Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 80 The scientific seahorse

Although he was taken along by the Kaiba brothers, to Kaiba, the value of Amalda was that he could only obtain information from Doma when he needed it, so even though Amaluda could see that the Kaiba brothers were here. Becas seems to be looking for something in the toy room, but they don't know what they are looking for.

However, this did not prevent Amalda from laughing at Kaiba: With the number of these toys, it will probably take a lot of time to find something. Are you going to waste your time here, Seto Kaiba?

Kaiba ignored Yameluda and just observed the layout of the room. Although there are so many toys and many of them, including the [Blue Eyes Cartoon Dragon], are regarded as unnecessary garbage by Kaiba, according to Becas, if there is a certain card here, he is still willing to patiently search for it. .

Anyway, his [Blue Eyes White Dragon] jet is parked not far from the castle. After finishing the matters here, he can leave for the headquarters of Paradis Group at any time, even if he spends a little more time here. If you lag behind the game that is one step ahead, you might be able to get there sooner.

Moreover, there is a prisoner of the Doma Organization beside him, so he might be able to obtain enough information before arriving at the Paradis Group.

The toys in the room are almost not classified and are placed in a mess. For example, [Cartoon Dark Magician Girl] and [Najima] are placed together, and [Chestnut Ball] is next to [Blue Eyes Cartoon Dragon]. In addition, Keihei, who was very interested in these toys, would take a few and play with them in the name of checking from time to time. If he used a fool's method to look for them bit by bit, he might not be able to find them until dark.

But who is Kaiba? After almost just spending a few minutes looking for patterns, his eyes locked on a very inconspicuous [Pot of Desire] in the corner of the room.

In this room, all the toys, large and small, and even the decorations on the walls and ceiling are related to duel monsters, or to be precise, monsters in duel monsters, but only in that corner... There is only one magic card on the table.

No matter how you think about it, it is too suspicious, and compared to a doll whose surface is sewn together and there is not much space, and if you want to hide something, you can only stuff it into the cotton inside, obviously a [pot] is more suitable for hiding things.

Sure enough, when he walked to the [Pot of Desire], Kaiba saw a black shadow jumping out of the [Pot of Desire].


The black shadow accurately stopped in front of the calm Kaiba and revealed his true appearance, which was a card [Copycat] in Becas's [Cartoon] deck.

Hmph, it's really irritating. It's in poor taste. However, Kaiba curled his lips and ignored it with disdain. He stretched out his hand through the body of the Copycat and penetrated into the Pot of Desire. This was obviously A preset phantom projected by a virtual projection system, and judging from the fact that Keipei just walked around the area for two or three times without triggering it, it seems that it can only be activated when Kaiba is close to it.

Of course, Kaiba is not sure whether he is the only one who can activate this image, but according to his assumption, with Becas's character, he will probably prepare preset videos everywhere in the castle, and then activate them according to the triggerer. Different videos to achieve his general trick of predicting the future.

For example, if the person who comes here is Kaiba, of course he is interested in the data center of the International Illusion Society, so the video prepared for Kaiba is in the data center, and if it is Hayato, he came here knowing that Becas died. Hayato who comes here will definitely go straight to the warehouse where Becas stores the cards.

Reaching into the bottom of the [Pot of Desire], Kaiba smiled and took out what he grabbed from the bottom of the pot. It was two duel monster cards.

I have to say that although this guy Becca is sometimes very naughty, as a card designer, he is still very good at handling details.

[Pot of Desire] is a duel monster card with the effect of drawing two cards, so of course there are two cards stored by Becas in [Pot of Desire], and one of the cards, named It is called Fateful Confrontation, and it depicts two monsters, Blue Eyes White Dragon and Black Magician, who are at war.

With just one glance, Kaiba guessed the prototype of this card design. It must be the stone slab that he had seen with Hayato and Yugi under the guidance of Isis, which said that it recorded the fate of the unknown pharaoh. On that stone slab was drawn There are the Three Illusion Gods, the confrontation between the Black Magician and Blue Eyes White Dragon, and there are also two ancient Egyptian characters whose appearance is very similar to myself and the game.

Although I have no interest in the destiny and destiny mentioned on that stone tablet, because Isis gave [Obelisk's Titan Weapon] to her at that time, Kaiba was also quite rare. He left a little space in his precious memory for that stone slab.

