Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 118 How come you, a thick-browed man with big eyes, can play a tauren?

As the attack of [Demon Dragon - Dark Demon Dragon] ended, the power stored in [Oliha Ganghe God Doll]'s body was completely squeezed out, and cracks, collapse and fragmentation continued to appear on the bronze body.

Seeing this, Jonouchi said proudly: A mere pirated version of an ancient mythical beast is indeed no match for Master Jonouchi, hahahaha!

Hmph, you just got carried away after defeating an opponent of this level, you mediocre guy.

Seeing Jonouchi smiling so proudly, Kaiba used his usual contemptuous and belittling tone, but he glanced at [Demon Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon] again, and his tone became rarer and softer: But he has grown to this point. It’s so bad, let’s let you be proud for a while.”

During the duel in the city, the deepest impression that Jonouchi left on Kaiba was the [Devil Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon] in front of him. At that time, Jonouchi also used this monster to teach Kaiba the power of heart in the duel. Today, Jonouchi still uses the same monster. It's a monster, but the power it exerts has far exceeded what it used to be.

First there are the bosses of [Olihagon's Weapon] and [Olihagang's Djinn], then the troublesome [Mirror Knight], and then [Olihagang's weapon] hidden behind [Olihagang's Weapon] Heshenpuppet], counting now, it was their fourth round, and they had already solved the three troublesome bogs that Dazi took out.

That guy Dazi can't come up with some exaggerated cards anymore, that's not how fake cards are printed.

Therefore, Jonouchi and Kaiba couldn't help but relax a little. They looked at the huge [Oliha Ganggodol] with the word demolish painted on it with the mentality of an old man gathered around the construction site to watch the construction of the excavator. It collapsed slowly like a tall building.

I originally thought that this appearance would be reserved for the unknown Pharaoh or Seth. I obviously didn't expect you at the beginning, but I didn't expect that you could defeat [Oliha Gogogodol], Katsuya Jonouchi.

Looking at the self-destructed [Oliha Ganghe God Doll], the expression on Dazi's face was not only genuine surprise, but also gradually showed an excited and proud smile, It's not in vain that I specifically said the strategy [Oliha] I’ll give you the method for Li Ha to become a god!


Among the three, Yugi was the quickest to react, because he felt fear and trembling from the deck. The card elves in his deck became afraid after seeing Jonouchi use [Devil Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon] to defeat [Oliha Gogodol]?

Masaka? Yugi suddenly raised his head and looked at the dark aura gradually overflowing from under the cracked body of [Oliha Ganghe God Doll], Dazi, you deliberately revealed that you defeated [Oliha Ganghe God Doll] Did you give it to us in your own way!

That's it, nameless Pharaoh, this is also part of my plan! Dazi smiled proudly and raised his arms. The game found that Dazi had retrieved a card from the deck at some point. To take a picture, Do you think I am the kind of honest person who will answer all questions and explain everything?

Is not it? Yugi cursed.

[Oliha Ganghe God Doll] has invincible power, but that's just because it is a 'figurine' that stores that power, Dazi said, and the card in his hand fell, That's this one. The dark monster bred from the Atlantean civilization as a whole!”

The completely disintegrated [Oliha Ganghe God Doll] splashed the surrounding dust, but a strong suction force burst out from under its body, and both the smoke and the broken Heshen Doll itself were sucked into a sudden appearance. And in the ever-expanding black hole.

Transcending time of tens of thousands of years, in order to guide the truth of darkness in this filthy world, give me the power, giant snake of infinite evolution!

For a moment, Yugi, Jonouchi, and Kaiba felt that their bodies froze. Even though there were torches lit around the temple as lighting, they felt that their bodies had been put into a freezer, and even their breathing was a little slow.

A pair of bright yellow holes lit up in the expanding black hole, and a giant snake covered in green scales poked its head out of the hole.

The size of the snake head alone almost occupies the entire temple. It is difficult to imagine how exaggerated the entire body of the giant snake in front of you behind the black hole is.

After summoning the real ace monster in his deck, Dazi gradually calmed down, because he had seen that victory had indeed come to his hands, and said confidently and calmly: [Snake God-Yi], it belongs to the body. He is the emperor of Atlantis, my Dazi’s real ace monster, and my strongest servant.”

When [Oliha's Golem] is destroyed due to its own effect, and my base points are above 10,000 points, this card can be Special Summoned from my deck, hand, or graveyard, and after that, I will discard all cards in my hand and pay all base points.

When [Snake God-Yi] is on the field, the conditions for victory are changed. Even if my basic points are reduced to 0, the duel will not end. In other words, if you want to defeat me now, in addition to using the special victory rules, you have to defeat [ Snake God - Yi] will do, but [Oliha Gangtoritos] will give [Snake God - Yi] invincible resistance, so you only have one option: destroy it in battle.

