Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 13 Although I don’t want to admit it, it’s all because of the mistakes I made when I was you

As mentioned before, in the dark game, the level of [Ra's Winged Dragon] is much higher than other monsters. Regardless of the level of attack power, the damage it can cause is far beyond what other monsters can match, let alone Hayabusa also raised the attack power of [La's Winged Dragon] to a full 11,599 points in one breath.

Generally speaking, this damage is enough to incinerate the body and soul of the opponent facing the attack of [Ra's Winged Dragon]. However, the vampire Camus is still alive. Although there is also the factor of Hayato retaining his hand, it is very large. To a certain extent, it also benefits from the fact that the vampire family, as supernatural creatures, possesses vitality that far exceeds that of ordinary people.

However, this does not mean that Camus will survive.

The realm of the dark game dissipated as the duel was decided, and the figures of the monsters also faded away. Only behind Camus who fell to the ground, the [Phantom Demon Gate] he had used before in the duel reappeared.

What, what's going on? Why did the [Illusion Demon Gate] appear again?! Camus seemed to have not expected such a situation to appear. Regarding the [Illusion Demon Gate] standing behind him, he had some doubts during the duel. How arrogant and fearful now.

Didn't he already pay his soul as a st to the [Illusion Demon Gate]? Why is it that [Illusion Demon Gate] appears again now as if it wants to collect his soul! ?

This is not the first time that I have used a stronger [Phantom Demon Gate] to overwrite the rules in the dark game that has unfolded, but why, this feeling of my soul being pulled!

As a vampire, Camus' body is extremely active. Even if his whole body is split open with a sword, he can still stick his body back together with his hands. He can still survive if his head is cut off, and he can even squeeze his eyes. There is no problem if the moisture inside is shot out like a laser.

Normal methods cannot kill vampires, but the power of the dark game and the [Phantom Demon Gate], the secret card of the vampire family, are different. The power directly targets life and the soul, regardless of Camus' body. No matter how powerful you are, you can't escape death.

Feeling that his soul was about to be pulled out of his body, Camus was filled with unwillingness and confusion. At this moment, he saw Hayato calmly take out three cards from a card box on his waist.

[Gate of Phantom Demons], although I don't know what the connection is between your card and their combined forms. After all, they are both called 'Gate of Phantom Demons'.

Turning the three cards in his hand, Camus saw that the three cards in Hayato's hand were [Godly Flame Emperor - Uriah], [Thunder Lord - Harmon] and [Phantom Demon Emperor - Rabiel]. In order to be one, a card also named [Gate of Phantom Demon] was formed.

But who allowed you to use that card without authorization to tamper with the dark game I started?

Holding the [Phantom Demon Door] card in his hand that was temporarily transformed by merging the three phantom demons he learned from Anubis, Hayato felt that he had an understanding of the door behind Camus at this moment, which was not a card but a reality. With absolute control over the existing [Phantom Demon Gate], the life and death of Camus, who lost the duel, only existed in his own thoughts.

In that case, what's there to say about keeping Camus alive to wait for the New Year?

With this in mind, Hayato will use the power of the [Phantom Demon Gate] to re-impose on him the punishment of the dark game that Camus escaped - having his soul devoured by darkness.

That kind of disrespectful card will now be out of print——

Wait, please wait, please spare my life! Just before Hayato was about to take Camus's soul, Hayato was shocked because he actually had the card [Gate of Phantom Demons] in his hand. Camus seemed to be aware that his death was approaching. To Hayato and Malik's surprise, not long after he got up, he suddenly knelt down and frantically begged Hayato for mercy.

The way Camus was begging for mercy in embarrassment at this moment was in stark contrast to the arrogant attitude he had before the duel. The sharp contrast made Hayato stunned, and Camus was also afraid that saying he was late would make Hayato change his mind, so he hurriedly Said: As long as you let me go, Lord Hayato Kobayashi, I can tell you who hired me to hurt you!

