but also enables new functions because of their connection with each other, that is, radar and sonar!

Hayato used the slogan Although it is not written on the card, but he has this effect, the [vw-Strike Tiger] in the field actually responded to his order and launched a rotation scan from the tiger head position of the aircraft. surrounding radar devices.

No, what's happening! Anasis was shocked and looked towards the location of the monster he summoned. Almost as soon as [vw-Strike Tiger] deployed the radar system, the outline of the monster hidden under the sea surface was displayed.

It's not over yet, I want to activate another effect of [vw]. Hayato sent a card from his hand to the graveyard. A card appeared behind [vw-Strike Tiger] on the field, and then shattered into a piece of photons. Integrated into the body of [vw-Strike Tiger], it seems to be replenishing energy for it.

[vw-Strike Tiger] absorbed the power of that card, and all the machines in his body were fully activated. In an instant, a huge waterspout was created above the sea: I can discard a card in my hand as a starting point. The price of ability. Change the form of a monster on the field!

Energy refill! Go, [vw-Strike Tiger]! Use the Bollinger Fan to roll up that monster for me!

The waterspout immediately exerted its power. The monster under the water could no longer hide itself and was taken out of the sea by the huge waterspout. It was a penguin in armor.

The monster covered by the boss is [Penguin Soldier]! Socrates called out the monster's name at once.

【Penguin Soldier】【2☆/Water】



Anasis laughed loudly: That's right, the monster I covered is the underwater warrior, [Penguin Soldier]! When it is flipped, it can return up to two monsters on the field to the holder's hand! I want Choose your [vw-Strike Tiger] and my [Penguin Soldier]!

But even though Anasis had declared that he wanted to activate the monster's effect and designated the target of the effect, the [Penguin Soldier] in the huge waterspout had not reacted at all, and just kept spinning with the rising water. I even started to feel a little dizzy.

Hayato said proudly: Oh no! When [vw] uses its effect to flip the monster, even if the monster being flipped has a special effect, it cannot be activated!

In addition, because the card I sent to the graveyard is [Disruption Magic], I can also add one card each of [Disruption·Green], [Yellow], and [Black] from the deck to my hand!

Quickly pulling out three annoying guys from the deck, Hayato covered the two cards in his hand and waved his hand: The obstacles in front have been completely cleared, [vw], facing the defenseless one [Penguin Soldier] attacks!

[vw-Strike Tiger] Hearing this, many hatches on the tiger head and flying wings opened, revealing numerous missile launch ports that were ready.

Full missile launch! Specium ballistic missile!


The dense barrage instantly surrounded the [Penguin Soldier] trapped in the waterspout. The explosion flames destroyed it and the waterspout that rose into the sky. The overflow damage was simulated as an impact through the virtual projection system. applied to Anassis.

[Anasis: 4000lp→2750lp]

My turn is over. Hayato declared the end of the turn, and the [vw-Strike Tiger] in the air also shut down the previously activated devices one by one and returned to normal state.

[Hayato: 4000lp, 3 cards in hand]

【vw-Strike Tiger】【atk2000】

【Frontline Base】【Gaika】【Gaika】

Obviously being attacked and obviously at a disadvantage, Anasis looked at Hayato and suddenly laughed: Hahahaha, you are really interesting, Hayato, you are worthy of defeating that dwarf guy who played with insects. This is really What an exciting duel, hahahaha!

My turn, draw a card!

Looking at the monster card he had acquired, Anasis couldn't help but smile and looked at Hayato proudly: Since you summoned such a powerful monster, as a courtesy, I will also summon my ace monster!

Activating the effect of [Star Explosion] in my hand, I can reduce the star level of a monster by paying basic points. Each star requires 500 LP. Anasis chuckled, I want to pay 1500 LP and put my hand The level of [Sea Dragon-Daedalus] in the card has dropped to 4☆. Hum, fair trade.

[Anasis: 2750lp→1250lp]

Fuck, the raging waves will engulf everything! Come, my favorite duel monster, the Dominator of the Ocean!

[Sea Dragon-Daedalus]!

As Anasis shouted out the name of Daedalus in Greek mythology, who built the labyrinth that trapped the monster Minotaur, the waves above the sea became turbulent and invincible, and a wave appeared under the water. Even if the huge black shadow has not officially revealed its true face, just watching the huge black shadow swimming in the water can bring huge pressure to people.

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