Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 70 Rabbi Al is still chasing me, damn it

According to Rafilu's explanation, the reason why he came to Hayato and Baron inexplicably was just a whim.

This is a lie, a pure lie.

Even without the ability to read minds, Hayato could guess why Rafiru appeared here. It was just to let himself and Baron act together to see if he would reveal any flaws because there was only one person traveling with him. , the hidden Rafilu himself is the best surveillance.

Although it is an old trick, it is particularly effective for this reason.

Barong, who is rarely afraid of trouble and takes the initiative to ask Dazi to deal with Jonouchi, needs someone to help him contain the other people who are traveling with Jonouchi, at least to contain most of them for a period of time, to create a single person for him to follow Jonouchi. A challenging environment.

When Baron talked about this in Doma's base, the first person he considered as a helper was not Hayato but Amaluda. However, Amaluda said that he had collected the cross-hairs from a jet under Kaiba's name. According to the record of the foreign flight application, he planned to intercept the seahorse, so he could not help Barong.

Then Baron thought of Rafiru again. After all, the mission target Unknown Pharaoh that Rafiru was assigned to, that is, the game acted together with Jonouchi, and the two of them could complete the task together.

But at that time, Rafilu said that he had other tasks to complete before solving the Unknown Pharaoh, and refused Barong, so Barong finally had to act with the only Hayato who agreed to him.

The other tasks mentioned by Rafiru at the time were probably following Hayato and Baron to see if Hayato would expose any problems when he only had one teammate.

It is just like deliberately hiding behind a group of people acting in a team to see if there is a pretender among them when playing among us. It is really an old coin behavior.

Hayato had originally planned to hold off Yugi and the others for a while according to Baron's request, and then find a suitable opportunity to talk to Kyoko and Yugi about his current situation and the next situation, so that they could cooperate with him a little bit later. acting.

This is not only to make his friends feel more at ease, but also to make the flaws smaller when he does something that looks like a villain but actually does nothing bad.

As for why you didn't tell Jonouchi, Honda, and Ryuzaki? It's not that Hayato treats them differently, the main reason is that no matter how they look at them, they don't look like people who can hide things. Hayato feels that if he tells Jonouchi that his betrayal is actually a lie, he will give him the front foot and the back foot. People in the city might inadvertently expose this matter.

He still wants to play in Doma for a while. Moreover, the gift for Dazi is still being prepared and has not been completed.

However, this plan was aborted due to the existence of Rafilu, which made Hayato extremely unhappy and made him look bad.

Rafilu didn't know what Hayato was thinking at the moment. Although he was monitoring Hayato, on the surface he still had the attitude of I trust you and treat you as a companion and asked Hayato: What's wrong? ?

It's nothing, it's just that I suddenly thought of something interesting. Hayato, who looked unhappy, suddenly smiled evilly, pulled out a card, and said to Rafilu, The unwillingness when he was suddenly forcibly separated from his companions, in When you finally reunite with your companions, you feel extremely joyful.

I'm really curious, what kind of despair will this joy turn into when you find yourself in an extremely dangerous situation?

As Hayato placed the card in his hand on the duel plate, the surging power of the spirits was released, and a huge blue monster appeared among the layers of [maze wall]. Isn't it the [Phantom Demon Emperor-Rabiel] among the Three Phantom Demons!

Its name comes from a variation of the name of the famous mythological figure angel Raphael. Coincidentally, the name of Raphael next to Hayato is also a variation of the name Raphael. After rounding off, it is the person himself. .

After returning from the elven world to the human world, [Rabbi El] and the others actually made a fuss at the beginning. After all, they had obeyed Hayato obediently before, entirely because Hayato had too many gods in his hands and had always suppressed them, so how could they dare to rebel.

But when Hayato first returned to the human world, the power of the god in his hands was at its weakest, giving the three phantom demons several hopes of launching a rebellion and regaining their freedom.

