Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 86 He said it’s time to go

Activate the magic card [Dark Magician]. It can only be activated when there is [Dark Magician] on my field. It will destroy all magic and trap cards on the opponent's field!

In fact, [The Bond of Master and Disciple] can retrieve a total of four kinds of magic cards that are covered in the backfield of the game. They hold Destroy Monsters, Destroy Magic Trap Cards, Destroy All Cards and Increase Attack Power. These four effects can be selected and used according to different situations.

However, the [Dark Magician's Continuous Bullet] that increases the attack power is useless because [Dark Magician] cannot attack this round, and the [Black Magician's Explosion Destruction Magic] that can destroy all cards is useless. [Guide] is a quick-attack magic card that can only be activated in the next turn after being set down. Rather than destroying monsters, the game believes that it is more important to destroy the cards in Rafiru's backfield that are relatively more dangerous for the time being.

Rather than continue to guess and test the two cover cards in Rafiru's backcourt one by one, Yugi chose to directly reveal all the cards in his backcourt to save trouble. Regardless of whether it is a [Magic Tube], [Lost] or any other card, there is no need to be afraid after it is destroyed.

[Black Magic] The power of the magic card activated obediently gathered magic power in front of him, and a huge magic bullet bombarded out, pointing directly at the two cover cards in Lafite's back field, but just when the magic bullet was about to crush Lafite When Lu was blocking the backcourt, the magic bullet suddenly disintegrated into dissipated magic power.

At some point, Rafilu pressed the button to activate the card block, and a card opened in his backfield. It was a counterattack trap card [Magic Extraction].

The Point Guard Is Here

Chain [Dark Magician], I activated the cover card [Magic Extraction], which invalidates and destroys the activation of your magic card [Dark Magician], but you can discard a magic card in your hand. to negate this effect.

Hearing this, Yugi looked at his hand and said helplessly: I give up and discard one card in my hand.

It's not that the game has chosen anything. If he had magic cards to discard, he would have discarded them long ago. However, he doesn't have a single magic card in his hand now. Either the monster card cannot be played this round or he cannot get it from his hand. activated trap card.

Because there was no other magic to transfer the target, [Magic Extraction] followed the [Black Magic Guide] and acted on the [Black Magic Guide], making him even weaker who was already out of shape. He could have defeated Lafite The magic bullets swept away by Lu Hou also completely dissipated.

Looking at the only card left in Rafiru's backfield, Yugi thought for a moment and said decisively: Then, now I want to enter the battle stage and use [Dark Magician Girl] to launch an attack.

However, Yugi's hand did not point to the [Master Craftsman-Toratetsu] that Rafiru sang on the bright side, but pointed to the monster in the defense position on the inside, The target I chose to attack is , that covered monster!”

Black Magic Explosion!

[Master Craftsman-Toratetsu], whose attack power is only 500 points, is still in attack mode. It is difficult for the game not to guess that the cover card that Rafiru did not use may be a card that greatly increases the attack power to achieve counter-kill.

Although the other monster is very likely to be a reverse monster like [Master Craftsman-Toratetsu], even if you don't attack it, Rafilu can still reverse it and activate its effect next turn. It's just a matter of sooner or later. , attacking that monster would at least not result in a counterattack from Rafilugeka.

As for whether [Dark Magician Girl] can destroy the face-down monster, the game is quite confident in [Dark Magician Girl]. As a level 6☆ monster, [Dark Magician Girl] has an attack power of only three The attack power of two [Blue Eyes White Dragon] seems a bit shameful, but it can always be done to destroy a monster that can be normally summoned without sacrifice, right?

[Dark Magician Girl] is more than just pretty.

Then, under Yugi's gaze, waving the Power +3 enchanted staff, [Dark Magician Girl]'s attack uncovered the card on the face-down defense position monster on Rafiu's field, but... When the monster under the card is about to be hit by the Skull Crushing Technique (Physical) cast by [Dark Magician Girl],

But a pair of powerful hands suddenly grasped the staff.


A monster as fierce as a demon stood up from the opened card. Yugi had seen that monster before. It was the [Backup Guardian] that Rafiru had used once before in the KC Cup. Yugi remembered that monster. It is not a reverse monster that can trigger effects when reversed, but it has a defense power of 2200 points, which is very good among 4☆ monsters, even one of the best!

