At night, under the bright moonlight, a private plane owned by the International Illusion Society passed through the clouds. Everyone on the plane was immersed in their own dreams due to fatigue during the day and jet lag.

Honda, who was lying on the bed, was holding a pillow in his arms, with a crazy smile on his face, and he didn't know what kind of sweet dream he was having: Jingxiang, hey hey hey, it's fragrant and soft...

I won't leave Shizuka to you so easily! Jonouchi, who was lying next to Honda, seemed to be talking in his sleep because of the sleeping Honda's mumbling, and his dream seemed to have gone astray, Obviously Even when Wu and I got married...hehehehehe...

And Malik, this one is even more important. He won't sleep on a good bed. When he is asleep, half of his body rolls out of the bed as if he has ADHD, with his butt sticking out and his face on the ground. But even so. He still slept as if he was dead, hoping that he wouldn't have a sore back or neck when he woke up the next day.

Compared to the three people sleeping in the cabin on the left, the three people on the right, whether they were Kyoko or Yugi, were sleeping much better, and some of them only had the sound of steady breathing.

Hayato was also in his own sleep, but the expression on his face when he was asleep was a little unsightly.

In dream————

Okay, this time we are going to play cards. After the new card pack came out, Black Feather Dragon has been greatly strengthened and finally joined the family. So this time we play a pure Black Feather deck, and I am old Crow.

While drawing cards from the duel plate, Hayato muttered to himself. He raised his head and looked at the dark duel platform opposite him, But this time we didn't get the upper hand, but it doesn't matter. Let's see what the opponent is doing first. What deck...

Wow, bald!

This was not Hayato's nonsense, because he found that there was indeed a bald man standing in front of the duel stage opposite him, where the lights finally turned on, and he was wrapping a white cloth around his head.

Oh, isn't this Xia Di? Let's take a look at the cards in our hands, family members.

Looking down, Hayato found that there were some cards somewhere. Even the duel platform under his feet and the duel plate on his wrist had suddenly disappeared without realizing it. If you think about it carefully, it's really strange. Why do you still stand on the old-fashioned dueling platform when you have a dueling disk?

Finally we meet again, Hayato Kobayashi, I am Xia Di.

Hayato was still wondering if he was dreaming, when he heard Xia Di, who had finished wrapping the white cloth around his shiny forehead, talking to him.

After the duel platform disappeared, Hayato found that he was currently in a gray world, and the surroundings were a bit hazy as if shrouded in fog. It was just fine if he was a short distance away and he could see the surroundings clearly, but if he was further away, it was like It's like it's out of focus, so it's a bit blurry. Xia Di, who was speaking, was standing almost one step away from Hayato.

Well, it must be a dream, but it's so strange. Why do I dream about Xia Di, a bald man? Hayato said with certainty, with his arms folded in front of his chest, and also said to himself with some doubts. Not only did I not dream of Hades, the only designated target of our card players, I didn't even dream of powerful and beautiful cards like Visit and Ashflow Rei. It's so strange.

While muttering to himself, Hayato reached out his hand curiously and poked Xia Di, who was standing in front of him. However, the moment Hayato's finger touched Xia Di, golden light spots emerged from the spot on Xia Di's body that was stabbed by Hayato and rose into the air, and Hayato's hand also passed through Xia Di's body.

Even because Xia Di's body became slightly transparent with Hayato's movements, Hayato could still see his hand that had entered Xia Di's body.

Xia Di didn't pay attention to Hayato's actions, but said to himself: Because of some existence in you, I can't see clearly what kind of existence you are even if I use the power of the [Millennium Key], but I believe You should stand on the side of the nameless Pharaoh and help him retrieve his memory and return to the underworld, so when you approach Egypt, the image left behind - that is, the me in front of you will be triggered .”

My true identity is the Tomb Keeper clan. I am different from the successor of another branch of the Isildar family, and I am also the last successor. However, as a human being, I died many years ago. In order to complete the important task of the Tomb Keeper clan, I Mission - to help the nameless Pharaoh return to the underworld and find rest. I rely on the power of the [Millennium Scale] to reconcile the boundary between the soul and the body and float in the world.

