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Don't underestimate the experience that an old man like me has accumulated over a lifetime! After hearing Jonouchi's complaints, Grandpa Shuangliu immediately retorted, and started to talk about his experiences decades ago.

For Jonouchi and others who heard this story for the first time, the story of the young Grandpa Sugoroku and two tomb robbers breaking through the layers of mechanisms in the tomb is interesting, but unfortunately, the game has not been known since childhood. How many times have I heard my grandfather tell this story.

Whether it is stretching out the cigarette butt to test the trap ahead, the ancient Egyptian characters that only Grandpa Shuangliu can read appeared in the burning flames, moving forward with the left foot to avoid the stone statue that will attack people, these scenes It all sounds a bit outrageous.

Especially in the last part of the story, the tomb robber thought there was no trap and shot Mr. Shuangliu. He wanted to take away the treasure after a series of levels, but activated the last trap and was killed by a stone slab less than one meter away from the treasure. The sealed monster swallowed the whole person, and the style of the painting changed from Raiders of the Lost Ark to Munayin in an instant.

What's even more outrageous is that the young Grandpa Shuangliu, who was shot by a tomb robber at that time, had to hold on to the edge with his hands to prevent him from falling into the cliff. However, he was unable to fear going up because of his injuries, and even lost blood. Constantly losing strength.

But just when Grandpa Shuangliu was about to release his fingers, he was pulled up from the cliff by a man wearing gold and silver whose face could not be seen in the tomb that was supposed to be deserted. The man also said: Saying something like I'm just waiting for you, Simon.

But when Shuangliu fell into coma and woke up again, he was found lying on the ground safe and sound. The bones of the tomb robber who died tragically before were gone. He came to the final treasure alone and took the loot back to Japan. It was the [Millennium Building Blocks] later completed by his grandson Yugi.

However, because he did not complete the game by himself in the end, Muto Sugoroku no longer wore a suit, but wore a jumpsuit made of jeans that he specified, and buried his obsession with the game in his memories. Here, he just named his grandson Yi Yu as a commemoration.

The first one can be explained by the fact that there were duel monsters in ancient Egypt. The second one is just a ghost story made up by Master Sugoroku through artistic processing to scare us. Jonouchi crossed his arms in front of his chest. , said with certainty.

Honda and Kyoko also nodded.

I won't make up stories in a place like this. These are all true! After hearing that no one in the city believed what he said, Muto Sugoroku lost his temper like a child and said excitedly. , turned to look at Hayato, Hey, Hayato, do you believe what I said?

Hayato knew that what Grandpa Shuangroku said was indeed true, whether it was the method of cracking the mechanism or the supernatural rescue in the end, but he deliberately said: Even if I am simple, I will not believe everything, Shuangroku. grandfather.

Why is this... He didn't even bother to complain about Hayato's innocence. Muto Shuangroku was a little frustrated, sighed, and said helplessly, In short, as duel monsters have become more and more popular in recent years, as the origin of Bekas's materials , There are more and more people in Egypt who want to make a fortune by robbing tombs. When you go to Egypt, don’t be like me and just find a tour guide.”

Hearing this, Honda smiled mysteriously at Muto Shugoroku: Hey, you don't have to worry about this, Grandpa Shugoroku. We have a tour guide who is very familiar with Egypt, and we can definitely trust him.

Half an hour later, Tongshino City Airport.

Sir Malik, please be careful on the road. With a solemn expression, Lishid handed a huge backpack into Malik's hands and instructed in detail, In addition to a change of clothes, I also prepared I put a sandproof tent and sunscreen, as well as hemostatic bandages and anti-inflammatories...

There are too many unnecessary things, Lishid, and you're so arrogant like an old woman.

Taking the package handed over by Lishid with one hand, Malik was almost bent over by the unexpected exaggerated weight. Malik quickly handed over the package in his hand to the staff of the ground handling team at the airport and asked them to put the luggage in. In the cabin, his other hand kept covering his ear.

