Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 40 Machinery and Ocean


Hayato has been in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh for quite some time, and has experienced many duels. However, among the reasons for playing cards that he had heard so far, the bearded man in front of him was the weirdest.

No, uncle, why did you start a duel because I didn't sell this thing to you?

Because of the rules of the Duel Kingdom, Hayato did not refuse the duel invitation from the strange bearded man in front of him. He stood up reluctantly and took out his deck. The side effects of [Earth Spirit God] are much milder than those of summoning the three phantom gods. It only overdraws physical strength. Hayato is just a little tired now.

But, Looking at each other is a signal to fight? Could this uncle have come over from the Pokémon studio next door to make a cameo?

The bearded man took the card deck from the man in the suit and laughed boldly: Hahahahaha, I like your 'unknown object' very much, but the look in your eyes makes me uncomfortable. I know, I’m afraid you’re the kind of guy who can’t be convinced without defeating you in a duel, right?”

You speak as if you know me very well. Hayato curled his lips, stood side by side with the bearded man, and watched a dueling platform slowly rise from the ground not far away. While waiting, Hayato noticed that the duel glove worn by the bearded man on his left hand had four star chips embedded in it. You moved really fast, uncle. Have you collected two in one morning? ?”

Young man, aren't you too? Hayato was observing Big Beard, and Big Beard was also observing Hayato, There are already five of them. In addition to the two that I got from defeating the short man playing with bugs, I also collected another one. .”

Hayato did not explain why he gave one to Jonouchi. He noticed that the man in a suit who had been following behind the bearded man did not wear the dueling gloves that symbolized the duelist's identity: Say, uncle, are you also the special guest of that guy Becas?

Yes, Becas's International Illusion Society has a big deal with my company. I happened to be interested in Duel Monsters, so he invited me. The spot was empty, so I took Socrates with me - —That guy came to this island with my assistant. Aren’t you the same, young man?”

Hayato looked at Tapiliang: I just have many interesting ideas about dueling monsters that interest Becas. You are not as good as uncle because I was invited for business cooperation. As for him, he is my classmate.

After the duel platform was fully raised, Hayato and Bearded climbed onto one side of the duel platform respectively. Putting the deck of cards on the duel stage, Hayato was about to say something when he suddenly realized with embarrassment that he still didn't know the name of the bearded man opposite him: Um, uncle? My name is Hayato Kobayashi.

Hahaha, I've known it for a long time. I've seen your duel. The bearded man smiled. Just as he was about to introduce himself, the man in suit next to the duel stage - Socrates suddenly said,

Please listen, the duelist opposite, the person standing in front of you is the ship of steel, Aristotle I, conqueror of the five seas, king of shipping, king of ferries, navigation and freight, Greek God of War , the prodigal son of love, Mr. Aristotle Anasis!

Where did you come from? There are not enough people on the duel stage. Hayato complained casually, but the name Anasis felt familiar to him, as if he had heard it somewhere. Maybe on the news? Anyway, Uncle Anasis, if you want me to bet on this 'unknown object', according to the rules, you have to bet something.

Of course, what I like most is a fair deal where both parties agree. Well, it's really hard to think about. The bearded man showed a distressed look, I really thought about it for a while. If you don't pay a suitable price, you will definitely not be happy with the money. Otherwise, young man, can you make a request?

Even if you ask me to mention it, I can't figure it out. Hayato really doesn't have much interest in money. Unless the money can be charged into the system to exchange for DP points, he thinks that kind of thing is enough. Otherwise, I think your beard looks weird, so if you lose, just shave it off.

Hayato noticed that the bearded man opposite him stiffened for a moment, but he quickly recovered: Of course it's no problem, ha-ha. Then we've decided, if I win the duel, I won't have to spend any money. You get that thing on your chest for a penny, and if you win I’ll shave off my beard.”

Hayato nodded and took off two more star chips from his gloves: But those are additional conditions, and the star chips still need to be gambled. I have two here, no problem, uncle?

The bearded man laughed: Of course it's no problem, it's just half, the risk is not very high, I will go with it. Besides, I will definitely win this duel!

Don't speak so early, uncle.

Hayato and Anasis drew five cards from the deck and shouted at the same time: Duel!

[Hayato: 4000lp]

【Anassis: 4000lp】

Strike first! I'll attack first, draw cards! Although Anasis looked tall and tall, the movements of his hands were not slow at all. He even took a step forward and drew five cards faster than Hayato.

I don't like the environment here very much, so I want to activate the field magic card. Let's change the combat environment! Anasis laughed loudly and placed a card in his hand into the field area, Activate the magic card, [ ocean】!

Is there actually a rare field magic card? Hayato was slightly surprised, but considering that the guy opposite might be a super rich man, he was not too surprised that he could collect field magic cards that were not widely spread.

As Anasis played the [Sea] card, a virtual ocean was immediately projected on the duel stage, and the raging waves swallowed up the entire venue in an instant, leaving not even a trace of land behind.

I remember that you are good at using warrior monsters, right? In this way, your warriors will have no place to stay, and they will have to fight in the ocean? Anasis smiled, Then I want to summon a monster in face-down defense position and dive into the bottom of the sea, my card!

Anasis played a monster card, but there was only a slight light in the ocean on the field, and he didn't even know where the card appeared.

My turn is over. Anasis smiled, My monsters are the best at fighting in the ocean. Face the threats from the deep sea, boy!

[Anasis: 4000lp, 4 cards in hand]

[Monster shown on the inside] (hidden)

Venue: [Sea]

Hayato calmly drew a card: My turn, draw a card.

Looking at the monster in his hand, Hayato looked at Anasis opposite and smiled: Don't be happy so early, uncle. Now that I know that your monster is good at water fighting, I won't go into the water stupidly.

Summon [v-Jet Tiger]! Let's have a gorgeous aerial battle!

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