Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 71 Is it normal for the Three Musketeers to have four people?

Under the protection of [Super Magical Dragon Knight-Red-Eyed Dragoon], Yugi and the others successfully broke through the complex maze.

As soon as they came out, the group of four saw Jonouchi and Peacock Mai coming from a distance, as well as Hayato and Rafiru standing not far away.

Is that person also from Doma?

Kyoko and Honda did not go to the roof with Jonouchi and Yugi during the recent battle of the International Illusion Society, but this was not the first time that the two of them met Rafiru, at least as spectators at the KC Cup. They have also seen Rafilu, but most of them are not impressed.

Everyone, be careful. Yugi commanded [Super Magical Dragoon - Red-Eyed Dragoon] to stand in front of him and look at Hayato and Rafiru with serious faces, That guy's name is Rafiru, he's a A very powerful duelist, one of the 'Three Musketeers' of the 'Doma' organization.

Ryuzaki also had a serious face: I also have an impression of that guy. He acted with a person named 'Barong'. And at that time, whether it was Hayato Kobayashi, Barong, or another person I didn't know called ' The guys from Ameluda seem to be following this guy’s orders.”

Even among the 'Three Musketeers of Doma', that guy seems to be one of the best, which means he is also a powerful and dangerous duelist!

Yugi, and everyone! While Yugi and others were guarding Hayato and Rafiru, Jonouchi was also brought nearby by Peacock Dance. Are they all injured? What happened to that monster just now?

Jounouchi! You're such a mess. He said insulting Jonouchi, but Honda took the initiative to take over Peacock Mai's support to the exhausted Jonouchi, and answered him, You and Xiao Wu just left before, and we suddenly He was attacked by Hayato and imprisoned in a maze.”

I remember that the monster just now was called [Phantom Demon King-Rabiel]. It was chasing me crazily in the maze, and I was almost killed by it.

Recalling his previous experience in the maze, Honda felt frightened and wanted to complain.

It's obviously a maze, and although there are a lot of people turning left and right, the way I walked through it was basically just one path to the end, with no branching paths at all, and Mingming Yugi, Kyoko, and Ryuzaki all reunited safely, for Mao Shaan was the only one who found Yugi and the others when he was being chased by [Phantom Demon Emperor-Rabiel]!

It's like a maze game that was completed in a hurry and without enough money. It didn't carefully design the road levels and enemies along the way. It even just casually threw the only monsters with exceptional strength into the maze in order to save resources!

Hoho, in the city, you obviously defeated Barong with great difficulty, but you didn't cherish the life you picked up, and you actually came back here. Looking at the six people gathered in front of him, Hayato took a step forward. , said with an arrogant look.

Hayato... Looking at Hayato who was looking dizzy, Jonouchi took a deep breath and calmed down his mood, Even though he was controlled by Doma's people, he actually killed his friends. This way You, I will give you a good beating!

Just use my duel!

Holding his body strong, Jonouchi unfolded his duel disk.

[Within the city: 4000lp]

Looking at Jonouchi, who had to rely on Honda's help to even stand up, Hayato smiled contemptuously: I mean, Jonouchi, don't you think that after defeating Baron, you will have enough confidence to defeat others?

Hmph, let me tell you the truth. There are three duelists as powerful as Baron. He is the weakest among the three swordsmen of Doma.

——Although the weakest one should actually be Amaluda, it does not prevent Hayato from bluffing people a little. Moreover, this sentence pattern of the weakest among the Four Heavenly Kings is the fourth line that Hayato wants to say the most in his life.

Facing the aggressive Hayato, Ryuzaki, who had been silent just now, took a step forward and stood beside Jonouchi: In that case, you still have me, and I'll help too!


Looking inside the castle, Ryuzaki still had a psychological shadow of the Doma organization, and even though his feet were trembling just looking at the Duma standard duel discs worn by Hayato and Rafiru, he still firmly stood firm. Said: Even in return for helping me avenge you, I will not let you fight alone in the city.

Besides, I am the 'tough guy' Ryuzaki. A true duelist cannot run away from battle! As he said that, Ryuzaki's duel plate was unfolded.

