About two hours ago.

Captain, we have arrived at the designated coordinates. On a small ocean ferry, the first mate, who was always watching the radar system on the operating table, said to a big man next to him, It's just that the detection radar did not detect any islands. A signal of the existence of the species.”

When the big man called the captain heard this, he just nodded, holding a pair of binoculars to his eyes, looking at the endless sea without anything.

However, a man next to the big man whose style of painting was incompatible with the ship and who looked more like an errand secretary in the office than a crew member said sternly to the first mate who had just called Captain: What are you doing to Mr. Anassis? If you are disrespectful, you should at least call Mr. Anassis 'Chairman'!

What does it matter, Socrates, I actually prefer the title 'Captain' to 'Chairman', Anassis, who had found nothing, put down the telescope and showed a pair of buttocks and chin, laughed boldly. , When I first inherited the family business, I often went sailing with my subordinates. No matter how long the life at sea has been, it still makes me excited. Just hearing the word Captain makes me feel young. How old are you?

Mr. Anasis... Looking at the always willful world shipping king in front of him, as his secretary, Socrates reluctantly chose to give up, Since it is your idea, well, you are willful anyway. Not once or twice.”

It's like saying this time, 'an island far away from the hustle and bustle that does not exist on the sea chart.' This unrealistic fantasy cannot exist at all, but you still insist on coming.

There's nothing you can do about it, Socrates, what did you say? I originally wanted to refuse, but Mr. Kagemaru gave me too much, so that's it.

Anasis laughed, turned around and looked at the other two figures in the room, However, Mr. Kagemaru, we have arrived at our destination now, but we can't find it either with radar or with the naked eye. To the existence of the island you mentioned.

Compared with just a meager transaction benefit for you now, isn't this obviously more to satisfy your own curiosity. Behind Anasis, Socrates whispered helplessly, The first mate stared at the radar chart silently and nodded in agreement.

They have been following Anasis for decades, and they are very clear about Anasis's curiosity that never refuses to be restrained. At first, they liked the secret treasures and cultural relics on the seabed, and later they fell in love with the world. There are rare curses and magic props from all over the world. Some time ago, because of the global incident, I started to be interested in things like lost civilizations and mysterious places.

Mingming was not interested in the famous entrepreneur Kagemaru at first when he heard that he wanted to rent a large expedition ship from their company, but he suddenly became interested again when he revealed that he was going to look for an island that does not exist on the map He even came along on the boat.

At the back of the room, an old man on crutches heard what Anasis said, smiled and said: Don't be impatient, Mr. Anasis, if you can find the non-existent island by simply sailing the boat nearby, then There’s no way this island could have been kept secret for that long.”

If you want to enter that island, you need a little trick. As he said that, the old man named Kagemaru turned his head to look at the young man standing next to him, It's your turn, amunaeru... or should I say, title What’s your other name now?”

Well, in front of the truth, human beings are so insignificant. Names are just simple titles.

If only I knew you were calling me Kagemaru-san.

The man wearing the mask said casually, but he just spread his hands: I still have to explain to Mr. Kagemaru in advance that I am not sure how far my friend's project has progressed, and whether he still regards me as a good person. Friends who share knowledge, all this is uncertain.”

No matter how uncertain I am, I have to give it a try. Hearing what Amunaeru said, Kagemaru had no intention of being dissuaded. After all, he had already come here, so what would he do if he didn't give it a try? Besides, you also know Well, I’m ninety years old this year.”

Seeing my strength disappearing from my body bit by bit, and the energy and spirit of my youth disappearing every day, the longer my life comes to an end, the more unwilling I am, and the more unwilling I am to live in this world. The moment it became wonderful, I had to become a part of the abandoned old era and be buried and left behind.”

After saying that, Kagemaru coughed twice and glanced at the long black hair outside the amunaeru mask, That's great. You are almost ninety years old. If I can use your technology, I won't Is there no need to come here anymore?”

Hearing Kagemaru's lament about growing old, Amunaeru shrugged and said, There's nothing I can do about this. To be honest, being able to complete a human body refining process is already a miracle in alchemy. Even among all the alchemists I know, Among them, I am probably the only one who has completed the process of refining the human body. Even so, the 'me' I am today is still full of flaws and must cooperate with another project.

'However, even though I knew at that time that the 'Philosopher's Stone' was actually achievable and not just a dream, who would have thought that the truth behind the 'Philosopher's Stone' was actually...'

‘The purpose of coming here this time is not only to confirm whether there is another possibility to complete the ‘Philosopher’s Stone’, but also to repay Kagemaru’s kindness for supporting me for decades.’

Without saying what was in his heart, Amunaeru sighed, said hello, turned around and walked out of the room, Anyway, Mr. Kagemaru, and Mr. Anassis, if you want to go on an island adventure together, come with me. .”

To go to that island, we have to take a small boat.

As we all know, corresponding to different uses in many professional fields, ships can be freely customized and transformed into different ships considering different usage scenarios, such as icebreakers with strengthened bows and power systems specially used to open roads in the polar regions, specially designed to protect equipment and samples inside the ship. chemically stable scientific research vessels, etc.

The so-called exploration ships are of course specially designed for explorers to sail around the world. Generally speaking, they are useless products that the poor cannot afford and the rich cannot use, but they still have all the necessary configurations. Yes, including small speedboats specially used for landing on islands.

In addition to Kagemaru and amunaeru, Anasis and Socrates also left the expedition ship on the speedboat, while the first mate stayed on the ship to manage the parked expedition ship with dozens of other crew members. , waiting for the return of the four.

