Facing the city, Barong waved his right fist, and light bloomed on [Explosion Pierce Armor].

Facing Barong's fist, Jonouchi also waved his fist back, and black flames burned on the dragon's claw-like armor.

This is not a fight between justice and evil, nor is it a battle of ideals. The two men who are physically fighting each other with fists are just dueling, a duel between men.

Under the watchful eye of the only spectator, Peacock Dance, Barong's fist hit Jonouchi's face, and Jonouchi's fist also hit Barong's face. Even with the obstruction of the armor, both of them were still beaten. He took a few steps back.

However, due to the effect of [Explosion Pierce Armor], even though it only had a measly 500 points of attack power with the support of [Oliha Gang's Barrier], Barong did not suffer any counter-injury.

[Barong: 3600→3600lp]

And there was a crack in the armor wrapped around Jonouchi's cheek.

The opponent's monster that has been attacked by [Explosion Pierce Armor] will be destroyed after damage calculation, giving you 500 points of damage to Jonouchi! Raising his right hand towards Jonouchi, Baron's [Explosion Pierce Armor] was also full of cracks. , but he still raised his thumb and said, This is the final blow, Jonouchi!

As he spoke, he made a pressing motion with his thumb.



Following Barong's movement, Jonouchi's armor suddenly exploded, and the fire engulfed Jonouchi's entire body!

Inside the castle! Outside the venue, Peacock Dance eagerly knocked on the barrier in front of her, but [Oliha Gang's barrier] was so strong that she couldn't get close to the two of them at all, and could only watch helplessly as Jonouchi was being raped. Engulfed in flames.

But the next second, under the gazes of Barong and Peacock Wu, the flames surrounding Jonouchi suddenly began to retract, revealing Jonouchi himself who was unscathed! ?

However, the [True Red King] on his body has disappeared, and instead, a card in his backfield was opened.

The quick-attack magic card [Mysterious Chinese Pot], instead of you destroying the [True Red King] and causing me harm, it's better to fry it in advance. Jonouchi said with a proud expression, I'm not like that I’m easily defeated, Barong. Besides, I’m really happy that you care about me so much, Wu.”

As he said this, Jonouchi even made a gesture to the peacock dance outside the venue.

Who cares about you anymore!

Seeing that Jonouchi was fine, Peacock Wu was also very happy and said slightly arrogantly, but Barong, who was obviously Jonouchi's opponent, smiled even happier than Peacock Wu.

Hahaha, it's not that easy to defeat you, Jonouchi. [Mysterious Chinese Pot] Ah, I have to say that Hayato Kobayashi's tactics are really useful sometimes.

[Within the city: 400→2800lp]

Due to the effect of [Mysterious Chinese Pot], Jonouchi liberated [True Red King] before it was destroyed, restoring its base points with a higher attack power value, and at the same time evading [Explosion Pierce Armor· 】The effect of damage.

Not only that, after the basic points in the city absorbed the circle of flames and recovered, there was actually a line of fire that escaped and hit the [Black Hole Shield Armor] on Barong's left hand and the [Transcendence Advance Armor] on his leg, knocking him down. They exploded to pieces.

Whether it's me or you, Barong, when both parties activate the effects of magic, traps, and monsters, the effect of [True Red King] can be activated. You can choose a monster card to destroy. This effect is still in [Mysterious China] pot] before.”

In addition, although the [Armor] monsters placed in the magic trap area exceed the normal number limit, they also have the defect of being regarded as magic and trap cards. [Red King] chain [Explosion Pierce· Armor] can also destroy a magic or trap card, and this effect is not the same as the previous effect and can appear in the same chain.

Barong moved his left hand and leg which were a little hot due to the burning, and a pair of spare arm armors were equipped on his left and right hands: I really don't want to suffer at all, even if I enter the cemetery, I will destroy it. card.

Jounouchi, it's so exciting to duel with you. I'm almost addicted to this feeling.

Looking at [Trap Explosion·Armor] with an attack power of 0 on the field in front of him, Baron moved it to the back field just in case. Although Jonouchi is not that kind of duelist, it would be terrible if he first tries to destroy the monsters in front of him by destroying [Trap Explosion·Armor], and then throws out a [Holy Shield - Power of Reflector -] .

It's safer to put it in the backcourt.

Due to the effect of [Oliha Gang's Barrier], I moved the [Trap Explosion·Armor] in the front field to the back field, and then my turn ended.

