Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 12: The only world where Jonouchi is injured

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[True Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon], attack [Oliha Gang's Weapon]!

The tall three-headed white dragon opened its three huge mouths, and the surging light converged into it. Seeing this scene, Jonouchi couldn't help but waved his fist happily and said: This is the momentum, go up, Kaiba, kill that A monster that only absorbs damage!”

Dazi currently does not have a single card in his hand, and his backcourt is empty. He has no ability to resist the [True Blue Eyes Ultimate] attack. Yugi smiled happily when he thought about the results that could be achieved if this round of attacks were successful, Two direct attacks with an attack power of up to 4,500 points can reduce Dazi's basic points by 9,000 points in one breath!

As Kaiba waved down the hand raised above his head, a torrent of light surged out towards the sea urchin-like [Oliha Gang's Weapon]. And when he saw [Oliha Gang's Weapon] being completely swallowed up by the first attack from [True Blue Eyes White Dragon], the corners of Kaiba's mouth also curled up.

Hmph, this is the power of [Blue Eyes], admire it, and then be afraid!

After issuing the declaration of victory, Kaiba was about to wave his hand again and order [True Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] to carry out the second attack, but his movements suddenly froze, and an incredible expression appeared on his face: That one? !”

As if time went back, the attack of [True Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] that was supposed to defeat [Olihagun's Weapon] suddenly went back, and [Olihagon's Weapon] was still unscathed on the Dazi field. state, and the source of the abnormal situation at this moment was a turtle-like monster that emerged from Dazi's cemetery.

That's the game's [Super Electromagnetic Turtle]!? Jonouchi looked at the monster on Datsu's side in disbelief. He would not mistake this monster that is commonly used in games, When was it?

The game did have a guess about the origin of [Super Electromagnetic Turtle]: Did that [Heavenly Punishment] just activate? Even the cost of the card was included in the calculation!

During the opponent's battle phase, remove the [Super Electromagnetic Turtle] in my graveyard to activate its effect and end the battle phase directly. Dazi had a calm expression on his face, This is one of the few There are not many cards that can be effective from the graveyard during the opponent's turn, so I naturally added such a useful card to my deck.

Now due to the effect of [Super Electromagnetic Turtle], Seth, your monster can no longer attack. It's a pity that you didn't take the opportunity to destroy [Oliha Gang's Weapon]. As he said that, Dazi also revealed a subtle His smile seemed to be planning something.

Kaiba turned his head and glanced at [True Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon]. The white dragon that was knocked back from the attack was wrapped with a weak electric current. Although it did not leave any damage, it also made it unable to move. The helpless Kaiba could only snort coldly. He said, Huh, I saved your life, Dazi, so just continue to try your best to survive.

Next time, you won't have such good luck. The empty-handed Kaiba put down the raised duel disk and said, My turn is over.

[Haima: 4000lp, 0 cards in hand]

【True Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon】【atk4500】


It's Da Zi's turn again, because in the last round, Kaiba used [Enemy Controller] to transfer the control of [Oliha Gang Djinn] and liberate it, avoiding the effect of its recovery after being destroyed, making Da Zi Zi temporarily lost this invincible shield.

But at the same time, it also released the blockade of Dazi's card drawing phase, allowing him to draw cards again.

My turn is to draw a card. Dazi, who pulled out a card from the deck, looked at the drawn card, smiled slightly, and turned over the only card in his hand to display, My luck is really good. , activate the magic card [Life-Destroying Treasure Card].

Nani!? Kaiba was stunned for a moment, then his face became gloomy, After the game, is it my card! It seems that you have learned a lot about our deck, Dazi...

Da Zi shrugged.

He said easily: There is no way. When you live long enough, you will naturally become very good at observing. Not only is the filthiness of human beings today, I also know your weaknesses very well. The nameless Pharaoh, but also There is Seth.”

An opponent who understands us very well is really difficult to deal with. First, he imitated Hayato and placed some disgusting trap cards, and then the game's [Super Electromagnetic Turtle], which can be used in the graveyard, and Kaiba's shameless [Life-Destroying Card] Treasure Card], Jonouchi's serious expression showed some curiosity, Which of my cards will Dazi add to the deck?

Hearing this, Dazi glanced at Jonouchi with disdain and said casually: You? What a pity. There is no room for your boring gambling cards in my deck, Monouchi.

It's Jonouchi! And the difference in treatment is too obvious, you bastard!

Not caring about the roar in the city, Dazi put his hand on the deck and said: I have never denied that human beings have unique shining points. I have recorded many of these advantages in my thousands of years of experience, just like the stars. , but unfortunately, like the stars in the sky, human flaws occupy a greater area of ​​darkness in the night sky.”

