Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 12 Although it is not written on the card, this card can be specially summoned

Instead of subconsciously replying Thirteen Pieces, I am a Japanese foodist, Hayato looked at Malik a little strangely, wondering why this guy was so excited, as if he was a good person.

Although I don’t know what Camus’s vampire’s usual style is like, judging from his behavior of sucking the blood of the hostage flight attendant just now, it seems that he just treats humans as moving food and treats Malik The answer Do you remember how many slices of bread you have eaten? also confirms this.

But how good is Malik? Just the fact that he killed his biological father shows that he is not a good person. After founding Gurus, he even printed pirated [Ra's Winged Dragon] cards in order to experiment and discover the power of the God Card as much as possible. Use the people under your command as sacrifices to bear the punishment of God.

But Hayato thought again and realized why Malik was so excited. It was simply because he saw Camus using other people's souls to bear the punishment of the dark game, and he remembered that he was betrayed by his dark personality in Duel City. Go out and be a substitute.

This is understandable.

Looking at the frontcourt that became empty due to the effect of [Phantom Demon Gate], and the powerful [Hellfire Machine-Tiera] that also came to his field due to the effect of [Phantom Demon Gate], Camus Smiling very proudly: There is no doubt that I have grasped the future of victory in my hands now. The card in your backfield is the card that was recycled with [Laundry Dragon Dilemma], right?

Humph, what a pity. That card can't be used until the end of your next turn, right? That means that without a card to protect you, my next direct attack will be!

Enter the combat stage, and then although I have no ability to cause damage, I use this [Ra's Winged Dragon - Sphere] to attack you!

Super Ultimate Solar Impact!

Camus had a malicious smile on his face, waved his hand and ordered.

In a regular duel using the Kaiba Group's virtual projection system, the intensity of the impact suffered by the duelist is generally determined by the size of the damage. The higher the attack power of the monster, the greater the impact it can cause and can even destroy the duel table. Explode. However, cards with the power of resident spirits and dark games are a different set of rules.

The monster's attack power is no longer an important factor that determines the amount of damage. Instead, things like the personality of the card itself are more important. For example, although [Najima] is level 1☆, its attack power is only 0 points. Monster, but the damage it caused in the dark game launched by Bekas almost knocked Hayato and Yugi unconscious.

As for [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon - Sphere], although it does not match the information about [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon] collected in Camus' memory, the god attribute cannot be faked. Even if the attack power of a monster of this level is 0 , a direct attack on Hayato is enough to kill him.

But the premise is that [Ra's Winged Dragon - Sphere Form] really obeyed Camus's order and launched an attack on Hayato.

Camus declared his attack for a long time, but the golden dome in the sky seemed to have not heard his instructions. There was no movement for a long time, which made Camus very confused. It can't be because you don't know the correct name of the move when this card attacks, so you can't react, right?

Don't be discouraged. This happens to one out of every five men. It's normal to have trouble with old age.

Hayato's teasing made Camus understand that his inability to attack with [Ra's Winged Dragon - Sphere] had nothing to do with him: Why is this? Why can't this monster attack you?

Will you face the sun and ask why it shines? Hayato raised his finger and pointed at the sun disk in the sky. The reason why you can't attack me with [Ra's Winged Dragon - Sphere] is of course because I have a relationship with you. The bond between [Ra’s Winged Dragon - Sphere] makes it refuse to hurt me!”

This is a lie.

At this moment, Hayato was simply deceiving him by relying on the fact that the words written on the card [Ra's Winged Dragon - Sphere] were written by ancient Egyptian priests that Camus didn't recognize.

Although Hayato had been drawing cards like crazy in order to draw the [Creator God of Light] after the end of Duel City, and then died suddenly after drawing a bunch of support cards from the Three Phantom Gods, the [Pulled] card he was using at the moment However, the card Wing Shenlong - Sphere was not drawn at that time. It was split by Ra's Wing Shenlong on his own initiative long before the finals between Duel City and Kaiba. He did not want to be removed from the deck by Hayato. Split.

And after that, the spirit of [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon] itself seemed to have been transferred to the card of [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon - Sphere], and followed Hayato to the Elf World during the Pyramid of Light incident. , so he used the card of [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon] that did not have the power of the spirit as a substitute, and by the way escaped the encounter of having his power absorbed by the Oliha Gang God.

As a card split from [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon], [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon - Sphere] although the name, attributes, etc. are written in conventional text, only in the effect description area of ​​the card are It is blank like [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon]. Only after it is summoned will the details of its abilities written in ancient Egyptian priestly characters appear.

This kind of writing is quite special, so special that Hayato knows no more than ten people who are capable of interpreting this kind of writing, including Kaiba, Yugi, Grandpa Sugoroku, Isis, Malik and Hayato. There are only six people above. That's all, even Becas, the maker of the card, can't decipher this kind of text.

