Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 111 An unexpected person

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Activate the cover cards in my back field, Jonouchi pressed the button to activate the cover cards on the duel plate and opened one of the cover cards in his back field, Trap Card [Gravity Release]!

Free yourself from gravity!

As the card was activated, all the monsters on both sides suddenly lost their balance. [Meteor Dragon-Meteorite Black Dragon] folded its wings and turned into defense mode. [Oliha Gang Djinn] and [Oli Ha Gang Weapon] Also forced to change the representation.

【True Red Eyes Black Dragon】【atk3500→def2000】

【Oliha Gangdjin】【atk1900→def1500】

【Oliha Gang's Weapon】【atk1000→def500】

Because I saw the kind of monster that can keep resurrecting from the graveyard, I also subconsciously thought of the gloomy guy from the Oni Bone Tomb. I thought about Datsu, maybe you want to use the monsters on the field as sacrifices to summon higher-level monsters. Jonouchi kneaded. He rubbed his nose and said, Although it's different from what I guessed, hehe, it still comes in handy, my Gaika.

The effect of [Gravity Release] is to change the position of all face-up monsters on your own and your opponent's field. Due to this effect, [Olihagan Djinn] in defense position cannot continue to attack, and even if Even if we attack again, the battle with the [Meteor Dragon-Meteorite Black Dragon] in defense position will not destroy it!

In the opinion of the three of them, the tactics that Dazi has revealed so far are nothing more than making use of the fact that he will not be harmed by battles to make [Oliha Gang Djinn] continue to commit suicide to increase its attack power. Faced with such tactics, Jonouchi's handling method can be It couldn't be more appropriate.

Well done, Jonouchi! Yugi praised, This way, [Oliha Gang Djinn] can't rely on your [Meteor Dragon-Meteorite Black Dragon] to increase its attack power.

Kaiba also raised the corner of his mouth slightly: Hmph, even mediocre people occasionally have talents that are barely noticeable.

Looking at the expressions on the faces of the three gamers, Dazi smiled slightly: In that case, I really can't let the [Oliha Gang Giant Spirit] continue to attack.

Cover a card and my turn ends.

[Dazi: 10100lp, 1 card in hand]

【Oliha Gangdjin】【def1500】

(Backcourt) [Oliha Gang's Weapon] [def500] [absorb 4700]


(Venue)【Oliha Gang's Barrier】

[Oliha Gang Giant Spirit] The effect of this inner ghost has been initially revealed. Without follow-up resource replenishment, Dazi now has only one card left in his hand and will soon be empty, and there is only one cover in the back field. Card exists.

But after entering the city, the enemy he had to face at this moment was Kaiba, who was best at attacking with force.

In my turn, let's see the methods of a real duelist, you mediocre person. Kaiba put his finger on the deck, not forgetting to step on Jounouchi, Draw a card!

The card he drew was the magic card [Fusion]. And now that the [Fusion] magic card has been drawn, there is almost no need to think about what kind of cards Kaiba has in his hand.

The more I destroy, the stronger the monster becomes? Huh, so what, it's just that at this level, it won't be an obstacle on my way to the future. As he said this, Kaiba held the cards in his hand One of the cards was hit on the duel plate, Quick Attack Magic Card, [Enemy Controller]!

Oh! It's [Enemy Controller]. Is it going to use that card to change the opponent's monster's position, and then use a powerful monster to deal a lot of damage at once! Ryuzaki, an amateur commentator who never stops outside the duel venue. guessed.

Under normal circumstances, it is indeed possible for Seto Kaiba to adopt such tactics. Unlike Ryuzaki, Malik, who was struggled on the ground, had a different opinion, But there is not only one [enemy controller]. As a result, there just happened to be a monster left on the field in Katsuya Castle...

Liberate the [Meteor Dragon-Meteorite Black Dragon] on my field,

Then until the end of the round, gain control of [Oliha Gang Djinn] on your field, Darzi! Ignoring the confused expression on Jonouchi's face, Kaiba declared resolutely, liberating [Meteor Dragon-Meteorite Black Dragon], ??←→ab!

Yeah, Kaiba!

Although Jonouchi is eager to start a fight with Kaiba immediately, but because it is Kaiba's turn now, he has the final say. Even if Jonouchi beats Kaiba, it will not change that his [Meteor Dragon-Meteorite Black Dragon] has been liberated by Kaiba. reality.

