Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 48: Kaiba forced a draw

Seeing that [Machine Cannon Ghoul] only hit Pandora twice after a random sweep, [Tianxiang Dragon Knight] and [Dark Knight] looked at it with disdain, as if questioning:

Little brother, what's the matter with you?

Although his appearance was somewhat fierce, [Machine Cannon Ghoul] couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when he saw that his marksmanship was so poor.

Then, [Machine Cannon Ghoul], attack [Black Magician]. Hayato also glanced at [Machine Cannon Ghoul], hinting with his eyes: I'll give you another chance.

[Machine Gun Ghoul] nodded firmly, and what made Hayato and the others dumbfounded was that this guy once again appeared with an empty gun to place it, and actually smashed the machine gun in his hand like a hammer, slamming it down. [Dark Magician]’s face!

【Pandora: 600→200LP】


Although Hayato did not activate the dark game, he caused a total of 3800 points of damage. The impact simulated by the duel disk made Pandora exhausted at the moment. Although he was breathing heavily, a smile appeared on his face: You have exhausted all your methods. I will win the next round, the next round.

But Hayato shook his head: No, you already have no next round.

For a moment, both Pandora opposite him and the three monsters on Hayato's own field thought of a possibility and panicked at the same time.

H-Masaka! Pandora suddenly remembered that it was written in Hayato's information. The biggest characteristics of this guy are that he likes to say something unexpectedly during a duel, uses a variety of decks, and often accuses others. After using too many trap cards, he also blocked a lot of trap cards. Another thing is that he seems to have a preference for sacrificing monsters to himself?

[Soul-Eating Demonic Sword], [Power of Inheritance], [Mysterious Chinese Pot], [Psychic Ectoplasm], etc. The deck information revealed by Hayato contains a lot of cards for sacrificing his own monsters, so After hearing what Hayato said, Pandora inevitably thought of a possibility:

Could it be that your last card is [Psychic Ectoplasm]?

Huh? How did you know I had this card in my deck? Unfortunately, you guessed wrong.

Hearing what Hayato said, Pandora, [Cannon Ghoul] and the two [Gaia] all breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, with their extremely synchronized expressions of horror, Hayato showed the card in his hand: Clang, clang, clang! I activate the invincible [Lightning Crush]!

Liberate all the monsters on my field and give you 300 points of damage equal to the number of monsters you liberated!

Ignoring the dying struggles of the three monsters, Hayato mercilessly swept them all into the cemetery, turning them into dazzling lightning and descending on Pandora.


【Pandora: 200LP→0】

And almost at the same time that Hayato activated [Thunder Crush] to completely clear Pandora's basic points, Kaiba on the side also decided the outcome of his duel with Epimetheus.

Play with [Blue Eyes], which I regard as my soul, and tarnish my dignity. I will let you use everything to pay for this sin! He looked at the three animals on his field being bound by [Darkness Curse] and [Hexagram Curse]. ] and [Torture Wheel], [Blue Eyes White Dragon] was restrained and unable to attack. Kaiba looked at his remaining base points of 600 and drew the card.

Because of the effect of [Torture Wheel], his basic points were deducted again.

[Haima: 600→100LP]

Fight to the death, Seto Kaiba, this will be your final ugly ending! Standing on the field was a giant dragon that was very similar to [Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon], but its skin color was moldy green, Epimetheus Si smiled wildly, Then I will step on your corpse and take away all your honors!

Idiots, you're just a fourth-rate duelist with a third-rate deck. If you remove the fake [Blue Eyes White Dragon] you made, you won't even be able to rank as a fifth-rate deck! Kaiba said, activating the weapon in his hand. Card, Magic Card [Life-Destroying Treasure Card]! Until there are 5 cards, I draw cards from the deck.

As a price, at the beginning of your fifth preparation phase after this card is activated, you will send all the cards in your hand to the graveyard! After looking at the drawn card, Kaiba showed a confident smile, Huh, look. As long as I think about it, fate will be on my side. I want to end this boring duel this round!

Activate the effect of [Demon King of the Swamp] in your hand, discard it from your hand, and add the [Fusion] magic card from your deck to your hand!

Then, activate [Fusion]! Come back again, Bru-Ais-Aluti Mietuo-Doragon!!!

Epimetheus smiled crookedly: Hoar? Are you going to summon [Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon]? There is no need to be taught a lesson, Seto Kaiba. Could it be that you have forgotten that you just summoned [Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] But it was easily destroyed by my [Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon]!

Epimetheus's [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] is equipped with an equipment magic card, [Fighting Soul]. Not only can the attack power of [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] be increased by 300 points depending on the number of monsters on the opponent's field, but this card can also be used as a replacement when it is destroyed by battle.

Just after Kaiba summoned [Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon], Epimetheus also summoned [Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon], and then used this card to make his [Ultimate Dragon]'s attack power surpass Kaiba's. If Kaiba hadn't set up a [Fusion Release], he might have lost long ago.

But now, a vortex appeared on Kaiba's field, sucking all the three-body [Blue Eyes] into it, and [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] appeared on Kaiba's field again.

This is the most dazzling brilliance of the strongest dragon. Watch it, you bastard. Keep the true glory of [Blue Eyes] in your soul! Kaiba said and ordered, [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon], attack the other side. That fake!

Hahaha, Seto Kaiba, have you lost your mind due to the successive setbacks? Although there are no cards in the backcourt except [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] and [Fighting Soul], Epimetheus Still quite confident, because he believes that [Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon] is invincible,

Although the number of monsters on your field is reduced because [Blue Eyes] is used for fusion, the attack power of [Blue Eyes Ultra Dragon] is still higher than your [Blue Eyes]!

【Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon】【ATK4800】

【Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon】【ATK4500】

Seeing the white dragon's breath breathed by the two monsters colliding together, the intersection point slowly advancing towards him, but there was no trace of panic on Kaiba's face.

Hmph! Idiot, you only have this vision, and your limit is only this far! Kaiba said, playing the card in his hand, Quick attack magic card, [Duel Fusion]! My fusion monster and your monster It can only be activated when fighting,

Increase the attack power of [Blue Eyes] by the value of your monster's attack power!


The dragon breaths that were originally facing each other suddenly merged with each other as Kaiba activated the card. The attack of [Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] completely awakened the female in [Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon], and even its attacks changed. He was so weak that he was swallowed up by [Blue Eyes] and counterattacked towards his master!

【Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon】【ATK4500→9300】

Impossible, I am the white dragon envoy of Gurus! I am the strongest dragon envoy! In Epimetheus's unbelievable eyes, the breath of [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] drowned out [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] [Ultimate Dragon], and then directly hit himself, the ultimate power that exceeded the duelist's basic score hit him completely, knocking him away directly!

[Epimetheus: 4000LP→0]

On the two duel grounds, the images of the dueling monsters slowly disappeared at almost the same moment. Hayato and Kaiba looked at each other:

What a shame, I got one point first.

Where did you learn your math? This is clearly a draw!

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