Malik... Isis looked at Malik who finally appeared with a complicated expression.

Hayato noticed that next to Malik, another tall man in black robes walked out of the darkness: Hey, three-year-old, you are so unreasonable, why do you bring helpers? coming?

Hmph, didn't you bring my sister here too? To each other. Malik snorted coldly, with a ferocious expression on his face, One more thing, don't call me three-year-old!

Lord Isis. The man in black robe standing in Malik looked at Isis standing next to Hayato, bowed slightly, lifted the hood on his head to reveal a bald head, and most of the bald head was covered with strange tattoos. Word.

Isis also recognized the identity of the person: Is it Lishid?

It's really fate, isn't it? The three of us are reunited here, which really makes me happy. Malik smiled sinisterly, raising the [Millennium Scepter] in his hand and pointing it directly at Hayato, It's just a tender reminiscence of the past. That's it, in response to your urgent need, I'm here to take away your life, Hayato Kobayashi!

Malik also wore a duel disk on his arm. As he inserted the card deck handed over by Lishid into the card slot, the duel disk unfolded, but there was no standard virtual projection device emitted from his duel disk.

Seeing this, Isis glanced at Hayato with a slightly worried look, and Hayato waved his hand to reassure her. After Isis took two steps back, Hayato also unfolded his duel disk. The same thing is that his duel disk is also not projected by the virtual projection system.

Sa, Kobayashi Hayato, let's start this interesting duel. I believe you haven't forgotten the bet you made when you provoked me, right?

Malik is not too stupid. Although he was angered by Hayato on the phone that day, he finally saw afterwards that Hayato was deliberately irritating him. But even though he knew this was Hayato's provocation, Malik still chose to challenge.

Hayato and Malik pulled out five cards in synchrony. As if he didn't see Malik's murderous gaze, he said calmly: If you want to know what's in my mind, you have to defeat me first. The rules are You know it.

Haha, when you lose to me, I will carefully review the information in your mind. But I don't know how painful your soul will be then.

The two men's eyes met, full of fighting intent, and they said in unison: Duel! X2

[Hayato: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

[Malik: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

I'm going to attack first, draw a card! Hayato is much more skillful than Malik, who has been controlling other people's card games all year round, and has seized the right to attack first. Activate the magic card, [Angel's Alms], and draw it from the deck. Three cards, then discard two cards from your hand.”

The cards were screened by Hayato, and two cards were drawn out, but before being sent to the graveyard, Hayato activated the effect of one of the cards: Because [Angel's Charity] sent [Disruption·Powder] to the graveyard. , I can activate its effect.

Both players draw a card from the deck, and then choose a card in their hand to discard.

Malik and Hayato drew a card from the deck at the same time. After seeing the drawn card clearly, Malik had an unusually proud smile on his face: Hahahaha, Kobayashi Hayato, thank you so much for the monster effect. ah.

The first god came into my hands so quickly! As he said that, Malik proudly showed off the card he had just drawn, which was the [Sky Dragon of Osiris]!

Damn it, you scared me. I thought you drew Aroma Mage Winged Dragon. Hayato smiled disdainfully, The card is not drawn for nothing, you have to give up a card in your hand to do it.

Hmph, it's a boring trick. Malik sent a [Scale Insect] in his hand to the graveyard dissatisfied, But you also have to give up a card in your hand.

The card in my hand that I choose to discard is this one, [Disruption Magic]. Hayato selected a card from his hand and displayed it, When [Disruption Magic] is sent from the hand and field to the graveyard Activate its effect, and I add [Disruption·Yellow] [Disruption·Black] [Disruption·Green] from the deck to my hand.

Also, when the effect of [Disruption·Powder] discards the [Disruption] card, I can also designate an area on your field that cannot be used until the end of your turn!

On Hayato's court, [Disruption Pink], which had been abandoned by [Angel's Alms], floated out from the cemetery and sat down in the middle of Malik's court, occupying this position arrogantly.

On Hayato's field, due to the effect of [Disruption Magic], the figures of the three [Disruption] brothers flew out of Hayato's deck. After walking around the field to show their faces, they flew into Hayato's hand. .

Back and forth, Hayato just activated one [Angel's Alms]. Not only did Hayato not lose a single card in his hand, but the number of cards in his hand increased from six to nine. By the way, he also occupied Malik's field. A monster area.

