Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 66: If someone gets poked in a duel, the duelist’s career is over.

Barong, you guy! Peacock Wu looked at Barong with a horrified look.

Should he record what he just said and listen to it again? He is a good person. Although he usually dresses like a two-dimensional person and pursues intimacy more than once, he thought he was more or less straight.

Now, he said things like I feel your heat and Give me more to Jonouchi.

No matter how you look at it, he is all homo (annoyed)

Although I don't know much about it, I won't admit defeat anyway. Jonouchi didn't quite understand why Barong suddenly became burned up and Peacock Wu looked on guard, but he knew that he was not very smart. I won’t force myself to understand things I don’t understand, “My combat phase is over.”

Then in the second main phase, I activated the magic card [Silly Burial] and sent a [Red-Eyes Black Dragon] from my deck to the graveyard. Then, covering two cards in my hand, the round ended.

[Within the city: 400lp, 0 cards in hand]

【True Red King】【atk2400】

【Gate Card】x2

It was Baron's turn. After drawing a card from the deck, he waved his hand forward: My turn, draw a card, and then special summon [Spiritual Helmet·Armor] from the graveyard.

The seemingly invincible [Spiritual Helmet and Armor] once again emerged from the graveyard and was equipped on Baron's head, but this time there is no [Survival Treasure Card], a coordination card with explosive compatibility. Dragon cannot draw additional cards.

In fact, Barong's deck is almost reaching its limit. The continuous replenishment of cards in the hand in the past few rounds is not without cost, and the previous Barong also used [Armor Gravity] from the deck. There are a lot of cards for special summoning monsters, but now there are only about a dozen cards left in the Baron deck.

Holding five cards in his hand and enjoying the last abundant resources, Barong looked at Jonoui, smiled happily, and said: Just like people can't stop the growth of nails, people can't suppress their own instincts.

I used to think that I was a person who yearned for a peaceful life, because I decided to live for myself a long time ago after I had nothing to protect. Even a duel that seemed exciting to others was just my calmness in my eyes. Life gets in the way.”

But I was wrong. Just like Pavlov's dog will start drooling when it hears the footsteps of its owner when he returns, the duel with you awakened my sleeping blood, Jounouchi!

Barong smiled extremely happily: It's hard for me not to admit that I seem to have begun to like you.


Hearing this increasingly inappropriate conversation, Peacock Wu couldn't bear it any longer and stepped forward to shut up this pervert, even if it meant hindering the duel. However, under the approach of Peacock Dance, Barong suddenly pulled out a card from his hand and put it into the field area spread out on the duel plate.

Previously, Barong also admired Peacock Wu because her temperament and eyes were very similar to the nun he knew before, and he could even hinder Doma's actions for her. However, in the duel with Jonouchi, Barong realized that the nun was dead after all, and Peacock Wu was not a nun.

Stand back, Peacock Dance, I won't let you hinder my duel with Jonouchi!

With all your heart! With all your strength! Fight to the death! This is the final festival!

Let's 'duel' to our heart's content, Jonouchi! Activate the field magic card [Oliha Gang's Barrier]!

Starting from the emerald green stone on Barong's finger, the green halo barrier suddenly expanded, just in time to surround Jonouchi and Barong, but Peacock Dance took a step slower and bumped into the expanding barrier. He sat down and fell to the ground.

Within the city!


Seeing through the unfolded barrier that the hit Peacock Mai was fine, Jonouchi breathed a sigh of relief and observed the barrier at his feet again.

This was the first time for him to enter the barrier to fight instead of watching from the outside. Therefore, it was also the first time that he felt the power of [Oliha Gang's Barrier] with his body.

The duel was turned into a dark game. Even the vitality damage ability of Baron's [Armor] deck, which was enough to kill ordinary people, could only be regarded as playing tricks in the face of such power. A dangerous atmosphere began to fill the air. It seemed as if some deadly existence was staring at him.

Come on, let's continue, Castle! Baron said with a smile, As a recognition of you, I will go all out to distinguish between superior and inferior in this [Oliha Gang's Barrier]. A matter of life and death!

But don't worry, no matter what the outcome is, even if you are killed by me here, your will will be inherited by me. Even if I help you defeat Dazi, it doesn't matter.

Hearing this, Jonouchi looked at the serious Barong and suddenly smiled: Oh, don't underestimate me, Barong, I won't be knocked down by you here, there are many important people waiting for me.

With this stubbornness, I really like you very much, Jonouchi. Baron smiled and pulled out a card, Then, I'm going to do it, with all my strength!

Activate the magic card [Complete Armor Gravity], turn over ten cards from the top of my deck, special summon as many of the [Armor] monsters among them as possible, and then send the rest of the cards to the graveyard.

As he spoke, Barong drew out the ten cards at the top of the deck, leaving only the last few cards in his deck. It was obvious that he really wanted to go all out as he said.

Jonouchi could not help but watch nervously as Barong unfolded the card in his hand.

But Barong turned over the card in his hand, revealing a monster card in his hand.

All of them are [Armor] monsters! ?

[Oliha Gang's Barrier] has the ability to use the magic/trap area as a monster area to place monster cards. Therefore, the maximum number of monsters that can be summoned on my field is not four, but nine. And. , the ten cards at the top of my deck are all [Armor] monsters!

Baron put the nine cards in his hand into the duel plate, sent one card to the graveyard, and said with a smile: Then because of the effect of [Complete Armor Gravity], I will special summon the monster to the upper limit in one go!

armor time!

Following Barong's movements, parts of a total of nine [armor] monsters appeared around him!

[Transcendence Propulsion·Armor]! [Black Hole Shield·Armor]! [Jet Gauntlets·Armor]!

[Explosion Pierce·Armor]! [Destruction Hook·Armor]! [Double Cross Set·Armor]!

[Advanced Shield·Armor]! [Burning Fist·Armor]! [Trap Explosion·Armor]!

[Armor] fit together!


All the armor suddenly gathered and was put on Barong's body, causing him to return to his fully armed posture.

At the same time, the power of [Oliha Gang's Barrier] was engraved on Barong's forehead.

The effect of [Explosion Pierce Armor] is that when this card attacks, the battle damage I receive is 0, and after the damage is calculated, the opponent's monster is destroyed, and 500 points of effect damage are given to the opponent's duelist.

And you know the effect of [Trap Explosion·Armor], Jonouchi. Raising the glove on his right hand, Baron looked at Jonouchi with a smile, Then, let me see if your stubbornness can surpass despair, Jonouchi. !”

Enter the combat stage!

An attack on the [True Red King] and you within the castle!

Blight and penetrate the heart attack!

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