Among the only six people, only Malik and Isis are Egyptians. The other four have nothing to do with Egypt. Besides, leaving aside Grandpa Sugoroku who visited monuments all over the world, Hayato , Yugi, and Kaiba have never learned even a trace of Egyptian writing. They can't even understand modern Egyptian writing, but they can understand the long-lost ancient Egyptian priest writing without any teacher.

Hayato couldn't remember the specific principle, but he was sure that Camus, a vampire, couldn't understand the effects on the cards, so he could naturally start talking nonsense without any scruples.

If Malik, who is standing on the sidelines at the moment, is asked to carefully read the text on the card, he can interpret the following information:

[This card cannot be specially summoned. When this card is normally summoned, you must liberate three monsters on your own field and summon them, or you must liberate three monsters on your opponent's field and summon them on your opponent's field. This summoned Control of the card returns to the original owner at the end of the next turn.

1: This card cannot attack and will not be the target of the opponent's attacks or effects.

2: This card must be released to activate. Special Summon a [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon] from your hand or deck, ignoring the summoning conditions, and changing its attack power and defense power to 4000. 】

‘Although it’s not written on this card, this card has that effect’.jpg

Camus was not sure whether what Hayato said was true or false. The situation on the field was indeed as Hayato said. [Ra's Winged Dragon - Sphere] refused to attack him, but Camus' intuition always felt that Hayato This guy who was talking nonsense was lying to him, but he couldn't produce any evidence. He couldn't understand the meaning of the ghostly characters drawn on the card of [La's Winged Dragon - Sphere]. ,

But it doesn't matter, it's just that one monster can't attack. Isn't there another monster on my field? It's the [Hellfire Machine - Tiera] that was taken from Hayato's graveyard!

In that case, then I will use this monster to attack, [Hellfire Machine - Tiera], give your master a good beating!

Super Ultimate Fire Blast!

The name is too bad. It's just a word change from the [Pull-Winged Dragon - Sphere] attack move that I just made nonsense of! Malik complained in time, With such a perfunctory move, I would rather accept my brother-in-law’s messy naming than give him a name.”

Then I'm really touched, Malik, but correct me again, I'm not your brother-in-law.

As Hayato spoke, he looked at the giant beast with a lion's head and a snake's body - [Hellfire Machine Tiera] looking down at him with eyes shrouded in black energy. The two balls in his hand were about to be smashed down. But there was a calm expression on his face: You want to use my monsters to deal with me, haha, it's such a powerful official, but it's still 20,000 years too early!

At this moment, the effect of the [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] in my graveyard is activated!

That's right, among the three cards that were originally piled into the graveyard from the top of Hayato's deck with the second effect of [Hellfire Machine Tiera], except for [Treasure Card Falling from the Sky] and [Laundry], which recycled a card In addition to Dragon Girl's Dilemma, the third card is Hayato's invincible aibo, the eternal god Rainbow Chestnut Ball!

What is true tamashi (tactical fallback)?

Facing the attack that [Hellfire Machine Tiera] was about to launch, a rainbow-like streamer flew out of Hayato's duel disk area, and turned into a wall of light around Hayato. Its attack power surpassed that of [Blue Eyes White]. When the two spheres, one black and one white, containing powerful power in the hands of Dragon's [Hellfire Machine Tiera] were smashed down, they were unable to shake even the slightest bit of this wall of light. It was as if everything was unfortunate at this moment. It's like being rejected outside the light wall!

Soy Milk looked at the [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] floating in front of him supporting the wall of light. Hayato covered his face with one hand and laughed while standing in the wall of light. You see it, Camus, the card elf likes it. I, Hayato Kobayashi, even if it’s just a little bit of damage, you have no chance of hurting me!”

If [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] exists in the graveyard, her effect will be activated when the opponent's monster declares a direct attack, and [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] will be special summoned from my graveyard, and then the [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] will be specially summoned by this effect. Except when leaving the field.

【Rainbow Chestnut Ball】【def100】

A mere 100 points of defense is so weak, like a wall of light that seems to be broken at a touch, but it is this mere 100 points of defense that blocks the attack of [Hellfire Machine Tiera], even if Even infinite power will be blocked in front of this layer of defense.

However, this layer of defense could only appear for a moment. As the [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] disappeared, the wall of light around Hayato shattered.

Even in such an absolutely isolated and helpless situation, there are still elves appearing? Camus, as a supernatural vampire, naturally noticed that there were elves on the [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] card, and he felt very unhappy when his attack was frustrated. , he gritted his teeth and said, You won't be so lucky next turn, Kobayashi Hayato. I will change [Ra's Winged Dragon - Sphere Form] to defense position, and then end this turn.