That stone slab seems to be considered a precious cultural relic, but Bekas has even observed the Three Illusion Gods up close, so it must not be difficult to visit the stone slab. He probably designed this card based on the confrontation between [Black Magician] and [Blue Eyes] on the slate, as well as the so-called fate that Isis said at the time.

Although he is not very interested in that stone slab, Kaiba is interested in the card designed based on that stone slab, and it is very big. It is better to say that the effect of this [Fateful Confrontation] card is powerful enough for Kaiba to ignore it. It was designed based on antiques that Kaiba used to look down upon.

Just like many people say they hate eating tomatoes because they look too bloody, but they can accept ketchup. In fact, it's just because tomatoes are sour and unpalatable and processed ketchup tastes better.

Naturally, he put the [Fateful Confrontation] card into his own card for his own use, but Kaiba knew that this card was not the most important. Bekas said that he designed a new card based on the myth of the Legendary Dragon he collected. This card Fateful Confrontation obviously has nothing to do with the Legendary Dragon, so he took it out of the pot. The other card is the key.

However, what Kaiba couldn't figure out was that the other card in his hand was surprisingly similar to the Legendary Dragon cards. It had no card name, no attributes, no star rating, and no effect. It was even more outrageous. Even the Legendary Dragons were willing to leave a picture on the card, but the picture area of ​​the card in front of me was completely blank.

If he hadn't come to this room specifically to look for the card because of the video of Becas, even if someone triggered the video on the [Pot of Desire], they might only think that this blank card with a blue border was Becas's. Cass accidentally mixed in the card of [Fateful Confrontation] and threw it away as a worthless unfinished card.

Use [Fateful Confrontation], a card with a certain meaning and strength behind it, to cover up this blank card. As always, that guy Bekas is very scheming.

Kaiba smiled slightly and put the blank card away. Although it is still a blank card, Kaiba knows that since this card is valued so much by Becas, it must have considerable power for Becas to place his hopes on. Isn't there a saying that goes, When the ship reaches the bridge, it will come naturally. Straight, take this card with you, maybe it will come in handy at some point.

Anyway, when certain conditions are met, the image of this card will change and reveal its true appearance. All you have to do is wait.

Of course, in the eyes of President Kaiba, who is superstitious about science, the duel monster cards actually change during the duel due to the growth of the duelists, the awakening of the spirits, etc. He will not think in that direction at all, but as To understand the principle of cards made of special ink change under specific conditions.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand why Kaiba still cannot see the card spirit of [Blue Eyes White Dragon] that he has longed for, even though Ryuzaki and even the city have awakened the card spirit. Who told him to have to be in a metaphysical place? What about superstition in science in Pai Lao's world?

Apparently even Newton himself was on the verge of becoming a duelist.

Putting away the found card, Kaiba glanced at the window not far away that was covered by curtains, and walked over. Because there are only toys in the room, Becas, who is childlike and loves toys, pays great attention to their maintenance and does not leave these toys in places where sunlight is exposed. The curtains on the windows are tightly drawn.

However, Kaiba, who was not interested in any of the toys in the room, had no such idea. He casually opened the curtains and let the bright sunlight pour into the room through the clean glass.

The sunlight is weaker now than when we first arrived. After all, it's almost evening. I don't know where Yugi and the others are at this time, but they probably haven't arrived at the Paradis Group yet.

Kaiba thought, his eyes passing over the steps in front of the castle and towards an open space at the bottom of the mountain. There, parked were Kaiba and Keppei on the vehicle that came to the island - everyone who saw it except Becas commented that it had really weird taste, but the owner himself remained the same. A jet aircraft in the shape of the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] that I like very much.

Although the appearance of [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] is quite un-aerodynamic, Kaiba just has the money and is willing to invest a lot of it. That jet fully demonstrates what it means to fly with a huge force, and it can withstand that weird thing. Its styling and top-notch internal features bring its overall performance to the same level as other top-end jet aircraft.

Vertical take-off and landing, sound-barrier-breaking extreme speed, excellent controllability, long battery life and even incredible protection. Even if it crashes, it can ensure the safety of the driver leaving the whole body behind. This Haima jet is something I am very fond of. The only drawback of the aircraft is probably that there is not enough storage space in the cabin.