[Barong: 3600lp, 3 cards in hand]

[Armor]x7 (omitted)

Venue: [Oliha Gang's Barrier]

Different from the previously used [Armor Gravity] that summons a fixed number of monsters, [Complete Armor Gravity] requires you to turn over the top card of the deck to see your luck, and cutting ten cards in one go is already a pretty big side effect. But its biggest advantage is that the specially summoned monsters will not be destroyed at the end of the round, allowing a total of seven [Armor] monsters on Baron's field to remain.

But Jonouchi was not frightened by this level. He also responded to Barong with a smile: I am the same, Barong. It really makes my whole body excited. This is a 'duel'!

It's my turn to counterattack, draw cards!

Then there is the magic card [Pot of Desire], draw two cards from the deck.

After taking a look at the cards, Jonouchi took out one of them and activated it: Activate the magic card [Resurrection of the Dead], select a monster from both sides' graveyards and special summon it. My will is immortal!

Resurrection, [True Red King]!

Instead of deliberately selecting powerful monsters with higher attack power such as [Devil Dragon - Dark Demon Dragon] and [Meteor Dragon - Meteor Black Dragon] that were sent to the graveyard in the previous battle, Jonouchi chose the battle style and Barong. The [Armor] deck is close to the [True Red King].

This is not to show off or have any obsession, but Jonouchi also recognizes the surging duelist soul in Barong, so he responds in this way.

Under the power of [Resurrection of the Dead], the pitch-black armor of [True Red King] was once again put on Jonouchi. The heavily armed Jonouchi and the heavily armed Baron looked at each other, with smiles on each other's faces, which made everyone outside the venue Peacock Dance suddenly felt like he was redundant.

【True Red King】【atk2400】

However, there is another reason why Jonouchi summoned the [True Red King], and that is————

With [True Red King] on the field, I activate the cover card in the backcourt, [Vase of Greed], select five cards from my graveyard and return them to the deck, and then draw a card, but among them Before the effect takes effect, chain the effect of [True Red King]!

Jonouchi stretched out his hand and pointed at the piece of [armor] that posed the greatest threat to Baron, Although I don't know the specific effect, in short I will destroy the [Double Cross Armor] on you, Barong!

Among all the [Armor] monsters, the rest are mainly blue-colored and most are monsters below level 4. Only [Double Cross Set·Armor] is not only red but also a level 6 superior monster. Of course It was the first sight that caught Jonouchi's attention.

The black dragon flame was thrown by Jonouchi, shattering the armor on Baron. There were still six [armor] monsters left, and Jonouchi also picked out five cards from the graveyard, returned them to the deck, shuffled them, and drew them out. A card.

Unfortunately, the card he drew at this moment, like the other card in his hand, was a trap card that could not be used temporarily.

You destroyed the most threatening [Double Cross Set Armor] with just one glance. What an amazing intuition, Jonouchi. Barong sent another [Armor] monster to the graveyard and watched Jonouchi put away the two cards in his hand. , put on an attack action, But you must have not forgotten, it is useless just destroying my [armor] monsters one by one like this, a more intense battle will not do.

You only have one monster on the field. Even if it attacks, I can still deflect its attack!

Hmph, what a waste of time, Barong?

However, Barong's reminder only received a confident response from Jonouchi. Jonouchi put away the two cards in his hand and put into a fighting stance, laughing and saying: Enter my battle phase, and then I will attack your [Spiritual Helmet and Armor] in attack position on the field!

With that said, Jonouchi once again reproduced the previous method, leaping into the air and performing flying kicks.

Although his blood was boiling because of the duel with Jonouchi, Barong was not someone who would give up because of this. On the contrary, he went all out even more:

In that case, I will turn my attack to——

As he spoke, Barong wanted to move his limbs and use other parts of the [Armor] instead of the [Psychic Helmet Armor] to withstand attacks and make defensive and blocking movements, but until now he was surprised to find something, No. ,Cannot be transferred!?”

Not only that, I can't move now!

red kick!

Along with the fierce flames, Jonouchi, wearing the [True Red King], hit the immobile Baron with a flying kick. The strong kick directly shattered Barong's helmet that had received the attack, and kicked his whole body out. Crash into [Oliha Gang's Barrier]!


[Barong: 3600→1700lp]

The field magic card [Oliha Gang's Barrier] increased the attack power of [Spiritual Helmet·Armor], which originally had 0 attack power, by 500 points, but after being hit by [True Red King], it still had up to 1900 points. Combat damage is dealt to Baron.

Standing up from the ground and watching Jonouchi stand back up, Barong glanced at his duel disk and belatedly realized what had just happened.

Because of the effect of [Oliha Gang's Barrier], when Barong used [Complete Armor Gravity], he specially summoned nine monsters at once, occupying all ten areas in his front and back fields.

