Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 81: Trust Mother Jiji!

On the Doma Organization's plane, Amaluda looked at Hayato sitting directly opposite him with a troubled expression.

About ten minutes ago, with the thought of drawing Kaiba Seto to die together, Ameruda originally thought that he would be buried under the firepower of the B-2 bomber. After all, as a world-class strategic Weapons, the B-2 bomber's firepower is a hundred times that of ordinary bombers.

Even if it is a professional military bunker, it cannot be razed to the ground by a B-2 bomber, let alone the castle built hundreds of years ago by Bekas's family.

At the same time, although Amaluda managed to get bombers, in fact, Amaluda also relied on the power of the Doma Organization within the American military. But that does not mean that Amaluda can dispatch bombers at will. He just He just found a way to arrange an attack target for the bomber, and even he couldn't easily withdraw the order after the scheduling was completed.

This means that when Amaluda started the duel with Kaiba, he had already made up his mind that even if he lost the duel, he would kill Kaiba, even if he would die there too.

It's just that three things about Amalda went beyond expectations - he lost the duel with Kaiba too quickly, Kaiba was too decisive in protecting Keppei regardless of his own crisis when he discovered the crisis, and Hayato actually appeared there too That island.

Ameruda was very sure that the time he contacted Rafiru was around one o'clock in the afternoon. At that time, according to Rafiru, he and Hayato were together and had just recovered the dead Barong from the unknown Pharaoh. It was only right to leave last, and the time Kaiba arrived on the island was almost two o'clock, and the time to start the duel with him was less than three o'clock.

However, just as the B-2 bomber spent about half an hour on the road reaching the time and space above the island, Hayato, who was far away in the United States with Rafael, magically crossed the ocean and arrived at Bekas's castle!

What's even more outrageous is that he actually arrived with a private jet owned by the Paradis Group. However, at the speed of that private jet, it would take as much as 100 hours to travel from the Paradis Group headquarters to the Duel Kingdom island. It's almost two hours. Moreover, if Amaluda remembered correctly, even if he wanted to call the private jet, he would have to arrive at the Paratis Group headquarters in person before it could leave.

To be able to arrive on time, unless the contact between Amaluda and Rafiu was cut off, Hayato parted ways with Rafiu and then boarded a private jet that was arranged to pick him up in advance, and then flew directly to Duel Kingdom Island. Come by.

Damn it, this guy's treatment is too good. Obviously, the Three Musketeers of Dormer - although they should be the Duo of Dormer now - do not have that much power to fly private jets at will!

There should have been some dissatisfaction, but in any case, Hayato did become America's savior at that time and pulled him out of death. America was not jealous of Hayato. kind of emotions.

'Thinking about it carefully, Hayato might have been worried that I would fall into the hands of Seto Kaiba if I acted alone, and he didn't want to lose another teammate because of Baron's incident, so he hurried here to check on me. . ’ Looking at Hayato who was wiping the sweat from his forehead, Americaruda couldn’t help but think.

The moment before the bombers started dropping bombs, a huge shield appeared over the island, covering Bekas Castle and a small area around it. It was the [absorption shield] supported by Hayato with his own power. 】The power successfully blocked the bombing for a short period of time.

Obviously, even if most people can awaken card spirits, they will only be monster cards, a card type that is relatively easy to resonate with. That guy Kobayashi Hayato can actually awaken trap cards as card spirits. This makes Yameruda think that he might He can be regarded as the first person in ancient and modern times, but it is also said that his earliest card spirit [Disruption] monster seems to be awakened not from a monster card but from a trap card.

However, although Hayato did activate the power of the trap card to protect the surroundings of Bekas Castle, the burden of this power on him can be said to be quite large and difficult to sustain for too long. It seems that he only had time to kill Ameruda. When they were brought out, they had to remove the barrier, leaving no time to pursue Seto Kaiba's brothers who were also protected by the barrier.