There are only two seats that are not too big, including the driver. The maximum height limit of 1.86 meters is simply tailor-made for Kaiba and his younger brother Keppei to travel. Because of this, I once wanted to be thick. Hayato, who had the nerve to ask Kaiba for free on a plane, returned in vain because he was too tall. Meanwhile, the cabin behind the seats only has about five cubic meters of storage space.

The approximate size is only enough for an adult to lie flat in it. At the same time, he must be able to withstand the acceleration of a jet aircraft and the turbulence caused by airflow during flight without a seat or safety belt.

However, that position was reserved for the prisoner Yameruda anyway, and Kaiba didn't care how he would feel then, even if he cursed Kaiba in that cabin, it didn't matter, since he didn't.

Yes, Kaiba plans to stuff America into the cabin later, which is very inhumane, but very Kaiba's special☆rule.

But just when Kaiba was thinking of a very inhumane idea, he glanced at the sky inadvertently and saw a black spot on the sky that was descending through the white clouds and gradually enlarging.

Squinting his eyes, Kaiba was slightly startled when he saw what the black dot was.

The b-2 stealth and strategic bomber, nicknamed spirit, translated as ghost, is commonly known as the Northrop Grumman b-2 stealth strategic bomber, but it is more commonly known by its abbreviation, B-2 Bomber, a bomber that first flew in 1989 and to this day may not be the most powerful but definitely the most famous bomber in the world.

When the B-2 bomber took to the skies, the Haima Group was not the entertainment group it is today but a military industrial group. At that time, the Haima Group completed the design and manufacturing of this bomber for the U.S. military. At that time, Kaiba, who was trained by Kaiba Gozaburo as his successor, was no stranger to this bomber and could even recite its standard parameters.

The U.S. military only ordered twenty B-2 bombers because of the disintegration of the Soviet Union. It was not right, so wrong. Why would this strategic weapon that is strictly controlled by the military appear here?

Kaiba's pupils shrank, and he turned around suddenly, only to see Ameruda who looked unconcerned.

Tsk, I was discovered by you, Seto Kaiba. I originally wanted to see your expression when you died in a daze. With a little regret, Amaluda looked at Kaiba who looked surprised, What are you doing? Expression, do you think I can let go of the hatred in my heart just by being scolded by you a few times?

Oh, read less juvenile comics. I do understand you, but this does not affect my intention to kill you for revenge.

Amaluda twisted his shoulders. It made him uncomfortable to have his arms tied behind his back with a rope. Why do you think there is no one on this island? The answer is that I used the power of the Doma Organization to help the two of us. When the duel begins, a bomber is arranged to go out, and no matter who wins the duel, the island will be bombed to ashes.

Kaiba was furious, but there was no time to vent his anger at Amaluda. He grabbed Keppei, who didn't see the sky outside the window, so he didn't know what was going on, and used the duel disk in his hand as a weapon. , smashed the window, and then jumped out of the window!

Although this place is almost on the third floor of the castle, Kaiba is confident that he can land safely. However, it is a bit difficult to run from the castle to the bottom of the mountain and get on the jet and escape before the bombers arrive... No, even if it is difficult, You must try, Seto Kaiba will not become a memory!

Looking at Kaiba, who was protecting Keppei from harm with his body, but was cut open by broken glass, and still running down the mountain with blood flowing, Amaluda showed a relieved expression on his face: Still protecting. You are my younger brother? You are indeed a competent older brother, Seto Kaiba.

Although I feel sorry for involving that kid Keppei in my revenge, if I don't do this, I really can't tell Miruko after I die that I didn't do anything for his death. Go to hell, Seto Kaiba. , regardless of whether I die or not, this hatred has disappeared from my heart.

In front of the data center under the castle, in the deck of Amaluda who was left here by Kaiba, with Amaluda smiling as he watched Kaiba go away, the [Mecha Troop· The card picture of Destruction of Armed Forces gradually became a little transparent, as if it was about to break and dissipate at any time.

But before it dissipated, a hand picked up Ameruda's deck lying on the ground. With the influx of a dark force that was completely different in nature, [Mecha Force·Destruction Armed Force] unexpectedly appeared. Divided into two, leaving a normal card and a blank card.

The person who picked up the Ameruda deck saw this and showed an extremely excited smile: Yoshi, get the [Mecha] deck!

On the man's chest, a golden disc shone.


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