But its attack power is infinite!

【Snake God-Yi】【10☆/Dark】

[Reptile/Special Summon/Effect]



Actually, I can tell even if you don't tell me. This monster has yellow eyes and green scales. It's exactly the same as you, Datsu. Jonouchi teased, pretending to be relaxed, but a few drops fell from his forehead. Cold sweat, It's just attack power ∞ or something...

Quiet, you mediocre guy, don't you know how to read the atmosphere?

It's so noisy to Kaiba, do you think I'm not scared? That's why I wanted to say two bad words to cheer myself up!

Looking at Jonouchi and Kaiba who were bickering, Datsu smiled coldly and said: After seeing this monster, have you experienced the fear that goes deep into your bones? Don't worry, there is no need to be afraid, because... ...

Soon, you won't be afraid anymore. Dazi said, pressing the button to activate the cover card on the duel disk. The only cover card in his back field opened, revealing a red border.

Trap card, [Wrath of the Martyrs]. This card can only be activated after a monster on my field is destroyed. It targets a face-up monster on my field and a face-up monster on my opponent's field - --

Dazi said, pointing to the [Demon Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon] on the field in the city. This huge demon dragon is still in the city's turn at this moment, so its attack power is still 17,000 points. But it is vulnerable to the infinite attack power of [Snake God-Yi].

Since you helped the [Snake God-Yi] be born from the [Oliha Ganghe God Doll], then let it repay you, Katsuya Jonouchi. Dazi said coldly, Forcing the [Snake God] -Yi] fights [Devil Dragon - Dark Demon Dragon], and until the end of the damage calculation step, the effect of [Demon Dragon - Dark Demon Dragon] is invalidated!

Infinite end!

Hearing this, Kaiba couldn't help but show a shocked expression on his face. He looked at Jonouchi and said, Mediocre, be careful!

Within the city! Yugi also shouted quickly.

[Demon Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon] has an attack power of up to 17,000 points. It immediately responded to Dazi's instructions and flew out a thunder flame slash that had previously destroyed [Oliha Ganghe God Doll]. However, the power of [Snake God-Yi] bred from [Oliha Ganghe God Doll] is completely different from the former.

The giant snake spurted out a green breath from its mouth, which devastated the attack of [Demon Dragon - Dark Demon Dragon] and continued to move forward, attacking into the city.

Faced with such an intense attack, the city is in danger!

If you switch to some hot-blooded comics, after the non-protagonist Jonouchi has gathered many buffs such as defeating powerful enemies, serious treatment of villain bosses, shouts from companions, etc., he can basically start a wave of memory kills and prepare to receive lunch. If necessary In this case, you can also add a song such as O of Hope sung by a female singer, and then use your own death to prompt the hot-blooded protagonist to explode and kill the enemy.

In fact, at this moment, Jonouchi looked at the attack of [Snake God-Yi] approaching him, and he did start to kill with memories.

But what he was recalling at this moment was not the bits and pieces of the journey, the bonds and the like, but the Duel City a long time ago.

At that feast, Jonouchi, who had made it all the way to the top four, needed to defeat Kaiba, who was standing next to him at the moment. At the end of that duel, the figure of the monster summoned by Kaiba appeared in front of Jonouchi. .

Extremely powerful resistance, infinite attack power, and the final blow that feels like a winner.

Looking at the [Snake God-Yi] in front of him, Jonouchi naturally thought of the [Obelisk's Titan Soldier] that Kaiba used to deliver the final blow.

Such a monster...

I will never lose to such a monster a second time!

The same moves are ineffective against duelists. If I lose to the same move, wouldn't it look too inferior to me! Shouting to encourage himself, Jonouchi drew a card from his hand, It's still mine now. During the battle phase, activate this quick-attack magic card in my hand, [Trap Thruster]!

Discard a card in your hand, and then activate a trap card from my hand!

The trap card I want to activate is this one, [Bone Wood Fish]!

When Dazi saw that Jonouchi actually activated the trap card at this time, he couldn't help but sneered: Oh, struggling to the death, because of the effect of [Oliha Gangtoritos], [Snake God-Yi] will not be affected by you. The effect is affected.”

Unexpectedly, Jonouchi responded with the same sneer: Who said I was going to launch a trap for your [Snake God-Yi]?


I saw Jonouchi sending a card in his hand to the graveyard and said: The effect of [Bone Wood Fish] is to discard a card in the hand, and then both sides select a monster below 4☆ from the opponent's graveyard, and put it on their own field. When Special Summoned, the monster Special Summoned by this effect will be destroyed at the end of the next turn.