Think about it, I am so weak and powerless in front of you. I am no threat to you at all. And if you know who hired me, you can be prepared for the rest of your journey. Isn’t it? That’s a pretty good deal!”

Camus, who was kneeling on the ground, said this with a rather forced smile on his face. His hands on his knees continued to hold his flesh hard, and his nails were about to embed into the flesh and pierce the skin.

Shame, so shameful. A noble vampire actually knelt down and begged for mercy from a human. It was just a mere piece of food. In order to survive, he actually groveled so lowly. The dignity of a noble vampire felt like it was being trampled on the ground. , what a shame!

However, I must survive. For the revival of the vampire clan, I, a member of the vampire clan, must survive!

It's just a moment of humiliation. Compared with your own precious life, just give up your dignity. Anyway, only two humans, Kobayashi Hayato and the guy next to him with a bad mouth, know how ugly they are. When they are two short-lived humans, After old age and death, one's own stains will naturally disappear.

If they survive today...

Camus lowered his head slightly, hiding his sinister eyes from Hayato.

Exchanging your life for your employer's information that should be kept confidential? Haha, as a mercenary, you really have professional ethics. Hayato looked contemptuously at Camus who was kneeling down begging for mercy, thought for a moment, and said, Okay, I really want to know who wants to kill me so much, I agree to your request.

Hearing that Hayato agreed to let him go, Camus was overjoyed and subconsciously wanted to tell who hired him. But as soon as he raised his head and before he could say anything, he suddenly remembered that among the intelligence he had collected, it seemed that someone I have evaluated Kobayashi Hayato as a very sinister guy.

Although others are not unable to betray, break contracts, and betray teammates, Kobayashi Hayato can do these things without any psychological burden.

Thinking of this, Camus hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and said: You have to swear that you will never hurt me, otherwise I will swallow this secret and take it to the underworld without telling it!

Although he was tough on his words, Camus knew that he was not qualified to negotiate conditions with Hayato. If he failed to do so, Hayato might lose interest in obtaining information because of his own conditions, and then kill him. He was just betting that Hayato did not regard him as someone who must be killed, and that he would pay attention to the information that someone wanted to kill him.

Fortunately, Camus seemed to have made the right bet, and Hayato said helplessly: I always stick to my word, and I will never break a promise when I promise it. You guy don't believe in the promise I made? Okay, then I swear, as long as you reveal the information about who hired you, I will never hurt you.

Bet my tamashi.

Hayato talked about this and even bet the soul card that every duelist regarded as his life. Camus also believed that Hayato would not hurt him.

On the other hand, Malik looked at Hayato with some surprise: No, brother-in-law, do you really want to let this guy go? This guy is not a good person, and if you let this guy go like this, who will Knowing if he would come back and attack us again.”

Otherwise, I have already bet my precious Tamashi. As long as this guy tells the information, I can't break the contract. Turning his head, Hayato took out three cards and showed them, You also know , [Disturbing·Huang] These few are my beloved relatives, friends, and brothers.

Arnie~ x3

Amidst the moved voices of the [Disturbing] brothers, Hayato blinked at Malik. Seeing this, Malik recalled what Hayato had just said, and suddenly seemed to understand something, and nodded understandingly.

Camus didn't see the wink between the two. He was afraid that Hayato would change his mind because of Malik's words. He quickly said: It's a guy who calls himself 'Pegasus Yakou'. I haven't seen his face and don't know what he looks like. All I know is that the person with this name wants to kill you.

He promised a piece of real estate that once belonged to my family as a reward for hiring me. The reason for wanting to kill you seems to be because you killed Becas J. Croftor.

In one breath, Camus told him all the information he knew, with almost no reservations, in order to satisfy Hayato and allow him to leave.

Tianma Yuexing? Malik rubbed his chin, Why do I feel like I have seen a similar name before? By the way, didn't that guy from Becas have an adopted son named Tianma Yuexing? He was from KC Cup before. I also saw him on stage hosting during midfield.

