Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 31 The chair can be used to sit on

It's so big. Is that a real pyramid?

A small commercial vehicle was driving in the vast desert. Looking at the huge pyramid that could be clearly seen from the right window of the vehicle, Jonouchi, who was sitting in the last row, sighed, Although there are many cards in Duel Monsters. It’s an image of a pyramid, but this is the first time I’ve seen a real pyramid.”

Hahaha, after all, when I was creating duel monster, the Egyptian pyramids gave me a lot of inspiration. After hearing Jonouchi's words, Bekas, who was sitting in the row in front of him, laughed and looked at the pyramids outside the window. , couldn't help but sigh, Revisiting the old place after so many years has made even me feel a little overwhelmed.

Becas found that he seemed to be getting older. Just seeing the familiar past in his memory reappeared in front of his eyes, he couldn't help but start to recall the past. Was he already old?

The Duel Academy discussed yesterday is indeed a good proposal if you think about it carefully. In a few years, after a new batch of outstanding card designers join the International Illusion Society, I don't know what kind of interesting cards will be born.

At the Capital Airport in Cairo, Egypt, Bekas received Hayato and his group who landed on the plane. Although they experienced many twists and turns yesterday, their trip to Egypt has officially begun, and the first stop of the trip is the distance from Cairo Not far from Giza.

In addition to the pyramids that amaze first-time travelers and are actually scattered throughout Egypt, there is another famous attraction here, and that is the Sphinx.

Wow, I really don't have a nose. It looks like it was chopped off with a knife.

Lean closer, Jonouchi, your head is too big and it completely blocks my sight!

Hey, don't push me. My head is already pressed against the glass. If you want to see it, go to the front row. There are chairs there that you can sit on.

I don't want it.

Listening to the quarrel between Jonouchi and Honda in the back row, Kyoko also withdrew her gaze from the window and looked at Yugi who was sitting next to her with a heavy face and didn't know what she was thinking about: What's wrong, Yugi?

It's nothing, Kyoko. Turning his head to look at Kyoko, Yugi smiled slightly, shook his head and said, The other me just said that he had no impression of the scenery here.

This is not to say that the Sphinx in front of them when the nameless Pharaoh's soul was alive has not yet been built. In fact, based on the analysis of current archaeological discoveries, the construction of the Sphinx in Giza Far earlier than three thousand years ago, this magnificent and mysterious building had already stood on the earth during the lifetime of the unknown Pharaoh.

Even in ancient times when information transmission was relatively slow, Yami Yugi, as a pharaoh, should have some knowledge of the strange buildings in the country. However, even for a special building like the Sphinx, Yami Yugi still had no knowledge of it. impression.

The other game doesn't remember this place either... Hearing this, Kyoko looked at the [Millennium Building Blocks] held in the hand of the game, her voice was a little low, and the hand she put into her pocket subconsciously touched her at the airport. Purchased souvenirs.

Sphinx, what's so good about such a cowardly Sphinx?

After looking at the Sphinx, Malik, who was sitting in the passenger seat, held his chin in one hand and said somewhat indifferently. As if thinking of something, he turned to look at Hayato in the driver's seat, Brother-in-law, it's really surprising that you actually have a driver's license that can be used in Egypt, but then wouldn't you be able to drive? Have you taken a good look at the scenery beside you?

Just think of me as someone who hates everything. Let alone the Sphinx, I'm not interested in even the Sphinx.

Hayato just glanced at the Sphinx in the distance and withdrew his gaze. As he said, Hayato really has no interest in the Sphinx now, but in the Berserker he once played In Creed: Origins, he took photos from all angles around the Sphinx. He can remember the hatred of Anubis for the rest of his life.

But it’s limited to the Sphinx. Egypt doesn’t only have the Pyramids and the Sphinx. He will also take a few more photos to commemorate the sights he is also interested in. When he went out for the first time, he deliberately brought the pink camera from home.

