Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 83: It’s been delayed until now because the internet at home is broken.

Driven by Peacock Dance, the RV drove smoothly into the industrial park of the Paradis Group. The Paradis Building, shrouded in darkness, seemed like a giant standing in the darkness. As the RV approached, it grew bigger and bigger. The hair was magnified, and the game sitting in the co-pilot felt a deep sense of oppression.

Is that the Paradis Group? Compared with the Kaiba Group and the International Illusion Society, it feels so oppressive. Poking his head out of the car at the back, Honda bent over and looked at the Paradis Group building in the distance. , Hiss~ I feel like someone has inserted an icicle into my butt for some reason. It makes my spine chill and my hair stands on end.

Although the metaphor is too weird, it is true that I feel the same way. Ryuzaki also agreed with Honda's view.

It's not that Ryuzaki is too timid. What's shameful is that he obviously considers himself an excellent duelist, but looking at the building in the distance, he feels like he's being hunted by some kind of hunter from the ancient times. The tension of being watched.

It's indeed a bit strange. This is obviously the world's strongest and most famous Paradis Group, right? But such a large industrial park is quieter than no man's land.

While driving, Peacock Dance also agreed, Did you see that of all the buildings along the road we just drove through, when you look through the glass windows, not even a single room has a light on? Why.

Hearing what Maiko Wu said, Kyoko, who was taking care of Jonouchi who had not fully recovered, asked strangely: There are no lights. Maybe it's because the labor unions in the United States stipulate working hours and the workers are all off work.

Ouch, Kyoko, please stop reading the articles written by the shameless domestic media. Capitalists will do anything for profit, let alone working overtime beyond the standard hours. They don't even do illegal things. I can’t come out. Lying on the bed, Jonouchi said with a super understanding expression on his face, And they will also say that this is a blessing for the workers.

Jounouchi, you guy, please be quiet and have a good rest. Peacock Mai, who was driving, heard Jonouchi's voice and saw in the rearview mirror that Jonouchi was lying on the bed, sticking his head out with a smug look on his face. Looking at the people in front of him, he couldn't help but distract himself and said.

As one of the Three Musketeers of Doma, although Baron does not use the darkness in his heart as the seedbed to breed powerful monsters like Ameluda and Rafiru, his darkness has been immersed in the [Armor] deck and given to those monsters. The ability to directly attack the duelist's fundamental energy.

Then, in the later stages of the duel, Baron made matters worse and activated [Oliha Gang's Barrier], which turned the duel directly into a dark game. Because of these two reasons, Jonouchi suffered a lot in the previous duel with Baron. The injury was quite serious, and since less than six hours had passed, he still hadn't recovered much.

Rather, in that duel, Jonouchi basically experienced two rollercoaster-like plunges and one surge. Although the final injury was like a fatal blow, Barong had a conscience and took the initiative to put the [Armor] on Jonouchi to protect him. , but being able to keep his will fresh and not pass out into a vegetative state, Jonouchi is already quite powerful.

But this is already Jonouchi's limit. Although Jonouchi himself said that he is a big man with big breasts, his body is so weak that he can't even win the watch game by arm wrestling, so everyone unanimously asked him to lie down in bed and rest.

Even the fact that Yugi and the others are taking Jonouchi with them is actually the result of Jonouchi's strong resistance. He refused to go to the hospital and was left alone. Instead, he wanted to go with Yugi to break into the dragon's den of the Paratis Group, and claimed that The reason why I don't go to the hospital is that I don't have money to afford it.

The reason was quite sufficient and Jonouchi himself had a tough attitude, so Yugi and the others had no choice but to take Jonouchi with him, but they did not think of letting Jonouchi go with them to the Paratis Group. At that time, Mai and Kyoko will stay in the RV to watch Sumijouuchi, while the three boys who go to the Paradis Group are Ryuzaki, Honda and Yugi.

However, even though this is the plan, the premise of the plan is that they have safely arrived at the Paratis Group headquarters building, and it is common for plans to fail to keep up with changes in the situation, just like now——

When Peacock Wu was distracted and looked at the rearview mirror, Peacock Wu had been driving for almost a day, even though there were many breaks in between. In addition, she had been driving continuously since entering the Paratis Industrial Park. On a straight and wide road in the dark and deserted, Peacock Dance's energy was inevitably a little unfocused, and he was not as serious as when he was driving on the road before.