And because [Oliha Gang's Barrier] has the ability to actively move monsters in the monster area to the magic trap area, it cannot actively move monsters in the magic trap area to the monster area, so even though Baron was in the last turn, The loss of three [Armor] monsters vacated the front field, but they could only move [Trap Explosion·Armor] to the back field.

It was precisely because of this that Jonouchi noticed that Barong's backcourt was still full, but there were only two monsters left in the frontcourt: [Spirit Helmet·Armor] and [Double Cross Set·Armor]. He therefore Come up with such a fighting strategy.

He once learned from Guglimo's duel with Yugi that the characteristics of [Oliha Gang's Barrier] made it impossible for him to attack the monsters in the backcourt without destroying all the monsters in the frontcourt of Baron. This was a problem. This is a powerful effect, but at the same time, it fails to catch the loopholes within the city.

[Armor] monsters can freely transfer the attack targets of monsters in the city, but the prerequisite is that the target can be attacked. That is to say, when Baron only has [Spiritual Helmet·Armor] left in the front field, Barong cannot do anything. The target of the attack is transferred to other armored monsters on the back field that are being protected.

The purpose of resurrecting the [Red King] instead of other more powerful [Red Eyes] monsters is precisely because of this tactic that must be kept secret until the end.

Cover two cards in my hand, my turn ends.

After covering up the two trap cards in his hand, Jonouchi ended his turn and looked at Barong.

[Within the city: 2800lp, 0 cards in hand]

【True Red King】【atk2400】

【Gate Card】x2

Another round passed, and Jonouchi successfully caused Baron's long-untouched base points to drop again. As long as he attacks like he just did again, he can win!

And Barong also wiped the corners of his mouth a little, erasing the scarlet red, and the fighting spirit on his face became more intense: That's it, in the city, there are not only reckless attacks based on blood, but careful calculations and plans. Tactics, your purity as a duelist is too high!”

In that case, I have to use appropriate strength!

Putting his fingers on the remaining two cards in the deck, Baron showed a confident smile.

My turn, draw a card!

Then enter the battle phase!

Not only did he not activate the effect of [Spiritual Helmet·Armor] in the graveyard to specially summon him during the preparation phase, Baron did not even activate any cards in the main phase one, but directly entered the battle phase! ?

This was not because Baron was so impatient to fight Jonouchi that he lost his head. On the contrary, he knew that it would be foolish for him to continue summoning monsters in the front field.

Using the effect of [True Red King], Jonouchi can continue to destroy the few [Armor] monsters in front of him to keep the number at one, and then he can use [True Red King] again in the next turn. 】Performing an attack that cannot change the target of the attack reduces your own base points.

However, if the number is not more than one but 0, even the [True Red King] has no monsters to destroy. Even if it attacks in the next turn, it can only attack the [Armor] on the back field. When the time comes, The dragon can then freely shift the target of its attack.

Moreover, even if you want to expand the summoned monster, wouldn't it be better to wait until the troublesome monster [Red King] is solved before expanding, so as to avoid being destroyed again and again.

Hearing that Barong directly entered the battle stage, Jonouchi, who originally wanted to wait and see, immediately pressed the button to activate Gaika: When entering the battle stage, I will activate Gaika [True Red-Eyed Soul]. From now on The Lieutenant General in the Graveyard attacks and special summons [True Red Eyes Black Dragon]!

Then, activate the effect of [True Red King] in a chain, destroying [Trap Explosion·Armor] on the field behind you!

Finally, come out, [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon]!

The flames of the black dragon armor rose up and directly hit the [Trap Explosion·Armor] on Barong. Although it was caused by the effect of the trap card [True Red-Eyed Soul], it was the power of the [True Red King] after all. , [Trap Explosion·Armor], which has absolute resistance to trap cards, was sent to the graveyard by the trap card.

But seeing this, Baron smiled instead: I see, if I guess correctly, your other cover card in the city should also be a trap card. You want to chain my attack declaration and activate it. It's [Magic Canister] ] Or [Holy Protective Shield - Power of Reflector -]?

For this reason, the existence of [Trap Explosion Armor] must be solved, but it doesn't matter if it is destroyed, because you were fooled!

The moment [Trap Explosion·Armor] was destroyed, Balong slapped a card in his hand on the vacant position on the duel plate. During the battle phase, I can freely activate the quick-attack magic cards in my hand. This This is my true path to victory!”

Nani?! Jonouchi was shocked.

