Games are everything in my life.

Games are the value of my existence.

So I will show the utmost respect to my game opponents. When I lose the game, I will wear a jumpsuit made of jeans material and wait until I grow old, as a bargaining chip for punishment.

Well, when I was young, that was indeed what I thought.

Holding a photo album in his hand, Muto Sugoroku, who was sitting at the counter, said a little embarrassedly, tugging at the jumpsuit made of jeans he was wearing, Well, you have already seen the result.

Even if you say that, Master Shugoroku, Jonouchi held a photo in his hand with an expression of disbelief, How could we possibly believe that the super tough guy in the photo could actually be you, Master Shugoroku!

In the photo in Jonouchi's hand, a handsome man wearing a black suit and a gentleman's hat, as if he was going to propose, was standing next to a camel, making a handsome pistol movement towards the direction of the camera. It seems to be saying something exciting like hit your heart.

The uncle's iconic starfish hair style and the date of photography printed in the corner of the photo were 1960, confirming that the identity of the handsome uncle in the photo is none other than Sugoroku Muto standing in front of Jonouchi at the moment!

Not only that, but what's the matter with that height?

Honda also leaned close to Jonouchi, looking down at the handsome man in the photo who could easily climb over a camel, and then looked up at Muto Sugoroku, who even stood at the counter with only his chest exposed, Although It is said that people do become shorter as they age due to muscle atrophy and bone aging, but Grandpa Shuangliu, your shortening is just like changing your personality!

Oh, that's not true, is it? Muto Sugoroku scratched his head. Seeing that Jonouchi and Honda both had an attitude of not believing that the photo was real, he helplessly spread his hands and said, But in that era, there was no such thing as PS. Thanks to the fake technology, this photo is indeed real, and the person on it is indeed me.

Mr. Shuangliu said so. Although it was hard to believe that Grandpa Muto Shuangliu, who looked like he couldn't rub himself anymore, was actually a super elegant and handsome guy with long legs when he was young, everyone could only accept this indisputable fact. fact.

Unfortunately, I was still thinking about whether the current height of the game has reached the limit. After all, Grandpa Shuangliu is only so tall at his age. It turns out that Grandpa Shuangliu was much taller than he is now when he was young. Kyoko said, He glanced at Yugi who was smiling shyly and said, Congratulations, Yugi. You still have the potential to continue to grow taller in the future.

In fact, I'm not very short now, I think. And I've obviously grown a full centimeter since I was in the Duel Kingdom! Although I learned about myself through the photos of my grandfather when he was young, I still feel very tall. He was a little happy to have the potential to grow taller, but Yugi really felt that he wasn't that much shorter now, he argued.

However, Hayato, who was sitting aside, was playing cards with the customer opposite and casually gave Yugi a fatal blow: But Yugi, aren't you the same height now as Rebecca, who is six years younger than you? [Electronic Terminator Dragon] with an attack power of 16,000 has the effect of defense penetration, Yoshi, I win.

Ah, I'm crying.

The elementary school duelist who overestimated his abilities ran out of the Turtle Card House crying with his deck of cards because he was killed by Hayato in one round. However, Hayato did not feel guilty at all for bullying the elementary school students. Instead, he happily received the system settlement. 500dp points, and conveniently sent the [Molin Fen] dropped by defeating the elementary school student to the store for disassembly.

Glancing at the game, which fell into a deep depression due to his casual remark and muttering to himself, Rebecca, she grew up too early, Hayato turned around and said to Mr. Sugoroku: Grandpa Shugoroku, you must take out the Are the photos from more than forty years ago just to tell us that you were handsome before?

No, I don't want to show off that I was handsome, elegant and very popular when I was young. Well, it's just a little bit at most. Muto Shuangliu said, stretched out two fingers and drew a pen for him A gesture of sadness for losing a Smecta customer.

Immediately, Muto Shuangroku coughed and moistened his throat, put on a serious face, and said seriously: You guys, Yugi, are about to leave for a trip soon.