The huge black dragon was sent to the cemetery, and the [enemy controller] that appeared on the Kaiba Field seemed to have been replaced with batteries. Several buttons on it showed signs of being pressed, and then it was supposed to be on the Dazi Field. [Olihagun Djinn], who was in defense position, moved stiffly and slowly walked to the seahorse field, continuing to maintain defense position.

【Oliha Gangdjin】【def1500】

Hey, in short, at the expense of my [Meteor Dragon-Meteor Black Dragon], I successfully transferred this troublesome monster, right? In that case, the only one on the field that can negate combat damage is [Oli]. Ha Gang’s Weapon].”

The game is easy to say, Jonouchi temporarily gave up the idea of ​​beating Kaiba, looked at the [Oliha Gang Djinn] and said, I remember correctly, the effect of the [Enemy Controller] should only be for one turn. In the next Da Before Zi's turn comes, deal as much damage as possible, you bastard Kaiba.

Hmph, you're so noisy, mediocrity, I don't have to listen to your orders. Kaiba turned his head and glanced at Jonouchi and said, I remember that [Meteor Dragon-Meteorite Black Dragon] should have another one who is as good as you, a mediocre person. The matching effect is correct, don’t waste time, activate it quickly!”

I'll give it back to you in the same way, don't order me around!

Jonouchi and Kaiba once again faced off against each other. If Tatsu, the biggest enemy, was not in front of them, the two of them might start fighting in the next moment.

However, although the atmosphere was very uncomfortable and noisy, perhaps this was actually the way Kaiba and Jonouchi were most accustomed to getting along with each other. Jonouchi was not slow in his actions and took out a card from the graveyard: When [Meteor Dragon - Meteor Black Dragon] is sent to the graveyard from the field, it can only be activated by targeting a normal monster in my graveyard and special summoning that monster.

And the double monster [Red-Eyed Thunder Emperor-Evil Demon] can be used as a normal monster when it is on the field or in the graveyard. I will Special Summon it in attack position!

The Thunder Demon, which is very similar to [Devil's Summons] and can even be said to be a cousin, appeared from the cemetery in the city, flapped its pair of giant bat-like wings and landed next to [Oliha Gang Djinn].

That monster is... I see, is it the [Devil's Summoning] that gained the power of [Red Eye] and was sent to the cemetery by the previous [Red Eye Insight]? Yugi looked at the familiar and familiar monster in front of him. The strange monster seemed to see Jonouchi growing stronger again, and couldn't help but smile with relief.

And Jonouchi smiled proudly: Hey, the [Devil's Summons] entrusted to me by the game, Ryuzaki's [True Red Eyes] and the power of the 'double monster' entrusted by Baron are the [True Red Eyes Fierce Thunder Emperor-Evil. Cry the mighty sex demon]!”

As long as it is normally summoned once, the power of [Red-Eyes Fierce Thunder King-Evil Demon] as a dual monster will be released. It can reduce the defense power of all opponents on the field lower than [True Red-Eyes Fierce Thunder Emperor-Evil Demon] once per turn. All monsters with the attack power of [Devil] are destroyed, and the attack power of [Red-Eyed Fierce Thunder Emperor-Evil Demon] is 2500 points!

Kaiba couldn't help but take another look at the specially summoned monster in the city: You're so close to defeating [Blue Eyes]? Even I have to praise you, you mediocre person.

Then, I'm going to perform my normal summons this round, and what I want to summon is——

Just when Jonouchi thought that Kaiba was really going to double summon and release the ability of [True Red Eyes Fierce Thunder Emperor-Evil Demon] as he thought, what he didn't expect was that Kaiba actually played the card from his hand. Get a monster card and slap it on the duel board! ?

The card in my hand is [White Spirit Dragon]!

Seahorse! Uno type!

Jonouchi was pulled back by Yugi again because the [White Spirit Dragon] played by Kaiba was a level 8☆ monster, which meant that its appearance required the sacrifices of two monsters provided by Tatsu and Jonouchi on the field at the moment.

[Oliha Gang Djinn] completed its mission as a sacrifice and was returned to Dazi's cemetery, and [True Red Eyes Fierce Thunder Emperor-Evil Demon] who had just appeared for a few dozen seconds was also buried back. Go to the cemetery within the city.

