Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 87 My lance will break through the sky

[Guardian-Gral] struck down with an axe, instantly destroying the unable to move [Dark Magician Girl] and sending it to the cemetery. At the same time, Yugi also suffered 1000 points of battle damage due to his poor attack power.


【Game: 3800→2800lp】

At the same time, Rafilu's voice came, explaining to Yugi what happened just now.

Using [Desert Light] to change the monster in attack position to defense position to avoid damage is barely a good move, but unfortunately, when [Gravity Ax-Roar] exists, your monster cannot change the position.

Watching [Guardian-Gral] return to his own field, Rafilu showed him an inconspicuous smile, and then looked at the game that had suffered a small loss with a serious face, In the final analysis, the kind of The act of sacrificing a monster to protect yourself is clumsy and poor.

The [Guardians] and I are connected by such a strong bond, you can't even imagine it.

Yugi frowned upon hearing this. Just like the roaring tactics before the formalization of e-sports, trash talk is also a characteristic of Duel Monsters. It is a must-try. Rafiru's words made the game want to refute: What nonsense, Rafiru, duel Isn’t it natural for a player to trust the cards and decks that are his servants?”

No, that's not the same at all, nameless Pharaoh. Rafilu looked at Yugi with an unhappy expression on his face, shook his head and said, If it were you, you would do many things that I cannot accept in order to win, but I can tell you in advance that even if I lose, I will not use [Oliha Gang's Barrier] to affect my monsters in this duel.

And the cover card in my backfield is not a destructive card, it is just a cover card that can protect the monster at the cost of my base points.

In Yugi's unexpected look, Rafiru not only promised not to use [Oliha Gang's Barrier], a card necessary for Doma's organization to harvest the souls of duelists, but he even blocked his own backcourt What the card is also said! ?

Yugi's face was full of disbelief, and he couldn't help but wonder if what Rafilu had just said was a lie he told to lure him into attacking the past.

'The other me,' Yugi and Yami in [Millennium Building Blocks] exchanged opinions, 'Rafiru said that the backcourt is a card that protects monsters at the cost of basic points. What on earth is this...'

'I don't know, aibo, but my intuition as a duelist tells me that what Rafiru said may indeed be the truth. His eyes are very clear and innocent, and a real duelist should not do anything with words. It is only right to mislead others. ’

'I guess so? 'When Yugi thought about the duel with Hayato, he would often be misled by Hayato's continuous nonsense and guess whether there was a [Security Ball] or other cards in the backcourt that would activate when destroyed, and he felt a little uncertain. Ying Hedao.

Not knowing that his aibo was thinking about the previous duels where the experience was worse than going to jail, Yami Yugi couldn't understand why Rafiru told him about Gaika's behavior in the backcourt, so he chose to ask directly.

Why, Rafiru? Why do you tell me about Gaika in your backcourt? What good does this do to you?

In the bottom of Yugi's heart, he already believed that Rafilu would not lie. The cover card in his backcourt must be some kind of card that protects monsters with his own basic points, as he said, but he was only confused about this behavior. The game wants to figure it out.

Hearing Yugi's doubts, Rafilu did not show off, but said very calmly: Because of 'fairness', the unknown Pharaoh, too much of your duel information has been exposed in front of my eyes, but you are right. Seriously, I know very little, so in order to make this duel a little 'fair', I just told you what the Gaika in my backcourt is.

I think a 'fair' life-and-death duel can make a person's personality grow, while killing without any despicable behavior of one's own volition can make me, an immature person, rise to the level of A more sacred realm, approaching the new humanity.

While completing Lord Dazi's mission, I am also seeking this kind of growth, because people always have to face some insurmountable fate, and this sacred realm can only be reached through 'cultivation'.

So, whether it is 'purpose' or 'means', I will tell you without any concealment or a trace of lies, nameless Pharaoh, because this is my way of 'cultivation'.

As he spoke, Rafilu looked down at the cards on his duel plate, with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes, and said as if talking to himself: Unknown Pharaoh, no, 'Muto Yugi', I have never known you. I have a special feeling for you when you exist, because you and I are both people who are favored by elves and teased by fate.

Tricked by fate?

The game can understand being favored by elves. Judging from Rafilu's performance, he is also an elf user who can see the existence of card elves, and the number of awakened card elves is definitely more than one or two, and the game also has numbers awakened. Card elves are with you. However, he couldn't understand what being tricked by fate meant.

Once upon a time, I also had a complete family, but on a day of great joy, a shipwreck occurred. It was so sudden. Destiny took away everything around me in an instant, except for what I got from my family. The gift——[Guardian] cards are by my side.”

As he spoke, Rafilu picked up the [Backup Guardian] and [Guardian-Gral] cards on the duel plate and showed them to Yugi, but the two monsters on his field left without cards, causing the images to disappear. , confirming the previous guess in the game about the existence of elves in those cards.

At the same time, Rafiru also showed the backs of the two cards. They were both smooth and brand-new, and had obviously been re-posted. Although he was using worn-out cards, Rafilu had the dignity of a duelist and would not use them to memorize cards.

I see, because they were gifts from family members, the cards have not been replaced. After hearing Rafilu's explanation, Yugi understood why Rafiru refused to replace these badly worn cards. After all, even if the effect of the replaced card will not change, what is important is the meaning of the card.

It was like the gift of the bond between Professor Hopkins and Muto Sugoroku - the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] that was torn apart by Kaiba.

'However, if you want to protect the card, you can also wrap it in a card sleeve. ’ This idea appeared in the mind of Omo Yugi in [Millennium Building Blocks], but looking at Rafilu and Yami Yugi in the atmosphere, he didn’t say anything to ruin the atmosphere.