‘Obviously I have never trusted him since he wanted to join Doma, but he treated me as a companion so sincerely. Thinking about it carefully, what I did before was really wrong. After that, my attitude toward him was slightly better——’

Thinking like this, Amaluda saw Hayato open a cabinet in the cabin smoothly, and skillfully took out a bottle of red wine and a glass like a host taking things from a cabinet at home to entertain guests, and gave them to himself. Pour a glass first.

Would you like red wine? I have a top-notch Chianti here, and it tastes great with soda crackers dipped in Scamozza cheese and caviar. As he spoke, Hayato also found some light wine. Just by looking at the packaging, you can tell that these are expensive snacks.

No, you've just been born and died, where did you get the mood to start enjoying red wine? Amaluda covered his forehead helplessly, And why are you so skilled? This private jet usually flies Rico is Master Dazi's exclusive car, no one told you not to move things around!

Huh? Someone seemed to have told me this before, but that's just a matter of fact. Human beings just say one thing and do another. Hayato waved his hand carelessly and chewed the full red wine like a waste. Peonychi drank it all in one gulp and put a handful of snacks into his mouth, Even if I don't eat the usual stuff, the airline staff will definitely line their pockets.

But Dazi really knows how to enjoy it. This passenger plane feels more comfortable to sit on than the Haima one. The only drawback is probably that you can't go to the Sistine Chapel to see Michelangelo's frescoes.

This self-talking character is due to this reason, so even though it was Hayato who saved him, America couldn't feel grateful to him.

Seeing that Amaluda ignored him, Hayato seemed to have finished drinking. He put down the wine glass casually, took out a deck of cards from behind, and handed it to Amaluda: Thank me, Amaluda, not only It's just because I came in time and saved your life, it's also because I 'accidentally' picked up your deck.

However, there is something that needs to be explained in advance. Putting the deck into Yameruda's hands, Hayato pulled out the top card of the deck, revealing all the monsters including the card names, races, effects, attributes, etc. The data that the card should have, but only a few cards in the card map are missing. When I found your deck, these cards were already in their current condition.

[Fantastic Device - No License Factor], [Mecha Unclassified Reserve Soldiers], [Mecha Destruction Reserve Soldiers], [Mecha Warehouse Demonized Soldiers], and the ace in your deck [Mecha Troop·Destruction] Armed Forces] I haven’t done anything with these five cards. Anyway, they were already like this when I helped you recover the deck.”

With that said, Hayato put the card back into Amaluda's hand and spread his hands with an innocent expression.

Of course, America believed in Hayato, because he discovered that these cards coincidentally were the so-called darkness in the heart that he had created by relying on the power of [Oliha Gang's Barrier]. The monster is a dark [Mecha] that is different from the conventional earth attribute [Mecha] deck.

When he first joined the Doma organization at the invitation of Dazi, Yameruda chose the [Mecha] deck because it was similar to his brother Miruko's favorite robot. The [Mecha] deck is the existence of the love in the heart of Ameluda for his brother Miluko, so the dark [Mechas] are caused by the death of Miluko. of hate.

'Did my hatred disappear because of Seto Kaiba? ’ A wry smile appeared on Ameruda’s face. Although he did not actually complete his revenge, by the end of the duel with Kaiba, Amaluda had actually gradually looked down on his hatred.

Just like what Kaiba said to him before, Amaluda is now using the [Mecha] deck to commit evil deeds. It is no different from Gosaburo back then. It is wrong, and Amaluda himself knows this very well. . However, the feeling of powerlessness he felt when his younger brother died has always been lingering in Yameruda's heart, making him unable to face the truth in his heart.

With the end of the duel and the arrival of the bombers, as he stood by the window sill and watched the bloody Kaiba take Keppei away, the darkness in America's heart was silently relieved. It must be for this reason that as a person in his own heart, The Dark [Mechas] who are the incarnation of Hate will probably disappear from the deck.