To a certain extent, Barong did guess part of it right, because the cover card in his backfield is really a trap card that can only be activated at a designated time, and he also saw Barong skipping the main phase directly. I was really relaxed, I just thought I couldn't waste the effect of [True Red King] and randomly blew up a card.

I thought that Barong was on the first level of the city and he was on the second level, but I didn't expect that Barong was actually on the third level!

The quick-attack magic card [Forbidden Holy Cloth] reduces the attack power of [Spray Gloves and Armor] by 600 points, making it neither the target of the effect nor destroyed by the effect!

In this way, no matter what card you have on the backfield, it cannot affect this card. Even the effect of [True Red King] cannot destroy it and prevent this attack!

[Jet Gloves·Armor][atk500→0]

The bonus of [Oliha Gang's Barrier] was blocked by a holy cloth, causing the attack power of the [Spray Gauntlet·Armor] on his right arm to return to its original 0. Baron raised his right hand and said, I'm going to do it. , inside the city, I will use [Spray Gauntlets·Armor] to attack your [True Red King]!

Jet machine gun!

A large amount of air flow spurted out from the arm armor, accelerating Baron's punch. A blue phantom flashed past, and Barong's punch hit Jonouchi's chest hard!

Of course, Jonouchi would not suffer any loss and also used his fist to intercept.

The iron fists of the two collided and they were in a stalemate. The aftermath of the fist fight alone could easily cause the ground around them to explode and cause gravel to fly!

However, neither Barong nor Jonouchi felt any harm to the two people in the fist.

This is of course, after all, the attack power of [Jet Gloves and Armor] is only 0.

But at the next moment, Jonouchi saw that the [True Red King] armor and [Jet Gauntlet Armor] on his body actually cracked together! ?

The effect of [Jet Gauntlet·Armor] is activated when fighting an opponent's monster, directly destroying [Jet Gauntlet·Armor] and the opponent's monster together. In this way, your [Red King] will retire again, Jounouchi!

Keeping his fists against each other, Barong faced Jonouchi and said proudly: As long as I solve the most troublesome [True Red King], this duel will still be my victory!

It's such a pleasure to have a duel with you, Jonouchi, this is simply the best duel!

Me too, Barong! Looking at Barong with a happy face, Jonouchi couldn't help but laugh, Even I can't help but be addicted to this feeling!

But it's finally over, even for us! x2

As soon as the words fell, the armor on the two of them exploded, pushing both of them away and falling to the ground!

Where the two fist bumped, flames shot into the sky.

The first one to get up was Barong, who was still protected by [Armor]. Through the smoke, he saw that the [True Red King] on Jonouchi's body had dissipated, and said with a smile: Finally, are you done with it? That [True Red King] is gone. King of】.

Ah, I was killed by you, [True Red King]. The one who answered Barong was Jonouchi who also stood up, but with a smile on his lips, So, this duel is over, Barong!


Suddenly, Baron noticed something - on the duel board in the city, not only the [True Red King] was destroyed and sent to the cemetery, but also the [True Red Eyes Black Dragon] that had just been specially summoned. He's missing too?

Where did that [True Red Eye] go?

Wait, that can’t be it!

Seeing Barong looking at the sky-high flames, Jonouchi said with a proud smile: Chaining the effect of [Spray Gloves and Armor], [True Red King] activated the last effect, destroying a monster on the field!

But what it destroyed was not your [Armor] monster, but the [Red-Eyes Black Dragon] that was specially summoned by [Red-Eyes Soul] on my field!


As Jonouchi's words fell, the fire flickered violently, dispersing the smoke that enveloped the surroundings, revealing the chapped [True Red Eyes Black Dragon]!

The dark flames are wrapped around the [True Red-Eyes Black Dragon]. It can be seen that the [True Red-Eyes Black Dragon] will be destroyed immediately even if it is left alone, but at this moment, its aura is stronger than ever before. !

This is!? Balong looked up at the [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon], wondering what the scene in front of him was about, but he found the answer from the trap card opened in the back field of the city, Yes Is it because of that trap card?!”

Jonouchi stood up and said loudly: Barong, as you said before, I am not fighting alone. Whether it is games, dance, or [True Red Eyes], there are too many people fighting with me.

It's hard to tell the winner between you and me, but this duel is my victory with the help of [True Red Eye]!

[Red Eyes Burn] can be activated when the [Red Eyes] monster is destroyed by battle or effect. Both parties will suffer damage equal to the original attack power of the destroyed monster!

As Jonouchi stretched out his hand and pointed to the sky, [True Red Eyes Black Dragon] roared and suddenly exploded with countless rays of light!

