Infinite base points are not a rare experience that everyone can have, and facing infinite attack power is equally rare.

Alas, but Dazi was very lucky. In this duel, he experienced two rare experiences.

The slash of [He Shenlong - Timaeus] dispersed the black mist around Dazi, and his infinite basic points were offset to zero in front of the attack of [He Shenlong - Timaeus], ​​which was also ∞. , Dazi looked like it was difficult to accept the fact: I can't accept it!

The next moment, his whole body was knocked out: Booga!!!


After the [He Shenlong - Timaeus] standing in front of Yugi completed this infinite attack, particles scattered from the golden armor on his body, and the three knights who had merged into one body appeared again like ghosts. Separated, appeared in front of Kaiba, Jonouchi and Yugi.

But even after the combined posture was released and transformed into a knight form that could move in the human world, the [Legendary Knights] were still in a barely supportive posture. The human figures on the cards were looming, as if they would transform back into the Legendary Dragon at any time. General shape.

In order to avenge the Oliha Gang God and Dazi and once again thwart their conspiracy to destroy the world, even though they fell into a deep sleep due to the battle that year, the Legendary Dragons fought with Dazi during these ten thousand years. The posture is also constantly accumulating strength.

However, the power they have accumulated is limited after all. Although the direct attack on Dazi just now made them let out a sigh of relief, the [Legendary Knights] all know that this is not the real final battle. It would be too stupid to vent the accumulated strength on Da Zi because of his own impulse.

Therefore, the power that the Legendary Dragons put into the knight form because of the [Legendary Heart] is actually not much. After completing the attack, it is almost exhausted. Next, they will become the Legendary Dragon again. Dragon” card to prepare for what is going to happen next.

And to be on the safe side, the [Legendary Knights], in addition to the power entrusted to the three players in the game, also prepared an additional force for emergencies.

As Datsu was knocked to the ground, after the duel ended, after all, it was not Hayato who didn't immediately step forward to remove Datsu's deck, nor did he rush to touch up Datsu, who was temporarily silent. First, he turned around to check the situation of everyone outside the duel venue.

At the beginning of the duel, the companions who came with him had their souls forcibly extracted and fell into a coma due to Dazi's arrangement. However, Dazi immediately deployed [Oliha Gang's Barrier], causing Several people in the game cannot go to the outside world.

But thanks to Ryuzaki, because of the protection of his card elf who is still an egg, Ryuzaki is even in better condition than the two siblings Isis and Malik. He just used the second and third levels in Dazi. When the barrier was formed, he moved the fallen people away like cement to avoid being hit by the spreading [Oliha Gang's barrier].

What makes Yugi and others breathe a sigh of relief is that although Honda and others fell unconscious before as if their souls had been devoured by Oliha Gang God, with the collapse of Dazi, their souls seemed to have also After returning to the original position, everyone woke up leisurely without even a few people shaking their shoulders and calling names like in romantic dramas.

Ah, what happened just now? Holding the back of his head, Honda sat up from the ground. Seeing that the others also looked like they had just woken up, he looked confused, Hey~ Why does my head hurt so much?

Ryuzaki on the side was whistling as if nothing had happened, but his feet kept a small distance from Honda without leaving any trace. Honda's headache is not a sequelae of having his soul taken away. When Dazi deployed [Oliha Gang's Barrier] earlier, Ryuzaki moved a little hastily when moving the others, and he seemed to accidentally hit Honda's head. Hit the stone floor.

It shouldn't be discovered, right?

Fortunately, Honda didn't think too much about why he had a headache. The last memory he had was that Yugi and Tatsu were about to start a duel. He quickly looked for Yugi and Jonouchi, and saw the two walking towards them at a glance. Honda quickly got up from the ground and asked, How are you, Yugi, Jonouchi?

Humph, are you worried about me, stupid Honda? Uncle Jonouchi defeated that Tatsu easily. Seeing that Honda was okay, Jonouchi breathed a sigh of relief, and put his hands on his hips proudly, holding a big bag The credit for Landi's defeat of Dazi was directly attributed to himself for deceiving Honda, who was in a coma at the time. Unlike you, you actually passed out and didn't see my heroic figure at all. It's really shameful!

What are you so proud of? Do you think I will believe you? Honda couldn't see Jonouchi's smug attitude. He stretched out his arm and clamped Jonouchi's neck with his biceps. The two staged a fight. Strong men lock up men comes out, So you are very brave!

Yugi did not get involved in the unique communication method between the two of them, but held hands to help Kyoko, who was sitting on the ground and had not yet gotten into trouble: Are you okay, Kyoko?

