Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 25 Precise Chapter Fragments

Hum, hum...

Seeing Diavolo knocked to the ground by the soul released from the [Thunderbird], wailing and moaning, Hayato had no mercy in his heart, he just stretched out his hand and let a [Thunderbird] 】The soul of the bird in the bird stopped at his fingertips.

'People will die one day, and pain and sadness will pass away, but I am willing to believe that the soul can be reincarnated. If there is a next life, I want to become a bird and fly freely in the sky.' Looking at the fingertips Hayato put down his hand as his soul dissipated, Well, it turns out that even a bird can't escape the fate of being locked in a cage?

[Diavolo: 700lp→0]

Because of the power of [Psychic Ectoplasm], Diavolo’s last 700 points were saved by [danger! Thunderbird] was cleared, but after his body fell to the ground, he kept repeating twitching movements and never woke up.

In this regard, Hayato did not explain to Yugi and others what he had done, but spread his hands: Okay, just leave this guy here, everything is over.

Is it okay to leave such a guy here? Jonouchi looked at Diavolo who fell to the ground with a disgusted expression on his face, Although I still haven't understood what this guy is talking about as an 'experiment' What's going on, but just defeating him in a duel would be too easy...

Don't worry, he will suffer enough punishment next, and he won't be able to go anywhere.

Especially, the 'reality' of death is a place he can never reach. Hayato said as he walked to Diavolo's side and took off his duel disk that was constantly turning into mist and dissipating. The entire deck, but this time, Hayato did not take the deck in his hand, but took out those [danger] cards in his hand.

As we all know, humans can accidentally tear up an entire deck of cards. Hayato naturally also accidentally tore up the [danger] card in his hand in one breath, and following his actions, several cards appeared in front of him. The phantoms of monsters turned out to be monsters such as [Bigfoot] and [Nissi] that Diavolo had used before.

As the cards were torn up, golden smoke erupted from the monsters' bodies and rose into the air. The twisted monster shapes also returned to their original postures - little white rabbits, orangutans, fish, etc., drifting away in the wind.

Although Hayato knows that the [danger] deck is far more powerful than Diavolo, a rookie, and actually has extremely powerful expansion capabilities, in comparison, he would rather choose to lose this powerful deck. Card deck. The cards contain unwilling and painful souls, and he would not be happy to use such a dark deck.

And the punishment for Diavolo that he didn't explicitly mention to Yugi was actually that in the last blow just now, Hayato controlled the strength of the [Psychic Ectoplasm] and attacked Diavolo. It is not so much the soul in [Thunderbird] as it is pure pain and resentment.

In Diavolo's body, Hayato deliberately retained a powerful vitality comparable to that of the card spirit, which was used to forever fight against the poison of the [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] left in his body, and Diavolo's spirit also I will be tortured forever by the hatred he created and will never be able to escape.

It can be said that he will always live, but it can also be said that he is always approaching death and will always linger before death, unable to reach it. This is Hayato's punishment for him.

However, although Hayato released all the souls in the Diavolo card, what surprised him was that before those souls left, they left behind an extremely thin golden mist leading to the forest, as if they were Guiding the way.

Hey, Jonouchi, what is this? Honda witnessed and asked Jonouchi beside him, but Jonouchi just spread his hands, I don't even know where the end of the universe is, how can I know this?

Malik rubbed his chin and expressed his guess: Could it be that those souls are guiding us in the direction we are going?

I think it's very possible. Kyoko said and looked at Yugi, and Yugi nodded to show that he and Kyoko had the same view.

This direction seems to lead to the volcano. It's the same as our original direction. Anyway, taking other roads is just as unfamiliar. Otherwise, let's try to follow it. Hayato thought for a moment and said My own suggestion, and no one else had any objections.

Before Diavolo attacked here, everyone had already had a brief rest. Although everyone had the idea of ​​camping here before, but now with this mist that seems to be dissipating at any time as a guide, it is better to continue moving forward.

The path pointed by the fog also led into the dense jungle, so the formation was still the same as before, with two people leading the way in front and the other four walking in the rear. Because they had rested for a while before, Honda took the lead again. After picking up the shovel, Jonouchi felt that he still had enough physical strength, so the two of them were currently leading the way, while Hayato, Malik and Yugi were also happily walking behind.

Although Kyoko is not a soft woman with no strength, there are five boys in the team, and the labor force is very rich, not enough to let the girls open the way.

Walking at the back of the team, Kyoko asked Hayato with some curiosity: Hayato, you said before that this is called the 'Philosopher's Stone'. Is that true? I remember that there seems to be a support card in the game deck. The magic card used by [Dark Magician] and [Dark Magician Girl] is called [Sage's Gem].

Well, although the names are not much different, the difference is actually quite big. Just this unfinished 'Philosopher's Stone' provided that guy in Diavolo with the ability to transform ordinary creatures into card elves. , and many powers that enable one to gain immortality. Hayato tossed the marble-sized Oriha stone in his hand and said casually, For the finished product, you can refer to this card. It can basically be said that All your wishes come true.”

As he spoke, Hayato took out his [Philosopher's Stone-Helaire] and showed it to several people.

After seeing the card effect of [Philosopher's Stone - Hellel], which was basically a fake card, even the game's eyes widened: Declare a card name, and then it can be used as a declaration card according to the rules. And get the same effect!? This effect is too shameless, uu read books

Can the completed 'Philosopher's Stone' be made into such a powerful card?

Believe me, Yugi, you don't want to know how to complete the 'Philosopher's Stone', nor do you want to see the completed 'Philosopher's Stone'. The existence of that kind of thing itself is a taboo subject for alchemists. Hayato put away the card and sighed, I'm afraid only a lunatic like Diavolo would do whatever it takes to complete the 'Philosopher's Stone'.

But I also suspect that that guy's crazy mind may be influenced by the Oliha Stone itself.

Oliha Gang, the planet is used to test humans... Yugi sighed, and suddenly remembered, By the way Hayato, Diavolo seems to have mentioned it before. It seems that there are other alchemists, and he is still there. Compare with each other to complete the 'Philosopher's Stone'. Do you know other alchemists?

Although this was the first time I heard that alchemists existed, I had noticed before the game that Hayato showed familiarity with alchemists, as if he also knew other alchemists.

Of the other alchemists, I actually only know one, and if we say we are familiar with each other, it can only be said that we know each other one-sidedly. Hayato was about to say something about the alchemist he knew. , but at this moment, several people had just walked out of the jungle and followed the golden smoke to the foot of a hill.

Without the cover of the trees, a huge obelisk-like column suddenly appeared in front of several people's eyes, standing on the ground. Two people were standing in front of the obelisk.

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