Instead, it was the white spirit dragon that landed leisurely on the seahorse field.

【White Spirit Dragon】【8☆/Light】



Although your idea is good, I should have said, don't order me around, you mediocre person. The future I see is much further away than yours. After Haima summoned [White Spirit Dragon], he reached out and pointed at the only person in the backcourt of Dazi. A cover card said, I don't think the other party will let your plan go smoothly.

When [White Spirit Dragon] summons or special summons successfully, target a magic or trap card on the opponent's field and remove it. What I choose is the cover card in your backfield, Dazi!

Even Kaiba, who has always had the word reckless written all over his face, would not ignore the enemy's Gaika after having the means to deal with it. [Bai Linglong] stood up with both feet on the ground, and the wings behind it lifted up. The strong wind swept towards Gaika in the backcourt of Dazi.

Quite cooperative with Kaiba, Dazi also showed a puzzled expression: For a moment, it's you, Seth. How could you obediently follow other people's plans?

In that case, let me show you Doma's sublime power!

For a moment, everyone became nervous after hearing what Dazi said. Although there is a possibility that it is just a gimmick, but the name sounds so good, this guy Dazi wouldn't have pulled out a cheating card with fake effects, right?

Even Hayato in another dimension widened his eyes, wanting to see what else Datsu could do.

Under everyone's gaze, Dazi did not play the mysterious card in his hand, nor did he print the card from the deck. He simply pressed the button to activate the card blocking:

Corresponding to the effect of [White Spirit Dragon], I activate the cover card in the backcourt——

[Insect Confusion's Nest]!

It can only be activated when the opponent's monster that was specially summoned this turn activates its effect. That effect is invalid and destroyed!


Jonouchi: Ah this...

Kaiba: Hey...

The faces of the three gamers all showed expressions of disappointment. It's not that the card [Insect's Nest] is not powerful enough, it's just that when they heard Doma's Sublime Power before, they expected some extremely domineering and powerful monsters instead of a trap card. The contrast was so big. some.

On the other hand, Hayato in the other-dimensional world couldn't help but complain: No, how can this guy like Datsu still create the [Insect Conspirator] card? This guy is not just playing with a fake card pile [Oliha Gang] 】?

Well, there shouldn't be any problem with the power of [Insect Conspirators]. They were also of great use when they were building the capital. Hayato replied from behind, And because they are good at digging, they can be regarded as the earliest Here are a group of card elves who have joined 'Oliha Gang'.

Join 'Oliha Gang'? What a crypt demon? I thought the elven world was monolithic.

Huh?! Hayato said casually, then realized something was wrong and turned his head abruptly, Who is it!?

Looking at the green-haired man in front of me, who can be said to be the same as Dazi, uu read a book

Hayato fell into a daze, unable to understand what was happening.

At this moment, the duel in the outside world is still continuing.

Hey, I thought it was some kind of card, and you are another annoying trap card lover? Kaiba calmed down his emotions, frowned and said, What the mediocrity said is really right, you and Hayato are completely in the same category. .”

But, my tactics are much more perfect than you think!

A large hole covered with cobwebs suddenly appeared under the feet of [Bai Linglong] who landed on the ground. He lost balance under his feet and fell into it, turning into white light and dissipating into the cemetery.

But behind the white light, the smiling Dazi saw all four displayed cards in Kaiba's hand raised above his head.

Activate the [Fusion] magic card from my hand, use the three [Blue Eyes White Dragon] in my hand as fusion materials, and summon the strongest, most gorgeous and invincible super monster in history!

Kaiba lined up three [Blue Eyes White Dragon] on the duel plate, and inserted [Fusion] into the magic trap area, Carve the perfect posture of this evolved ultimate dragon into the depths of my soul. The ultimate power will be demonstrated here!”

Q Jin! Iron chicken!

Match q!


[True Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon]!

This time, Kaiba played steadily. As expected by everyone, he had another high-star move and gathered all three [Blue Eyes White Dragon] and [Fusion] in his hand from the beginning, and summoned him by fusion. The ace monster - [True Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] has an attack power of up to 4500 points and can slash three times in one breath!

【True Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon】【atk4500】

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