Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 122: The Two-Soul Emperor Eternally Standing at the Peak (No

The game and others looked at Hayato. To be precise, after seeing the person standing next to Hayato, their brains all fell into panic.

Although his clothes are different, the green-haired man standing next to Hayato looks exactly like Tatsu not far away!

There are two Dazis? Jonouchi, who broke free from Honda's arms, rubbed his eyes in disbelief, Am I dazzled?

No, although there are some differences in appearance, there is no doubt that that one is also Dazi.

Kaiba also frowned, put down Keppei, raised the duel plate and maintained a defensive posture, What on earth is this...

Different from the first Tatsu who was wearing a robe, the second Tatsu who appeared with Hayato was wearing a suit of armor with a cloak trailing behind him. The gap between the two was like that of a priest and a general.

After appearing here with Hayato, the second Tatsu walked in the direction of the first Tatsu.

You guy, you actually ran out! Looking at Dazi approaching him, Dazi gritted his teeth.

Yes, it's thanks to Hayato-kun. Compared to Dazi who was covered in dust and embarrassment, Dazi looked relaxed and carefree, It seems that you have been defeated and are dying.

You... Dazi seemed to want to say something else, but the pain from the duel just caused his words to be interrupted before he could say anything. He could only cover his chest and watch Dazi continue. Stay close to yourself.

Although I don't know who that guy is, but the one we just defeated was Tatsu, right? Jonouchi watched Datsu continue to move forward, and stretched out his hand to stop him, Hey, that one over there, stay back. , the scene will become ugly next.”

However, before he could take a few steps closer, Hayato, who was standing there, raised his hand to stop Jonouchi.


Let that guy go over, if we want everything to be really over. Hayato said nonchalantly as he watched Dazi and Dazi approach.

The location where Hayato appeared was not too far from the altar where Tatsu was, so during the time when Hayato stopped Jonouchi, Tatsu had already arrived in front of Tatsu, who could barely stand.

Stop struggling. Looking at Dazi in front of him, Dazi smiled coldly, stretched out his hand and put it on Dazi's chest, If you can't even defeat the 'Legendary Dragon', then you It’s already lost.”

I won't lose, not to the 'Legendary Dragon', Dazi said with a gloomy face, turning his head to look at the [Legendary Knights] who had completely disappeared not far away from the Yugi people. Just need power, more power...

Of course, I completely understand. Looking at Dazi, Dazi showed a strange smile, You and I, we are one and the same. But you lost me, and I also lost you.

And now we're connected by that same feeling.

Having said this, Dazi's hand pierced into Dazi's body, and in the next moment, both of their bodies were enveloped in a sudden burst of light!

What's going on!? The scene in front of them caught everyone off guard and it was difficult to understand what happened. Puzzled, they all turned their heads and looked at the only person who might know the truth - Hayato, who was calmly sorting out his deck.

Sensing everyone's attention, Hayato put away his deck and sighed, Do you know about dual personalities?

The so-called dual personality refers to a person having two relatively unique and separate personalities. It may be difficult for ordinary people to understand, but everyone present because of the two best examples of Yu Yu and Malik, Everyone knows something about dual personalities.

From Hayato's words, everyone learned that Datsu actually had a dual personality, but compared to other people, Datsu's dual personality was much more abnormal, and even split to the point of directly becoming two individuals. It was the Dazi and Dazi they just saw.

Hayato also learned about this matter when he accidentally met Datsu when he was locked in that independent space by Datsu and watched the duel between Yugi and others. Another Datsu said that Hayato could call him Lemuria. .

When Hayato heard this name, he also remembered that he had actually met him once in the Duel Kingdom a long time ago, but the dress of Lemuria at that time was different from the Tatsu in Hayato's memory, so Hayato never connected Lemuria and Datsu, who had only met once.

The split of dual personality mostly originates from the outside, such as traumatic life events, the pressure of adverse environments, the inability to unify identities, etc. Malik's own split personality stems from the subtle influence and influence of the dark power within the Millennium Scepter. Sid was stimulated by the tattoo being carved in front of him, and according to Lemuria, his situation was very similar to Malik's.

Ten thousand years ago, the Atlantis civilization obtained the power of Olihagon. After a period of time, the darkness in the hearts of the swollen people activated the magic of Olihagon and began to gradually transform the Atlanteans whose desires were out of control. body, but at the beginning, the Atlanteans did not realize that the source of the problem was Oliha Gang, thinking it was just an exception.

Until one night, Dazi found something wrong with his queen, Ivory, in his palace. First, she suffered a severe headache, and then one of her arms was twisted and deformed. Her skin turned pitch black and her fingernails became sharp. Queen Ivory, who was afraid of the changes in her body, immediately ran away from Dazi, not wanting Dazi to see her ugly face. appearance.

At that time, Dazi didn't realize what happened at all, and he didn't forcefully stop Ivory from leaving. He reacted a moment slowly before following the leaving queen to see what was going on.

But just a moment later, after Dazi followed up with Ivory who had left, Ivory appeared in front of him again and had completely transformed into a twisted monster, with bat wings on his back, red eyes, and red mouth. She could grin up to her ears and reveal a mouth full of sharp teeth. The originally dignified and elegant queen turned into a beast in a few breaths. Even when Dazi found her, she or it was still biting a woman in its mouth. The attendant's neck.

The sharp teeth pierced the attendant's skin, and blood dripped down the teeth onto the pendant on the chest of the former Queen Ivory. It was a finely polished Oriha Gang fragment inlaid with a piece that Dazi had given her. The pendant is emitting an unknown green light.

Her lover turned into a beast in front of her, and the gentle queen turned into a demon that slaughtered all living beings. The painful Dazi took action to kill the monster that Queen Ivory had turned into.