[Lyuzaki: 4000lp]

As Ryuzaki unfolded the duel plate and looked at the two boys standing in front of him, Maoque Wu showed a helpless smile: Really, you boys, don't act like you are the only one who can stand up.


Seeing Jonouchi calling himself, Maou Mai proudly raised his chin like a proud peacock: Humph, that guy Ryuzaki is the runner-up in the National Duel Monsters, and I am the champion, don't underestimate me, Jonouchi, I am not vase.

[Peacock Dance: 4000lp]

Everyone... Seeing everyone step forward one after another, Yugi touched the [Millennium Brick] on his chest, aibo...

‘Well, believe in everyone’s strength, another me! ’

Even though he just called out softly, Omo Yugi in the [Millennium Brick] at this moment also felt and understood Yami Yugi's thoughts, and encouraged him, I will always be by your side. ’

The purpose of the game and their trip is to go to the headquarters of the Paradis Group to find more clues about the Doma organization and find ways to turn passivity into initiative. It is best to directly attack the opposite lair and solve the mastermind behind the scenes. Therefore, they face encounters along the way. The best way to intercept is to try to escape.

Especially the two people intercepted at this moment, one is Rafiru, who Yugi had a battle with, and if it weren't for the drag of [Shen Yan Emperor - Uriah], there would be no way to tell the winner, and the other is Yugi and Jonouchi. They joined forces to challenge Hayato, but ultimately failed miserably.

Although escaping is shameful, it is useful. Yami Yugi's initial idea was to take Kyoko Honda and the others away from here as the best option. This is also the most appropriate approach under rational thinking. After all, no matter how you look at it, there is no point in fighting Hayabusa and Rafiru. Odds.

However, under the influence of Jonouchi, Ryuzaki, and Mai, Yugi was somewhat touched, and the will and courage to fight arose.

Hayato, and Rafiru, we will not surrender! Walking to the front, Yugi flicked off the school uniform he wore as a windbreaker and raised the duel disk, Darkness cannot swallow the light after all. Our will is immortal!”

【Game: 4000lp】

The four of us, Jonouchi showed an artistic smile, even if we are all bruised and bruised,

Ryuzaki's expression was determined: Even if the chance of winning is slim,

However, our three-person team will not escape! Peacock Dance shouted boldly, Come on, Kobayashi Hayato!

(Jounouchi, Ryuzaki, Yugi: ‘Team of three?’)

Rafilu frowned as he watched several people in front of him launch duels one after another. He moved the hand behind his back a few times without leaving a trace. The killers of the Doma organization who were hiding in the houses near the street received instructions and retreated quietly. .

According to his understanding of the game, or the dark game of Unknown Pharaoh, although he is a person who values ​​honor, he is also a person who thinks more rationally than emotionally. In this situation, he should have chosen to escape with his companions instead of foolishly staying to fight.

Based on this prediction, Rafilu specially arranged for people to be in nearby houses, using sniper rifles equipped with anti-riot tranquilizer bombs, preparing to wait for an opportunity to leave a few people as hostages when the game and the others escaped.

In that case, Rafilu can use this to blackmail the Unknown Pharaoh into acting alone without having to tangle with the others in the city. Although it is despicable, this is a necessary condition to complete the task assigned by Lord Dazi.

The task assigned by Datsu to Rafilu and the Three Musketeers of Doma is to destroy the 'Legendary Dragon'. Yugi, Jonouchi, and Kaiba are the users of the Legendary Dragon, but this does not mean This means that if they eliminate Yugi, they will have eliminated the Legendary Dragon.

Either the Legendary Dragon becomes dissatisfied with the user and abandons the user;

Either the Legendary Dragon and the user's soul are sealed together by the [Olihagun's Barrier] during the duel. This is the method Rafiru knows to destroy the 'Legendary Dragon'.

Just killing the user of Legendary Dragon is like killing the person holding the gun without confiscating the gun because he is afraid of guns. It is a useless effort. Legendary Dragon can still choose the next user. If If it was really useful, Rafiru wouldn't have planned so much and just let Doma's men in the town swarm to kill Yugi and Jonouchi from the beginning.