Lishid has carefully prepared your luggage for this trip for a long time. Malik, please be more obedient. Yin Xisi stood next to Lishid, and naturally noticed that Malik covered his ears the whole time. , obviously not listening to Lishid.

Hearing Yin Xisi say this about him, Malik couldn't help but look at Yin Xisi: Before talking about me, please put your hands down, sister.

... She responded with silence. Yin Xisi pretended not to hear Malik's words and told him, I have already said hello to the tomb-guarding clan. Although you have been removed from the list, you have the reason of traveling with the nameless pharaoh. , the clan won’t make things too difficult for you. It’s rare to go back to Egypt after so many years, so go to the clan.”

There is no need to go back to that place... Hearing Yin Xisi mention this matter, Malik looked reluctant, And if you want to lead the way, compared to me, whether it is Lishid or sister, you are not Would it be more suitable?

Many years ago, because Malik violated the rules of seclusion of the Tomb Keeper clan and went to the bustling city without authorization to see the motorcycle that he was very interested in, the then heads of the Tomb Keeper clan, namely Malik and Yin Xisi, siblings Their father meted out extremely severe punishment to Malik and Lishid, who was responsible for looking after Malik.

Malik was originally a dark-minded person. At that time, he had already split into the dark personality Dark Malik due to the influence of the dark power of the [Millennium Scepter]. However, he had been suppressed because of Lishid's past influence. Seeing Lishid wailing in pain and having ferocious marks stamped on his skin by the hot metal, Malik's dark personality exploded and he used the knife hidden in the [Millennium Scepter] to kill his father.

Since then, Malik took Lishid and fled from the tomb-keeper clan, and never returned to Egypt. The tomb-keeper clan also abolished Malik's identity because of his crime of patricide, and Malik's identity was also revoked. Li Ke also lost the qualification to inherit the position of patriarch, and had to be succeeded by Yin Xisi, the eldest daughter of the late patriarch.

At that time, Malik was only eleven years old, and he was forced to live within the Tomb Keeper clan for most of his childhood. He had never been to the outside world at all, although he had no idea where to play hide and seek within the Tomb Keeper clan. He knew where to hide things, but once he left the Tomb Keeper clan, he didn't know the way at all.

How come he, a traitor from the tomb-guarding clan, became a tour guide?

On the other hand, Yin Xisi and Li Xide are different. Lishid was not a member of the Tomb Keeper clan, but an orphan who was abandoned by his parents. He was brought back to the clan by Malik's father, and his status was not an official clan member, but only the leader and future leader of the Tomb Keeper clan. Serving servant.

Although the tomb-guarding clan has always maintained isolation from the world for their own responsibilities and missions, they are still humans and not gods. After all, they still have material needs. The exchange of supplies with the outside world has never been interrupted for thousands of years. The important thing about isolating from the world is not to expose the specific location of one's existence, and servants like Lishid are responsible for bringing supplies from the outside world.

There is also Yin Xisi. Since Malik and Lishid rebelled against the Tomb Guard clan and were expelled, and their father died at the hands of their younger brothers, Yin Xisi had to shoulder the mission of being the leader of the Tomb Guard clan and lived in Egypt for two years. Ten years later, it was not until Duel City that I came to Tongshiye City in the Far East with the card of [Obelisk's Titan Weapon].

You must know that Yin Sisi is different from Malik, a wanted criminal, and Lishid, a gangster who does not even have an identity document. She is a serious Egyptian government official, the director of the Egyptian Antiquities Bureau, and of course knows some special places in Egypt. Go.

It's not like you don't know that this time you went to Egypt according to the formal procedures, and Lishid couldn't go back. Yin Xisi sighed and said helplessly, Because of the touring exhibition of Egyptian cultural relics, I have to follow Those important slates have to stay in Tongshiye City with Minoyin, and a batch of slates will be sent back to the country in two days, and then another batch will be sent over, so I have to stay here.

