Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 117 Curibo, my Superman

Huang Yuhun!

Following Dazi's waving action, the [Oliha Gang·Right Arm] responsible for the attack of [Oliha Ganggod Doll] was raised and aimed in the direction of [True Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon]. The green beam of light shot out from the palm of his hand without even accumulating power, attacking Yugi!

At this moment, the attack power of [Oliha Gang·Right Arm] also started to change from ?.

[Oliha Gang·Right Arm] [atk? 4800】

The effect of only increasing the attack power to 300 points higher than the attacking monster's representation during the damage step is really disgusting, because it means that even if the game puts some cards in the backfield that increase the attack power or defense power, the final result It will only be calculated first to increase the attack power, and then the attack power of [Oliha Gang·Right Arm] will change. It will always be higher.

In addition, [Olihagun·Right Arm] also has damage resistance, which means that cards such as [Explosive Armor] will not work on it, let alone [Olihagan Toritos] 】The ability given by the opponent is not affected by the opponent's effects.

How do you say invincible?

Seeing the attack of [Oliha Gang·Right Arm] coming towards him, Yugi calmly pressed the button to activate the trap card: At this moment, I activate the trap card!

At this time, someone may want to ask, oh my game, the monster on the opposite side is not affected by the effect of your card. If you strengthen your monster, the opposite side will also become stronger. There is no use in activating trap cards.

That's true, but what a coincidence, the game happened to have a card with an unknown meaning in the deck, and it happened to come in handy in this situation.

Trap card, [Altar of Animal Sacrifice], sends [True Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] on the field to the graveyard, restoring its base points of its original attack power value! Yugi sent [True Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] with a clear conscience. 】Sent into the cemetery.

That's right, although the game's cards are ineffective against Datsu's monsters, they are effective against the [True Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] on the game field. The premise for the attack power of [Olihagun Right Arm] to change is that it interacts with the monster. During the battle, as long as there is no monster on the game field, there is no need to be afraid of that monster.

In Kaiba's rather gloomy eyes, [True Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] was sent to the graveyard by Yugi, and Yugi's base points increased accordingly.

【Game: 40008500lp】

Because the disappearance of the target monster triggers the attack retraction, [Oliha Gang·Right Arm] hangs down, and Dazi does not let his right arm continue to attack. Looking at the rising base points of the game and the empty venue, Dazi actually laughed.

What a stupid choice, nameless Pharaoh, haven't you ever thought about what would happen if there were no monsters on the field? Dazi smiled coldly and pointed at the game, The next thing is [Austria] Li Ha Gang's direct attack!


The emerald green ring released by [Oliha's newly reunited idol] is like the guillotine of a director of a meat factory in the Kingdom of Light. It rushes straight into the game and seems to cut him in half, but there Before the attack came completely, a monster popped out of Yugi's hand to block the attack.

【Chestnut Ball】! [Chestnut Ball] He jumped out on his own!

You saved my life again, Kuribo. Yugi smiled and sent the [chestnut ball] in his hand into the graveyard. Kaiba beside him had an expression of As expected.

Kaiba has gotten used to it. Every time his opponent summons a monster with super high attack power, he always has a [Chestnut Ball] in his hand. This time, he guessed right.

Discard the [Chestnut Ball] from my hand, so that the combat damage of [Oliha Ganghe God Puppet] to me becomes 0. Looking at the unhappy Dazi, Yugi mocked, Didn’t you say it was my trial time? As a result, not even a single bit of my basic points were deducted at the end of this round, Dazi.”

Humph, you're so proud, nameless Pharaoh, you're just hanging on for a breath. Dazi frowned, and said confidently, It's okay that you saved your life, anyway [Oliha just became the idol] While you are still on my court, you will not be able to surpass this trial of fate!

There is only one way to destroy [Oliha Ganghe God Puppet], and that is to reduce its attack power to 0. At that time, [Oliha Ganghe God Puppet] will self-destruct, which means that what you just did was in vain. An opportunity to reduce its 4500 attack power was wasted.

The next round will be Jonouchi Katsuya. Since I let you escape for the time being, you can just watch your companions being eliminated one by one.

Saying that, Dazi covered the cards in his hand on the backfield: Cover a card, and then I activate the field magic card [Oliha Gang Toritos], which inherits the effect of [Oliha Gang's Spirit] .”

There are three monsters on my field, restore me 1500 basic points, and then end my turn.