“If you want to retrieve the lost memory of the nameless Pharaoh, you need to enter the lost memory itself of the nameless Pharaoh. The necessary things are seven powerful [Millennium Artifacts], used to carry [Millennium Artifacts]. Artifact] A stone tablet of great power, and the ultimate dark game necessary to unlock the memory of the king.”

Although Xia Di was talking about a lot of important information that someone else might have carefully written down, Hayato at this moment listened to Xia Di's nonsense and basically didn't believe a word of Xia Di except his name. .

As far as Hayato knows, is Xia Di on Yami Yugi's side, hoping that he will find his memory and return to the underworld? Yes, there is no doubt that Xia Di wants to help Yami Yugi from a friendly position, but is it really like Xia Di said, that like Isis, he is purely helping to fulfill the ancestral teachings of the tomb guard clan? What about the nameless Pharaoh? Not necessarily.

Looking at Xia Di who was talking to himself, Hayato reached out and touched the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] on his chest, held the golden wheel as a fist blade, and looked at Xia Di with a half-smile. Said: I'm really sorry to interrupt you, bald brother, I'm really not interested in those messy things you said.

But, I think you should be very interested in this thing that killed you 'years ago'.

As he spoke, Hayato didn't care that Xia Di in front of him claimed that it was just a video. He held the glowing [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] and shouted Eight Points of Light Wheel before throwing it at Xia Di in front of him.

Then, Xia Di dodged away from Hayato's unexpected eyes, and his chatter stopped abruptly.

Kobayashi Hayato... Seeing that he seemed to have figured out from the beginning that he was not an image but a conscious being, Xia Di was silent for a moment and then said, You are on guard and wary that I will be harmful to you. ?

Xia Di did not ask how Hayato knew the connection between the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] and himself.

However, in the face of Xia Di's inquiry, Hayato chose to veto: No, I am very sure that you are on our side and want to help us collect all seven [Millennium Artifacts], and will not hinder us. action.”

The reason why I don't want to hear you nagging anymore is just because I think you're unhappy. He lifted up the hair hanging in front of his eyes with one hand, making it stand up as if it had been gelled. Hayato's eyes were as if they were Xia Di's. The unfocused eyes met and said, The rat who doesn't even dare to appear in front of me.

Xia Di frowned, feeling that Hayato was really difficult to communicate with.

Do you think I don't want to appear in front of you? I already looked for you when we were in Duel City last time. Well, you almost killed me and almost killed me. How could I dare to appear in front of you?

This time, I used the mark left on the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] last time to sneak into the sleep that was far away from my soul, and finally I met Kobayashi Hayato. As a result, I said a lot, this guy I didn’t listen at all.

Glancing at the [Thousand-Year Wisdom Wheel] that was hanging on his chest as Hayato let go of his hand, even Xia Di, who was neither sad nor happy, was somewhat dissatisfied with the [Thousand-Year Wisdom Wheel]. After all, this thing But it repeatedly hindered Xia Di's plan.

As early as more than ten years ago, among the seven [Millennium Artifacts] that existed in the world, except for the [Millennium Jewelry] and [Millennium Scepter] kept by the Isildar family, and the [Millennium Building Blocks] sleeping in the royal cemetery, the remaining four The [Millennium Artifacts] - [Millennium Key], [Millennium Scale], [Millennium Eye] and [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] were all collected by Xia Di.

But at the same time, just as there are five of the Four Heavenly Kings, Xia Di found the eighth [Millennium Artifact], named [Quantum Cube], and learned that it possesses the most unique Dimension Ascension Power can elevate the world into a dimensional realm.

Xia Di, who experienced the beauty of the dimensional realm for the first time, instantly understood that it was an ideal land-like existence. Although in the dimensional realm, once you are exposed to hatred and darkness, you will fall into the dark dimension, but as long as Using the power of the [Quantum Cube] and coordinating the power of the seven [Millennium Artifacts] can make human beings completely good. At that time, all human beings who have entered the dimensional realm will be saved.