However, when they really had the idea of ​​attacking Hayato, they were directly chased and beaten by the main body of [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon] who had been hiding in [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon - Sphere Form], and almost gave him a beating. Killed on the spot.

Who would have thought that the card of [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon] was lost in the human world by Hayato along with the other two Three Illusion Gods, and that the true form of [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon] was actually hidden in the egg. You two masters and slaves They are all old coins!

So now, [Phantom Demon Emperor-Rabiel] has been arranged by Hayato, and he has no choice but to appear obediently as the monster in the maze, without the slightest thought of resistance.

Although it, as a phantom demon, has the ability to absorb the power of the elves around it, [Rabbi El] does it dare to absorb the power of the elves of the people around it? Yugi, Ryuzaki and Hayato himself, [Rabbi El] felt that if he dared to take action, Hayato would probably let [Ra's Winged Shenron] tear him apart in the next second.

ha? Too cowardly? That's weird.

It's the greatest honor to be Hayato's dog!

The shameless and proud [Rabbi El] took steps in the maze.

At this time, in the maze, Yugi used the many card elves he held and asked them to split up to explore the path to save time whenever there was a fork in the road. Soon, he found his first scattered partner - Jian. When the game appeared, Kyoko looked surprised.

Game! Kyoko!

Because she had no ability to protect herself, Kyoko was forced to move a certain distance by the moving walls after the maze unfolded, but she later consciously stayed in place and did not wander around at will.

After all, no one knows where the danger in the maze will appear, and Kyoko believes that Yugi will definitely find her.

This is indeed the case. The first person Yugi found was Kyoko, who was staying at a crossroads without leaving at will. What made Yugi even more surprised was that the figures of Ryuzaki and Honda, who were supposed to be separated, actually appeared from another place. Two forks in the road appeared.

This is of course. In fact, Hayato didn't design the maze well at all. Although the route was complicated, it was actually extremely simple. After all, it was completed in a hurry to deal with Rafiru.

However, compared to Ryuzaki who unexpectedly found his team again so quickly, Honda, who was running wildly, shouted anxiously: Yugi, Kyoko, Ryuzaki! Run!

While running, Honda glanced behind him: Rabbi El is still chasing me! tmd!

A huge blue monster appeared in front of everyone!

Immediately, Yugi launched the duel plate and once again summoned the [Black Magician] to launch an attack. However, just like the previous attack on the [Maze Wall], the power of the [Black Magician] that was supposed to be invincible was once again exhausted and failed, while the [Illusion Demon Emperor-Rabiel] showed a ferocious smile on his face and faced With the crowd approaching!

Seeing that [Rabbi El] couldn't even deal with the power of [Black Magician], Yugi and the others immediately thought of running away first to get some distance before thinking of countermeasures, but when they turned around, they saw Yugi coming behind them. That fork in the road is blocked by a moving wall!

Damn it, is this a trap! Ryuzaki punched the wall, but the thick stone wall did not move at all. He had no choice but to give up and continue to do useless work, and looked back at the game that was facing the blue demon.

[Phantom Demon King - Rabiel] As a duel monster, its attack power is as high as 4000 points. Besides the duel monster, it is the most powerful one among the Three Phantom Demons that rivals the Three Phantom Gods. Not to mention fighting against Duel Monsters, just being able to maintain its existence without being absorbed by it is already very powerful.

But facing the approaching [Rabbi El], Yugi's eyes were very firm, and he stepped forward resolutely, directing the [Black Magician] to continuously attack [Phantom Demon Emperor - Rabial].

Even though the gap in strength is huge, behind me are my important friends, and I absolutely cannot and will not give up!

With this belief, Yugi played an additional card, the nameless fake card [Eye of Timaeus].

The power of the Legendary Dragon was possessed by the [Black Magician], and then it actually evolved into the form of the [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon] that was not in the city here!

Then, the ultimate soul card that once appeared to defeat Hayato, the fusion monster between Jonouchi and the game's symbol of friendship - [Super Magical Dragon Knight - Red Eyes Dragoon] appears!

