Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 60 The Duelists Gathered

In the blink of an eye, the time came five days later.

Hayato strolled along the road in the evening.

Ever since Kaiba announced the duel city, in just a few days, the atmosphere in Doushino City had completely changed.

The first thing that was tested by the influx of large numbers of outsiders was the transportation and housing in Tongshiye City. However, because the organizer of the event was the Haima Group, the wealthy Haima spent a lot of money and opened a building under the name of the Haima Group as a duel. Accommodation place prepared for them.

Of course, not everyone can enjoy this benefit. Just like Bekas' Duel Kingdom will issue different levels of tickets based on past results, the building where Kaiba is open will arrange different rooms according to the duelists' levels. .

The minimum requirement for staying in that building is duel level 6. In the Kaiba Group's database, there are only a few hundred duelists above level 6 who have obtained a duel disk and participated in the Duel City competition.

As for level 4 and level 5 duelists, although they have a duel plate, they have to deal with accommodation themselves. After all, in Kaiba's view, duelists of this level only participate in Duel City to make up for the numbers.

Hayato had been walking since he left home, and he had seen no less than a hundred duelists wandering around the streets. Tomorrow is the official opening day of Duel City. In order to increase their strength as much as possible, most duelists are trying to improve the strength of their decks as much as possible.

Buy card packs from the card shop, spend a lot of savings to buy rare cards, exchange cards with others, and even start a duel in advance that applies card gambling rules to snatch powerful cards from others.

Ani, give it! Ani, give it! The voice of [Disturbing·Huang] came to my ears. I turned around and saw a red ribbon with effort written on it tied on its head. Behind it was a suit The remaining five [Disruption] monsters in cheerleading costumes.

When opening the package a few days ago, Hayato finally opened the last [Disruption] monster—[Disruption·Powder]. Just like the original [Red] and [Blue], Hayato awakened its card spirit not long after acquiring [Disruption Pink].

By the way, Hayato also bought several expansion cards for the Disruption Arms Secondary deck.

Arnie, the game will start tomorrow, I wish Arnie a great victory! [Disruption Yellow] instructs the newly joined [Pink] to wave the flag, and then cheers for Hayato with other [Disruption] monsters.

The flag is set for victory! The flag is set for victory!

Hearing the cheers from these little guys, Hayato rarely smiled at them. Although he keeps calling trash and trash, the only ones Hayato has followed him for the longest time are [Gaia], that is, [Disturbing Yellow] and a few of them.

All this time, thanks to their help, I have been able to reach this point.

Just as he was about to say a few words of praise, Hayato heard [Disruption·Huang] smile cheekily, lower his voice but not completely, and said to the other [Disruption]: Hehehehe, the rest of us are doing this. Ni Gei is cheering for you, A Ni Gei must be very touched now~

What a chestnut ball, what a Gaia, how do you compare with us!

We are sure to win, the tamashi given by Ani must be us!

That's weird, you idiots! Hayato listened to the continuous noisy sounds in his ears, and impatiently waved his hands to sweep them all away. If you have a slightly better attitude and start arguing, you really can't look good on these cheap guys.

Ignoring the strange look from a passing office worker carrying a briefcase, Hayato picked his ears and continued walking along the road.

He has been very busy these past few days.

During the day, accompany the game and use the title of Duel King to attract the duelists who flock to Tongshiye Market to the Turtle Game House, play cards, adjust the deck, and earn some DP points at the same time;

In the evening, they called their partner of justice Kaiba and ran all over Tongshiye City to look for Gurus. In five days, the two of them destroyed two more Gurus strongholds and uncovered more than 20 people. There are several members of Gurus, including a few arrogant guys who claim to be cadres.

However, with the joint efforts of Kaiba and Hayato, none of these people escaped. They even followed the clues and found an underground card factory, destroying Gurus's counterfeit card industry chain in Doshino City in one fell swoop.

Using the data collected in the factory, Haima upgraded and improved the group's database, successfully enhanced the card identification function for the satellites linked to the duel disk, and added a piracy identification function based on the original card identification system. Russ's fake cards can now no longer be used on the duel board.

This made Malik even more angry, and he would always jump out and say harsh words every time after Hayato and Kaiba defeated the members of Grus.

Speaking of Malik, it seems that he gave the instructions to the people of Grus, asking them to add a large number of cards for the decks of Kaiba and Hayato in the decks they used, but he successfully dewormed the two of them. The operation brought a little trouble.

However, looking at the number of people arrested, we know that adding a targeting card will have no impact on the final result.