Although as an official, Yin Sisi can often rely on the power of the Egyptian government for convenience, but at the same time, she will also be subject to certain restrictions. After all, even junior high school students can learn in textbooks that rights and obligations are tied together.

Yin Xisi had finished her words, and Malik could only nod helplessly and said: Okay, okay, I'll just be a tour guide, but I've made a promise in advance that I will go back to my clan if I'm on the way, but I won’t go back if it doesn’t go my way.”

As he spoke, Malik smiled at Yin Xisi with a sinister smile, After all, I have to help you look after your brother-in-law--ouch!

Covering his head that was lightly knocked by Yin Xisi, Malik ran away with a smile and walked up the stairs to board the plane. He did not forget to look back and say: See you in a month, Lishid, and elder sister!

This kid... Watching Malik's figure walk into the cabin and disappear before her eyes, Yin Xisi smiled helplessly.

In the cabin, Hayato, who had already boarded the plane, was sitting at a table. He glanced at Malik, who hurriedly ran onto the plane, and didn't care. Instead, he stretched out his hand and scratched the table.

On the ordinary glass desktop, a map of the world was suddenly displayed, and as if global information was displayed in real time, countless light spots flashed on the unfolded earth map, among which the most The most conspicuous one is the red dot in the corner of Asia that represents the location of Tongshino City, which represents the current location of the aircraft.

Hayato's movements attracted Honda's attention. He moved his eyes away from a TV broadcasting news in the cabin, looked towards Hayato, and asked: Although Hayato, you said Becas has already arranged it. Everything, but I suddenly remembered, didn’t the news say that the Pacific Ocean is almost completely controlled, is it okay for our plane to just fly there?”

The commotion caused by Dazi not long ago was so great that almost all government departments around the world knew more or less how powerful the elf power was that should have been hidden, which led to the location of the island where Doma's headquarters is located - ―That is, extending outward from the location where Atlantis sank thousands of years ago, a rather vast sea area is controlled by governments of various countries.

Because that section of the sea is high seas, strictly speaking, no country has ownership rights there, which makes all kinds of overt and covert struggles extremely fierce, all trying to unearth any prehistoric heritage that can be used there. For safety reasons, aircraft and cruise ships from all over the world have stopped sailing across the Pacific during this period.

The merchant ship of the International Illusion Society also had great luck, and they accidentally salvaged the sunken ship containing gems in the unblocked waters, which Bekas found. It left the high seas again so that the sunken ship would have its own country. uuread a book

Pacific Ocean? We are not passing through the Pacific Ocean. Hayato smiled, pointed to the map and said, Although flying from Doshino City to America does require passing through the Pacific Ocean, Bekas did not plan to wait to meet us in America, but planned to We will meet again after arriving in Egypt, so this time we are not flying from east to west, but from west to east.”

Following the direction of Hayato's finger sliding, a dotted line representing the aircraft route appeared on the electronic map. That line did not cross the ocean but pointed to the land. According to the trajectory shown by the dotted line, the aircraft was going to fly over almost the entire The Asian continent eventually reaches Cairo, the capital of Egypt.

Bekas set out from the United States, crossed the Atlantic Ocean, and then arrived on the African continent. If the two ends moved separately and met in Cairo, it would be much more efficient than going to the United States first and then going to Egypt.

Although Bekas travels in search of inspiration, it does not mean that his trip is so leisurely. When you are meaninglessly rushing, choose the most efficient way possible, and you will have more time to waste during your trip.

At the airport, under the watch of Grandpa Sugoroku, Yin Xisi and Li Xied, Jonouchi's sister Shizuka and others, the plane accelerated from the runway and took off into the air. In the cabin, Jonouchi squeezed Honda's shoulders hard and asked why this guy left. All the while waving goodbye to Shizuka.

Looking down at the Hindenburg displayed on the electronic map, Hayato couldn't help complaining: First it was Saint Anne and then Hindenburg. Are there any brain problems when rich people name airplanes and airships? ?”

Oh, Becas’s name, that’s okay.

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