Seeing Grandpa Shuangliu talking about business, Yugi recovered from his disappointment and nodded seriously: Due to the global ocean current fluctuations caused by Dazi, the team of the International Illusion Society accidentally salvaged a sunken ship from a thousand years ago. The archaeological team’s research found that it was a ship from an ancient kingdom that believed in the power of gemstones.”

That kingdom seems to believe that unlike other minerals, naturally formed gems contain powerful power, so it regards the seven gems as national treasures, and those gems happen to be on that ship. After a pause, the game revealed a A subtle smile, But from the fact that the ship sank at the bottom of the sea, we can know that the final outcome of the kingdom after losing the seven gems is destruction.

But that's not important. After Becas learned the story of this kingdom, he said that he was very creatively inspired and wanted to design a new series of duel monsters based on the seven gems he got. But although He had preliminary inspiration, but did not have the ability to realize it, so he thought of going to Egypt to see if he could find complementary inspiration.

As he spoke, Yugi also took out a few pieces of paper from a backpack beside him, which depicted various monsters. Some were warriors with gems inlaid on their armors, and some were green dragons and white tigers with crystal structures on their bodies. The Four Holy Beasts such as Suzaku Genbu, but without exception, these are all scraps that failed to pass, and were sent to Yugi and Hayato by Bekas.

Designing a duel monster card is not just something that can be passed simply by completing the image design. You must also get the resonance of the card and the approval of the elf before the card can be completed. Although these design drafts of Bekas are very complete, the lack of resonance from the elves shows that Bekas's design is not the one that best suits those gems.

This is not the first time Becas has encountered this kind of thing. In the past few years, he has often encountered this kind of inspiration for designing cards but not completing the cards.

Unfortunately, inspiration cannot be something that can be obtained by force. Becas racked his brains for a long time but couldn't come up with a way, so in the end he had no choice but to give it up. He decided to go on a trip to relax. Maybe during the trip he would find inspiration to complete the design of this set of cards.

However, there is another reason why Bekas decided to set off for the trip, that is, since he experienced his soul being sealed once during the Doma incident, he was thrown into the endless darkness in the body of Oliha Gang God, and then resurrected again. , Becas found that the remaining power of the [Millennium Eye] that resided in him disappeared.

Normally, Becas may understand that the remaining power in his left eye has been exhausted after such a long time, but the problem is that before that power disappeared completely, Becas used the power he did not possess. The vision of his left eye saw a stone slab, and in front of it he saw what seemed to be Yugi, Kaiba, and Hayato.

The reason why he was not sure was because Becas could only vaguely see that the faces of the three people were indeed the same as the three people he remembered, but they were different in height, skin color and even clothing.

Becas didn't know whether he should believe that vision, but he at least knew one thing, that is, he had seen the stone slab in the vision, which was the stone he used to find his resurrected lover. Method: While traveling around the world, he accidentally found the stone tablet in Egypt. It was at that time that Bekas obtained the [Millennium Eye].

Anyway, it doesn’t matter where to go first when traveling around the world. Bekas decided to go to Egypt first. Maybe he could get inspiration by feeling the changes brought by time to the scenery again. He could also try to find that place by the way. Get a slate and see what your vision is all about.

At the same time, Becas also sent an invitation to the three people who appeared in his vision, inviting them to go to Egypt together to help see what the ultimate is about. And of course, Becas's invitation to Kaiba was rejected without mercy.

If you dare to waste my precious time with pretentious words like 'vision' and 'prophecy' again, just wait for my [Blue Eyes] to impose sanctions on you!

Anyway, that's the general meaning. Kaiba seemed to be threatening Becas like this at the time. When talking to Hayato, Becas's tone was quite helpless. It seemed that he couldn't understand how Kaiba could maintain his strength after going through so many things. Superstitious about science.

Hayato and Yugi, on the other hand, accepted Bekas's invitation to travel abroad to Egypt.