The moment it appeared, even [Phantom Demon King-Rabiel] felt threatened for a moment, and immediately used his own power to create a clone, and planned to absorb the power of the clone to quickly defeat the monster in front of him.

However, [Super Magical Dragon Knight - Red-Eyed Dragoon] swung the weapon in his hand, and with an astonishing sword, he actually destroyed [Phantom Demon Emperor - Rabiel] and the [Maze Wall] that trapped Yugi and the others together!

Such a sudden change, even Hayato did not expect such a situation to occur: What?!

It seems that your plan has failed. Rafilu also looked at the [Super Magical Dragon Knight-True Red Eyes Dragoon] appearing next to Yugi in shock, with a serious look on his eyebrows.

As the only spectator of the duel on the top floor of the International Illusion Society, Rafilu knew exactly how powerful the monster in front of him was, and it could even be said that it was so powerful that it was almost as powerful as a fake card.

I thought that for the appearance of this monster, Jonouchi Katsuya's [True Red Eyes Black Dragon] was necessary. It would be somewhat easier for Baron to deal with Jonouchi Katsuya first and then deal with the unknown pharaoh. But now he saw [Black Magician] ] directly transformed into this form under the power of the Legendary Dragon.

Although we are not in a duel now, no one can guarantee that the Legendary Dragon will not be able to recreate the scene in front of him in a formal duel. It is better to say that Rafilu feels that such a situation will definitely happen again!

If you want to defeat the Nameless Pharaoh, you cannot avoid the existence of [Super Magical Dragon Knight-Red-Eyed Dragon Knight], and if you want to deal with this monster, you really need to prioritize dealing with the troublesome Legendary Dragon!

Thinking of something that Dazi had told several people, Rafilu had an idea in his mind. But just when he wanted to take action now, suddenly, the gem Oliha Gang Fragment on the pendant on his chest began to glow green.

Is this? Hayato put away a card without leaving any trace, then looked at his pendant with a puzzled expression on his face, What's going on?

Rafilu looked at him solemnly and said, This is the phenomenon when [Oliha Gang's Barrier] seals the soul of a powerful duelist. I'm afraid the duel on Barong's side has already been divided. Win or lose.”

Now go to Baron first, take him to evacuate, and then slowly go to the unknown Pharaoh——

Rafilu said, and was about to take action, but when he saw Jonouchi walking out of the alleyway in the distance and being supported by Peacock Dance, he was speechless.

There is no doubt that the reaction of Oliha Gang's Fragment just now shows that a duel has just ended and someone's soul has been sealed by [Oliha Gang's Barrier]. However, Jonouchi came out alive. Although he looked a little weak and embarrassed, he was indeed still alive.

This also means that the loser in the duel with Jonouchi is actually Barong!

Baron would actually lose to Jonouchi. This was something Rafiru didn't expect, because in his past observations, although Jonouchi's strength was pretty good, it was only good. It was just first-class rather than top-notch. In addition to having better luck, Completely featureless.

Especially in the duel between him and Yugi and Hayato, compared to Yugi who was able to fight back and forth with Hayato, Jonouchi was more just struggling on defense and had no ability to make progress.

As for Barong, in Rafilu's view, he is second only to himself and Lord Dazi in the Doma organization, and is even stronger than Kia Meruda. Rafiru and Barong have also had competitions in the past, and the result was almost a close call. It was a draw, and Rafael was slightly better.

Such a Barong was defeated by the guy in the city. Although it seemed like a narrow victory, the victory was a fact. Is it the power of the Legendary Dragon?

Rafiru couldn't help but guess whether Jonouchi used the power of the Legendary Dragon to defeat Barong in the duel, and what kind of power his Legendary Dragon had.

However, what Rafilu is a little confused about is that Baron clearly has Oliha Gang Fragments on his body. He should have the ability to forcibly break [Oliha Gang's barrier]. Why is he still sealed? Soul?


A little late (meaning one minute)


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