In this way, it is not difficult to understand why [Angel's Alms] was listed as a forbidden card in the real card environment of Hayato's previous life. Drawing three cards, and then stacking two graveyards, there is no cost and no card loss. Who can it ban?

When he saw Hayato using the effect of [Disruption Magic] to add the three [Disruption] brothers to his hand, Malik, who had learned about Hayato's deck composition more than once with his subordinate's memory, immediately realized which monster he wanted to summon. .

Activate the effect of [Demon King of the Swamp] from my hand. I discard it from my hand and add a [Fusion] magic card from the deck to my hand. He caught the card that popped out. [Fusion], Hayato directly inserted it into the magic trap area of ​​the duel plate, Then, the [Fusion] magic card is activated! Use the three [Disruption] brothers in my hand as the material for fusion!

Come out, [King of Disruption]!

The bloated [Disruption King] was summoned by Hayato in the first round, and he quickly threw three seals and knocked them on Malik's field. In this way, Malik's monster area was instantly reduced to only The last one!

It's a pity that Hayato can only do so much. The remaining cards in his hand are not enough for him to seal off the last venue: Summon [Armed Dragon LV3] in defense position, and then Cover a card and my turn ends.”

[Hayato: 4000LP, 3 cards in hand]

【Disruption King】【DEF3000】

【Armed Dragon LV3】【DEF900】


Then, it's my turn. Malik looked at the blocked monster area with only one monster left, and unhappily pulled out the card. When he saw the drawn card, he couldn't help but feel happy, Humph, give it all I can. Have you used up only one monster area? You are just a little short of completing the complete blockade of me. What a pity.

Then, I activate the magic card, [Fusion]!

Just like the vortex when [King of Disruption] appeared just now, a vortex also appeared on Malik's field, swallowing up the three cards in his hand. But what emerged from the whirlpool was a very cute looking monster that was somewhat inconsistent with the duel at the moment?


It looks like a huge piece of tofu, with a pair of mini wings on its back, and an aperture bent like an exclamation point on its head. Malik, the leader of the Gurus, who gives people a dark impression, actually summoned a creature with the ability to An angelic monster that is described as cute?


[Angel Family/Fusion/Effect]


Seemingly seeing the surprise in Hayato's eyes, Malik said proudly: Don't underestimate this monster, Hayato Kobayashi, this monster is the tribute I prepared for the coming of God.

Activate the magic card, [Treasure Card from Heaven]! Both of us can increase the number of cards in our hands to 6!

A large amount of treasure fell from the sky. Because of the effect of this card, Hayato drew three cards from the deck, while Malik drew five cards in one breath.

There was an inexplicable smile on Malik's face: What good luck, Hayato Kobayashi, I drew an incredible card. This round, you can see the arrival of God!

What?! Isis outside the court was a little surprised. Because in the future she saw, gods did not appear so soon. How could Malik summon gods now? Moreover, he didn't leave enough sacrifices and space for God on the field.

Entering my battle phase, I'm going to use [King Yoyo] to attack [King of Disruption] on your field! Malik showed a proud smile on his face, The king should end the king, right?

Is this why you want to become a pharaoh? But unfortunately, [Yuyou King]'s attack power is only 300 points, while [Disruption King]'s defense power is 1000% of yours.

I have been well prepared for the rebellion against the king. Malik did not deny Hayato's words He will become a pharaoh, but activated a card, Quick Attack Magic Card, [Pig Rush] Activate! Declare an attribute, and when the monster I designate fights a monster with the corresponding attribute, it will be destroyed directly without calculation of damage!

What I declare is, of course, the light attribute of [King of Disruption]!

The seemingly docile [Yuyou King] was slowly floating towards the unconcerned [Disturbing King], but halfway, it suddenly accelerated and turned into a white afterimage, without giving [Disturbing King] any reaction. Taking advantage of the opportunity, [King Yoyo] of the Angel Clan directly smashed through [King of Disruption] with his body, and returned to Malik's field with blood all over his body, looking hideous.

Tsk, you really shouldn't underestimate her. She looks quite cute.

The attack of [Yoo-Yo King] on the field ends, and Malik also ends his combat phase and enters his main phase 2. But Isis, who was watching from the outside, noticed what Hayato just said.

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