After thinking about it, Hayato also walked to the dock of Doshino City. Five days ago, he learned from Malik that he would arrive at the dock of Doshino City in five days, that is, today. However, Hayato learned through Kaiba's channel that there was no such person on the passenger list of the recent passenger ships to and from Doshino City. The name of Malik Ishdar.

Well, he is the leader of an international criminal organization after all, so it would be the strangest thing if Malik's name would appear on the list.

With the sea breeze blowing, Hayato took out the card deck from his waist and looked at it one by one. But after a while, there was a hint of fragrance in the sea breeze, and the card in Hayato's hand was covered by a shadow.

You're here, Miss Isis. Hayato guessed who was coming next to him without raising his head. When he looked up, he saw that it was Isis Isildar.

Did I block the light? I'm sorry, Hayato-kun. Isis smiled gently and turned slightly, letting the light of the streetlight illuminate the deck of cards in Hayato's hand again, But Hayato-kun, you forgot one thing, call me Isis Enough.

Okay, Isis. Hayato remembered the time at the Cultural Relics Touring Exhibition Hall, when he asked Isis not to be too polite and just call him Hayato, and Isis said that in exchange, she would let Hayato call her Isis, You How did you get here?

Although the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] will obscure the predictive effect of the [Millennium Jewelry], I am not a primitive person who does not know how to use modern technology. Isis smiled and took out her mobile phone. On the screen of the mobile phone that lit up, it was Tong Shi. The map of Wild Pier, and two small dots, one red and one blue.

Hayato smiled, put away his deck, stood by the fence, and looked into the distance of the sea shrouded in darkness: That's it, but you still foresee what will happen here tonight, right?

Just like that time in the exhibition hall, although due to the influence of Hayato's [Millennium Wisdom Wheel], Isis's [Millennium Jewelry] prediction ability is no longer accurate, but the general prediction is still correct, but things changed ten minutes later. Such small details became the difference after a minute.

After all, the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] is of the same level as other [Millennium Artifacts]. Although it has the ability to interfere, it can only envelope the holder. Just like Bekas cannot read when he still holds the [Millennium Eye]. It's like Hayato's psychology but he can clearly see the game's thoughts.

Isis also stood beside Hayato, looking at the horizon with him, and said with a somewhat sad tone: In the foreknowledge of [Millennium Jewelry], I saw that Malik would appear here today and have a duel.

And during the duel, I saw two powerful forces of god level appearing on the field, and then a third-body god appeared.

At the end of the duel, I could no longer see clearly who were the duelists on both sides. I only saw that the side with two gods completely defeated the side with one god.

Two-body gods? In other words, will that guy Malik summon all three phantom gods he possesses in a duel? Hayato listened to Isis's words, but showed a relaxed smile, How dare that guy Summon the traitor——I mean the sky dragon, then I will definitely win.

Hayato-kun, that is a god. Isis's expression was quite serious, and she looked at Hayato with a worried look, No matter which one of the three phantom gods it is, it has the ultimate power to surpass other duel monsters.

But you have also seen part of the future. I also have a 'god' that is comparable to the three phantom gods. Hayato still had a relaxed smile on his face.

Isis couldn't help but feel a little anxious, why is this person so arrogant? It's because I know that you, Hayato-kun, also have monsters that can fight against gods, that I'm worried. In the end of the duel, you lost.

Wrong, Isis, you seem to have fallen into some misunderstanding. Hayato shook his finger, Things like the future can only be used as a reference. It would be a big mistake to be superstitious about the future.

Humans are not static creatures. In this case, the future will naturally change as people change. It has never been my style to follow the established path, because the road to the future should be explored by myself.

After hearing what Hayato said, Isis fell into a brief silence. The future is absolute, this is the truth she firmly believes in after getting the [Millennium Jewelry]. Along the way for more than ten years, all the present she has seen is the same as the future she has seen.

Until Hayato appeared.

[Millennium Wisdom Wheel], can it interfere with the future [Millennium Artifact]? Looking at the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] on Hayato's chest, Isis took a deep breath and looked at Hayato solemnly, If it's you, Hayato, say Uncertainty can really change the future.”

Yes, you are absolutely right, my dear sister. A familiar voice came into Isis's ears, and she suddenly turned her head to look in the direction of the sound.

Beside a broken street lamp not far away, a white-haired Malik walked out of the darkness calmly holding the [Millennium Scepter] with an exaggerated smile on his face: This guy's fate has been changed. He changed it with his own hands, and changed it into a fate that was defeated by me and even his soul was devoured!

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