【Backup Guardian】【4☆/Dark】



The [Dark Magician Girl] with weak attack power encountered a monster with excellent defensive power. The result was——


[Backup Guardian] punched [Dark Magician Girl]'s staff with a powerful punch, knocking the immature magician back to the playing field, with tears in her eyes, as if she was about to 嘤嘤嘤 It was as if he was crying, and the scattered magic power hit Yugi, taking away some of his basic points.

【Game: 4000→3800lp】

A mere 200 basic points is nothing at all, but what is more annoying is that this round the game has done a lot of fancy things, and the number of cards in the hand dropped from six at the beginning to three now, but they were just replaced. Rafiru's backfield was just a [Magic Extraction]. None of the two monsters on the field were destroyed, and even the [Master Craftsman-Toratetsu] in attack position continued to exist unharmed.

The two trap cards in his hand were drawn and inserted into the magic trap area. The game left only one monster card in his hand. He said helplessly: [Dark Magician] cannot be used this round due to the effect of [Sacrifice Doll]. Attack, cover two cards, and my turn ends.”

[Game: 3800lp, 1 card in hand]

【Black Magic】【atk2500】

【Dark Magician Girl】【atk2000】

【Gate Card】x2

Although the plan to suppress Rafiru in one fell swoop failed, Yugi didn't feel that he was at a disadvantage after losing only a few basic points, it was just that his momentum was slightly compromised. After all, judging from the layout on the field, there is no doubt that the side with two powerful monsters has the advantage.

It was Rafilu's turn again. Before he started to draw cards, he put his fingers on the card deck, closed his eyes, and a faint white light appeared around him again. Feeling the breath on the card, Rafilu smiled: It's coming...

Then, my turn is to draw a card. Pulling out the card he sensed, Rafilu played out a card in his hand without even looking at it, Activate the magic card [Gravity Ax - Roar ]!

The equipment magic card retrieved by the effect of [Master Craftsman-Tiger Steel] in the last round was indeed held in Rafiru's hand, and it is understandable why Rafiru did not activate it in the game last round. After all, even if it is again No matter how powerful the magic card is equipped, it will not provide powerful bonuses to the two weak monsters on the field that have only 500 attack points.

However, it is still difficult for the game to understand if it is used now. After all, the number of monsters on Rafiru's field has not increased, there are still only two monsters with an attack power of 500 points, and the worst one he has to face is an attack power of 2000 points. [Dark Magician Girl].

Rafiru can't let the [Backup Guardian] with its excellent defense power give up its advantage in defense power and attack [Dark Magician Girl] with the help of equipment magic cards whose specific bonuses are not yet known, right?

However, Rafiru happened to equip the [Gravity Axe-Roar] in his hand on the [Backup Guardian] which was still in defense position, and he had an extra heavy-looking giant ax in his hand.

Judging from the specifications of the giant ax, it doesn't look like a weapon prepared for monsters of ordinary size. Even the strong [Backup Guardian] looks like it's quite difficult to hold the weapon.

【Backup Guardian】【500/2200→1000/2200】

With the use of equipment magic cards, the value of [Backup Guardian] does increase, but the increase is only the attack power, and it is only a mere 500 points, even if the game converts all the two-body magicians on the field into The relatively fragile defense display cannot be destroyed even if the [Backup Guardian] launches an attack.

But the next moment, Rafilu played the last card in his hand, letting Yugi know what was in the graveyard where he activated the equipment card with unknown meaning.

The [Guardian-Gral] in my hand is a monster that can be summoned, reverse summoned, or specially summoned only when [Gravity Axe-Roar] exists on my field, and the only monster in my hand is When [Guardian-Galal] is a monster, you can normally summon a level 5 [Guardian-Galal] without a sacrifice.

Rafilu held up a card in his hand with great momentum, but put it down gently, saying loudly: Meet my family, nameless Pharaoh! Come out, [Guardian-Gral]!

As Rafilu put down the card, a lizard-like monster that was much bigger and stronger than the [Backup Guardian] appeared on his field. It was tied with bandages and looked heavy. The upper body of the war skirt also wears a vest connected with iron chains.

But after [Guardian-Gral] appeared, Yugi saw that he actually took the [Gravity Axe-Roar] lightly from the hands of the struggling [Backup Guardian]?

The equipment magic card that was already equipped on the monster was actually transferred?

I have never used the effect of [Backup Guardian] in the KC Cup before to hide my stupidity. His ability is that he can transfer an equipment card he is equipped to another one on the field once per turn. It can be used as a correct For the target monster, I will hand over [Gravity Ax-Roar] to [Guardian-Gral].