Camus only drew the card [Gate of Phantom Demons] this round. After using it, there was no card in his hand. He could not make any expansion in the main stage two after the battle stage, and because he did not know clearly Due to the effect of [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon - Sphere], he felt that this miscellaneous fish with an attack power of 0 and could not attack could not be used as a breakthrough for Hayato to defeat him, so he changed it into a defensive position to avoid direct hits with high attack power.

Next turn? No, you don't have a next turn, Camus.

However, what surprised Camus was that the next moment he declared the end of the round, Hayato raised his hand and pointed a finger in the air: Grandma said that as long as I wish, fate will definitely be on my side. to one side, and the same is true of the sun’s radiance.”

Come back to me, [La's Winged Dragon]!

As Hayato's words fell, Camus couldn't help but widen his eyes, because he saw [La's Winged Divine Dragon - Sphere] hanging high on his field, unable to command like a deaf man. After hearing Hayato's greeting, , unexpectedly the light flashed twice, and he ran to Hayato Field in a hurry, as if he couldn't wait for a long time? !

Control of [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon - Sphere] will return to the original holder at the end of the next turn after it is successfully summoned. Hayato did not explain this effect to Camus, but caught it and materialized it out of thin air in his hand. card of [Ra's Winged Dragon - Sphere], while saying: Now, I hold the future in my hands.

[Camus: 4000lp, 0 cards in hand]

【Hellfire Machine Tiera】【atk3400】

Hey, after eating three of my monsters, you actually ran back and treated the duel as a cafeteria?! Camus looked at the golden eggs on Hayato's field unhappily and snorted, Huh, but then So what, is it possible that a mere fish monster can make some waves?

Camus's base score at this moment was an intact 4000 points, and there was also the protection of [Hellfire Machine Tiera] taken from Hayato on the field. He couldn't figure out how to lose?

Really, then just keep your eyes open, Camus, this is my struggle for victory. Hayato said, pulling out a card from the deck without playing it, instead pointing his hand at the top of his head. [La's Winged Dragon-Sphere].

The stage promised to you has been prepared. Although it is only a small role, there is no need to worry about it. Let's show our glory to the fullest, [La's Winged Dragon]!

Free [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon - Sphere], and then I will Special Summon [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon] from the deck!

The preface is too long, so I'll just omit it. I'm too lazy to read the priest's words. Come out, [La's Winged Dragon]!

While Malik was complaining about I won't be punished by God, the backstage is really hard, Camus saw [Ra's Winged Dragon - Sphere] begin to change its body, its golden wings stretched out, symbolizing the majesty of the sun. The ring moved behind him, and [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon - Sphere Form], which was originally just a miscellaneous fish monster, transformed into a form that can truly prove the name of God - [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon]!

【Ra's Winged Dragon】【10☆/God】

[Phantom Beast Tribe/Effect]

【? /? 4000/4000】

The attack power and defense power of the [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon] transformed from the [sphere shape] will be changed to 4000 points. Hayato paused and opened his arms under Camus' confused gaze.

The next moment, Camus saw Hayato flying up out of thin air to the top of [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon], and half of his body merged into the interior of the sun god.

Using the special effect of [Ra's Winged Dragon], I can merge with her, and by paying the base points up to 1 point, the attack power and defense of [Ra's Winged Dragon] will be increased by the amount of the base points I paid. . Hayato said, pointing to Camus who was on the ground below him at the moment, The care of the card spirit, the awareness of abandonment, and the throwing of tiles by Camus!

Now, I am stronger, and then I will use the power of Cammy, a vampire who is not even qualified to hide in the shadows!

Surfer Assault!

[Hayato: 76001lp]

In just an instant, the high base points Hayato had previously obtained by liberating [Hellfire Machine Tiera] were reduced to 1 point, and this power was completely absorbed by the [Ra's Winged Dragon] connected to it. The attack power comparable to [Obelisk's Titan Soldier] has increased again!

【La's Winged Dragon】【atk400011599】

Looking at the Winged Dragon exuding divine light and thinking about spitting out the golden sun fire that burned everything, Camus widened his eyes: It's impossible, how could a mere card elf have such a level of power!

My ambition to revive the vampire clan! I——


Hayato didn't listen to Camus' last words. The divine fire fell and burned Camus's basic points in an instant. Also destroyed was the shameful traitor in his deck [Hellfire Machine Tiera]. .

([Tiera]: How about you think back to how you sent me to the cemetery?)

[Camus: 4000lp0]

Not surprisingly, in the face of the power of [Ra's Winged Dragon], Camus' base score instantly dropped to zero. The moment after Hayato won the duel, the realm of the dark game he launched dissipated, and Hayato, Malik, and Camus, who had been knocked to the ground, returned to the cabin of the plane.



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