This town has had Doma's involvement since it was founded hundreds of years ago. It would be better to say that the United States, a country that was born only a few hundred years ago, directly regards it as growing on the trunk of Doma's big tree. However, even if his subordinates kill people, it is not a big deal to Rafilu, it is just useless.

In order to destroy the Legendary Dragon, Rafiru needs to be able to use the power of [Oliha Gang's Barrier] to destroy the city, Yugi and other Legendary Dragon users when they release their maximum power. They were sealed together with the Legendary Dragon, otherwise even if they sealed the souls of the duelists, they would not be able to affect the Legendary Dragon.

To achieve this, one-on-one is very necessary. Otherwise, if more than one opponent covers each other, it will be difficult for even Rafiru to seize the opportunity.

But now, they have four people in the game, and Rafilu feels that if he asks Kobayashi Hayato to separate three people to create a one-on-one situation with the Unknown Pharaoh, let alone Hayato, he will not be able to justify it.

But one person can win against two, but the important thing is never the victory but the Legendary Dragon. This is the only necessary thing that must be completed first.

Rafiru was distressed, but Hayato still looked arrogant: Hoho, instead of running away, are you approaching me, Hayato Kobayashi? Then come closer.

Maiko Mai, Ryuzaki, Jonouchi and Yugi, so what if there are four of you, nine rounds? Eight rounds?

No! To deal with you, I don't even need five rounds!

Smiling openly, Hayato glanced at Rafilu next to him and said casually: How's it going, Rafilu? From the beginning, it seems that you are thinking about something. Are you worried about which one you should choose? Opponent? No problem, just think about it slowly, I can let you choose first. Anyway, to me, all opponents are the same.

Do you dare to disobey me who owns the [Hellfire Machine]?

The arrogant Hayato put his hands on his hips and laughed, but all he saw was that Rafilu, who had finally made up his mind, took a step back: Let's retreat for now.

Oh, retreat for now. It's a good choice. Then I'll choose...


Hayato raised his eyebrows and looked at Rafiru: What did you just say!? Retreat? Are you insulting my dignity as an emperor, Rafiru!

Well, I'm saying, retreat, unless you want to deal with four people by yourself. Even though Hayato was staring directly at him, Rafiru still said calmly, Maybe you don't care, but I think it's necessary first Report the death of Barong to Lord Dazi and recover his body.

Hey, that guy Dazi must have known about Barong's death. Did you choose to run away just to do such a boring thing?

Hayato said, closing the duel disk, but inadvertently leaving a card on the ground, he glared at Rafiru with an unhappy look on his face, turned around and said to the waiting Yugi people: What a pity, everyone, today The game time is over, your lives will be saved until harvesting next time.

Seeing that Hayato and Rafiu were about to leave, Jonouchi was a little unwilling to let them leave, shouting: Wait for me——

However, the moment Hayato finished speaking, a huge poisonous dragon appeared behind him. [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] fiercely sprayed a surprise attack on the ground, and the ground was covered with sand with an explosion. The explosion, debris, and sand flew away, obscuring everyone's sight.

Honda, who was supporting Jonouchi, immediately let go of Jonouchi and pursued him, but when he rushed into the smoke and dust, Hayato and Rafiru had already disappeared.


Jonouchi sat on the ground in embarrassment, looking at Honda who was shaking his head and walking back, and said with a little disappointment, but was poked in the forehead by Maou Wu: You idiot, don't forget your current state, Kobayashi Hayato Do you still want him to come back after leaving, do you really want to die with him?

No way, I don't believe Hayato really joined Doma, he must have been brainwashed!

That kind of thing is just your intuition. Don't use things without any evidence as a realistic basis for action!

While Mai and Jonouchi were interacting as if they were quarreling, Yugi noticed that just as Hayato attacked the ground with [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon], a card was blown towards Yugi from Hayato's feet. The edge falls not far away.

Picking it up with some confusion, Yugi looked at the monster on the card in his hand and said in surprise: This is, [Gaia]!?

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