Have the equipment magic cards that were a condition for entering the game returned to the original user's hand? Moreover, the monsters that can be summoned without sacrifices are once again added with equipment magic cards that increase the attack power. Yugi looked at picking up the [Gravity of Axe-Roar], and [Guardian-Gral] whose attack power begins to increase.

[Guardian-Gral] [5☆/land]



The attack power of a full 3000 points is already the same as the duel monster's universal attack power unit [Blue Eyes White Dragon]!

However, compared to those, what Yugi cares about at this moment is Rafiru's duel plate, or rather the [Guardian-Gral] card that was just placed on Rafiru's duel plate.

Compared to the other [Master Craftsman - Tiger Iron] on Rafiru's duel plate, both the [Backup Guardian] and [Guardian - Graal] cards have white dots all over the card. It's not a special mark or a characteristic of a card with a special rarity, it's more like the wear and tear on the card that has been used for too long.

Just now, Yugi thought that [Backup Guardian] might be an exception, but now it seems that [Master Craftsman - Kotetsu] is the exception.

However, the strength of Duel Monster cards is as high as two or three floors. Ordinary use will not damage the cards at all. Even if you wash the cards vigorously, they will not scratch the card illustrations and card backs. Even when someone speaks without humming, the cards will not be scratched. In the hands of a man in a trench coat who is mortal, good at playing robots, addicted to playing cards, and suffering from dragon cancer, the duel monster cards can also be used as destructive weapons. When used as flying cards, they can even cut through metal.

How long has Rafiru's card been used? And doesn't the International Illusion Society have a service for particularly rare cards that can be recycled and exchanged for new ones after charging a certain fee? Although the [Guardian] deck is rare, it is not as rare as [Blue Eyes White Dragon]. Why doesn't Rafilu change the card?

The game did not ask this question that had nothing to do with the duel, but buried the doubt in his heart for the time being, because the [Guardian-Gral] who had taken the weapon [Gravity Ax-Roar] had already followed Rafiru. He raised his fingers and assumed an attack-ready posture.

Enter the battle stage, you can go up, [Guardian-Gral], launch an attack on [Dark Magician Girl]! Rafilu ordered, Decisively strike!


The lizard-like dinosaur monster [Guardian-Gral] has been waiting for this order for a long time. He immediately raised the giant ax in his hand and attacked [Dark Magician Girl] on the game field, and Yugi saw Then, he immediately pressed the start card cover button and opened one of the two cards in the backfield.

In case you have a way to increase the monster's attack power, I deliberately blocked this card and activated the magic card [Desert Light]!

From the card opened at the end of the game, a bright golden light suddenly bloomed. Bathed in this familiar light, the two monsters [Dark Magician] and [Dark Magician Girl] were about to change to defense position. uuread a book

A long time ago, when Yugi and Hayato were chatting in class because they didn’t want to listen to the class, they heard him talk about a special tactic, which was an otk counter-kill tactic centered around an equipment card called [Lower and Upper Jewelry]. .

Although [Lower Jewelry] can only be equipped to normal monsters, it has the ability to get a huge bonus when a lower-star monster attacks a higher-star monster. When a level 1☆ monster attacks a level 7☆ monster, It can even increase its attack power by a full 3,000 points. Even a level 1 white rabbit can kill the powerful [Blue Eyes White Dragon] with one kick.

If you combine it with some cards that enhance attack power, you can even be killed if you are not careful. At that time, the game was shocked that Hayato could think of such a tactic to maximize the power of ordinary monsters. And just now, when Rafilu had to retrieve the equipment magic card even if he put [Master Craftsman-Toratetsu] in attack position, he was reminded of it. This is a tactic I have heard before.

This [Desert Light], which allows all monsters on your field to change to face-up defense position, is prepared to prevent you from taking too much damage at once, and it just comes in handy now.

However, the idea of ​​the game is quite good, but unexpectedly, with the activation of [Desert Light], [Guardian-Gral] roared, and the [Gravity Axe-Roar] in his hand actually spread purple. The ripples cover the whole place! ?

Under the influence of this ripple, [Dark Magician] and [Dark Magician Girl] who wanted to change their postures were instantly unable to move and froze in place. They could only watch as [Guardian-Gral] dragged and released powerful gravity. The giant ax approaches.

Then, [Guardian-Gral] actually said: Rafilu said, it's time to go!

There is actually a card spirit on that card! ?

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