Putting away the deck of cards solemnly, Amaluda glanced at Hayato and said, It doesn't matter, I believe it wasn't you, Hayato.

But when he heard what America said, Hayato looked at him with a strange look: There's something wrong with you, you feel like you've changed too much, right?

But, it doesn't matter. Do you know what is the most important thing when choosing a person, Amaluda?

Hayato stretched out his fingers and counted, Is it 'what can you do'? Or is it a higher 'IQ' and superior 'talent'?

The three outstretched fingers were taken back and clenched into fists by Hayato. He looked at Amaluda seriously and said, No, I think there are other factors that are more important.

That's 'trust', Yameluda. The most important thing when choosing a person is 'trust'. This is a more important criterion than 'ability'. Do you think so, Yameluda?

Although he seemed to be asking Ameruda, Hayato did not wait for his answer, but continued speaking on his own, Because 'trust' Thomas can give me the powerful power to pick up the 'original Napkin', I complied with Dazi and joined Doma, and Doma did live up to my 'trust' and gave me a very satisfying and powerful power.

In contrast, for Rafiru, Baron - oh, Baron seems to be dead, it's nothing else - and Ameruda, the trust you three have in me ’, I will naturally respond with equal remuneration.”

While telling Ameruda nonsense that even Hayato himself couldn't convince, Hayato heard a man complaining in his ears: Although I'm probably dead, it's too weird to hear you say that. Ah, Hayato Kobayashi.

From Ameruda's invisible perspective, in the deck carried by Hayato, the illusory figure of a man appeared on the card that was supposed to be hosted by the [Rainbow Chestnut Ball], floating behind Hayato out of thin air.

Look at the armor-like outfit that he wore in life, isn't it the Barong who died in the duel with Jonouchi?

Hayato glanced at the grumbling Barong and ignored him, but Barong showed an exaggerated expression lively: Wow, your eyes are as cold as looking at pigs in a pig farm, okay. Cruel, cruel, as if saying to me, 'How pitiful, you will become a piece of pork on the pork shop tomorrow morning.'

Make it seem like I'm not locked up in the card because of you.

The one who paid attention to Barong was not Hayato, but the [Summoner-Aleister] who followed Hayato from the elf world to the real world. Poking his head out of the card, Alai pressed Baron's shoulder and tried to stuff him back into the card, saying perfunctorily: Okay, okay, if you know the master dislikes you, don't run out without permission. Be good, hurry up. Go back.

But something strange is that [Summoner-Aleister] does not appear from the deck on Hayato's waist, but from the deck that Amaluda just accepted.

Before being stuffed back into the card, Baron looked at Ameruda, his former teammate, with pity.

Baron didn't know exactly when, but it seemed that with the convenience of working in groups of two, Hayato took the opportunity to stuff the card named [Summoner-Aleister] into his deck. , and due to insufficient bonds, Baron did not notice the existence of that card until he drew down the deck to the last few cards in the duel with Jonouchi.

But at the moment when he lost the duel, this card gifted by Hayato came into play before [Oliha Gang's Barrier] harvested his soul.

The moment humans admit their defeat, the soul energy is infinitely close to 0. This is the perfect time to take action. After waking up, he found that his soul was not devoured by [Oliha Gang's Barrier], but was sealed in Barong in Hayato's card heard Hayato say this at that time.

After stuffing the Baron back into the card, Alai also returned to his card and lurked to wait for the opportunity. Looking at his new master Ameluda, Alai showed a cunning smile: The name is 'O' In the final analysis, the existence of God Lihagang is just the planet's assessment mechanism for civilization. Although it knows how to devour souls to replenish energy for its own recovery, it does not know what to eat and what not to eat.

The soul that was thought to be a great tonic has been replaced by a parasite with gold and jade inside, sucking power in reverse. As expected of a master, he easily came up with cunning tricks that normal people can't think of. I really admire him. It’s endless!”

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