While Peacock Wu was distracted, Ryuzaki, who was looking at the road ahead, shrank his pupils because he saw something unbelievable and strange, and shouted anxiously: Hey Peacock Wu, look at the road! Look at the road! There seems to be something ahead. personal!

After Ryuzaki called out, Maouwu quickly came to his senses and reflexively stepped on the brakes to slow down, but the slightest difference made the braking distance insufficient. He saw the RV and the car illuminated by the car lights not far away. The figure is getting closer and closer: No, we're going to hit you!

Just like a speeding tanker truck cannot slam on the brakes to slow down even if it sees a pedestrian in front of it, the large RV they are riding in cannot avoid the pedestrian in front of it by turning the steering wheel like a motorcycle. It only takes an instant In the blink of an eye, the RV hit the pedestrian hard.


As a result of the collision between the vehicle and the pedestrian, there was no doubt that the pedestrian was knocked out and fell on the ground not far away. However, it was clearly a collision with a person, but everyone in the car felt as if the RV had hit a piece of cement. Like piles, the reaction force was so great that Ryuzaki and Honda, who were not seated in the back row, almost fell, and even Jonouchi almost rolled off the bed.

Yugi in the passenger seat also rubbed the forehead he accidentally touched just now. He also didn't expect that someone would suddenly appear on the road. It was obvious that Peacock Wu had been turning on the high beam to check the road conditions from the beginning. That one People seemed to appear out of thin air from underground.

But now is not the time to worry about where that person came from. He was hit by a RV and flew out, and he didn't know if the other person was okay. With Yugi thinking like this, he unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car to check out the situation.

But Peacock Dance stopped him: Wait a minute, Yugi, don't get out of the car yet!

That thing is not human!

As the words of Peacock Dance fell, the humanoid that had just been knocked out climbed up from the ground. It was only then that Yugi could see the true face of the opponent.

The dark purple skin is covered with gray armor that does not look like a fake. The tall body stands upright and is nearly three meters tall, like a giant. More importantly, the opponent's face is not a human face but a sharp-mouthed monkey gill. The sharp teeth in his mouth are revealed in a grin. They are not human, they are clearly the image of demon soldiers crawling out of hell!

On the evil ghost's left hand, he also wears a pair of sharp blades that look like an elongated duel plate. Familiar runes are engraved on the upper door. The pattern appeared on [Oliha Gang's Barrier], and the evil ghost's forehead is engraved with familiar runes. Just like those duelists who used [Oliha Gang's Barrier] in duels, there was a emblem of [Oliha Gang's Barrier] directly printed on it, emitting an ominous green light.

After the evil ghost soldiers got up from the ground, they could not tell that they had just been hit head-on by a several-ton RV. With a roar, they suddenly rushed towards Yugi and the others and lay on the front of the car. It will use its sharp nails to pierce the windshield and attack the game and them!

If an ordinary little girl saw the ferocious ghost soldiers, they might be frightened and dare not move, or they would just scream and shrink back, but Peacock Wu is indeed a strong woman. When she sees the ghost soldiers, she reaches out her hand. He suddenly stepped on the accelerator and roared: You are filthier than a toad that fell into the toilet, get away from me! It's like a baseball being knocked away by a home run!


Although there was not much acceleration distance, the RV's engine was very powerful. In an instant, it was on the evil ghost's waist and hit it for the second time. This time, Peacock Dance also stepped on the accelerator hard, directly hitting the evil ghost. He reached the ground and was run over by a multi-ton RV.

After Peacock Wu ran over the ghost soldier in a hit-and-run car, he looked out of the windshield and found that another ghost soldier appeared not far away, and the way he appeared was not from the windshield. After walking out of the hiding corner, a small [Oliha Gang's Barrier] appeared on the ground, and then rose directly from the barrier.

There's actually a second one, no, there's one over there too! After seeing the second evil ghost soldier, Peacock Dance quickly discovered the third and fourth ones. These seemed to have strayed from the fantasy world to the wrong set. Soldiers sprung up one after another from one magic circle after another like bamboo shoots after a rain.