This discovery made Xia Di ecstatic, and he couldn't wait to use the power of the [Quantum Cube] to gradually build a new world. But the good times didn't last long. Within a few years, Xia Di suddenly discovered that the [Quantum Cube] had lost its power.

In compliance with the prophecies left by our ancestors thousands of years ago, the soul of the unknown pharaoh three thousand years ago seems to have returned to the world as someone took out the last [Millennium Artifact] from the royal tomb and completed the [Millennium Building Blocks], [Quantum Cube] It also lost its power due to the return of the souls of the dead thousands of years ago, and could not continue to reconcile the power of the [Millennium Artifact] that became silent due to the resurrection of the Pharaoh's soul.

Without awakening the power of [Millennium Artifact], it cannot be reconciled into complete good. At the same time, without sending the nameless Pharaoh back to the underworld, [Quantum Cube] cannot ascend in dimension. For his own purposes, Xia Di started his action.

The first thing to do is to let the [Millennium Artifacts] not only be enshrined in temples, but also be used by qualified people to awaken their power, so Xia Di first chose to go to the Isildar clan. Secretly guiding Malik's actions, Malik, who inherited the Millennium Scepter, finally killed his father and left the tomb-keeper clan.

And Xia Di was not stingy with the [Millennium Artifact] in his hand. When Bekas, who was traveling around the world, followed Xia Di to the stone slab with the [Millennium Artifact] out of curiosity, he gifted the [Millennium Eye] Bakas, and gave him a lot of knowledge about the Slate Elf, which indirectly contributed to Becas's creation of Duel Monsters and the evolution of the Slate Elf into the Card Elf.

However, when giving away the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom], Xia Di accidentally overturned the car. He had not planned to give the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] to the man who accidentally learned of the existence of the [Millennium Artifact] and became greedy. A man with a deep heart just wants to punish the other person a little and let him wear the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] to experience the terror of the dark power.

Among all the seven [Millennium Artifacts], except for the [Millennium Scale] that symbolizes balance, three [Millennium Artifacts] have a will of justice, and three [Millennium Artifacts] have an evil will, and among them are... The dark power in the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] based on the symbol of God Aton, the other identity of the sun god Ra, is the most powerful.

And the result was just as Xia Di expected, the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] unceremoniously released the terrifying dark power the moment it was put on, beating the man who was not even qualified to touch the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom]. Fly down.

But before Xia Di could retrieve it, the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] was picked up by the man commanding his son who was walking with him, uu read

The moment the golden roulette was picked up, the dark power in the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] could be said to be released without reservation and poured into the young man's body.

The evil soul from three thousand years ago hidden in the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] that even Xia Di didn't know took over the boy's body and immediately used the dark power to kill Xia Di, who was unresponsive.

Although Xia Di was lucky enough to stay in this world by using the power of [Quantum Cube], he was almost exiled to the dark dimension because of being exposed to dark power. He still relied on the power of [Millennium Scale] and [Millennium Key] to barely obtain it. The ability to act in the world, but even so, Xia Di cannot interfere too much in the world in most cases.

And now he came to Hayato for this reason.

Although you are unwilling to accept my help, I will help you at the right time. Looking at Hayato, Xia Di paused, and then continued, Maybe you can't understand, but the whirlpool of fate is spreading everywhere. The [Millennium Artifacts] are concentrated towards Egypt.

You who hold the power of the Pharaoh and the breath of Prana, accept this gift before your destiny comes...

Putting his hand on his chest, Xia Di made a gesture of bowing and disappeared into countless light spots rising into the sky.

Hayato then opened his eyes and saw the first sunlight shining into the cabin through the gap in the drawn curtains.

As well as the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] on his chest that shone golden under the sunlight, and the [Millennium Key] that looked like an Ankh symbol pressed on the quilt.

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