Such a human being cannot usher in the end safely. It will only drag everything around it into darkness and destruction like a black hole. For this reason, I need to adjust the future to another possibility instead of Let this doomed civilization continue to live on the planet.

For the effect of [Life-cutting Treasure Card], I draw cards from the deck to replenish my hand to five cards. As a price, in the preparation phase of the fifth turn after activation, I need to discard all the cards in my hand.

While pulling out the card, Dazi said, However, before that time comes, I'm afraid the winner will have already been decided. It's really a shameless and useful effect.

That's right, even Tatsu said Kaiba that your card effects are shameless. After hearing Tatsu's words, Jonouchi instantly recovered from the disappointment that his card was not chosen by the opponent at all and immediately mocked Kaiba. .

Shut up, does your [Treasure Card of Destiny] have the right to speak against me, mediocre! Kaiba naturally glared back at Jonouchi.

However, the two of them didn't choke for too long. They still remembered that it was Dazi's turn now, and Dazi had already drawn five cards from his hand. Although there were no cards drawn in the previous round, the amount of cards Dazi drew this time was replenished in one go and can be squandered.

The first card that Dazi played stunned the three people on the opposite side.

I activate the magic card, [Planet Transformation], to retrieve a field magic card from the deck and add it to my hand.

A ball of light appeared in front of Dazi, with a card flying into Dazi's hand. It was the card he retrieved from the deck.

However, Yugi, Jonouchi, Kaiba and even the commentator Ryuzaki are puzzled.

Don't the card [Oliha Gang's Barrier] have the ridiculous effect of not being destroyed and not leaving the field? Ryuzaki thought for a moment and confirmed that his memory should be correct, In [Oliha Gang's Barrier] When one of Ha Gang's Barriers has already been activated, not only the opponent but also Dazi himself should be unable to activate a new field magic card to cover it.

Is there any point in adding field magic cards that cannot be activated to your hand?

Jonouchi looked at Yugi next to him, but Yugi just shook his head: I don't know, but there is always an ominous premonition.

Hmph, no matter what tactic it is, it's useless against [True Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon]! Although Kaiba also didn't understand why Dazi wanted to retrieve the second field magic card, he was very interested in his [Blue Eyes] But he has full confidence.

At this moment, Dazi had already reached out and took the retrieved card from the light ball, turned it over and showed it to the game players, and said with a smile: The card I retrieved from the deck is this one, the field magic card. [Oliha Gang’s Qi].”

Deuteros? Second? Kaiba repeated what Dazi said about the English name of [Oliha Gang's Qi], and suddenly thought of a possibility, Masaka?

Just as you thought, Seth, [Oliha Gang's Qi] is the second barrier built on [Oliha Gang's Barrier], and will overlap the first barrier. Above it, gain its power and strengthen the barrier!

Dazi said, uu read a book

The duel disk on his wrist opened the field area, and he placed the [Oliha Gang's Qi] in his hand on [Oliha Gang's Barrier], activating the field magic card [Oliha Gang's Qi] !”

The field area of ​​the Doma-style duel board is much larger than that of ordinary duel boards. Several people who have captured Doma-style duel boards in the game knew this before, but they did not take this feature to heart at that time until now. After watching Dazi place two stacked cards in one area, I realized the purpose of this design.

As the duel plate area closed, the edge of the original [Oliha Gang's Barrier] expanded outward again, and a second ring extended above the ground to closely connect with the first barrier. Due to the expansion of the area, Ryuzaki, who was originally stuck to the edge of the barrier, had to drag everyone who fell on the ground away from them again.

However, compared to [Oliha Gang's Barrier], which brought a significant increase to the monsters on the field as soon as it was activated, [Oliha Gang's Aura] did not show any obvious movement after activation, but several players in the game He didn't underestimate this barrier because of this, and stared at Dazi's movements.

And Dazi also drew another card from his hand: From my hand, normally summon [God of Ten Thousand Hands], activate its effect, and remove the ritual magic card [Orichalcum Mirage from the deck. 】Add to hand.

Then, use the level 6☆ [Time Devourer] in my hand as a sacrifice to activate the magic card [Orichalcum Mirror]! A sneer appeared on the corner of Dazi's lips, Summon the [Mirror Knight] from the deck. Weapon] Ritual Summon in my backfield!

Nameless Pharaoh and Seth, the greatest weakness of mankind is mankind itself, let's use this monster to let you understand this truth!

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