Seeing that Hayato's [Sky Dragon Knight - Gaia] was about to spray out dragon flames to change the form of [Black Magician] to achieve penetrating damage, Pandora immediately opened his backcourt Gaika:

At this moment, the trap card is activated!

Oh no, the [Tianxiang Dragon Knight] resurrected through [Spiral Resurrection] will not be the target of the effect, nor will it be destroyed by the effect!

Hmph, who said my Gaika is going to attack your [Gaia], Duel King? Pandora was laughing wildly: My Gaika is [Transposition], and the chosen target is [Dark Demon] Director] and [Fusion Killer]!”

The moment Gaika was activated, a red magic circle appeared at the feet of [Black Magician] and [Fusion Killer] on Pandora's field. A strong light emitted from the magic circle completely engulfed the two monsters. [Gaia] therefore couldn't see what was happening within the magic circle at all.

Pfft! There was a figure on the lance piercing the flesh, but [Gaia] was a little confused - he had attacked [Dark Magician] once before, and his touch should not be like this, it was too soft. The last time it was poked in the chest, could it be that this time it was poked in the butt?

Just as he was about to pull out his lance, [Gaia] was surprised to find that his lance seemed to be stuck in the magic circle and couldn't move at all. At the same time, two tentacles stretched out from the magic circle. , took the opportunity to wrap around [Gaia]'s body!

The light dissipated, and under the cover of the magic circle, Pandora's [Black Magician] actually performed a transposition magic with the [Fusion Killer] he had just summoned to exchange places, and was still protected by the [Safe Zone] The living [Black Magician] ran not far behind [Gaia], and what [Gaia] just attacked was actually the [Fusion Killer]!

[Tianxiang Dragon Knight-Gaia] [ATK2600→0]

It's not that simple to use this move to destroy my [Gaia]! You just absorbed the power of [Gaia], and its effects can still be used! Hayato commanded, Change the expression of [Fusion Killer] Form, Hayato Flame!”

【Fusion Killer】【ATK1400→DEF1200】

[Gaia], who was responsible for the main battle, was entangled by [Fusion Killer], but fortunately, [Hell Flame Curse Dragon] was not entangled, but opened its mouth and spat out a large amount of hell fire to kill [Fusion Killer]. ] Burning Pain, took the opportunity to carry [Gaia] into the air and returned to Hayato's field.

However, although he avoided being destroyed by the battle due to [Gaia], because the effect of [Fusion Killer] still took effect regardless of the form, Hayato's health was counter-injured.

[Hayato: 4000→2800LP]

[Tianxiang Dragon Knight]'s attack ended in failure, and now Pandora's basic points are still 2100 points. Even if the [Odd-Eyes Magical Dragon] Hayato just summoned attacks [Fusion Killer], it will not be able to cause any damage because Hayato just changed it to a defense position.

In that case... Hayato opened the set card in the back field, My last set card, [Ryulan Returns]! Special summon an excluded monster to my field! Come back, [Dark Knight-Gaia]!

Then, [Dark Knight-Gaia] attacks [Fusion Killer]!

After losing the attributes of [Fusion Monster], [Gaia] attacked [Fusion Killer] again, but this time, it could no longer use its effects to reduce [Gaia]'s attack power. At the same time, because of the effect of [Spiral Gun], [Gaia] still has the effect of defensive penetration!

【Pandora: 2100→1000LP】

In this way, the only monster left on Hayato's field that has not attacked yet is [Odd-eyed Magical Dragon], but at the same time, the only monster left on Pandora's field is still being protected by [Safe Zone] The protective [Black Magician].

Coincidentally, the attack power of the two monsters is exactly the same, both at 2500 points. But if he attacks so recklessly, nothing will happen to the [Black Magician] that cannot be destroyed by the battle. On the contrary, Hayato's [Odd-Eyes Magical Dragon] will be destroyed as a result.

Are you at your wits' end, Hayato Kobayashi? The boastful words you just made are indeed just empty words. It's completely useless to say that you can kill me this round! Although Pandora's basic score is only 1,000 points, he looks like he has already won. expression,

I'm not afraid to tell you. I know the order of my deck very clearly. The card I can draw next turn is [Pot of Desire], and the cards after that can absorb half of the monster's attack power increase. My monster’s [Force Power] and [Dark Magician]’s exclusive equipment magic card [Magic Spell Book]!”

Although the [Dark Knight-Gaia] summoned by [Long Lan Returns] will be bounced back to your hand at the end of your turn, I can completely absorb the attack of the [Odd-Eyes Magical Dragon] force!

I am invincible because I can perfectly predict the next card to be drawn! And I have already foreseen your despair after defeat!

After hearing Pandora's arrogant words, Hayato smiled coldly: Determining the order of the deck by shuffling the cards and predicting the cards that will be drawn in the future, does that make you proud?

Predicting a bad future will make people feel despair? Quite the opposite! Even if you know that the future will be as deep and dark as 'death', despair, but as long as you have the 'consciousness' to put everything on the deck, you can change everything! Hayato As he spoke, he showed a card in his hand, 'Enlightenment' will blow away all 'despair', and even humans will change because of it!

Use this card to prove it! Quick attack magic card, [Instant Fusion]!

Select the fusion materials from my field and send them to the graveyard to summon the fusion monster. Although it can only exist for this moment, it will be destroyed at the end of the round. However, the dazzling moment can transcend eternity!

A huge whirlpool appeared on Hayato's field, swallowing up Hayato's [Entertainment Partner-Mechanical Eyed Lizard] and [Odd-Eye Magical Dragon] in just an instant.

A ghoul dressed like a gentleman but with a hideous green face and fangs appeared in Hayato's hand. Although it was a monster with a magical background, this ghoul actually held a machine gun in its hand! ?

[Entertainment Partner-Cannon Ghoul] [8☆/Dark]



[Cannon Ghoul] can turn your cards into its power. If the fusion summon is successful, each card on your field will cause 200 points of damage to you!

Ta-ta-ta-ta! [Machine Gun Ghoul] opened fire with the machine gun in his hand, but although he fired a series of barrages, only two of them hit Pandora.

【Pandora: 1000LP →600LP】

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