It's also here! And it's also here!

Not only the front, but with the exclamations of Ryuzaki and Honda, everyone discovered that a large number of evil ghost soldiers appeared from both sides, as if they were surrounding the RV where everyone was!

Peacock Dance even caught a glimpse of the evil ghost soldier who was knocked down before in the rearview mirror, getting up from the ground unharmed and walking towards this side again!

Hey, everyone, hold on tight! Gritting his teeth, Peacock Dance skillfully moved the gear lever and stepped on the accelerator, Don't underestimate me, I learned my driving skills from Hawaii!

Ugh!!! x5!

The several-ton RV was driven by Peacock Wu's powerful driving skills like a super sports car accelerating. At the expense of almost all the people in the back row staggering around, the RV turned left and right to avoid forming a dense formation. The evil ghost soldiers walked through the gaps.

Even if I was sitting in the passenger seat of the game, I was lucky that I hadn't unbuckled my seat belt just now so I could sit still.

However, this was just taking advantage of the fact that the encirclement of the evil ghost soldiers had not yet shrunk. Peacock Wu was not a rider with an A+ grade who could overtake a racing car with a bicycle. Along with the evil ghost soldiers, they blocked her one after another, even at the cost of her own body. The collision forced the RV to slow down, causing the vehicle to travel slower and slower.

Once the RV is forced to stop and unable to move, it is unbelievable what these evil soldiers will do to the people in the RV!

Seeing an evil ghost soldier seizing the opportunity created by other companions and approaching the RV, the arm blade raised in his hand swept across as if to split the people in the car, but he saw a car suddenly sprang out from the side. The off-road vehicle happened to hit the evil ghost soldier who was about to attack at this critical moment, saving everyone!

Yah! Lishid, did you just see that, home run!

On the off-road vehicle, a familiar voice came from the game. Hearing the sound, Yugi looked up and saw Bai Mao sitting in the driver's seat, proudly showing off his foresight to the woman sitting in the passenger seat, Although there is no roof. As a result, I was sunburned to death along the way, but the horsepower of these two off-road jeeps really came in handy!

Looking at that look, he looked like a three-year-old who bought a toy but found it unexpectedly useful and proudly showed off his cleverness to his parents. Isn't he Malik? The woman sitting in the passenger seat was naturally Isis, while Lishid sat in the back seat.

Enter the three members of the tomb-guarding clan!

Noticing the gaze of Yuxi looking towards him, Malik turned his head: Hey, nameless Pharaoh, we are here to help too. Although it took some time to get entangled by a group of gangsters on the way, we should not be late. Too long.

No, Malik, you came at the right time. In an instant, the weak Yugi and the strong Yami exchanged. Yugi looked at Malik and smiled, But now is not the time for small talk.

That's right. Malik responded with a sinister smile, glanced ahead, stepped on the accelerator and let the jeep run out, and hit an evil ghost soldier hard again, The target is the Paradis Building. , let me open the way, follow me, that blonde girl over there.

Who is the blonde? I have a name, you bastard! Peacock Wu, whom Malik called the blonde, stepped on the accelerator and caught up with Malik who was leading the way. There is always a feeling of discomfort. , helped by that guy named Malik.”

Of course, Peacock Dance didn't know what kind of torture she would have suffered due to her confrontation with Malik in Duel City in the timeline without Hayato's interference. However, she didn't pay much attention to the discomfort in her heart. The most important thing now was to reach Pagoda first. Let’s talk about Lattis Tower.

If before being attacked, the group only thought that the president of the Paradis Group, Dazi, could obtain information about Doma, but since it was so difficult to enter the Paradis Building, there were even these strange evil ghost soldiers blocking the way. , which means that the importance of this place to the Doma organization is not ordinary. At least the value of the information that can be obtained will definitely increase greatly.

With Malik leading the way, everyone finally arrived in front of the Paradis Building. When two cars arrived one after another, searchlights suddenly came down from both sides of the road, illuminating the surrounding area.

A voice came: I have been waiting for you for a long time, Muto Yugi. No, the unknown Pharaoh.

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