The power of [True Red King] is completely released here, bring me a miracle, [True Red Eye]!


The black flames swept through the entire [Oliha Gang's Barrier], Jonouchi and Barong were instantly swallowed up, and the [Red Eyes Black Dragon]'s original attack power of 2400 points of effect damage fell on the two of them. Basic score plummeted!

But inside the city that was swallowed up by the flames, it didn't feel too hot, and even a little cold.

After a few breaths, the power of [True Red Eye Burning] began to fade, but Jonouchi suddenly discovered that the coldness on his body was actually Barong's [Armor] that had been embedded in his body at some point! ?

This is this!? He suddenly turned his head to look at Barong's position, but inside the city he saw Barong pointing his hand towards him. It seemed that he was directing his armor to come here to protect the city before being swallowed by the flames, but he did not give it. He left even a piece of defense for himself, Barong!!

Ahem, perfect tactics, Jonouchi. The basic points around him plummeted. Baron's face was visibly pale, but he forced himself to show a proud smile, I have to admit that you are stronger now.

[Within the city: 2800→400lp]

[Baron: 1700lp→0]

As the basic points returned to zero, Barong staggered and almost fell, but he still stood stubbornly.

Barong... Jonouchi wanted to take a step forward, but after the [Armor] on his body dissipated, the suppressed pain rushed to every part of his body. He knelt down on one knee, unable to move, and could only Watching Baron breathing heavily.

Hey, hey, don't look at me with that look, Jonouchi, don't forget that we are rivals. Looking at Jonouchi, Baron said with a smile, and at the same time, the previously expanded [Oliha Gang's Barrier] began to shrink. .

Baron knew that this was [Oliha Gang's Barrier] starting to recover the souls of the losers. The Oliha Gang Fragments on his fingers flashed with light, causing the barrier to shrink at a sudden speed. While holding on to the barrier, Barong took off his duel plate and took out a card from his body. The group was thrown into the city.

Hey, Jonouchi, continue.

Jonouchi subconsciously stretched out his hand and barely caught the duel disk and card deck thrown by Barong. However, he didn't understand what Baron was doing.

As a winner, it's unjustifiable to have no prizes. Unfortunately, these are the only things I can bring out. After Baron threw the duel disk, his body froze, and the barrier that had previously slowed down the contraction began to shrink again. , Although you may not like it, it is more or less what I want, so just use it.

As he spoke, the barrier had already passed by Jonouchi's feet, only surrounding Barong. Peacock Wu, who had been waiting for a long time, also eagerly came to Jonouchi: Chengouchi!

Seeing Peacock Dance coming to Jonouchi without thinking, Barong couldn't help but smile with regret. It's not that he was broken up in love or anything. After the duel just now, he had somewhat opened his heart. Although it doesn't mean that he has no good impression of Peacock Dance, it's just that Barong no longer regards Peacock Dance as a replacement for the nun.

Thinking about it carefully, I never seemed to know why I wanted to fight before, but thanks to the duel with you, I seem to have found the way forward.

So, I am full of gratitude to you, Jonouchi. So just move forward with your head held high and look at the glorious path, the glorious path that you should move forward.

Emerald green light enveloped Barong's feet, illuminating the thumbs up and smile on his face.

From the duel plate in Jonouchi's hand, the field area expanded and a card fell.

One of the Three Musketeers of Doma, Barong, crusades.


Is this the soul of Barong? At Doma's headquarters, Dazi watched a green light fly from the sky and fall into the altar dedicated to Oliha Gang God, and at the same time, the wall in front of him A new mural appeared out of thin air in an empty space above, forming the appearance of Barong.

Although the card itself of [Oliha Gang's Barrier] has the ability to seal the duelist's soul, when the strength of the duelist's soul reaches a certain limit, the card alone cannot seal it. In that case, Oliha Gang's Barrier Hagang God will directly extract the power absorption from the card remotely.

Even though doing so will consume some of the recovered power, overall the advantages outweigh the disadvantages and it is more convenient.

Not taking Barong's soul to be sealed too seriously, Dazi walked away from the altar casually.

On that wall, the souls of many duelists are sealed - The Thief Keith Howard, The Maze Brothers, The Father of Duel Monsters Beccas J. Crofodo, etc. Their faces are also carved on the walls, which means that they have become sacrifices to the Oliha Gang God.

The moment Dazi turned around, a few lights and shadows of different colors vaguely flashed among the hundreds of souls, as if they were flashing neon lights.

Subconsciously, Dazi turned around and looked at the wall again, but there was no change at all on the wall, which made him wonder if he had just had an illusion.

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