I'm fine, I just feel like I slept a lot... Holding Yugi's hand and standing up, Kyoko said slightly confused, Has the one named Dazi been knocked down? Yu——

As she spoke, Kyoko herself was stunned, because she suddenly noticed that the lines on Yugi's face were much softer than before she passed out, and her eyes were not domineering, but looking at her gently.

As Yugi's childhood sweetheart, Kyoko naturally realized immediately that the person in front of her was Yugi, but it was not the nameless pharaoh Dark Yugi who had resurrected from the Millennium Building Blocks, but Yugi, a high school student.

It was only then that Kyoko realized that Yugi's height had begun to grow belatedly without her realizing it, and it had grown to the same height as herself.

Well, I'm back, Kyoko. Yugi understood that Kyoko had recognized him, and gave her a gentle smile.

At the moment when Dazi was defeated by [He Shenlong - Timaeus], ​​the [Oliha Gang's Barrier] that had previously entangled him in the [Millennium Building Block] was also shattered by that slash. Only then was he able to leave the [Millennium Building Blocks] and return to the real world.

Is Yugi back too? It's great. Keipei, who was not far away from Yugi, also heard his conversation with Kyoko. The boy smiled happily for Yugi's return.

Hmph, you've become cowardly again, Yugi. Kaiba still looked as arrogant as ever, as if he would die suddenly if he expressed his joy for the return of others, and even after what he had just experienced with Dazi In the duel, he still adheres to his superstitious scientific personality and does not believe in the soul.

Even if you don't want to believe in supernatural things like 'souls,' but Nesa, Keppei looked at Kaiba helplessly, can you put me down first?

After defeating Tatsu, everyone's separated souls returned to their bodies, but Kaiba, who was worried about his brother's safety, acted too quickly. He hurried to Keipei before the barrier was lifted and Keppei didn't wake up. Ping hugged him.

Fortunately, Keihei woke up and was still asleep. Otherwise, Keihei would have been sent to the plane by Kaiba, who was too mobile, for emergency treatment.

Yugi looked around. Malik and Isis were comforting Lishid, who apologized to them for failing to fulfill his duty as a guardian. Jonouchi and Honda were still using Doma's temple as a locker room to play wrestling, and Peacock Mai stood aside. Looking at the two people with helpless expressions, everyone was safe.

However, there is one thing that the game cares about very much.

Datsu! Stepping towards the place where Datsu was knocked down and knocked down, Yugi said with a serious expression, Where did you take Hayato?

Dazi of the Doma organization who wanted to destroy human civilization has been defeated, so the next thing to do is to bring back their important companion, Hayato, who joined Doma.

After Yami Yugi's duel with Rafiru, Yugi got help from Hayato in the [Oliha Gang's Barrier] where the soul was shrunk and sealed, so he was extremely convinced that Hayato temporarily joined the House of Doma for the sake of justice. middle.

But now that Tatsu has been defeated, Hayato is still missing, which makes Yugi very puzzled. But it didn't matter. Dazi, who was lying on the ground without knowing whether to live or die, must know where Hayato was.

And Dazi is worthy of being an old man who has lived for thousands of years. He has a very tough life. After taking a sword from [Heshenlong-Timaeus] that vented his anger more than annihilated the enemy, although his score in the dark game was basically reduced to zero, his points were basically zero. Unexpectedly, he didn't die just like that. When he heard the sound of the game, Dazi stood up from the ground with difficulty.

Oh, I don't feel the need to answer this question. Hayato-kun is my hero, and he is my necessary dawn for the new world to come. The elegant robe on his body was stained with the dust on the ground, and it was used as a decoration on Dazi's forehead. A crack appeared in the Oliha Gang Fragment embedded in the pendant, I won't let you take him away.

he is---

That's it!

Before Dazi finished speaking, he heard the sound of something breaking suddenly from an open space not far away from him, and a very familiar sound to Yugi and others came from it.

The space was shattered together with the Oliha Gang Fragment on Dazi's forehead, and the next moment, three more figures appeared in the original open space!

Obviously it's just a space barrier. It's surprisingly difficult to break through, but it can't defeat the great sage of my code! After a lot of hard work, the space barrier was finally broken after the duel between the three gamers and Dazi ended. Bringing Hayato back to the real world, [Summoner-Aleister] hummed proudly, Aleister's magic skills are the best in the world——!!!

Before he finished singing, a hand holding a card held his head and slapped him into his own card, and his unpleasant voice stopped abruptly.

Putting away the card of [Summoner-Aleister], Hayato looked at the astonished Datsu and said with a smile: Datsu, I'm back!

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