Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 84: We must do what we promised

Due to the stimulation of the bright light, in order to prevent the collision with Malik in front, Peacock Dance applied the brakes and turned the steering wheel, causing the RV to stop with a wonderful drift.

Yugi, who was sitting in the passenger seat, used his own inertia to open the car door. He unbuckled his seat belt before the car stopped and jumped out. He landed with a suitcase that had been thrown out in advance. He raised his head and shook his hair. Look at the figure standing in the light.

He has spiky yellow hair, a dark gray vest and a dark blue trench coat. It is Rafiru who has been waiting in the Paradis Building for a long time.

Rafilu... Taking out the duel disc and card set from the box, Yugi straightened up and looked at Rafiru on the steps. While putting on the duel disc, he said, Those things were sent by you. Did you come out?

Those Oliha Gang soldiers? Rafilu glanced at the soldiers chasing the RV in the distance, and said calmly, I want a chance to fight you one-on-one. In order to prevent you from My companions are causing trouble, so I sent them out to find a way for you to separate.

However, after all, they are just irrational tools. They can't even coerce your companions and force you to duel with me.

Yugi frowned: That kind of thing is unnecessary. In order to take back Hayato and liquidate the criminal acts that took the lives of others, Doma's people are opponents that I will not let go, and I originally wanted to defeat him one on one. You, Rafiru.”

So far, Yugi has had two duel experiences with Rafiru, but one time was in the KC Cup open event where Rafiru was not serious, and the other time Rafiru added a card into the deck that did not suit his style. [Sacred Flame Emperor-Uria], Rafilu never showed his true strength in the two duels.

Even if he didn't go all out, the game at that time could still feel the unique aura of a true duelist from Rafiru. However, defeating Rafiru who was not serious could not calm his duelist soul.

Now, as one of the Three Musketeers of Doma, Rafilu has an irreconcilable conflict with Yugi, the user of the Legendary Dragon. Naturally, there is the condition to go all out, but the last time Yugi and Rafi When Feiru met, his full attention was attracted by Hayato, who appeared for the first time after his disappearance.

He has never had a duel with Rafiru at full strength.

But now, finally, there is an opportunity for the two of them to fight one-on-one with all their strength.

Game! Honda, who was sitting in the back seat of the RV, opened the door and glanced behind her. I saw that the Oriha Gang soldiers who had just managed to get away were still chasing after them, closing the distance with the RV, and anxiously greeted Yuxi.

The bumper of the RV that had hit the Oriha Gang soldiers had been shattered to pieces due to the shock from the strong armor on their bodies, and the body of the car that had been rubbed by the Ori Hagang soldiers before was also full of scars. It was originally worth The RV that cost 100,000 US dollars has now depreciated to less than 5,000 US dollars. This is why Honda struggled with the deformed door for a long time before opening it.

It's hard to imagine what would happen if the game without body protection was caught up by those Oriha Gang soldiers.

Honda wanted to ask Yugi to get in the car first and get rid of the group of Oriha Gang soldiers, and then find a way to enter the Paradis Building when it was a little safer and at least there was no Rafiru blocking the road at the door, but Yugi heard Honda's After shouting, he just turned around and said to Honda confidently: Leave with the others first, Honda, I will be fine.

It can be seen from the fact that Rafiru is standing alone at the door of the Paradis Building waiting for Yugi at this moment. Although he arranged for Oriha Gang soldiers to attack everyone, he just wanted to evacuate other people and not interfere with him and Yugi. It was just a duel, and at this moment Yugi went out alone as Rafilu wished. The Oriha Gang soldiers he arranged had no reason to attack Yugi.

But-- Honda hesitated, not knowing whether to believe what Yugi said. After all, those ferocious Olihagang soldiers just now were so scary and aggressive. But looking at Yugi's confident eyes and his trust in his friends convinced Honda himself, I understand, be careful, Yugi.