Putting the two cards back on the duel plate, Rafilu continued: In that fateful joke, I lost my family, and at the same time I also understood a truth, that is, there are things in the world that humans alone cannot do no matter what. The fate of resistance exists.

I miraculously returned from the shipwreck and saw the evil of human beings from another perspective. From that moment on, I found a goal, which is to elevate human beings to a higher divine realm and grow enough to resist that kind of evil. Unfortunate fate.

Unknown Pharaoh, why did your soul, which died three thousand years ago, return to this land? Why did my family have to die so unfortunately? This unfair fate is what I want to fight against!

With fighting spirit igniting in his body, Rafilu stretched out his hand and pointed at the game: We, the Three Musketeers of Doma, are loyal to Lord Dazi. That Lord's goal is to cleanse the human beings whose hearts are full of darkness on the earth and reshape the new world. In that new world, The new humans born in the world will enter a more sacred realm, understand each other and transcend fate.

The 'Legendary Dragon' you hold in your hand is an obstacle to Lord Dazi's plan, but at the same time, I also think you can become the nourishment for my growth, nameless Pharaoh!

While showing an excited expression, Rafilu put away his smile and said with a disappointed look: But, I was wrong, because I found that you don't have enough willpower to make me grow, because you just Just a 'responder'.

Even though I have exposed everything in front of you, nameless Pharaoh, you still don't have enough will, enough to drive your 'dark' will to attack me.

Change [Master Craftsman-Toratsu] to defense position, my turn ends.

[Rafiru: 4000lp, 0 cards in hand]

[Famous Craftsman-Tiger Steel] [atk500→def500]

【Backup Guardian】【def2200】

[Guardian-Gral] ([Gravity Ax-Roar]) [atk3000]


It was the game's turn again. He put his finger on the deck and was about to pull out the card: My turn...

Although he was as energetic as ever, no one noticed that Yugi's confidence in drawing cards was slightly less than before.

He wanted to regard everything Rafiru said from the beginning of the duel to now as nonsense to deceive him, but deep down in his heart, Yugi knew that everything Rafiru had said so far was completely correct.

If the card drawn in this round is not a destructive card in the backcourt, and there is no guarantee of victory, the game will indeed choose to be more prudent and not attack, but to accumulate strength first and wait for the opportunity to counterattack. After all, it is blind. Using the power that may be needed later may result in being unable to use it later.

Many people have described themselves in various ways in the past, but Yugi feels that all the evaluations he has received before are not as good as the coping person evaluation that Rafiru makes of himself at this moment.

Just when An Yuxi felt a little shaken, he heard Ou Yuxi's voice: 'Other me, believe in yourself. ’

‘aibo? ’

In [Millennium Building Blocks], Omo Yugi turned into a phantom and appeared in front of Yami Yugi. He had a smile on his face: 'The other me I know is a very powerful person. He has always stood in front of me to help me block danger. , that strong self-confidence has always been my role model. ’

‘Even if what Rafilu said is true, my other self, I still believe that you are on the right path and there is no need to make any changes. ’

Looking at Omo Yugi who appeared beside him to cheer him up because of his inner turmoil, An Yugi was stunned for a moment, then smiled, shook his head and said, You are the one, aibo, you are me. What an example.”

Compared with my so-called self-confidence, your gentleness is more powerful. It is because of your presence that I can win again and again.

Yami Yugi moved his eyes away from Omo Yugi and looked at Rafilu again. Yami Yugi regained his previous confidence: Thanks to aibo, I was almost influenced by you. Rafilu, from now on, your words will have a great impact on me. It won’t work anymore.”

Even if I'm just a 'cooperator' as you said, I will implement my beliefs and defeat you! Saying that, Yugi drew the card, My turn, draw the card!

Then, activate the magic card [Fusion] to fuse the [Dark Knight-Gaia] in my hand with the [Dark Magician] on the field!

The game showed the card he had left in his hand from the last turn. It was [Dark Knight-Gaia], a normal monster with an attack power of 2300 that can only be summoned by two monsters as sacrifices!

With the changes in the duel environment, even the number of normal monsters in the game's deck has dropped significantly. Although the game originally held the [Dark Knight-Gaia] card, it has long been replaced by the effective [Gate of Wind] card. Dark Knight - Gaia], and the [Gaia] that appears in Yugi's hands at this moment was actually obtained by him from Hayato in Conflict Town not long ago.

Although he didn’t understand why Hayato would leave behind this [Dark Knight-Gaia], one of his countless tamashis, Yugi brought this card to the Paradis Group and at this moment, he and his [Black Magic] merged together.

I will defeat you with aibo, Rafiru, using this fusion monster that combines the power of Hayato and I! A fusion monster card appeared in Yugi's hand, and he slapped it on the duel plate, Put the magic Combine the power of the sword with the power of the spiral, and use your lance to break through the sky!

Fusion Summon! [Super Magical Knight-Black Magical Cavalry]!

The power of [Fusion] drew the two monsters into the whirlpool, and a bright red spear protruded from the spiral. The [Black Magician] riding the [Gaia] horse appeared with high fighting spirit!

[Super Magical Knight-Black Magical Cavalry] [8☆/Dark]



[Super Magical Knight - Black Magical Cavalry] has the power to absorb the magic and trap cards on both sides of the field and in the graveyard, and each card has the power to increase the attack power by 100 points. Yugi pointed at Rafiru, Then, Entering the battle stage, I use [Super Magical Knight - Black Magical Cavalry] to attack Rafiru and your [Guardian - Graal]!

The Black Magic Cavalry rotates!

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