As for the driver's license,

Although this is not the first time I complain, in Japan you only need to be 18 years old to get a motor vehicle driving license. By the way, you can get a motorcycle driving license at the age of 16. However, I am still two years away from the drinking age. Wait. Looking straight at the rolling mountains in front of him, Hayato paused and added, The last thing I want to correct is, who is your brother-in-law?

Well, it's been so long, brother-in-law, why haven't you adapted yet? It's only a matter of time sooner or later anyway. Malik chuckled and looked down at the map spread out on his lap, Well... there seems to be a small town ahead. , we shouldn’t have any need for supplies, after all, it’s only been so long since we set off.”

Although ancient Egypt is known as one of the four ancient civilizations, it is not ancient Egypt, unlike the only country that has survived to this day and reborn. Because of several internal divisions, the current land area is smaller than that of Countries such as Libya and Sudan on the border are even less than the size of a province in some countries.

From the time we set off from Cairo, the group of people actually only drove for an hour. Not to mention resting, there was no need to drink or eat.

However, if you want to visit ancient buildings such as the Pyramid of Khufu and the Sphinx at a close distance, it is necessary to stop here for a while, transfer to camels and other means of transportation and get closer under the guidance of a guide. And looking at the appearance of Jonouchi, Honda and Becas in the car, they all seemed to have the idea of ​​​​taking a look, and even Kyoko was a little eager to give it a try.

Although the tourism industry in Egypt is not as developed as it will be many years ago, the work of guides is not lagging behind at all. The Egyptians can be said to be professional in guiding, and even most of the antiquities in their country were guided by their own people. Sent out of the country on the way.

Hayato and the others didn't even need to say anything. They just saw the white people among Hayato and his group who walked out of the rare luxury car. They almost had the words dog rich and stupid and rich written all over their faces. In spite of the good-looking Bekas, a group of local people gathered around him enthusiastically, volunteering to introduce him, and tried their best to promote his familiarity with the route to the pyramids and what kind of deceivers his other accomplices were.

Just the foreign language with a heavy accent is enough to give Hayato and the others a headache, not to mention the micro-expression performances performed by the guides in front of them in order to show the authenticity of what they said. Even Bekas has been to Egypt. It was also a little caught off guard.

Fortunately, Hayato has a trump card for dealing with the guides who volunteer.

When Malik stepped out of the passenger seat with a small red flag of unknown meaning that Hayato thrust into him, the local guides paused for a moment and recognized Malik as an Egyptian. Recognizing that he was the guide Hayato and his party had hired in advance, they dispersed in boredom and squatted in the shade at the entrance of the town again, waiting for the next victim to arrive.

Although Malik is basically just a fake Egyptian who doesn't know the way at all, he can serve as a guide on the surface to reject the self-promoting locals, and Bekas, the obvious enemy, is actually Hayato and the others' real guide.

As for why Hayato and the others refused to hire local guides to save trouble even though they were rich? In Egypt, there are many ancient buildings, but there are more scammers than ancient buildings. It's not a big deal if you reveal your wealth and then run away without working after being taken away by a greedy guide. If you are unlucky, you may encounter murder and robbery. He is an outlaw maniac, which is why Grandpa Shuangliu Qian warned a few people before the trip to be especially careful with the guide.

This is the valuable experience that Grandpa Shuangliu, who hired two tomb robbers, gained from his own personal experience.

Relying on his money-making ability, Bekas soon rented a few camels for everyone to ride on. On the way to the Pyramid of Khufu, there were no flat roads for vehicles, and there were many sandy areas. After parking the vehicle in a paid parking lot on the side of the road, the group packed up a certain amount of luggage and got on the camels to set off.

——Do you think it’s that simple?

Although the camels rented by a few people are specially trained and easy for beginners to ride, after all, people who live in the city all year round have little chance to come into contact with live animal transportation, just ride on a soft camel. Carrying it on your back is already quite a challenge, let alone freely controlling the movement of the camel.

Becas, who had traveled around the world alone more than ten years ago, was rich, but he was not a pampered guy. Although he had not ridden a camel for a long time, he quickly recalled his past after stepping on the camel hump. He specially learned the key points of riding a camel, and controlled the camel in front of Jonouchi and Honda with ease.