We will come back after we get rid of these guys! Peacock Dance greeted from the driver's seat, stepped on the accelerator and accelerated, causing an Olihagang soldier who was close to the RV to swing his raised arm blade. Empty.

As Malik and Peacock Dance drove away, just as Yu Yu had guessed, the Oriha Gang soldiers had no intention of taking action against Yu Yu. They did not even take a step closer to the Paradis Building and chased the two people who were driving away. The car left.

Next, no one will be in the way, but this is not a place for a duel. Rafilu glanced at himself standing on the steps and Yugi standing under the steps, in order to prevent Yugi from saying This is a trial. If so, he chose to move the battlefield, turned around and walked back first, Follow me, nameless Pharaoh.

As if he was not afraid of a sneak attack at all, Rafilu openly exposed his defenseless back and walked into the open door. Out of caution, Yugi did not follow up immediately, but fell behind slightly. Keep a distance between each step, and then enter the door after a few seconds.

But after entering the Paradis Building, Yugi was stunned because he found that Rafiru had just walked in and disappeared in the blink of an eye?

Where have you gone?

Looking around, Yugi saw a white feather slowly falling from the mid-air in front of him. Those seem to be bird feathers? It's really strange, why is there that kind of thing indoors?

Yugi was about to reach out to catch the unusual feather and take a closer look, but found that the white feather was gradually becoming transparent as it fell like an illusion, and at the same time, a ding came from not far away. A sound.

Turning around and looking, an elevator door opened automatically as it reached the first floor, revealing an empty elevator car, and an upward arrow was marked on the display screen above the elevator.

Although Yugi is not sure what happened to the sudden disappearance of Rafiru and the feather just now, the situation in front of him is obviously that Rafiru is inviting him to enter the elevator, especially the elevator that is only supposed to be open for a few seconds. The door is always open as if waiting for the game to enter.

Although he was more suspicious of a trap, Yugi still walked towards the elevator, and when he entered the elevator, the elevator door proved that it was not broken and closed automatically without pressing any buttons. , the elevator goes up to the upper floor. This made Yugi more and more certain that Rafiru was probably waiting for him on the floor where the elevator would stop.

Yugi, or Dark Yugi, has always been the type that even if he knows it is a trap, he will only be careful at most, but will not avoid it. Because of this character, he has eaten Hayato and Omoteyuki in duels more than once. loss. However, even so, Yami Yugi will not become tactful or evasive because of this. Although he is a bit stubborn, this is also Yami Yugi's character.

Now that he entered the closed elevator, Yugi didn't feel nervous, but because he knew that there would be a battle waiting for him when the elevator stopped, he took out the deck he had brought before, spread it out, and fought. Partial exchange of spare cards with you adjusts the composition of the cards in the deck.

Even if he knew that there was a camera behind his head in the elevator, Yugi believed that with Rafilu's character, he would not peek at other people's cards. After all, that would involve the risk of hospitalization.

(Someone was so angry: sneeze!)

The golden light of Ugato's Eye on the [Millennium Building Block] moved slightly, and Omo Yugi's figure floated next to Yami Yugi who was sorting the deck.

The other me, looking at An Yuxi, Ou Yuxi said with a worried look, I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling in my heart. You must be careful.

Of course, Yugi knows the other person's personality well. It cannot be said that he is not serious in duels, but rather that he is so serious that he always attacks with all his strength in duels, which makes it very easy to fall into the trap of others. In the trap.

Omo Yugi's personality is just the opposite. He is better at defense than attack. The strengths and weaknesses of the two people can be said to be complementary. However, due to the influence of many friends such as Yami Yugi, Jonouchi, Hayato and even Kaiba, he gradually grew up and overcame it. The flawed surface game and the dark game actually go further and further in attack without making up for the flaws.

Although there is a saying that one force can defeat ten skills, even if Yami Yugi does not make up for his shortcomings and relies on his strengths in attack, he still has the strength to compete with Hayato and Kaiba on the same stage, but he is afraid that someone will specifically attack shortcomings based on his character. plate.