But Queen Ivory was not the only one who turned into a monster. Overnight, Oliha Gang's power began to go berserk, and the prosperous Atlantis civilization fell into panic and massacre. All night long, he overlooked the people under his rule. The country's Dazis are all dazed and silent, clutching the fragments of Oriha Gang taken from the dead Ivory, helpless against everything that happened to the Atlantean civilization.

It was under such circumstances that through the Oriha Gang fragment in Da Zi's hand, the newly awakened Oli Ha Gang God met Da Zi. He conveyed to Da Zi the encounter of the Atlantis civilization. The reason for it all and showed him what the future holds.

Under the triple influence of the impact of knowledge, inner pain and the power of Oliha Gang, Dazi's heart has been divided since then. The gentle Prince of Atlantis Dazi and the persistent Atlantis Si Diwang Dazi completed the separation, and Dazi's pupils have since changed into one green and one yellow.

At the beginning, Dazi's personality had the upper hand. The Atlantis civilization was too deeply infiltrated with the power of Oliha Gang and had no future at all. So he chose to completely destroy the Atlantis civilization. Bury used this as the energy of Oliha Gang God to destroy and re-create the world. The collection of energy is the collection of darkness in the hearts of the Atlanteans - [Snake God-Yi].

However, not everyone in the Atlantis civilization agreed with Dazi's actions. For example, Dazi's father, the former emperor Einhardt, was unwilling to allow the Atlantis civilization to be destroyed, so he took Dazi's sister with him. Chris went to the Elf World together to seek help. What happened after that was the confrontation between the Legendary Dragon and the Oliha Gang God that Yugi and others knew.

After the war ten thousand years ago, the Legendary Dragon who fought across the world and the Oliha Gang God who had just awakened both fell into a deep sleep. Dazi's plan to destroy the world was destroyed, and he also took advantage of this opportunity to be suppressed. Dazi began to counterattack, and the two personalities fell into a stalemate, with neither one being able to take complete control of the body.

In this way, the competition between the two Dazis lasted for seven thousand years. In the past seven thousand years, human civilization, which had been destroyed by the war, was rebuilt again, and because of the power of the elves in the real world during the war, they were dispersed to all parts of the world and sealed into stone slabs to sleep without any contact with the elves. Under coexistence, human civilization has gradually moved in a completely different direction from the original Atlantis.

This allowed the gentle Dazi to gradually suppress the persistent Dazi. With one party's advantage, Dazi resumed walking around and observed the human world with a different identity. Until three thousand years ago, he came to ancient Egypt and saw with his own eyes that in order to resist the invasion of the enemy country, one of the pharaoh's priests used evil spells to refine seven props at the cost of the life of a village, awakening the spirit in the stone slab. Elven power.

Those are exactly seven [Millennium Items].

The power of elves driven by the power of darkness fell into the hands of humans, and the same event as what he experienced seven thousand years ago once again appeared in front of him. At this time, the suppressed Dazi turned to attack and changed from just watching. Take back control of the body from Dazi, who is responsible for the development of human beings.

He cannot accept the tragedy of Atlantis coming to the world again, so he must guide human civilization from going on the road of destruction.

In this way, Doma was born, and because humans once again began to walk with elves, Dazi, who was full of pessimism about the future of human civilization, also began to collect human souls again to prepare for the awakening of Oliha Gang God .

In this way, another three thousand years have passed, and Thomas has spread all over the world and is rooted in the depths of human civilization.

Out of curiosity about Bekas, who created the new carrier of the elves - Duel Monster Cards, Dazi decided to see what kind of person he was before destroying mankind, and used Doma's power to participate in the Duel. Kingdom, but his first impression of Becas was very bad, because he found that Becas was simply controlled by the dark power of the [Millennium Eye], and was completely unqualified to be taken seriously by him.

The very disappointed Dazi originally wanted to leave and complete the collection of souls as soon as possible to destroy human civilization. However, he did not expect that due to a demonstration duel demonstrating the new rules for dueling monsters used in the Duel Kingdom, he saw The appearance of Hayato.

Completely different from all the humans he had seen so far, Hayato at that time was surrounded by a layer of dark power that only Datsu could observe due to the influence of Becas's [Millennium Eye], but this did not affect Datsu at all. Zi saw the pure whiteness in Hayato's heart and the soul that shined like the sun.

Tatsu, who had no interest in the new world and only wanted to destroy everything, was counterattacked by another Tatsu's personality that had been suppressed for three thousand years. Because of the appearance of Hayato, he rekindled his hope for the new world. As long as there is Hayato, it is not impossible for humanity in the new world to escape from a ruined future!

Under the pseudonym Lemuria, Dazi observed Hayato's performance in the Duel Kingdom, watching him gradually acquire the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] and other things to dispel the darkness around him and become stronger. After watching Hayato defeat Keith in a duel, Datsu gave Hayato a card and left.

He was full of hope for Hayato's existence, and became more determined to destroy all existing humans and bring about the advent of a new world. But before that, he decided to create a space first and separate the other personality that he had finally suppressed into it, so as not to hinder his next actions.

I see, I completely understand! Jonouchi clenched his fist and hit his palm, In other words, the good Tatsu and the bad Tatsu are now integrated into one, right?

Does that mean that Dazi has given up on destroying the world?

No, that's not the case at all, Hayato rubbed the tip of his nose and spread his hands, Although the two Tazis have some differences, they only have a consensus on their lack of confidence in human beings.

That is to say... Before he finished speaking, Hayato turned his head and looked in the direction of Dazi.

The light dissipated, and only one Dazi appeared in front of everyone. Still with one green and one yellow eyes, Dazi looked at Hayato and showed a smile.

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