Hahahaha, even though so many years have passed, I still haven't forgotten the skill of driving a camel, but this shouldn't be a problem for you, Honda boy, Jonouchi boy.

Just riding a camel can be used as bragging rights, the young-minded Becas said like an old child.

Although Honda and Jonouchi had already passed the motorcycle driving license test, their experience of speeding on the road was of no use in front of the silent and docile tall camel. It took a long time for the two best friends to finally get on the camel and give the order to move forward.

This is already the case for two boys who usually have super motor skills, not to mention Kyoko. Although Kyoko can boldly approach the camel if it is quiet, but asking her to ride the camel is really a bit too much. Reluctantly and helplessly, she finally had to sit on the camel that Yugi was riding.

Why is Kyoko, who is usually very outgoing and not at all like an introverted girl, so afraid of camels? Hayato didn't know the answer, but he thought that the faint planned smile on Kyoko's face sitting on the camel in the game must be an illusion, right? Well, that must be the case.

Compared to Kyoko, the most embarrassing guy is Malik. He is obviously a native of Egypt, and he is also from the Ishdar clan, a tomb-guarding clan with a history of three thousand years. However, Malik's adaptability to this desert is... Even Jonouchi and Honda, who came to Egypt for the first time, were not as good as each other. He couldn't even ride a camel.

It didn’t matter that he didn’t know how to ride, but this guy actually started to shamelessly move around and get on the back of the camel that Hayato was riding.

You said you're an Egyptian who was born and raised in the desert. How come you can't even ride a camel?

Hearing what Hayato said, Malik, who was in the back seat and clutching the hump in front of him, said nonchalantly like a piece of meat on a hob: Isn't this normal? I've told you before. I haven’t been out to the Tomb Keeper Clan’s clan a few times since I was a kid, do you think I have a chance to learn to ride a camel?”

After a pause, Malik asked back, The weird thing is, brother-in-law, okay? Although Muto Yumi has never learned to ride a camel, it is understandable that people would subconsciously know how to ride a camel when the nameless pharaoh appears, but brother-in-law What's the matter with you? You ride more steadily than Becas.

Regarding what Malik said, Hayato was actually a little strange. Let alone a camel, he had never even ridden a horse before, but after riding a camel, his body subconsciously adapted to the mount under his crotch and was ready to ride. Even the camel actively responded to Hayato's body. The camel's reaction is to obey the command, even if Hayato is not even holding the reins now, if Hayato has the slightest idea of ​​turning, the camel under his crotch will automatically respond to the turn.

Who knows, maybe I also learned to ride a camel in Hawaii? Hayato said casually, not knowing why.

Come on, brother-in-law, I might have been fooled by you before. Honda has told me a long time ago that there is a training institution in Tongshino City called Hawaii.

I told you who your brother-in-law is!

While chatting, a group of seven people rode five camels, heading toward the Pyramid of Khufu against the rising sun.

In the past, just by looking at it from a long distance on the road, everyone could feel the sense of majesty coming from the largest pyramid in the world - the Pyramid of Khufu. After starting from the nearby towns, the closer they looked towards it. As we approach the pyramid, the feeling of the giant thing expanding in front of our eyes is even more shocking.

It’s no wonder Becas traveled the world in search of inspiration for Duel Monsters cards.

As they got closer to the pyramid, both Yugi and Hayato felt a very strange feeling in their hearts, which was difficult to describe in words. They could only feel that something was calling them.

At the same time, Malik, who was sitting behind Hayato, was getting closer to the Pyramid of Khufu and said with some confusion: Strange, this must be my first time here, right? Why do I always feel that the Pyramid of Khufu looks different from this angle? Does it look familiar?

Eh? Stunned, Malik turned to look at the desert in the distance, turned to look at the Pyramid of Khufu, and then turned to look in the direction of the desert, Eh?!

Sh-shouldn't it be?!

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