Because he had done that more than once, he knew that his other self was very easily fooled.

Because there was no one else here, Yami Yugi did not choose to communicate with his thoughts, but chose to speak directly: aibo, trust me, I will definitely win.

Before we pulled out the sword from [Timaeus], ​​we made a promise with [Dark Magician Girl] in the elf world that we would definitely defeat Doma and save both worlds.

What you agree on must be done, right?

Naturally, Omo Yugi also remembered what An Yugi said. After all, it was the two of them who drew the sword at that time, and they agreed to the [Dark Magician Girl]'s request together. Although the expression on [Dark Magician Girl]'s face at that time was quite subtle, as if she had just sent away a god of plague, and she was slightly happy, but it was probably because she was happy to see the hope of saving the world.

However, even if Yami Yugi mentioned the original agreement, Omo Yugi was still a little worried.

In recent times, Guglielmo's attack snatched away the card of Osiris's Sky Dragon, and he was defeated miserably by Hayato's Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon in the International Illusion Club. I always feel that due to the pressure of the agreement and the continuous setbacks , the other me is getting more and more impatient.

I hope there won't be any surprises in the upcoming duel.

The display screen in the elevator does not show the floor to which it has ascended. The game only feels that the elevator has been rising for a while and then it finally feels like it is gradually slowing down and about to stop. It is not clear which floor it has reached when a ding sounds. Finally, the elevator door opened, and a cool breeze blew into the elevator car.

Yugi, who had already adjusted his deck, put the deck into the duel plate and let it unfold. He looked outside the elevator and found that he was actually on an outdoor rooftop at this moment. Rafilu stood with his arms folded in front of his chest with his eyes closed. Not far away, it seems that they have been waiting here for a long time.

After stepping out of the elevator, Yugi looked up and saw a dark night sky above his head, with the stars evading leaving behind patches of dark clouds. So, he actually took the elevator from the first floor of the Paradis Building to the rooftop of the top floor. No wonder it felt like a while had passed.

However, what attracted Yugi's attention more than standing on the rooftop was the pair of transparent wings spread out behind Rafilu. Several white feathers emerged from the wings as the wings spread. falling. At this moment, Raphael lives up to his name, as if he is an angel Raphael who has come out of mythology into modern times.

Even now, I still don't understand, Rafilu. Instead of eagerly starting to fight to the death with Rafilu, Yugi looked at Rafilu who opened his eyes as his wings disappeared, and said, I From my past duels with you, I can feel that you have an unparalleled unique feeling for dueling monsters, and you are a true duelist.

Why would you join the Doma organization if you love Duel Monsters?

You know, Hitler was also a vegetarian. I won't deny my feelings for Duel Monsters and my deck, but I don't think there is any contradiction between this and me being a member of the Doma organization. Facing the game's doubts, Rafilu said calmly.

Yugi frowned and denied: No, if a duelist is a true duelist, he will never use the power of duelist monsters for evil!

Is it evil? Do you think Doma is doing evil, the nameless Pharaoh? Rafilu's eyes intersected with Yugi's, and he looked directly into Yugi's eyes without wavering, But no, power and even the world are never black and white. Yes, I don’t think anyone or any force can be distinguished by such simple and meaningless labels as ‘good’ and ‘evil’. Both sweet soda and bitter tea can quench thirst.”

The unknown Pharaoh, uu read a book

You will only take 'responsive' actions when I, Doma, take action. This habit has been tightly bound to your body and mind. Although you have quite outstanding talents, the thought of 'justifiable defense' that is tightly bound in your heart will never make you actively think of 'kill me'.

I think this gap in will distinguishes people better than 'justice' and 'evil'. In my eyes, you are just a passive 'cooperator'.

Rafilu raised the duel disk, You can kill the opponent's 'will' without hesitation when necessary. That is the real difference between you and me. Let me use a duel to tell you the difference in this will. Nameless Pharaoh!


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