At this point, Jonouchi's hand of cards was completely exhausted. Instead, a percussion instrument made of bones appeared on the field of Tatsu and Jonouchi.

Although it is said to be a free choice, in fact, whether it is Jonouchi, Kaiba or Yugi, they have all used high-star monsters so far. There is actually only one monster for Dazi to choose - that is, Yugi The discarded [chestnut ball].

On the other side, the [Bone Wood Fish] on the field in the city shattered to reveal the monster. The monster he dragged out from Dazi's graveyard...

It’s actually [Oliha Gang’s Weapon]! ?

【Chestnut Ball】【atk300→800】

【Oliha Gang's Weapon】【def500】

Humph, Tatsu, I don't need to say more about the effect of this monster. This is your own monster. Jonouchi said proudly with his hands on his hips, Although there are monsters specially summoned, unfortunately now it is not The battle between my [Devil Dragon - Dark Demon Dragon] designated by your [Wrath of the Martyrs] and your [Snake God - Yi] will not trigger a battle rollback!

Then, [Oliha Gang's Weapon] will absorb all the battle damage I receive!


The moment Jonouchi finished speaking, [Snake God-Yi]'s attack hit and engulfed [Demon Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon], but the aftermath of the attack was destroyed by [Oliha Gang's Weapon] before it could reach Jonouchi. absorbed.

【Oliha Gang's Weapon】【Absorb∞】

Da Zi never expected that he was so confident that he could finally kill an opponent's attack, but in the end, he was caught by his own card.

The Romance of Fairy Wood

Who would have thought that you, a thick-browed man in the city, would actually imitate Bekas and play a minotaur? Unforgivable, Becas!

After receiving a blow from his evolved ultimate body [Snake God-Yi], although [Oliha Gang's Weapon] looked like it was about to explode at any moment, it did hold on and still stayed in its position. On the field within the city.

Huh, you escaped a disaster. After escaping from death, Jonouchi finally breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Dazi and said, I didn't expect it, Dazi, I'm still not dead.

Then, I'll end the round like this.

[Within the city: 3700lp, 0 cards in hand]

【Oliha Gang's Weapon】【def500】


Seeing that everything was safe in the city, Kaiba and Yugi were somewhat relieved. However, Kaiba still had the same awkward character and said arrogantly: What a mess, mediocre people, spending so many cards just to survive.

But it's good that you're okay, Jonouchi. In order to prevent Kaiba and Jonouchi from bickering again, Yugi quickly interjected.

Dazi looked at the three people who were lucky to have escaped an attack, and said unhappily: Huh, it's just good luck that saved your life. Now it's my turn, I want to see how long you can last. .”

Draw cards!

After looking at the drawn card, Dazi activated it nonchalantly: Although [Oliha Gang's Weapon] can absorb unlimited damage, it can't be used without the accompanying [Oliha Gang Hedou]. It’s not worth mentioning, but the monster with only 500 defense points can be destroyed with the [chestnut ball] I got from you!”

Entering my fighting phase, uu read a book

Then use [Chestnut Ball] to attack [Oliha Gang's Weapon]!

Seeing this, Yugi quickly reminded Jonouchi: Jounouchi, my backcourt is covered!

I got it, then I'll chain [Kurigo Ball]'s attack declaration to open the card stack! Although he didn't know what card Yugi had stacked, out of trust in Yugi, Jonouchi immediately pressed the button to activate the card stack. Then the card on the field covered by the game was also revealed.

Trap card [Half-wounded and indestructible], designated [Oliha Gang's Weapon] as the target to activate! The game explained, The selected monster during this round will not be destroyed by battle, and the damage caused to itself in battle will be reduced. For half!”

[Chestnut Ball], whose attack power was increased by 500 points by [Oliha Gang's Barrier], collided with [Oliha Gang's Weapon]. Although it looked like it was about to explode at any time, it still managed to hold on this time. attack.

And Dazi said with a stinky face: The vitality is really tenacious, but that's only now.

During my main phase, I activate the effect of [Oliha Gangtoritos]. There are two monsters on my field, and I recover 1000 base points. Then, I cover a card and my turn ends.

And the monster specially summoned by the effect of [Bone Wood Fish] will be destroyed at the end of this turn.

Seeing [Oliha Gang's Weapon] finally shattered and returned to his graveyard, Dazi sneered and put down a card and said, Without the barrier, I want to see how long you can continue to struggle.

[Dazi: 0→1000lp, 0 cards in hand]

【Snake God-Yi】【atk∞】


(Venue) [Olihagun's Barrier] [Olihagan's Spirit] [Olihagan Tolitos]

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