[Dazi: 1010011600lp, 0 cards in hand]

[Oliha Gang·Left Arm] [def? 】

[Oliha Gang·Right Arm] [atk? 】

(Backcourt) [Oliha just joined the idol] [atk14500]


(Venue) [Olihagun's Barrier] [Olihagan's Spirit] [Olihagan Tolitos]

Yugi took a step back and handed the field to Jonouchi.

My turn, although facing the powerful [Oliha Ganggodol] and having only one check card left in the game on his field, Jonouchi showed no fear on his face and shouted with full of fighting spirit. Said, Draw a card!

Looking around the audience, Jonouchi surprisingly had the largest number of cards in his hand, and there were still three cards in his hand after drawing the card. However, things like hand cards must be played out before they can be considered resources.

What do you mean by 'trial of fate'? Who knows that kind of thing? Look at my powerful duel and knock you down! As he spoke, Jonouchi played a card in his hand, Magic card, [ The card of destiny]!”

Roll a die, draw a number of cards from my deck, and then exclude the same number of cards above the deck!

As the saying goes, powerful cards are often accompanied by huge risks, whether it is the [Treasure Card of the Heavenly General], [The Treasure Card of Destroying Life] or the current [Treasure Card of Destiny], the more cards you draw, the more you must exclude them. The more cards you have, the more terrible the price will be (Great reading.

Well, just listen to it seriously. Although compared to the other two treasure cards that steadily replenish the hand, the [Treasure Card of Destiny] seems to rely on luck such as dice to determine how many cards to draw, but as we all know, Jonouchi is the best Apart from his astonishing willpower, he also had the luck to be favored by the goddess of luck.

A dice that appeared out of thin air gradually stopped rolling on the ground, revealing a number that made Dazi's eyebrows jump - the maximum value, 6!

A☆Da☆thief! Then because of the effect of [Card of Destiny], I can draw six cards in one breath, but I have to exclude six cards for this reason. Jonouchi said, drawing six cards from the deck. cards, excluding six more cards.

Looking at his perfect hand of eight cards, Jonouchi felt that he had a great advantage.

Activate the magic card [Dragon Mirror], use [Red-Eyes Fierce Thunder King-Evil Demon] and [Red-Eyes Black Flame Dragon] in my graveyard as fusion materials, and remove them from my graveyard, from the graveyard Taking out two cards and showing them, Jonouchi added, As a double monster, these two monsters are treated as normal monsters when they exist in the graveyard!

The fusion materials are level 6☆ [Demon] normal monsters and [Red-Eyes] normal monsters. Lightning and black fire are mixed together to create something called hope and courage. Come on!

Fusion Summon! [Devil Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon]!

Using the monsters in the cemetery as fusion materials, a giant dragon as tall as a demon appeared on the field inside the castle.

[Devil Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon] [atk3200]

Can I destroy monsters that activate magic, traps, and monster effects in battle? Haha, but it's useless. The ability of [Olihagun Left Arm] to attract attacks when it is on the field does not need to be activated, but increases the defense. The effect is also permanent.”

Dazi did not pay too much attention to the [Demon Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon] summoned from the city. After all, even the [True Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] faced the attack power of up to 14,500 points in the face of the [Oliha Ganghe God Doll]. It is vulnerable to a single blow, not to mention the [Demon Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon] which is not as good as the [True Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon].

Hmph, then you have to be optimistic, Dazi, let me show you my full strength. Jonouchi took out two more cards from his hand and said, It's only 14,500 points of attack power. Let me surpass it. Here you go! Activate this card, [Claw of Hermes]!

Send the [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon] in my hand to the graveyard, work with the legendary dragon to show a new attitude, and open up a future and a path to victory for me!

From behind Jonouchi, the phantom of [Red-Eyed Black Dragon] appeared, overlapping with the figure of [Claw of Hermes] flying out of his hand. The two dragons danced in the air, and a strange light bloomed at this moment.

Dazi looked at the strange phenomenon in the sky. His originally relaxed expression became serious at this moment. He looked at the flying dragon in the sky with dissatisfaction and murmured in a low voice: We meet again after thousands of years. The Legendary Dragon, isn't it just a complete form? Hum, you can't be my opponent like that...

Not long after, the power of [Claw of Hermes] and [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon] completed the fusion. A beam of fire fell downwards and fell into the hands of [Demon Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon]. The huge demon dragon used its strong His arms were held on the pillar of fire in front of him, and the lightning and black flames from his body poured into it, making the weapon in his hand shine.