It has to be said that the time chosen by Becas couldn't be more appropriate, because unfortunately, Tongshi Noichi High School happened to be on vacation recently. Yes, you heard it right. Although they are legendary duelists who can save the world by playing cards, Hayato and the others still remember that they are students. How touching.

Well, to be honest, there is nothing surprising. In fact, the times when major events happened in the past were basically during holidays. They didn't have to go to school to play games, so they seemed to be busy playing cards. You don’t even need to go to school.

In fact, just yesterday, Jonouchi was woken up by the teacher and made to stand for a whole class because he talked in his sleep during class and yelled, [Red-Eyed Black Dragon] How can I lose by riding on the face?

In short, unlike a certain Dragon Cancer president who only had a junior high school diploma and dropped out of school to go home and inherit the family business, Hayato and the others, good students, also decided to go to Egypt to accompany Bekas on a trip to Egypt during the winter vacation, and not only Hayato and Yugi, Jonouchi, Honda, and Kyoko will also be accompanying them.

On the one hand, there was just enough time to have fun during the holidays, and this time Becas assumed the position of the big dog and covered all the expenses for everyone. After all, for Becas, money is really just a simple matter. , his biggest pursuit in the rest of his life is to make Duel Monsters better and better, and to design more interesting cards.

On the other hand, perhaps because he witnessed the ten thousand year old scenery reappearing in the ruined city of Atlantis after the souls of the Atlanteans returned home thousands of years ago, An Yugi made up his mind. , to set out to find his lost memory.

For this reason, Yami Yugi specially borrowed the card of the three phantom gods from Hayato's hand, and went to the Egyptian Antiquities Touring Exhibition Hall to find the stone tablet that described himself three thousand years ago and the person who looked similar to Kaiba, and used the three phantom gods. God's power.

Before that, several people in Jonouchi thought that once the card was shown, An Yugi might have to say goodbye to everyone. For this reason, they solemnly said goodbye for a long time. The two strong boys Honda and Jonouchi were a little tearful, let alone the emotional Kyoko. How sad it was.

However, after raising the card of the three phantom gods to the stone slab, what appeared in front of An Yugi was not his own memory, but the phantom of a stone slab. The stone slab seemed to be placed in a palace somewhere, with paintings on it. There is a human figure, but there are many gaps all over the body.

What made Yami Yugi particularly concerned was that the shape of the hole on the stone slab seemed to coincide with several [Millennium Artifacts] he knew.

For example, the ring-shaped opening on the top of the humanoid head can be placed with [Millennium Jewelry], the opening on the forehead can be placed with [Millennium Eye], the opening on the right hand is in the shape of [Millennium Scepter], the abdomen is in the shape of [Millennium Wisdom Wheel], and the position of the heart There is a triangular vacancy, which seems to be prepared for the [Millennium Building Blocks].

Except for the other two scale-like vacancies and the Ankh symbol-like vacancy corresponding to the [Millennium Artifact] Dark Game, which has no impression, most of the vacancy Dark Games on the slate can find the corresponding [Millennium Artifact] from memory. Millennium Artifact] Fill it in.

Although he didn’t know what would happen if he filled in the stone slab, since the stone tablet recording the king’s memory gave him this guide, An Yuxi felt that maybe he needed to find the stone slab and fill in the seven [Millennium Artifacts] in order to Get your memory back.

And coincidentally, Bekas said that he had seen that stone slab before, and was going to Egypt to find that stone slab. Although he had not yet collected the [Millennium Artifact], Yugi thought he could find that stone slab first to complete a goal.

It's because you are leaving for Egypt that I want to tell you this. Shuangliu Muto took a deep breath, looked at everyone and said seriously, In Egypt, you must be very careful about one thing.

“Don’t just look for a tour guide on the roadside, you’ll get ripped off!”

You've been doing this for a long time and you just want to say this!



1 second to remember

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