Pegasus walks at night, Pegasus walks at moon, is there any relationship between these two people? Their names are so similar.

I don't know much about this. I don't know much about you humans, but it shouldn't matter. Camus answered Malik. Although he looked down on Malik, a guy who looked weak and had a bad mouth, and just talked too much about things he shouldn't have said, due to Hayato, Camus still didn't show any dissatisfaction with Malik. After all, this guy is obviously a Related households.

How did you get it? Just kidding, he calls Hayato brother-in-law. Well, Camus has a very good ear.

It doesn't matter? Probably, but for the sake of 'killing Becas', I sent someone here to kill you, brother-in-law... Malik said, turning to look at Hayato.

Hayato turned his head and glanced at the scenery outside the cabin: Although I don't want to admit it, it's all because of the mistakes I made when I was young.

Brother-in-law, you have just come of age. When you are young, do you mean the period when you were thirteen or fourteen years old? Malik complained accurately.

No, in Japan, adults are only 20 years old, and you have to be 20 years old to drink alcohol. However, you only need to be 16 to get married.

Hayato said casually, feeling a little strange in his heart as to what was going on with this guy Pegasus Yakou.

According to the information previously investigated by Kaiba, it was indeed the two brothers Pegasus Ye Xing and Pegasus Yue Xing who were adopted by Bekas. However, for some reason, Pegasus Ye Xing disappeared from almost everyone's memory. It seems that because his outstandingly talented brother Tenma Tsukihiro has attracted everyone's attention, his sense of existence has disappeared. Even Becas and Tenma Tsukihiro no longer know about Tenma Yokoyuki's existence.

In the commotion at the KC Cup, in addition to the defeated Schrader Group and the Paradis Group that were destroyed along with Doma, Tianma Yexing, who seemed to have formed an alliance with Tapirang, was also one of the participants. It was also at that time that he first agreed not to take action for the Kaiba Group and then went back on his word and stabbed him in the back, thus forming a rift with the Kaiba Group.

But if you want to take revenge on yourself, you can take action long ago. Why wait until now and use the excuse of killing Bekas? It's not like you have to find an excuse to declare war by playing Savage. What's more, although Becas was indeed killed by himself, Becas was later resurrected when Hayato killed Oliha Gangjin, right? He didn't lose anything.

In other words, the 40% of International Fantasy Club shares that Becas originally held were lost by about 10% due to changing hands, making Becas's current shares the same as those held by Hayato and Yugi.

Well, it’s not a big deal at all. Didn’t Bekas say things like “One hundred million is a small goal for me”, “I’m not interested in money”, “Founding the International Illusion Society was my worst decision”, even if it wasn’t He said it as well.

Hayato was thinking about what happened to Pegasus' night walk, but after Camus told all the information he knew, he didn't stand up in a hurry, but continued to kneel on the ground and looked up at Hayato, and said cautiously: This is me I know everything. I have made the deal, can you let me go now? You promised it with your important elf.

Under the suppression of [Phantom Demon Gate], Camus didn't dare to make any big moves. Who knows whether Hayato can control this card, it would be terrible if one accidentally sucked him in.

Although he hasn't asked Camus about the difference between the three phantoms' [Phantom Demon's Gate] and Camus's self-proclaimed ancestral [Phantom Demon's Gate] cards, Hayato has no interest in finding out. Waving his hand, the [Phantom Demon Gate] card in his hand turned back into three Phantom Demon cards, and the Phantom Demon Gate behind Camus that had been tearing his soul also stopped moving, and the open door began to slowly close.

In order for Camus to breathe a sigh of relief, it was really uncomfortable to put his life in the hands of others, but he still survived. Feeling that the soul that was almost pulled out returned to his body, Camus felt that he had successfully saved his life and was about to stand up.

Just as he moved his feet before standing up, Camus suddenly saw Malik taking a golden object from Hayato's hand, and suddenly rounded it up and hit him in the face!

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