[True Red Eyes Black Dragon Sword] [7☆/Dark]



This is the new form of [True Red-Eyes Black Dragon], [True Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword]. When it is specially summoned successfully, I can use it as an equipment card to give it to the [Demon Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon] equipment on my field to improve it. Its 1,000 points of attack power!

[Devil Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon][atk32004200]

But it wasn't over yet. I saw [Demon Dragon - Dark Demon Dragon] raising the black dragon sword in his hand over his head. Next to the long sword wrapped in black flames, the phantoms of several monsters appeared one after another.

[True red-eyed evil star dragon - meteorite dragon], [true red-eyed black iron dragon], [black steel dragon], [meteor dragon - meteorite black dragon], [white spirit dragon], [blue-eyed white dragon], [blue-eyed white dragon], [ Blue Eyes White Dragon], [True Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon], [True Red Eyes Black Dragon]!

A total of ten dragon monsters that had been sent to the graveyard by Jonouchi and Kaiba in the previous rounds all appeared next to the [Red-Eyed Black Dragon Sword] and poured their respective powers into it like crazy!

[Devil Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon] [4200/25009200/7500]

[Claw of Hermes] gives [Red-Eyed Black Dragon Sword] the ability to inherit the power of its partners. The power of the monsters sacrificed in the previous battle is now gathered on my field. Every monster on both sides' field and graveyard Each dragon-type monster will increase the attack power and defense power of [Devil Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon] by 500 points!

Hmph, so what if that's the case? Dazi said contemptuously, In terms of attack power, my [Oliha Ganghe God Doll]'s attack power is still higher.

Hearing this, Jonouchi smiled confidently and said, It's so tiring, Wadoka!

Enter the battle phase, and then use [Devil Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon] to attack [Oliha Gang·Left Arm]!

Humph, are you seeking death, Katsuya Jonouchi? Dazi sneered, Oh no, the defense power of [Olihagun Left Arm] will always be 300 points higher than the attack power of your monster!

Take your attack and counterattack!

As he spoke, [Oliha Gang·Left Arm] also slowly lifted up under the control of Darzi to support a layer of barrier, ready to receive the attack of [Demon Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon].

At the same time, Jonouchi chuckled.

At this moment, I want to activate this card in my hand! Quick attack magic card [Concentrated Socket]! As he said, Jonouchi inserted a card into the magic trap area, Given that this round I only have [Demon Dragon-Darkness] Demonic Dragon] can launch an attack at the cost of increasing the attack power of the [Demonic Dragon-Dark Demonic Dragon] on my field by the amount of defense power!


Hearing this, Dazi couldn't help showing a surprised expression: The defense power of [Devil Dragon - Dark Demon Dragon] is 7500 points!?

[Devil Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon][atk920016700]

The skyrocketing lightning overflowed, [Devil Dragon - Dark Demon Dragon] held the sword with both hands and swung out a slash that was enveloped in lightning and black flames!

[Oliha Gang·Left Arm] [def? 17000]

As the slash landed on the barrier, the defense power of [Oliha Gang·Left Arm] skyrocketed to a full 17,000 points. Although [Demon Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon] still failed to break through the defense of the monster in front of him. , but Jonouchi showed a proud smile.

[Within the city: 40003700lp]

Dazi, you just said that the only way to destroy [Oliha Ganghe God Puppet] is to reduce its attack power to 0 due to its own effect, right?

After suffering 300 points of counter-injury, Jonouchi couldn't help but take a breath because the barrier under his feet turned the duel into a dark game, but he still had a determined expression on his face, In [Oliha Gang· At the end of the damage calculation step between [Left Arm] and the monster, the value corresponding to the battle monster’s representation of [Oliha Gogodol] is reduced.”

Hmph, the attack power of 14,500 points seems quite scary, but it has to return to zero after it drops by 16,700 points. Kaiba crossed his arms in front of his chest and said with a sneer, It's really embarrassing, Dazi, for being mediocre in one round. It was a blast.

Yugi stretched out his hand and pointed at [Oliha Ganghe God Doll], whose body was gradually getting chapped on the field behind Dazi, and said: Because the attack power has returned to zero, Dazi,

[Oliha has just joined the idol], destroy it here!

【Oliha just joined the idol】【atk145000】


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