But to be honest, the first mate had no idea how long it would take. I'm afraid that after the speedboat got a short distance away, the masked guy with Kagemaru wouldn't be able to hold on to the mysterious trick. .

But in fact, Amunaeru, who was standing at the front of the speedboat against the sea breeze, was holding four test tubes filled with unknown liquids and mumbling something.

And as he finished chanting and tipped the test tube in his hand, the liquid in the test tube ignored the strong wind and actually gathered into four circular formations in front of Amunaeru, which continued to expand and overlap.

Immediately afterwards, Kagemaru, Anasis and Socrates saw a shocking scene - a curtain seemed to open in the air, and a mist that appeared at an unknown time shrouded the speedboat they were on. Inside, a boundary appeared in the sky, and as if entering another world, a huge island suddenly appeared!

Surprisingly, it really exists!

Socrates was a little stunned, 'There is no island on the map', it's true!

Oh oh oh, I'm totally excited! I can't wait to land on this island to explore! Anasis controlled the speedboat with one hand and continued to move towards the giant island that suddenly appeared, while holding his head with one hand hat, with an excited expression on his face, Although dueling monsters, especially the duel with Hayato, is also very interesting,

But as a man at sea, this excitement of discovering a new world is really unique!

Socrates was so excited that he couldn't help complaining: This mysterious island in the Indian Ocean. If I hadn't known that the movies were all fake, I couldn't help but wonder if this island would be dozens of meters high. It’s a gorilla.”

Anasis smiled and said: That's a pity Socrates, we don't have a beautiful woman here who is worthy of the orangutan climbing up the Empire State Building to masturbate (literally).

Compared to Anasis and Socrates, Kagemaru was not as excited as them. Even so, Kagemaru's face with age spots was also slightly red: Amunaeru, is this the island? I learned from you. In the same place, the location of the alchemist who is different from you who is mainly researching the 'Philosopher's Stone', who is mainly researching the 'Human Refining'?

As far as I know, he has been on this island for almost fifty years and has never left. As long as nothing happens, we will definitely be able to find him here. As long as nothing happens, we will definitely find him here. But, what can happen to the matter? If you can’t do it, you have to be mentally prepared in advance.”

amunaeru stepped off the bow and glanced at Kagemaru Road.

What he didn't know was that there was a saying: If nothing happens, something will happen next.

Just as the speedboat with several people was heading towards the island, Anasis, who was at the helm, adjusted the hat on his head and caught a glimpse of fire on the horizon from the corner of his eye. Subconsciously, he raised his head and saw a plane falling towards the sea from the horizon! ?


The plane crashed into the sea so fast that Anasis had no time to react. He saw the plane hit the sea and hit a large fireball. But luckily, the plane crashed far away from them. Far away, even outside the fog that shrouded the island, Anasis and the others were not affected by the crash of the plane, they were just slightly frightened.

Really, it scares me to death. That's why I like ships instead of planes. Patting his chest, Anasis looked frightened. You see how dangerous it is to fly. I see plane crashes all day long. , why didn’t the cruise ship sink?”

Probably because something like the Titanic can cause more than a dozen planes to crash at one time. Socrates replied without hesitation, Oh, it's not certain, even one plane like the Twin Towers can. That’s almost enough.”

Amunaeru and Kagemaru couldn't appreciate the hell joke between Anasis and Socrates. After seeing a plane crash nearby, Kagemaru showed a regretful expression: What a pity, I don't know how many young people will do it. Losing his life on that plane just now, so much life was wasted.

Amunaeru, on the other hand, raised his head and looked into the sky. After a moment of silence, he said, It's not necessarily wasted. In fact, the people on the plane seemed to have parachuted. No, there.

Kagemaru looked in the direction of amunaeru's finger and saw several parachutes being opened in mid-air, as if they were passengers who had parachuted out of the plane that crashed just now. And judging from the direction of the parachute movement, it seems that those people are coming to this island?

As if seeing Kagemaru's confusion, Amunaeru spread his hands: Maybe it's because I just unlocked the area on the island that shields the idlers. In order to enter the island, I exposed it for a short period of time, so those People who had nowhere to go landed on this island.”

So, will those people affect us? Kagemaru said with a frown. He was very concerned about this action and didn't want to see any surprises.

Well, uu read a book

I'm not sure, but I think my friend wouldn't care too much. Although, I haven't seen him for almost ten years, so I don't know how he is doing now. Amunaeru's tone was very calm, which made Kagemaru feel a little anxious.

When I thought that the alchemist on the island might be angry because he and others brought in too many irrelevant people, he angrily refused to exchange knowledge on human body refining and philosopher's stone, making himself Having lost hope of extending his lifespan, Kagemaru's breathing became somewhat heavy.

He had funded amunaeru's alchemy research a long time ago in order to extend his life, but this guy has been unable to produce results that are effective for him for decades. First, he said that the Philosopher's Stone he was focusing on could not be completed. , and said that the human body refining that had been successful once had no hope of success again. Although I always felt that this guy was hiding it and refused to take out the real materials for himself, but because he was thinking about it, he couldn't Kagemaru couldn't let his early years of investment go to waste, and he couldn't break up with Amunaeru.

And when amunaeru talked about having an alchemist friend, Kagemaru had a new hope, and it was also his last hope. If he cannot get the possibility of immortality from today's alchemists, then he may have no choice but to make a card called Phantom Demon based on the knowledge in the ancient book he once obtained.

Amunaeru could see Kagemaru's gloomy eyes, but he said nothing. After the speedboat finally arrived at the shore, he took Kagemaru to the center of the island to find his friend.

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